Stup cuddling killers - Groaning storehouse

Groaning Storehouse windows are all closed now with just 2 exits and 1 useless pallet.
Are you guys serious?



  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    @projecteulogy said:
    Survivors have two choices. "Immersed" Stealth or "Brain dead" looping. Currently, playing Stealth(how i like to) yields next to no BP/Pip. Looping grants survivors tons of Bloodpoints. There's no denying it. There's more than 1000 videos on Twitch and Youtube proving this.

    They're removing even more pallets on the PTB and "balancing" it with making hooks spawn ONLY outside of 24m of each other unless Offerings are used. Point is, killers ######### about Genrushing and Looping.. the only 2 tools a survivor has to "win" the game. Meanwhile, killers resort to slugging to prevent any sort of hatch escape and/or tunnel and camp survivors they find a "threat".

    What exactly do you want survivors to do? Just stand there and let you down them thus creating a killer's version of a M1 Simulator? lol Until the developer actually gives a ######### about Looping, you're stuck with it.

    I personally prefer playing stealthy, partly because I'm bad at looping, but mostly because I prefer that form of gameplay. Unfortunately, this game greatly promotes looping over stealth, so it feels like self-gimping. I'd really like to see do a pure gameplay update that expands survivor objectives and gameplay options instead of just adding another killer/survivor combo.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    There is still a window perfectly usable to gain distance. Git gud instead of relying on cheap loops.

  • Blood_Coil_Viper
    Blood_Coil_Viper Member Posts: 199
    I kinda knew threads like this would show up.. the devs don't want strong loops or infinites.. deal with it. They removed it for a different reason then you think. 
  • Radiant
    Radiant Member Posts: 187

    @White_Owl said:
    There is still a window perfectly usable to gain distance. Git gud instead of relying on cheap loops.

    There is none anymore.
    Only the 2 huge entrances.

    @Blood_Coil_Viper said:
    I kinda knew threads like this would show up.. the devs don't want strong loops or infinites.. deal with it. They removed it for a different reason then you think. 

    Sure, but they should have reorganized the room: now is pretty much like the bathroom in The Game (for wich you get an achievement) with the difference of being in the middle of the map therefore crucial to be sure you're not left with close generators at the end.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    @Radiant said:

    @White_Owl said:
    There is still a window perfectly usable to gain distance. Git gud instead of relying on cheap loops.

    There is none anymore.
    Only the 2 huge entrances.

    Look better.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @Radiant said:

    @yeet said:

    @Radiant said:
    You can fix infinite without creating a trap for baby killers that always contains a gen and 50% contains the basement, with no exits and 1 pallet in a useless position.

    maybe you are the baby survivor if you needed to rely on this braindead loop 🙂

    ok let me try again slowly:

    You can fix infinite
    without creating
    a trap for baby killers
    that always contains a gen
    and 50% contains the basement,
    with no exits
    and 1 pallet in a useless position.

    mad coz bad?

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    @Justicar said:

    @projecteulogy said:
    Survivors have two choices. "Immersed" Stealth or "Brain dead" looping. Currently, playing Stealth(how i like to) yields next to no BP/Pip. Looping grants survivors tons of Bloodpoints. There's no denying it. There's more than 1000 videos on Twitch and Youtube proving this.

    They're removing even more pallets on the PTB and "balancing" it with making hooks spawn ONLY outside of 24m of each other unless Offerings are used. Point is, killers ######### about Genrushing and Looping.. the only 2 tools a survivor has to "win" the game. Meanwhile, killers resort to slugging to prevent any sort of hatch escape and/or tunnel and camp survivors they find a "threat".

    What exactly do you want survivors to do? Just stand there and let you down them thus creating a killer's version of a M1 Simulator? lol Until the developer actually gives a ######### about Looping, you're stuck with it.

    I personally prefer playing stealthy, partly because I'm bad at looping, but mostly because I prefer that form of gameplay. Unfortunately, this game greatly promotes looping over stealth, so it feels like self-gimping. I'd really like to see do a pure gameplay update that expands survivor objectives and gameplay options instead of just adding another killer/survivor combo.

    See this is exactly what i'm wanting. Instead the killer AND survivor community calls people "bad" because they can't/don't loop. Its a trashy tactic that i can't stand when I play killer. So why adopt it and join the crowd? Instead, i'd like to see the developer at least add a Stealth Category(Evader is not Stealth. End of story lol) and a similar one for killers.

    Looping needs to be dissolved and camping/slugging needs to be deterred in some way

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Why do survivors get mad about not being able to extend the chase? Your goal is to break line of sight and get away, not lead the killer on a moon lite stroll.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    @yeet said:
    wow I can't brainlessly infinite loop a killer now! I should never have to think playing survivor waaaaah!

    As much as I hate looping, what other strategies do survivors have? Stealth does not work with all the aura reading abilities. Evasion has a very low chance of working due to aura reading, noises, blood/scratch marks, whispers, etc. That leaves....looping, or blinding the killer.

    I've spent enough time chasing survivors in circles (I tend to not do it long) to know how frustrating it is. At the same time, if they don't have those circles, I'm usually going to down them within 30 seconds or less because they have few ways to get away. Though, with me, hiding can work due to being color blind and not being able to see the scratch marks/blood to begin with. I hunt like a T-Rex, all about movement!

    Seriously, they need different options for survivors to get away, without making it the infinite loop.

    This is sadly something a lot of killer mains don't understand, if you can't loop or aren't in a good map for stealth you're toast. I suck at looping at looping and don't like doing it, but since the stuff you've descried above is there for killers not much choice.

    But if the game went to a more stealth based mode the killers would have to give up their aura perks and whispers and actually hunt people down which given the immersed complaints they won't do.

    To the op, there's still ways to lose the killer, you just can't endlessly loop if you're running say balanced landing anymore.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Warlock_2020 said:

    As much as I hate looping, what other strategies do survivors have? Stealth does not work with all the aura reading abilities. Evasion has a very low chance of working due to aura reading, noises, blood/scratch marks, whispers, etc. That leaves....looping, or blinding the killer.

    Woohoo… wait… that's a YOU problem.
    Stealth is still working… since I do suck at looping, I use stealth and I do it effective (at least on my level), because I know how killer play (because I am a killer main).
    Aura reading is nothing impossible to beat. All aura reads are situational, you just have to pay attention to it and play accordingly.

    Don't blame the game if you want to play like a toxic scumbag.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Aura reading - so powerful, almost no Survivors use it.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Again Wolf, I agree with you mostly. I too play the stealth game and am quite good at it. That said, the aura perks become more and more difficult to counter and most people don't play it that well.

    Don't assume I'm a toxic scumbag either. I choose not to loop, or be a flashlight soldier who harasses the killer. Why? Because I don't think that is the game experience that was in mind when they created the game. That said, I can openly see that survivors have a very limited group options. I would absolutely love to see looping removed. When is the last time you saw a killer looped in a horror movie, perhaps a parody movie instead? At the same time, I'd like to see more options for players to evade, but not endlessly. Perhaps more places to hide, like the cabinets. What about boxes, crates, or a cubby somewhere? Something. End looping, encourage more hiding spots. Those are temporary and would not upset balance too much.

    Oh, I can also admit openly that by choosing to not play toxic, I limit my options greatly. I depend entirely on faking out the killer (much harder at higher levels), or breaking line of sight and going stealth, which is very limited against good killers, or those with the right aura sites at the right time. So, don't assume someone arguing against closing windows is against ending looping. I just want to see more evasion options that don't create endless loops of stupidity.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I may require your assistance in shaping this youngling up to be a true warrior! 
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @projecteulogy said:

    @Justicar said:

    @projecteulogy said:
    Survivors have two choices. "Immersed" Stealth or "Brain dead" looping. Currently, playing Stealth(how i like to) yields next to no BP/Pip. Looping grants survivors tons of Bloodpoints. There's no denying it. There's more than 1000 videos on Twitch and Youtube proving this.

    They're removing even more pallets on the PTB and "balancing" it with making hooks spawn ONLY outside of 24m of each other unless Offerings are used. Point is, killers ######### about Genrushing and Looping.. the only 2 tools a survivor has to "win" the game. Meanwhile, killers resort to slugging to prevent any sort of hatch escape and/or tunnel and camp survivors they find a "threat".

    What exactly do you want survivors to do? Just stand there and let you down them thus creating a killer's version of a M1 Simulator? lol Until the developer actually gives a ######### about Looping, you're stuck with it.

    I personally prefer playing stealthy, partly because I'm bad at looping, but mostly because I prefer that form of gameplay. Unfortunately, this game greatly promotes looping over stealth, so it feels like self-gimping. I'd really like to see do a pure gameplay update that expands survivor objectives and gameplay options instead of just adding another killer/survivor combo.

    See this is exactly what i'm wanting. Instead the killer AND survivor community calls people "bad" because they can't/don't loop. Its a trashy tactic that i can't stand when I play killer. So why adopt it and join the crowd? Instead, i'd like to see the developer at least add a Stealth Category(Evader is not Stealth. End of story lol) and a similar one for killers.

    Looping needs to be dissolved and camping/slugging needs to be deterred in some way

    This is what I've always thought. I like Urban evasion as a survivor AND as a killer. I think it's good when survivors play stealth, it leads to some epic moments when you're behind a tree and the killer walks right past without noticing you and you're heart is beating.

    Or when a survivor breaks line of sight and somehow disappears behind a wall with a juke, that impresses me.

    Running around a loop in comparison takes minimal skill and sadly is one of the most effective things a survivor can do.

    I said on the survey that they need to move away from looping and move towards helping survivors break line of sight or hide.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340
    So now UE is not toxic? Color me surprised.
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Sorry survivors but aura perks don't work how you think. Every perk has conditions that must be met before activating, thus your argument against stealth only applies when you create that condition. Lets not pretend killer have omnipotent vision from the start, we have to work hard to earn a few seconds of it.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Basically ALL tracking perks have conditions.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Sorry survivors but aura perks don't work how you think. Every perk has conditions that must be met before activating, thus your argument against stealth only applies when you create that condition. Lets not pretend killer have omnipotent vision from the start, we have to work hard to earn a few seconds of it.

    You are forgetting about the dozens of killer add-ons that give the killer aura reading abilities just from using their power.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @CoolAKn said:

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Sorry survivors but aura perks don't work how you think. Every perk has conditions that must be met before activating, thus your argument against stealth only applies when you create that condition. Lets not pretend killer have omnipotent vision from the start, we have to work hard to earn a few seconds of it.

    You are forgetting about the dozens of killer add-ons that give the killer aura reading abilities just from using their power.

    Name them. I doubt you find that many.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677
    edited October 2018

    Hag - when survivors trip the trap

    • Pussy Willow Catkins (3 seconds)
    • Willow Wreath (5 seconds)
      Doctor - when Madness increases

    • "Restraint" - Class II (1 second)

    • "Restraint" - Class III (2 seconds)
    • "Restraint" - Carter's Notes (3 seconds)
      Freddy - when putting survivors to sleep

    • Class Photo (see all survivors during transition)
      Michael - when survivors have been stalked for at least 1 second

    • Glass Fragment (EWI - 2 seconds)

    • Reflective Fragment (EWII - 2 seconds)
    • Mirror Shard (EWII - 5 seconds)
      Michael - while stalking

    • Vanity Mirror (16 meters)

    • Scratched Mirror (32 meters)
      Huntress - hitting survivors

    • Glowing Concoction (5 seconds)
      Pig - Removing Bear Trap

    • Amanda's Secret (6 seconds)
      Pig - while crouched

    • Amanda's Letter (12 meters)
      Clown - while intoxicated

    • Tattoo's Middle Finger (6 seconds)
      Wraith - while cloaked

    • "All Seeing" - Mud (6 meters)

    • "All Seeing" - White (8 meters)
    • "All Seeing" - Blood (12 meters)

    I count 18 add-ons that give killers aura reading abilities that tell them where survivors are without perks.

  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498
    Radiant said:

    Groaning Storehouse windows are all closed now with just 2 exits and 1 useless pallet.
    Are you guys serious?

    Before you come complain on a forum maybe do your research a little better. There is still always one open window there. Which makes it 3 exits and the pallet is still a relatively safe pallet 
  • xxaggieboyxx
    xxaggieboyxx Member Posts: 498

    @yeet said:

    @Radiant said:
    You can fix infinite without creating a trap for baby killers that always contains a gen and 50% contains the basement, with no exits and 1 pallet in a useless position.

    maybe you are the baby survivor if you needed to rely on this braindead loop 🙂

    Tell the developer to implement mechanics that would help remove looping.

    Survivors have two choices. "Immersed" Stealth or "Brain dead" looping. Currently, playing Stealth(how i like to) yields next to no BP/Pip. Looping grants survivors tons of Bloodpoints. There's no denying it. There's more than 1000 videos on Twitch and Youtube proving this.

    They're removing even more pallets on the PTB and "balancing" it with making hooks spawn ONLY outside of 24m of each other unless Offerings are used. Point is, killers ######### about Genrushing and Looping.. the only 2 tools a survivor has to "win" the game. Meanwhile, killers resort to slugging to prevent any sort of hatch escape and/or tunnel and camp survivors they find a "threat".

    What exactly do you want survivors to do? Just stand there and let you down them thus creating a killer's version of a M1 Simulator? lol Until the developer actually gives a ######### about Looping, you're stuck with it.

    I don't complain when survivors loop much like I don't complain when killers camp or tunnel. Unless it's me because that just sucks. But I don't blame them or scream at them end game for just doing their job. I complain about looping in the way that you shouldn't be able to loop so easily and waste so much of a killer precious time doing something that takes absolutely no skill whatsoever. Things like big window loops on storehouse and ironworks that take absolutely no brain to use can waste a lot of the killers time just for you to make it safely to another pallet after your 3rd window vault only to come right back to the same window a few seconds later after it reopens. That is dumb and should not exist hence why people complain about it. No one ever said they want survivors to give themselves up and let the killer down them. This is an assumption all survivor mains make when killers complain about looping. Much like how they always say "all they want is a 4k" when really I just want to feel like I don't have to play nurse to have a chance at actually killing when vs good survivors 
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Again most of those have conditions; range within tr, survivor has to trigger, killer has to tag/ stalk you. There are few if any circumstances that allow the killer to just see you without an interaction of some type. In regards to addons, yes there are some powerful one but those are lost after every game. Killers are not able to spam these to make a consistent issue, so please don't claim survivors are incapable of stealth or other counter measures.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @Eveline said:
    So now UE is not toxic? Color me surprised.

    I think it's great. It gives survivors another way to avoid a killer, and allows people to play stealthy. Its far better than everyone running to the nearest loop.

    DS is toxic because it undoes the killers hard work. It robs the killer of their reward for their effort - that being a hook.

    Urban evasion does not. It's not a get out of jail free card, it still requires skill and knowledge of where and how to hide.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Again most of those have conditions; range within tr, survivor has to trigger, killer has to tag/ stalk you. There are few if any circumstances that allow the killer to just see you without an interaction of some type. In regards to addons, yes there are some powerful one but those are lost after every game. Killers are not able to spam these to make a consistent issue, so please don't claim survivors are incapable of stealth or other counter measures.

    I never claimed survivors are incapable of stealth, but it becomes completely negated with the right killer build, unless you are running Sole Survivor.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @CoolAKn said:
    Hag - when survivors trip the trap

    • Pussy Willow Catkins (3 seconds)
    • Willow Wreath (5 seconds)
      Doctor - when Madness increases

    • "Restraint" - Class II (1 second)

    • "Restraint" - Class III (2 seconds)
    • "Restraint" - Carter's Notes (3 seconds)
      Freddy - when putting survivors to sleep

    • Class Photo (see all survivors during transition)
      Michael - when survivors have been stalked for at least 1 second

    • Glass Fragment (EWI - 2 seconds)

    • Reflective Fragment (EWII - 2 seconds)
    • Mirror Shard (EWII - 5 seconds)
      Michael - while stalking

    • Vanity Mirror (16 meters)

    • Scratched Mirror (32 meters)
      Huntress - hitting survivors

    • Glowing Concoction (5 seconds)
      Pig - Removing Bear Trap

    • Amanda's Secret (6 seconds)
      Pig - while crouched

    • Amanda's Letter (12 meters)
      Clown - while intoxicated

    • Tattoo's Middle Finger (6 seconds)
      Wraith - while cloaked

    • "All Seeing" - Mud (6 meters)

    • "All Seeing" - White (8 meters)
    • "All Seeing" - Blood (12 meters)

    I count 18 add-ons that give killers aura reading abilities that tell them where survivors are without perks.

    Restraint 1
    Restraint 2
    Restraint 3
    Yea… that way you get over 12.^^
    And 1 - 2 sec aura reveal is so op. Totally gamebreaking. rofl
    Along all those add ons with terrible drawbacks.
    Sorry, I totally underestimated the power of aura revealing add ons. :D

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Wolf74 said:
    Restraint 1
    Restraint 2
    Restraint 3
    Yea… that way you get over 12.^^
    And 1 - 2 sec aura reveal is so op. Totally gamebreaking. rofl
    Along all those add ons with terrible drawbacks.
    Sorry, I totally underestimated the power of aura revealing add ons. :D

    Enlighten me, show me where I said these were OP?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    Restraint 1
    Restraint 2
    Restraint 3
    Yea… that way you get over 12.^^
    And 1 - 2 sec aura reveal is so op. Totally gamebreaking. rofl
    Along all those add ons with terrible drawbacks.
    Sorry, I totally underestimated the power of aura revealing add ons. :D

    Enlighten me, show me where I said these were OP?

    You brought that up as someone said that "aura reading is killing stealth".

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Wolf74 said:
    You brought that up as someone said that "aura reading is killing stealth".

    Hardly a statement suggesting they are OP. Aura reading is supposed to counter stealth, how is that saying it's OP?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    You brought that up as someone said that "aura reading is killing stealth".

    Hardly a statement suggesting they are OP. Aura reading is supposed to counter stealth, how is that saying it's OP?

    Because it is KILLING stealth. Not just "countering".

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677
    edited October 2018

    @Wolf74 said:
    Because it is KILLING stealth. Not just "countering".

    Now you've lost me. I don't understand what you are trying to say, because it seems like you agree, but don't agree about aura reading and stealth. Which is it?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    Because it is KILLING stealth. Not just "countering".

    Now you've lost me. I don't understand what you are trying to say, because it seems like you agree, but don't agree about aura reading and stealth. Which is it?

    I just mock anybody stating that "aura revealing is killing stealth" in this game.
    Heck, I can stealth against Doc!
    Survivor defend broken mechanics like looping, because "stealth is dead".

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Wolf74 said:
    I just mock anybody stating that "aura revealing is killing stealth" in this game.
    Heck, I can stealth against Doc!
    Survivor defend broken mechanics like looping, because "stealth is dead".

    I see, so you opt to take a condescending tone instead of a constructive one. Then, I see no point to further discussion with you.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Not gonna claim I win every game, but when I do win it is because of stealth every time. The only way aura reading kills stealth is if it is a constant ability with no with no way to break the visual. The only way that happens is when the survivors play right into a build and refuse to adapt.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    I just mock anybody stating that "aura revealing is killing stealth" in this game.
    Heck, I can stealth against Doc!
    Survivor defend broken mechanics like looping, because "stealth is dead".

    I see, so you opt to take a condescending tone instead of a constructive one. Then, I see no point to further discussion with you.

    Maybe you should start rereading my postings.
    But it is really hard to keep it serious if survivor mains bring up so much nonsense.
    My favorite is "survivor get nerfed every patch".
    Closely followed by "stealth is dead" and "looping is needed to survive".

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Not gonna claim I win every game, but when I do win it is because of stealth every time. The only way aura reading kills stealth is if it is a constant ability with no with no way to break the visual. The only way that happens is when the survivors play right into a build and refuse to adapt.

    Just curious, what build to you typically stealth with? I am currently running Dwight, and the only "stealth" perk I have access to is Spine Chill. I am slowly trying to get all of the teachable perks. Right now, only Bond is unlocked.