The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Rank matters (vets only)



  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2018

    Rank only means something in some cases. But most of the time it doesn't mean anything. I'm rank 1 for surv and killer, and I find that the only difference is that at red rank you have a CHANCE to get players that know how to play the game. Keyword is chance, because there are a ton of rank 1 survs/killers that really don't know how to play the game and only got there by grinding or boosting.

    All the time as surv or killer I see survs make really stupid choices. Like I make mistakes from time to time, I get it, but sometimes it's just the absolute dumbest thing you can do in a given situation. And it's not just once either, they repeatedly make the same mistake over and over. I caught so many survivors running the same loop the wrong way multiple times in a game I have a hard time believing they would be so dumb to make the same mistakes. And I see killers all the time that just have no idea how to pressure survivors or how to chase at rank 1. Again, there are red rank killers that know what they are doing, and they are more abundant at this rank than rank 10 or whatever, but there are still tons of bad killers at rank 1. You can tell they are bad killers because they fall for easy tricks and they are usually the super campy/tunnely ones that only got to red ranks because of all the bad survivors they faced at low ranks that don't punish them.

    Getting to rank 1 isn't completely based on skill, it's more based on time commitment. Ironically, it's the rank 1 Freddy's that end up being some of the best killers because you have to be a good killer to play him against good survivors (which again are just more common at red rank than other ranks).

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    I’ve been saying this for a long time whenever people say there’s no reason to rank up. 

    The games are are much better at red ranks. Anything up to rank 5-6 are way too easy.

    playing killer at any rank is fun. But playing solo survivor at any rank other than red ranks is often not fun at all. 

    If youve never been a rank one killer, then you simply do not have enough knowledge about this game to have an input on anything because your opinion is not based on much. 

    I used to be a survivor main for months. Decided to try killer. Only played Michael, making tons of adjustments, and made my way to rank one killer on the old system. Playing against rank one survivors, you really see how the game is supposed to be played. I even got much better as a survivor after achieving ranknon
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    Rank only means something in some cases. But most of the time it doesn't mean anything. I'm rank 1 for surv and killer, and I find that the only difference is that at red rank you have a CHANCE to get players that know how to play the game. Keyword is chance, because there are a ton of rank 1 survs/killers that really don't know how to play the game and only got there by grinding or boosting.

    All the time as surv or killer I see survs make really stupid choices. Like I make mistakes from time to time, I get it, but sometimes it's just the absolute dumbest thing you can do in a given situation. And it's not just once either, they repeatedly make the same mistake over and over. I caught so many survivors running the same loop the wrong way multiple times in a game I have a hard time believing they would be so dumb to make the same mistakes. And I see killers all the time that just have no idea how to pressure survivors or how to chase at rank 1. Again, there are red rank killers that know what they are doing, and they are more abundant at this rank than rank 10 or whatever, but there are still tons of bad killers at rank 1. You can tell they are bad killers because they fall for easy tricks and they are usually the super campy/tunnely ones that only got to red ranks because of all the bad survivors they faced at low ranks that don't punish them.

    Getting to rank 1 isn't completely based on skill, it's more based on time commitment. Ironically, it's the rank 1 Freddy's that end up being some of the best killers because you have to be a good killer to play him against good survivors (which again are just more common at red rank than other ranks).

    I’ve only ever used Michael and trapper. Done really wel with them. But I feel like trying out Freddy for the challenge. 
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476


    But what do you mean by people that know how to play the game. That's the whole problem with the ranking system in a game like DBD. As a rank 1 survivor I do not pallet loop or use jungle gyms. I don't body block killers so he can't hook a survivor. I don't run around with four flashlights like team players and prevent the killer from getting kills. I just repair a gen and then hope to get a decent chase out of the killer. Where as some players... They think that being a rank 1 means you have to take it seriously. You're not helping your team if you don't loop the killer like everyone else. You get flamed if you use the killer shack pallet. There's all these rules that rank 1 survivors have for each other. But some people don't want to play like that. They want to play a fun match and not care about rank. But unfortunately it's way too easy to rank up. So you get stuck with players like me on your team that get chased down and actually die to a killer.

    Same for killer. Some use mori's and face camp and tunnel to rank up. Other killers enjoy the 'chase' aspect of the game. They want to chase and down people. Put them on a hook without being griefed and then take another chase. They don't care if they come away with 0 games as long as they know they made it hard for the survivors. Yet killers also rank up because it's way too easy not to. It all comes down to the key point. Ranking up is too easy. And it mixes all the try hards and casuals into the same games.

    Let's just call it what it is. There's really no number rank that means anything in this game. You have the Rank 1 try hards and the rank 1 casuals. And because of that it makes rank not matter a damn bit.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    For Anyone who knows sufficient/necessary conditions, it goes like this

    being rank one is not sufficient to being good at the game, it is necessary though. 
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    But what do you mean by people that know how to play the game. That's the whole problem with the ranking system in a game like DBD. As a rank 1 survivor I do not pallet loop or use jungle gyms. I don't body block killers so he can't hook a survivor. I don't run around with four flashlights like team players and prevent the killer from getting kills. I just repair a gen and then hope to get a decent chase out of the killer. Where as some players... They think that being a rank 1 means you have to take it seriously. You're not helping your team if you don't loop the killer like everyone else. You get flamed if you use the killer shack pallet. There's all these rules that rank 1 survivors have for each other. But some people don't want to play like that. They want to play a fun match and not care about rank. But unfortunately it's way too easy to rank up. So you get stuck with players like me on your team that get chased down and actually die to a killer.

    Same for killer. Some use mori's and face camp and tunnel to rank up. Other killers enjoy the 'chase' aspect of the game. They want to chase and down people. Put them on a hook without being griefed and then take another chase. They don't care if they come away with 0 games as long as they know they made it hard for the survivors. Yet killers also rank up because it's way too easy not to. It all comes down to the key point. Ranking up is too easy. And it mixes all the try hards and casuals into the same games.

    Let's just call it what it is. There's really no number rank that means anything in this game. You have the Rank 1 try hards and the rank 1 casuals. And because of that it makes rank not matter a damn bit.

    Exactly. And it is precisely why the game needs a casual, non-ranked mode that also gives Bloodpoints, unlike KYF. I don't want to rank-up and be expected to tryhard every match. As I said, I did that in Overwatch (and Heroes of the Storm) and I'm done with that style of play. It's no longer fun for me. I'm playing a video game just to relax. I just want to hunt people as Myers or Freddy or Leatherface, the horror icons I grew-up watching repeatedly. I just want to relax and play casually. I don't care if all four escaped in the end on some matches, just having some good chases and feeling like a horror killer is enough for me.

    Either give us an unranked mode, or redesign the Pip system so it is a lot more difficult to achieve.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2018

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    But what do you mean by people that know how to play the game. That's the whole problem with the ranking system in a game like DBD. As a rank 1 survivor I do not pallet loop or use jungle gyms. I don't body block killers so he can't hook a survivor. I don't run around with four flashlights like team players and prevent the killer from getting kills. I just repair a gen and then hope to get a decent chase out of the killer. Where as some players... They think that being a rank 1 means you have to take it seriously. You're not helping your team if you don't loop the killer like everyone else. You get flamed if you use the killer shack pallet. There's all these rules that rank 1 survivors have for each other. But some people don't want to play like that. They want to play a fun match and not care about rank. But unfortunately it's way too easy to rank up. So you get stuck with players like me on your team that get chased down and actually die to a killer.

    Same for killer. Some use mori's and face camp and tunnel to rank up. Other killers enjoy the 'chase' aspect of the game. They want to chase and down people. Put them on a hook without being griefed and then take another chase. They don't care if they come away with 0 games as long as they know they made it hard for the survivors. Yet killers also rank up because it's way too easy not to. It all comes down to the key point. Ranking up is too easy. And it mixes all the try hards and casuals into the same games.

    Let's just call it what it is. There's really no number rank that means anything in this game. You have the Rank 1 try hards and the rank 1 casuals. And because of that it makes rank not matter a damn bit.

    People that know how to play the game are people that understand how to do certain things and when to do them. Contrary to popular belief, there is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to play a video game. The RIGHT way to play is to play optimally and play to win because that's ultimately how the game was designed to function and flow. Playing it wrong is to play against this design, and while you can play a game any way you want if you play it wrong then you will lose against someone playing right.

    For example, in Chess if you only focus on using pawns and never utilize your other pieces you are objectively playing the game wrong because such a tactic will always lose to someone that uses all the pieces. You have every right to play this way if you want, but to do so means that you will lose. Another example, in Street Fighter trying to play a character that is designed to be a zoner as a rushdown. While it may work from time to time, when you go against a player using a character the way they were designed you will lose because you are not playing to your character's strengths, you are not optimizing.

    People hate when I say that there is a right and wrong way to play a video game, but it's the truth. And I'm not telling you that you must play the right way, just that if you play the WRONG way you are destined to lose. The players that play "wrong" are often the ones that want the most extreme changes to the game to make what they are doing the right way to play, and that's a huge problem. Like, if you want to play a super rushdown style in SF then pick a rushdown character. Don't try to fit a square block into the circle hole, and don't carve out the hole to make the square fit either.

    In DBD, you can tell who knows what they are doing by what they do. A killer that knows where to go and how to scramble survivors is going to win because they are playing right. A killer that just chases one guy all game around an obvious time consuming loop and never pressures the other survivors is playing wrong, and will lose. The problem is the latter type of killers complain about survivors looping or gen rushing when in most cases it happens because the killer played wrong. It's like if a pitcher always throws a fastball right down the middle of the plate and expects to get a strikeout every time, they are playing wrong because it's not about how fast you can throw the ball, it's about making the batter swing and miss.

    And that's not to say you can play right and always win. There is the factor of execution. You could know what to do but if you can't pull it off then that knowledge is worthless. But someone that play's right poorly will win more often than someone that plays wrong very well, if that makes sense.

    PS. Also there can be several "right" ways to play a game. I'm not saying there is a single specific right way, most games have multiple "right" ways to play. But there are also objectively "wrong" ways to play, again it all comes down to optimization and playing to win.

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123
    Anyone who says rank doesnt matter is either seriously delusional, plays at high rank and doesnt know what they are saying, or has just found their personal skill cap for this game and cant get any higher. Its absolutely proposterous to state otherwise. 
    The way the ranking system works is a progressional reward system. Ranks are rewarded based on consistency in playing good and completing objectives. You have to have more good games than bad ones in order to rank down, and you have good games by completing the criteria of the emblem system, which in itself demands that survivors put themselves out there and get better at the game!
    To be at low rank shows that on average, you are consistently getting more wins and playing smarter. It shows thst you have a better foundational knowledge of the game and can adapt to its many variables! You are up against much better players and still managing to win due to your knowledge of the game and experience. So rank equals skill, hands down!
    If this wasnt the case then explain to me how I powered through ranks 20-8 no problems with tons of 4ks as killer and then now at rank 5-2 (2 being the best Ive reached) im getting maybe 50/50 on wins. I know why! Im not facing RATS anymore, but skilled and knowledgable people. Its simple. 
    And while I personally found survivor to be ezpz to play (20 to rank 1 in 2 weeks) I can also say that its the same as far as skill and rank. You can almost smell a noob and just know when a noob is gonna mess up or screw their teamate over and I find that at rank 3-1 survivors RARELY mess up. It shows me that exoeroence and knowledge equals skill in Dbd!
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    But what do you mean by people that know how to play the game. That's the whole problem with the ranking system in a game like DBD. As a rank 1 survivor I do not pallet loop or use jungle gyms. I don't body block killers so he can't hook a survivor. I don't run around with four flashlights like team players and prevent the killer from getting kills. I just repair a gen and then hope to get a decent chase out of the killer. Where as some players... They think that being a rank 1 means you have to take it seriously. You're not helping your team if you don't loop the killer like everyone else. You get flamed if you use the killer shack pallet. There's all these rules that rank 1 survivors have for each other. But some people don't want to play like that. They want to play a fun match and not care about rank. But unfortunately it's way too easy to rank up. So you get stuck with players like me on your team that get chased down and actually die to a killer.

    Same for killer. Some use mori's and face camp and tunnel to rank up. Other killers enjoy the 'chase' aspect of the game. They want to chase and down people. Put them on a hook without being griefed and then take another chase. They don't care if they come away with 0 games as long as they know they made it hard for the survivors. Yet killers also rank up because it's way too easy not to. It all comes down to the key point. Ranking up is too easy. And it mixes all the try hards and casuals into the same games.

    Let's just call it what it is. There's really no number rank that means anything in this game. You have the Rank 1 try hards and the rank 1 casuals. And because of that it makes rank not matter a damn bit.

    People that know how to play the game are people that understand how to do certain things and when to do them. Contrary to popular belief, there is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to play a video game. The RIGHT way to play is to play optimally and play to win because that's ultimately how the game was designed to function and flow. Playing it wrong is to play against this design, and while you can play a game any way you want if you play it wrong then you will lose against someone playing right.

    For example, in Chess if you only focus on using pawns and never utilize your other pieces you are objectively playing the game wrong because such a tactic will always lose to someone that uses all the pieces. You have every right to play this way if you want, but to do so means that you will lose. Another example, in Street Fighter trying to play a character that is designed to be a zoner as a rushdown. While it may work from time to time, when you go against a player using a character the way they were designed you will lose because you are not playing to your character's strengths, you are not optimizing.

    People hate when I say that there is a right and wrong way to play a video game, but it's the truth. And I'm not telling you that you must play the right way, just that if you play the WRONG way you are destined to lose. The players that play "wrong" are often the ones that want the most extreme changes to the game to make what they are doing the right way to play, and that's a huge problem. Like, if you want to play a super rushdown style in SF then pick a rushdown character. Don't try to fit a square block into the circle hole, and don't carve out the hole to make the square fit either.

    In DBD, you can tell who knows what they are doing by what they do. A killer that knows where to go and how to scramble survivors is going to win because they are playing right. A killer that just chases one guy all game around an obvious time consuming loop and never pressures the other survivors is playing wrong, and will lose. The problem is the latter type of killers complain about survivors looping or gen rushing when in most cases it happens because the killer played wrong. It's like if a pitcher always throws a fastball right down the middle of the plate and expects to get a strikeout every time, they are playing wrong because it's not about how fast you can throw the ball, it's about making the batter swing and miss.

    And that's not to say you can play right and always win. There is the factor of execution. You could know what to do but if you can't pull it off then that knowledge is worthless. But someone that play's right poorly will win more often than someone that plays wrong very well, if that makes sense.

    PS. Also there can be several "right" ways to play a game. I'm not saying there is a single specific right way, most games have multiple "right" ways to play. But there are also objectively "wrong" ways to play, again it all comes down to optimization and playing to win.

    This is why people say “oh you have to resort to name calling so you lost the argument”

    anyone who doesn’t understand your post, when it comes to dbd at least, they are totally #########. 

    This post is truth. And I rather name call because I know this truth also. Just why the ######### do I gotta hold someone’s hand. Thanks for trying to hold peoples hand lol. 

    The fish dont know thyre fish unfortuantely. Just wanna live off their ignorant opinions 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    How old are you. You’re probably not a millennial. They dont believe In absolutes ever. Sometimes there’s situations for absolute truths. Rights and wrongs. And sometimes there isn’t. 
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:


    But what do you mean by people that know how to play the game. That's the whole problem with the ranking system in a game like DBD. As a rank 1 survivor I do not pallet loop or use jungle gyms. I don't body block killers so he can't hook a survivor. I don't run around with four flashlights like team players and prevent the killer from getting kills. I just repair a gen and then hope to get a decent chase out of the killer. Where as some players... They think that being a rank 1 means you have to take it seriously. You're not helping your team if you don't loop the killer like everyone else. You get flamed if you use the killer shack pallet. There's all these rules that rank 1 survivors have for each other. But some people don't want to play like that. They want to play a fun match and not care about rank. But unfortunately it's way too easy to rank up. So you get stuck with players like me on your team that get chased down and actually die to a killer.
    Same for killer. Some use mori's and face camp and tunnel to rank up. Other killers enjoy the 'chase' aspect of the game. They want to chase and down people. Put them on a hook without being griefed and then take another chase. They don't care if they come away with 0 games as long as they know they made it hard for the survivors. Yet killers also rank up because it's way too easy not to. It all comes down to the key point. Ranking up is too easy. And it mixes all the try hards and casuals into the same games.

    Let's just call it what it is. There's really no number rank that means anything in this game. You have the Rank 1 try hards and the rank 1 casuals. And because of that it makes rank not matter a damn bit.

    People that know how to play the game are people that understand how to do certain things and when to do them. Contrary to popular belief, there is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to play a video game. The RIGHT way to play is to play optimally and play to win because that's ultimately how the game was designed to function and flow. Playing it wrong is to play against this design, and while you can play a game any way you want if you play it wrong then you will lose against someone playing right.

    For example, in Chess if you only focus on using pawns and never utilize your other pieces you are objectively playing the game wrong because such a tactic will always lose to someone that uses all the pieces. You have every right to play this way if you want, but to do so means that you will lose. Another example, in Street Fighter trying to play a character that is designed to be a zoner as a rushdown. While it may work from time to time, when you go against a player using a character the way they were designed you will lose because you are not playing to your character's strengths, you are not optimizing.

    People hate when I say that there is a right and wrong way to play a video game, but it's the truth. And I'm not telling you that you must play the right way, just that if you play the WRONG way you are destined to lose. The players that play "wrong" are often the ones that want the most extreme changes to the game to make what they are doing the right way to play, and that's a huge problem. Like, if you want to play a super rushdown style in SF then pick a rushdown character. Don't try to fit a square block into the circle hole, and don't carve out the hole to make the square fit either.

    In DBD, you can tell who knows what they are doing by what they do. A killer that knows where to go and how to scramble survivors is going to win because they are playing right. A killer that just chases one guy all game around an obvious time consuming loop and never pressures the other survivors is playing wrong, and will lose. The problem is the latter type of killers complain about survivors looping or gen rushing when in most cases it happens because the killer played wrong. It's like if a pitcher always throws a fastball right down the middle of the plate and expects to get a strikeout every time, they are playing wrong because it's not about how fast you can throw the ball, it's about making the batter swing and miss.

    And that's not to say you can play right and always win. There is the factor of execution. You could know what to do but if you can't pull it off then that knowledge is worthless. But someone that play's right poorly will win more often than someone that plays wrong very well, if that makes sense.

    PS. Also there can be several "right" ways to play a game. I'm not saying there is a single specific right way, most games have multiple "right" ways to play. But there are also objectively "wrong" ways to play, again it all comes down to optimization and playing to win.

    This is why people say “oh you have to resort to name calling so you lost the argument”

    anyone who doesn’t understand your post, when it comes to dbd at least, they are totally #########. 

    This post is truth. And I rather name call because I know this truth also. Just why the [BAD WORD] do I gotta hold someone’s hand. Thanks for trying to hold peoples hand lol. 

    The fish dont know thyre fish unfortuantely. Just wanna live off their ignorant opinions 

    So if people do not share your opinion they're #########. Nice logic m8. Good to see the DBD community is full of intelligent people.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    i have had this game for over a year dont know if that makes me a vet but i dont care about rank if anything it doesnt help with survivors being a more "powerful" role since its as easy to get low in ranks as it is to go up. Its a flawed system that does need to be fixed.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    i think that the fact that all the vets agree with the thread, and all the inexperienced players got offended, shows a lot.
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @Lowbei said:
    i think that the fact that all the vets agree with the thread, and all the inexperienced players got offended, shows a lot.

    This is exactly what you want to believe. Your ego couldn't handle reality.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:
    i think that the fact that all the vets agree with the thread, and all the inexperienced players got offended, shows a lot.

    This is exactly what you want to believe. Your ego couldn't handle reality.

    this thread isnt for you. stop having a meltdown.
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:


    But what do you mean by people that know how to play the game. That's the whole problem with the ranking system in a game like DBD. As a rank 1 survivor I do not pallet loop or use jungle gyms. I don't body block killers so he can't hook a survivor. I don't run around with four flashlights like team players and prevent the killer from getting kills. I just repair a gen and then hope to get a decent chase out of the killer. Where as some players... They think that being a rank 1 means you have to take it seriously. You're not helping your team if you don't loop the killer like everyone else. You get flamed if you use the killer shack pallet. There's all these rules that rank 1 survivors have for each other. But some people don't want to play like that. They want to play a fun match and not care about rank. But unfortunately it's way too easy to rank up. So you get stuck with players like me on your team that get chased down and actually die to a killer.
    Same for killer. Some use mori's and face camp and tunnel to rank up. Other killers enjoy the 'chase' aspect of the game. They want to chase and down people. Put them on a hook without being griefed and then take another chase. They don't care if they come away with 0 games as long as they know they made it hard for the survivors. Yet killers also rank up because it's way too easy not to. It all comes down to the key point. Ranking up is too easy. And it mixes all the try hards and casuals into the same games.

    Let's just call it what it is. There's really no number rank that means anything in this game. You have the Rank 1 try hards and the rank 1 casuals. And because of that it makes rank not matter a damn bit.

    People that know how to play the game are people that understand how to do certain things and when to do them. Contrary to popular belief, there is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to play a video game. The RIGHT way to play is to play optimally and play to win because that's ultimately how the game was designed to function and flow. Playing it wrong is to play against this design, and while you can play a game any way you want if you play it wrong then you will lose against someone playing right.

    For example, in Chess if you only focus on using pawns and never utilize your other pieces you are objectively playing the game wrong because such a tactic will always lose to someone that uses all the pieces. You have every right to play this way if you want, but to do so means that you will lose. Another example, in Street Fighter trying to play a character that is designed to be a zoner as a rushdown. While it may work from time to time, when you go against a player using a character the way they were designed you will lose because you are not playing to your character's strengths, you are not optimizing.

    People hate when I say that there is a right and wrong way to play a video game, but it's the truth. And I'm not telling you that you must play the right way, just that if you play the WRONG way you are destined to lose. The players that play "wrong" are often the ones that want the most extreme changes to the game to make what they are doing the right way to play, and that's a huge problem. Like, if you want to play a super rushdown style in SF then pick a rushdown character. Don't try to fit a square block into the circle hole, and don't carve out the hole to make the square fit either.

    In DBD, you can tell who knows what they are doing by what they do. A killer that knows where to go and how to scramble survivors is going to win because they are playing right. A killer that just chases one guy all game around an obvious time consuming loop and never pressures the other survivors is playing wrong, and will lose. The problem is the latter type of killers complain about survivors looping or gen rushing when in most cases it happens because the killer played wrong. It's like if a pitcher always throws a fastball right down the middle of the plate and expects to get a strikeout every time, they are playing wrong because it's not about how fast you can throw the ball, it's about making the batter swing and miss.

    And that's not to say you can play right and always win. There is the factor of execution. You could know what to do but if you can't pull it off then that knowledge is worthless. But someone that play's right poorly will win more often than someone that plays wrong very well, if that makes sense.

    PS. Also there can be several "right" ways to play a game. I'm not saying there is a single specific right way, most games have multiple "right" ways to play. But there are also objectively "wrong" ways to play, again it all comes down to optimization and playing to win.

    This is why people say “oh you have to resort to name calling so you lost the argument”

    anyone who doesn’t understand your post, when it comes to dbd at least, they are totally #########. 

    This post is truth. And I rather name call because I know this truth also. Just why the [BAD WORD] do I gotta hold someone’s hand. Thanks for trying to hold peoples hand lol. 

    The fish dont know thyre fish unfortuantely. Just wanna live off their ignorant opinions 

    So if people do not share your opinion they're #########. Nice logic m8. Good to see the DBD community is full of intelligent people.

    Yes. When it comes to this game my opinion matters much more than the vast majority of people who play this game. The vast majority of people who play this game are going to have ######### opinions compared to mine. If you’ve never been rank one killer, your opinion is going to be garbage, and it is not based on much. You just don’t have thorough enough understanding of this game to have a valid opinion at that point. That’s just the truth. Im a rank one survivor and killer on the old system. I know more about this game than probably 90% of the people who play this game.  That’s just reality. 
    Saying people are entitled to their opinion so the guy who is ######### at this game, who probably can’t even spell red ranks, and has only played the game for a month, can have a voice, is stupid. 

    By your logic you would believe 10 year olds should be able to vote because well they have opinions too right?

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    I like how he compares allowing 10 year olds who don't know any better to decide the fate of a country to making comments about an 18+ rated game.

    Dear lord.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    thesuicidefox said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:


    But what do you mean by people that know how to play the game. That's the whole problem with the ranking system in a game like DBD. As a rank 1 survivor I do not pallet loop or use jungle gyms. I don't body block killers so he can't hook a survivor. I don't run around with four flashlights like team players and prevent the killer from getting kills. I just repair a gen and then hope to get a decent chase out of the killer. Where as some players... They think that being a rank 1 means you have to take it seriously. You're not helping your team if you don't loop the killer like everyone else. You get flamed if you use the killer shack pallet. There's all these rules that rank 1 survivors have for each other. But some people don't want to play like that. They want to play a fun match and not care about rank. But unfortunately it's way too easy to rank up. So you get stuck with players like me on your team that get chased down and actually die to a killer.
    Same for killer. Some use mori's and face camp and tunnel to rank up. Other killers enjoy the 'chase' aspect of the game. They want to chase and down people. Put them on a hook without being griefed and then take another chase. They don't care if they come away with 0 games as long as they know they made it hard for the survivors. Yet killers also rank up because it's way too easy not to. It all comes down to the key point. Ranking up is too easy. And it mixes all the try hards and casuals into the same games.

    Let's just call it what it is. There's really no number rank that means anything in this game. You have the Rank 1 try hards and the rank 1 casuals. And because of that it makes rank not matter a damn bit.

    People that know how to play the game are people that understand how to do certain things and when to do them. Contrary to popular belief, there is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to play a video game. The RIGHT way to play is to play optimally and play to win because that's ultimately how the game was designed to function and flow. Playing it wrong is to play against this design, and while you can play a game any way you want if you play it wrong then you will lose against someone playing right.

    For example, in Chess if you only focus on using pawns and never utilize your other pieces you are objectively playing the game wrong because such a tactic will always lose to someone that uses all the pieces. You have every right to play this way if you want, but to do so means that you will lose. Another example, in Street Fighter trying to play a character that is designed to be a zoner as a rushdown. While it may work from time to time, when you go against a player using a character the way they were designed you will lose because you are not playing to your character's strengths, you are not optimizing.

    People hate when I say that there is a right and wrong way to play a video game, but it's the truth. And I'm not telling you that you must play the right way, just that if you play the WRONG way you are destined to lose. The players that play "wrong" are often the ones that want the most extreme changes to the game to make what they are doing the right way to play, and that's a huge problem. Like, if you want to play a super rushdown style in SF then pick a rushdown character. Don't try to fit a square block into the circle hole, and don't carve out the hole to make the square fit either.

    In DBD, you can tell who knows what they are doing by what they do. A killer that knows where to go and how to scramble survivors is going to win because they are playing right. A killer that just chases one guy all game around an obvious time consuming loop and never pressures the other survivors is playing wrong, and will lose. The problem is the latter type of killers complain about survivors looping or gen rushing when in most cases it happens because the killer played wrong. It's like if a pitcher always throws a fastball right down the middle of the plate and expects to get a strikeout every time, they are playing wrong because it's not about how fast you can throw the ball, it's about making the batter swing and miss.

    And that's not to say you can play right and always win. There is the factor of execution. You could know what to do but if you can't pull it off then that knowledge is worthless. But someone that play's right poorly will win more often than someone that plays wrong very well, if that makes sense.

    PS. Also there can be several "right" ways to play a game. I'm not saying there is a single specific right way, most games have multiple "right" ways to play. But there are also objectively "wrong" ways to play, again it all comes down to optimization and playing to win.

    This is why people say “oh you have to resort to name calling so you lost the argument”

    anyone who doesn’t understand your post, when it comes to dbd at least, they are totally #########. 

    This post is truth. And I rather name call because I know this truth also. Just why the [BAD WORD] do I gotta hold someone’s hand. Thanks for trying to hold peoples hand lol. 

    The fish dont know thyre fish unfortuantely. Just wanna live off their ignorant opinions 

    So if people do not share your opinion they're #########. Nice logic m8. Good to see the DBD community is full of intelligent people.

    You’re too stupid to understand that you’re the one who causes toxicity. Instead of learning something before forming your opinion, you wanna just talk and talk. I came onto these forums only after I achieved rank one survivor AND rank one killer. 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    Well now it’s easier. On the old system it was a very small percentage of the community who ever achieved rank one killer. 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    SenzuDuck said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:

    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    I like how he compares allowing 10 year olds who don't know any better to decide the fate of a country to making comments about an 18+ rated game.

    Dear lord.

    You’re another idiot lol. “Good lord “

    I didn’t compare. I just showed the inconsistency in logic. 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    If you’ve never been a red rank in anything then you’re pretty much a 10 year old in this game 
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I was rank 1 survivor and killer the first month the game came out. When there were infinite jukes in the game. I don't understand why I'm getting flamed by a group of apes that probably couldn't even compete with me. And I'm capable of admitting I'm not even that great.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    I was rank 1 survivor and killer the first month the game came out. When there were infinite jukes in the game. I don't understand why I'm getting flamed by a group of apes that probably couldn't even compete with me. And I'm capable of admitting I'm not even that great.

    Okay well then I’m not talking to you then. 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    I was rank 1 survivor and killer the first month the game came out. When there were infinite jukes in the game. I don't understand why I'm getting flamed by a group of apes that probably couldn't even compete with me. And I'm capable of admitting I'm not even that great.

    I find it hard to believe that you could achieve rank one way back then and consider yourself not that great. Like that’s impossible, unless you have some real confidence issues lol. You should be better than me. 
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    I like how he compares allowing 10 year olds who don't know any better to decide the fate of a country to making comments about an 18+ rated game.

    Dear lord.

    You’re another idiot lol. “Good lord “

    I didn’t compare. I just showed the inconsistency in logic. 


    Another person thinking their opinion means more BECUS MUH RANK WUN KILLUR BTW.

    Oh look, I got rank one on the old system, suddenly my opinion matters more than others, or not.
    Ranking has always been pretty easy on both sides.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    SenzuDuck said:

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @GrannyonAcid said:


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    I like how he compares allowing 10 year olds who don't know any better to decide the fate of a country to making comments about an 18+ rated game.

    Dear lord.

    You’re another idiot lol. “Good lord “

    I didn’t compare. I just showed the inconsistency in logic. 


    Another person thinking their opinion means more BECUS MUH RANK WUN KILLUR BTW.

    Oh look, I got rank one on the old system, suddenly my opinion matters more than others, or not.
    Ranking has always been pretty easy on both sides.

    You’re another guy who thinks 10 year olds should have the right to vote. 
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    You’re another guy who thinks 10 year olds should have the right to vote. 

    Sure buddy, we'll go with that.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    You need to go study for the lsat or read Plato’s republic 
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    baffling that youre on like page 5 of this thread and still havent got the basic concept in the OP that “achieving” rank1 is easy due to swf and safety pips. its actually playing there that builds skill level and experience. skill level and experience that you clearly dont have if you feel this way about this thread. like previously stated, this thread isnt for you.
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2018

    Agree on your points. While the ranking system is heavily flawed, the only people actually claiming that rank doesn't matter at all are the ones that can't get there/continuously play there. There are a large amount of players, especially on the survivor side that shouldn't be anywhere near their current ranks either. They are getting carried by the devs still holding their hands. They have artificially inflated survivor ranks.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    baffling that youre on like page 5 of this thread and still havent got the basic concept in the OP that “achieving” rank1 is easy due to swf and safety pips. its actually playing there that builds skill level and experience. skill level and experience that you clearly dont have if you feel this way about this thread. like previously stated, this thread isnt for you.

    In the first post of the thread you talked about how rank 1's are the only thing that matter. That you're a god at the game because you have reached rank 1. I don't get why you keep bouncing back and forth on your statements. One moment only your opinion matters cause you're rank 1. The next minute it's too easy. Make up your mind.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    baffling that youre on like page 5 of this thread and still havent got the basic concept in the OP that “achieving” rank1 is easy due to swf and safety pips. its actually playing there that builds skill level and experience. skill level and experience that you clearly dont have if you feel this way about this thread. like previously stated, this thread isnt for you.

    In the first post of the thread you talked about how rank 1's are the only thing that matter. That you're a god at the game because you have reached rank 1. I don't get why you keep bouncing back and forth on your statements. One moment only your opinion matters cause you're rank 1. The next minute it's too easy. Make up your mind.

    i have never said any of those things, thats your lack of reading comprehension.

    at this point however, your personal butthurt toward my statements shouldnt matter when you can clearly see the dozens of actual vets agreeing with it vs the low hour salties getting mad. this isnt rocket science. figure it out.

    now stop trying to derail the thread with your personal issues. the thread isnt for you. bye felicia
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    so is saying you are a "vet" at this game now the new "as a rank 1 killer" xD

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    baffling that youre on like page 5 of this thread and still havent got the basic concept in the OP that “achieving” rank1 is easy due to swf and safety pips. its actually playing there that builds skill level and experience. skill level and experience that you clearly dont have if you feel this way about this thread. like previously stated, this thread isnt for you.

    In the first post of the thread you talked about how rank 1's are the only thing that matter. That you're a god at the game because you have reached rank 1. I don't get why you keep bouncing back and forth on your statements. One moment only your opinion matters cause you're rank 1. The next minute it's too easy. Make up your mind.

    Honestly man you can’t read. 
  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    Lowbei said:

    @Lowbei said:
    GrannyonAcid said:


    Almost everyone has achieved rank 1 survivor and killer if they've spent 200 hours on this game. That means most players have an opinion that matter just as much as the next persons. It's mind blowing that you guys think that you're more important then anyone else. Complete clowns.

    baffling that youre on like page 5 of this thread and still havent got the basic concept in the OP that “achieving” rank1 is easy due to swf and safety pips. its actually playing there that builds skill level and experience. skill level and experience that you clearly dont have if you feel this way about this thread. like previously stated, this thread isnt for you.

    In the first post of the thread you talked about how rank 1's are the only thing that matter. That you're a god at the game because you have reached rank 1. I don't get why you keep bouncing back and forth on your statements. One moment only your opinion matters cause you're rank 1. The next minute it's too easy. Make up your mind.

    i have never said any of those things, thats your lack of reading comprehension.

    at this point however, your personal butthurt toward my statements shouldnt matter when you can clearly see the dozens of actual vets agreeing with it vs the low hour salties getting mad. this isnt rocket science. figure it out.

    now stop trying to derail the thread with your personal issues. the thread isnt for you. bye felicia
    I think he’s talking to me lol.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    Rank means little if it's the only mode in a casualgame like DBD.

    If rank were a mode for hardcore players to pick then yes, it would mean more. Currently they might as well remove it and save themselves alot of toxicity.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018
    Sorry Lowbei i get your points but as long as many boosted idiots exist that cheat the system one way or the other i can't say it matters as much as you might assume.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Rank means little if it's the only mode in a casualgame like DBD.

    If rank were a mode for hardcore players to pick then yes, it would mean more. Currently they might as well remove it and save themselves alot of toxicity.
    spoken like a true rank15 casual who cannot compete at rank1, which i know is correct from your previous posts on other threads. this thread isnt for you.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Rank means little if it's the only mode in a casualgame like DBD.

    If rank were a mode for hardcore players to pick then yes, it would mean more. Currently they might as well remove it and save themselves alot of toxicity.

    spoken like a true rank15 casual who cannot compete at rank1, which i know is correct from your previous posts on other threads. this thread isnt for you.

    Ya except I'm rank1 rushing towards it every season in so little games that I'm very glad that they'll give me a way to pip slower by camping next patch, not because I think the game's too hard but because I'm not some tryhard and I want to toy with survivors instead of playing optimal each damn game. I can compete even without sound (no headset) and addons/offerings most of the time since I'm leveling (didn't have BBQ&Chilli till about 1 month ago) but kay mr troll

    Me playing casually means I still reach your rank even with crap killers like freddy/lf/spirit and I can't even get out of it when I give people hatches, what does that say about you.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018

    @Lowbei said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    Rank means little if it's the only mode in a casualgame like DBD.

    If rank were a mode for hardcore players to pick then yes, it would mean more. Currently they might as well remove it and save themselves alot of toxicity.

    spoken like a true rank15 casual who cannot compete at rank1, which i know is correct from your previous posts on other threads. this thread isnt for you.

    Ya except I'm rank1 rushing towards and can compete even without sound and addons/offerings most of the time since I'm leveling but kay mr troll

    “im rank1 rushing towards...”

    your wording is strange. you arent and have never been rank1, but will get there soon. lol ok

    keep at it, get to rank1, and play there, for a long time, then do it as killer too, and then your opinion may matter on this vet only thread which you currently dont qualify for.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    You enjoy making a fool of yourself?

    I'm only rank10 on my surv currently because I only play those with my GF or to farm BP by farming hooked teammates while watching a movie lol

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614
    I think they should ditch the current rank system and just have 3 tiers, and you can't drop out of one.  The r difference in "skill" between rank 20-15, 14-8, and 8-1 is not that much.  I wouldn't match groups based on this, but I'd show it post game.  So matches would be much more varied in skill, and if you get stomped or crushed you can decide for yourself if rank made a difference and how you'll feel about that win or loss.

    I *might* try to figure out a handicap system for miss matched tiers in the game, but not sure how that would work. 
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    they should just remove ranked entirely if they're not gonna reward it anyways. Would make the game way more relaxed.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    they should just remove ranked entirely if they're not gonna reward it anyways. Would make the game way more relaxed.

    For comments like this is why people say some killers just want ez matches.
    If u wanna play competitive, do it. If you wanna play relaxed, just don't play competitive.
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    @Vietfox said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    they should just remove ranked entirely if they're not gonna reward it anyways. Would make the game way more relaxed.

    For comments like this is why people say some killers just want ez matches.
    If u wanna play competitive, do it. If you wanna play relaxed, just don't play competitive.

    I play relaxed most of the time since as said I'm mainly using BBQ&Chilli to level up my killers currently, what else do you want me to do? The "perkbuilds" that I use are perks that the bloodweb gives me till P3. I already rarely tunnel unless somebody unhooks a guy right in my face and doesn't even let me hit him (or if somebody teabags) I let one survivor go most of the time if he impressed me by juking me without using the braindead loops.

    If I wanted to turn my game down even more aside from playing with music on most of the time I'd have to friggin miss on purpose which...oh wait I sometimes already do to keep the tension up. From R2-R1 onward there's only optimized playing, you can't toy with survivors there most of the time unless you bring addons or face a flashlight SWF that is more interested in playing for the lulz.

    And yes you read that comment correctly, I want ez matches where survivors are basically mice and I'm a cat. If I want to play a competitive game I'll play a moba or quake, heck even WoW's arena is more sophisticated than this game when it comes to competitive PvP

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    There are more extremes in matches at Rank 1, that's about the only difference. When they readjusted the emblems, they made is disgustingly easy to Rank up. I should probably be around Ranks 8-5 or so, but I can't even depip playing in Rank 1 matches because the emblem system makes it too easy. I'll get rekt and depip, but then have a decent match and end up pipping. They should reward Survivors for actually Surviving and penalize them for dying in a match. Just watching my own matches, I almost always score better when I die than when I actually survive.

    I am a random, scrub solo queue'er. Some matches I do horrible and get killed out quick, other times I'll do great and carry the team out the exit gates. I see a lot more 4k or 0k matches at the high ranks than I did when I was playing in the purples. There it was a lot of 1-2k or 2k-3k. 4k sometimes, rarely a 0k. Just feels like Rank 1 the matches are either pretty easy or really vicious. Not a whole lot of the challenging ones that feel good to survive in or at least help your teammates escape.

    I really think the emblem system should be rebalanced to make it harder to Rank up. Right now it's aimed way too casual.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    The reason you see a disparity at r1 is because sometimes you will have survivors bringing tons of addons/items that make the game trivial. 25% more repairspeed through a toolbox shouldn't be possible in a game where genrushing is a problem already.

    On the other hand if a killer brings an ebony mori into an itemless decisiveless survivor game it's basically a free win unless the survs are hardcore and the map allows strong loops.

    Also most killlers let's be honest don't have a high skill ceiling, the ones relying on mindgames are basically relying on survivors ######### up, nurse is downright broken and ignores most things that survs can do to survive and billy is the only one I'd consider well balanced even tho he gets looped to ######### he punishes really bad survivor mistakes heavily by 1shotting them. All this feeds into the game feeling unbalanced.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    You enjoy making a fool of yourself?

    I'm only rank10 on my surv currently because I only play those with my GF or to farm BP by farming hooked teammates while watching a movie lol

    yay im glad you finally made it, grats. reaching rank1 is common.

    now play there, and you will eventually become experienced enough to know that your statements here are ignorant.

    eventually i may even pull your opinions out of the trash, but not yet, especially with you embarrassing yourself on the regular around here.
This discussion has been closed.