Tyde is right, change my mind



  • Stompa
    Stompa Member Posts: 154

    or just let the matchmaker decide to match with the highest rank of the lobby, aka r1 and 20 in a swf get a r1 matchmaking

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @akbays35 said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @akbays35 said:
    , Killers objective is downing and hooking a survivor and that takes about the same time as 1 gen for most games.

    In what world are you playing?

    Yes, one hit is usually 30-40 seconds plus carrytime, that's roughly 80 seconds for one hook.
    But during that time, 3 survivor can do THREE different gens.

    there's usually one guy doing chests and totems so the 1-2 gens seems more plausible in game assuming the killer isn't chasing a guy that is next to another survivor attempting to get the gen done.

    You don't seem to play high ranks, dude.
    30-40 sec is average, good runner will loop for more time. And that is only a regular chase without DS or a flashlightsafe or someone tanking a hit during chase.
    So they have plenty of time getting 3 gens done even if they search chests and cleanse totem at the same time.

    It's funny how everything killer have is judged by the best possible circumstances; ofc the killer is top tier and the player is super good at the game.
    But anything survivor do or have has to be judged from the perspective of at least half the team being completely ######### and doing nothing towards the goal of the game.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @DocOctober said:

    @Acromio said:

    @DocOctober said:
    All I have to say about Tyde is that he can eff himself with the Doctor's Stick for the comment related to the Doctor's Hallowed Blight cosmetic.

    Tyde knows a lot, but he's utterly ignorant in some regards, mainly in how strong Killers are. He's a noob Doctor, yet convinced that he knows how to play him.

    The Doctor has no way to travel the map faster, no way to down survivors faster, and no way to deal with looping. He's just a M1 killer with a ginormus terror radius, that can track survivors easily, but can't do anything during a chase, and is ez pz countered just by knowing how he and the game work.
    It's as simple as that. If Freddy and the Spirit didn't exist, the Doctor would be the worst killer in the game.

    Well would you look at that, another ignorant.

    Can't play the Doc? Git gud.

    Guess I cant expect any footage from you since you ignore me. Classic

    That is for devs to blame.
    Idea of hooks and camping is something they can't deal with properly.
    BT is an attempt to make saves harder but it won't give it to you or high ranks would abuse the hell out of it.

  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    edited October 2018
    While I agree with some of Tyde's opinions, I think he is the worst and most toxic DbD youtuber out there. He makes some good points, but when he goes to "prove" his points he does it with such exaggeration that it makes his points look invalid (his video on playing how a survivor wants a killer to play). Then he essentially says that these are facts not opinions. It ends up making him look wrong and childish. When he plays survivor to prove his point, he plays like the most toxic survivor ever (to emulate how some survivors play) and it really is distasteful. 
    If you want good youtubers with valid points AND don't sound like a religious preacher, watch Panda or Tru3, they're both a lot more reasonable. If you don't like them, look for channels that are less toxic than Tyde's. Remember when he quit DbD for Deathgarden (because he wouldn't come back to DbD until it was fixed) then came back because he needed views? The game died, yes, but damn dude, stick to your guns.
    Post edited by jmaximo93 on
  • shootaman777
    shootaman777 Member Posts: 138

    Now, while what TydeTyme says makes a good bit of sense, there are a few aspects of his argument that I'd say could use a bit of revisiting.

    First, this game is too far gone from the point where his arguments would be in any way relevant. The devs made a decision when working with/under Starbreeze, to balance and market the game towards the casual player. They made this decision for the same reason they decided to throw away the results of the 'which killer do you want us to rework next' poll between the Doctor, Hag, and Wraith and just rework the Doctor - because it appeals to a wider audience and will result in greater profits.
    The devs have done nothing but test how much crap killer players are willing to put up with, then give the appearance of 'trying to balance the game', all the while having survivor buffs and killer nerfs on the backburner (flashlights being able to save during the pickup animation, as well as the Freddy nerf are examples of this). Survivors have been the power role since day one, yes. And the devs don't intend to change that.
    As a result of this, the majority of hardcore players interested in playing a balanced asymmetrical game have quit Dead By Daylight. They realised that the devs do not and have never intended to cater to them, and jumped ship knowing that they'd been abandoned. The majority of the fans of the genre were hardcore players, and now that they're gone, trying to turn this game into the horror/slasher experience that it was originally supposed to be would be worthless, because there'd be none of them around to enjoy it.
    Now that we're left with nothing but the casual players and have lost the majority of hardcore players that were actually interested in Dead By Daylight (as the dev diaries described it), balancing the game would kill its entire population of casuals. As TydeTyme said, 'this is a party game'. Yes, and the killer is the pinata by design.
    If the devs' reaction to Marth88's experiment, their "we already knew this, you didn't prove anything and just ruined a bunch of peoples' days for no reason" wasn't enough to convince someone of this, then try going through either this forum or the Steam forums, and looking for mentions of a strike of any sort, post-killer strike. You won't find any, because the mods have been instructed by the devs to stealthily delete them. And these posts don't violate anything in the rules of either forum, too. But apparently killer players incorporating complaint into their reasoning in an attempt to get survivors nerfed (since all survivor players need to do to get killers nerfed is to complain) isn't allowed. Only survivor players are allowed to complain.

    Second, Self-Care increases the healing efficiency and speed of survivors (which is a response to his passing comment about Self-Care). Since I'd assume you've read the OP of my Self-Care thread (since you've commented on it several times), @Wolf74, I'd assume that you know what I'm trying to say here. Also, are you Sturmwolf from the Steam forums? I'm not sure, but had to ask either way. For those of you who don't know what I'm referencing, here's a TL;DR of how that thread is relevant to this point -
    "Self-Care heals at 50% speed, so it takes 2x time to heal; 20 seconds as opposed to 10.
    So, Self-Care'ing a single survivor takes the same time that it would take for 2 survivors to heal each other in one spot, to heal a single survivor. And supposedly, that's why it's balanced, because of the healing speed reduction.
    Well, if that's the case, then wouldn't 2 survivors Self-Care'ing simultaneously also take 20 seconds for them both to be healed?
    Meaning that the supposed downside of Self-Care, the slower healing speed, is not actually a downside (since the Self-Care and regular healing times are the exact same).
    Because on top of not being bound to a fellow survivor/having to search for a fellow survivor/both survivors stuck in the same location during the heals, at least one of the two Self-Care users is completely safe from the killer during this healing, since it is physically impossible for the killer to be in multiple places at the same time.
    And now, if we consider that 3 or 4 survivors are injured, the same holds true as above (in terms of inconveniences and lack thereof of the context of SC vs not having SC), and the normal 40 seconds of healing time for each survivor to heal the other, gets reduced to 20 seconds if they all simultaneously heal with Self-Care, twice as fast.
    So, Self-Care is actually a universal buff to healing speed and efficiency."
    Now, while the numbers are slightly off (base healing time is not 10 seconds as I thought it was, but 12), the ratios are aligned so that this math will always result in proportionally increased values to the point where the conclusion remains the same.

    @jmaximo93 said:
    While I agree with some of Tyde's opinions, I think he is the worst and most toxic DbD youtuber out there. He makes some good points, but when he goes to "prove" his points he does it with such exaggeration that it makes his points look invalid (his video on playing how a survivor wants a killer to play). Then he essentially says that these are facts not opinions. It ends up making him look wrong and childish. When he plays survivor to prove his point, he plays like the most toxic survivor ever (to emulate how some survivors play) and it really is distasteful. 

    The thing is, how TydeTyme played in that video (how survivors want the killer to play), is how many survivors believe that a killer should play. The pages upon pages of salt on my Steam profile, as well as what shows up in post-match chat are a decent indication of this. Additionally, I've recently been playing with a survivor streamer who truly believes that 'there is never an excuse to camp because it's just not fun', and that killer players who camp are 'pieces of #########'. When they die in a match, they'll accuse the killer of 'camping and tunnelling' when they died on their third hook when no camping occurred, and there had been 2-4+ hookings of other survivors in between their 3 hookings that led to their death. Word for word, this is what they do and have said that they think.
    When he's correct, in that this is EXACTLY the way that many survivors want killers to play, it's not his opinion - it's fact. It's sad that what seems like an exaggeration, is the truth.

    How is that kind of gameplay (how survivors can play when not holding back) 'distasteful' or 'toxic'? It's playing within the rules of the game, and isn't it respectful to an opponent to not hold back since holding back would belittle his opponent? Ironically, it's how survivors have been playing for years (before the better ones got bored of always winning at survivor, then either quit DbD outright or played killer then quit DbD), yet looping/timewasting/hook swarming have not been considered toxic by survivors in the past.

    Eh, just a couple of thoughts on the subject.

  • jmaximo93
    jmaximo93 Member Posts: 122
    I don't know how to reduce the size of a quote so this is a reply to the comment above me. All Marth88 did was prove that having very skilled players in SWF is broken as hell. Everyone already knows that. I would love to see him do this experiment in solo survivor.
    With the Tyde video I mentioned, how can you not see that he was saturating to make his point? His tone, his mannerisms, and his gameplay all showed that he didn't actually want to make a video on how to play killer fairly. He played in a way that extreme, horribly toxic survivors want killers to play. Again, you can watch other streamers like Panda or Tru3 and you'll see what a fair killer playstyle looks like. I don't think tunneling is wrong in many situations and go ahead and face camp SWF but when it comes to solo play, people like me get grouped into the entire survivor pool. Tyde never mentions solo survivors because he isn't really looking for solutions, he's just complaining to appeal to his crowd.
    There are a crap ton of toxic survivors like there are toxic killers. I've had matches where the killer hooks me then just keeps hitting me and face camps. You don't consider that toxic? Both sides do things that the other side thinks is unfair, so dont just blame survivors. If face camping isn't considered unfair to Tyde, then he shouldn't complain about pallet loops because both are just strategies.
    On the point about how Tyde shouldn't hold back when being survivor, I think you missed the point. I'm not saying it's wrong of him to loop or gen rush, I'm saying that he then proceeds to tbag, flashlight the killers at the exit gate, and stall games. He has to do gens and live, but being a jerk to killers to "prove a point" makes him just as bad as the survivors that he's complaining about. It's like if he says he has a problem with people stealing so he steals from someone to show people how bad stealing is. He's still stealing...
  • shootaman777
    shootaman777 Member Posts: 138
    edited October 2018

    @jmaximo93 said:
    I don't know how to reduce the size of a quote so this is a reply to the comment above me. All Marth88 did was prove that having very skilled players in SWF is broken as hell. Everyone already knows that. I would love to see him do this experiment in solo survivor.
    With the Tyde video I mentioned, how can you not see that he was saturating to make his point? His tone, his mannerisms, and his gameplay all showed that he didn't actually want to make a video on how to play killer fairly. He played in a way that extreme, horribly toxic survivors want killers to play. Again, you can watch other streamers like Panda or Tru3 and you'll see what a fair killer playstyle looks like. I don't think tunneling is wrong in many situations and go ahead and face camp SWF but when it comes to solo play, people like me get grouped into the entire survivor pool. Tyde never mentions solo survivors because he isn't really looking for solutions, he's just complaining to appeal to his crowd.
    There are a crap ton of toxic survivors like there are toxic killers. I've had matches where the killer hooks me then just keeps hitting me and face camps. You don't consider that toxic? Both sides do things that the other side thinks is unfair, so dont just blame survivors. If face camping isn't considered unfair to Tyde, then he shouldn't complain about pallet loops because both are just strategies.
    On the point about how Tyde shouldn't hold back when being survivor, I think you missed the point. I'm not saying it's wrong of him to loop or gen rush, I'm saying that he then proceeds to tbag, flashlight the killers at the exit gate, and stall games. He has to do gens and live, but being a jerk to killers to "prove a point" makes him just as bad as the survivors that he's complaining about. It's like if he says he has a problem with people stealing so he steals from someone to show people how bad stealing is. He's still stealing...

    By 'doing the experiment as solo survivor', are we talking about playing exclusively for the hatch?

    That depends on your definition of 'fairly'. When I play killer, survivors either rage at me and tell me (in between telling me to kill myself) that they want me to play in the way TydeTyme played, say gg, or say nothing. That's pretty much what it boils down to. A 'gg' or saying nothing doesn't tell me much about anything, but the directed salt sure does. Again, if you're wondering what I'm talking about, check out the 32 pages of salt on my profile (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045252862/).
    You say that he was exaggerating to make a point, but the salt that has been sent my way and the amount of survivors who thought they could tell me how to play killer better than I was already playing killer when I had just 4k'd in our match, is no exaggeration. The people who REEEEEEEEEE at the slightest thought of camping/tunnelling even if it's not actually camping or tunneling, do exist and in significant numbers. That significant amount of people would say that how he played in that game, is EXACTLY how killer players should play.

    Back in my day, soloqueue survivors played as well as what you now would call a 'troll SWF'. They were as coordinated and skilled, without needing voice comms. They followed a 'code', after all. And back in that day, SWF was even more powerful, to the point where queues were usually 30 minutes long at a minimum for 3-4 SWF parties because of being dodged over and over (because only people who didn't know what they were in for would play against them). The quality of survivor players has declined significantly since then, but the potential of survivors has not. As such, playing against every set of survivors as if they're the best set of survivors, is the only way to go about combating them. If that entails camping/tunnelling, regardless of SWF/solo, then that's what it entails. There is no fair/unfair to SWF/non-SWF. Soloqueue survivors are just as powerful as SWF but it takes some degree of skill to close the gap, whereas voice comm SWF is easymode.

    I'm not going to attack or defend TydeTyme's gameplay, because I don't watch it. I'm commenting on this subject having seen just the video in the OP of this thread and the 'how survivors want killers to play' video.

    Now, here's where you're dead wrong in your perception of 'toxicity'. Since you're obviously not a longstanding veteran player or member of the forums, there's no way you could've known about this, so I'm not going to blame you for not knowing it. It's been a very long time since I read Alrec Balrin's post on the subject and I don't remember it verbatim, so I'll try to paraphrase it and hope that it doesn't turn out too terribly:
    Throughout the game's history, survivors have almost always received what they explicitly wanted. You need look no farther than Freddy's nerf, the Shape's nerf, moris' nerf, bloodlust's nerf, removal of 3 o'clock skill checks, Hex: TotH, Shadowborn's nerf, NoED's nerf, PWYF's nerf, UR/STBFL's gutting, IG's nerf, Nurse's nerfs, Huntress' Iridescent Head nerfs, SWF's creation, pallet stuns happening at the beginning of the pallet drop, the SC/SB/DS nerfs that have yet to in any way decrease their usefulness, facecamping's removal, hook time increases, etc. The devs confirmed that looping was an exploit due to a combination of collision and movement mechanics that effectively decrease the killer's movement speed in a chase, but in the same breath declared that survivors will not be punished for using it nor will it be removed from the game. And, continuing the same breath, facecamping (a killer exploit that abused movement and collision mechanics) was then announced to be scheduled to be removed from the game, which happened soon after. Facecamping is dead, if you hadn't realised that, by the way. I'm responding to your "If face camping isn't considered unfair to Tyde..."

    If survivor players complained about something on the forums long enough, then the devs did something about it, usually what the survivor players were requesting that the devs do about it.

    <If you're looking for more examples, I suggest taking a look at: https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/0/1621724915795099897/. The survivors' list is linked to it, in case you're considering it to be a one-sided item.>

    I don't know what happened to the formatting up here^, but I can say for sure that it's not intended.

    That's why when people imply things like 'if it's in the game, it's perfectly acceptable and it's balanced according to the devs', it just grinds my gears.
    -Camping is a killer's dev-intended and only non-Nurse resort to ensure a minimum of a single kill against competent survivors (where if the devs were to remove it, they would see a near 100% decline in their killer player population because playing killer would be mechanically unwinnable against even half-decent survivors).
    -Looping is an non-dev-intended but dev-confirmed-exploit that survivors lobbied to keep in the game and not be punished for, and that is the only reason why it still exists in the game and they are not punished for it.

    How you can compare the two and say that 'if one is 'toxic', then the other is, too', is beyond me. As I've already explained, they're not both 'valid strategies', since one of them is a dev-confirmed exploit (looping), and the other is a dev-intended game mechanic (camping).

    Personally, I consider no in-game tactic 'toxic'. 'Unbalanced' and 'toxic' are two separate things, after all. 'Toxic' is an adjective that I use to describe players who hurl vitriol in the post-game chat or on Steam because they're sore losers, and hackers.

    So, no, I would not consider a killer hooking a survivor and then whacking them over and over again to be toxic. I would call that 'genrush and escape' to the unhooked survivors, and 'entertainment' for the killer and hooked survivor.

    Well, that IS the point. It's one thing to prove that looping and genrushing are broken. That's not hard to prove, and many have proven it to be true before. If you can genrush and loop, and can mess around with the killer and stall the game for as long as you want, and teabag/flashlight in the process (which gives the killer more time to work with in a chase) and get away with it, it points to an even GREATER imbalance than just genrushing/looping.
    Let's say that your set of survivors genrushed the killer and refuses to leave. If they all stay in the map, stalling for as long as possible to the death, that just goes to show how long (on top of how long it took to power the gens and open the exit gates) survivors have of safety from poorly designed/arranged map assets. That also furthers the argument that survivors could do just as well with far fewer map assets designed in their favour, killing two stones with one bird.
    You're comparing apples to oranges. Your example would be valid in a place where police gave a free pass to people who stole even though it is illegal, and if TydeTyme were to be one who was consistently stolen from, but starts stealing and publicising it for all to see as an argument against the police policy. He's not grandstanding to convince the players that there's a problem with looping/genrushing (the reasonable/rational ones already know that) - he's doing it for the devs' benefit, since they don't seem to realise it.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    League is a good example on the rank system and adjustments that can be made.


    Their Division/Tier system is a massive step down from Elo. It's not dynamic, locks players into sets of players of uneven skill, and has busted "Promo Series" that stacks you with players outside of your skill brackets by huge margins.

    The system is broken and exploitable to the highest degrees. I used to boost accounts for years in that game, so people could get the end of season rewards.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @shootaman777 said:

    Second, Self-Care increases the healing efficiency and speed of survivors (which is a response to his passing comment about Self-Care). Since I'd assume you've read the OP of my Self-Care thread (since you've commented on it several times), @Wolf74, I'd assume that you know what I'm trying to say here. Also, are you Sturmwolf from the Steam forums? I'm not sure, but had to ask either way. For those of you who don't know what I'm referencing, here's a TL;DR of how that thread is relevant to this point -
    "Self-Care heals at 50% speed, so it takes 2x time to heal; 20 seconds as opposed to 10.
    So, Self-Care'ing a single survivor takes the same time that it would take for 2 survivors to heal each other in one spot, to heal a single survivor. And supposedly, that's why it's balanced, because of the healing speed reduction.
    Well, if that's the case, then wouldn't 2 survivors Self-Care'ing simultaneously also take 20 seconds for them both to be healed?
    Meaning that the supposed downside of Self-Care, the slower healing speed, is not actually a downside (since the Self-Care and regular healing times are the exact same).
    Because on top of not being bound to a fellow survivor/having to search for a fellow survivor/both survivors stuck in the same location during the heals, at least one of the two Self-Care users is completely safe from the killer during this healing, since it is physically impossible for the killer to be in multiple places at the same time.
    And now, if we consider that 3 or 4 survivors are injured, the same holds true as above (in terms of inconveniences and lack thereof of the context of SC vs not having SC), and the normal 40 seconds of healing time for each survivor to heal the other, gets reduced to 20 seconds if they all simultaneously heal with Self-Care, twice as fast.
    So, Self-Care is actually a universal buff to healing speed and efficiency."
    Now, while the numbers are slightly off (base healing time is not 10 seconds as I thought it was, but 12), the ratios are aligned so that this math will always result in proportionally increased values to the point where the conclusion remains the same.

    Just yesterday I ran again into the "Self Care benefits the killer"-debate.
    This meme is still going, even after it has been debunked multiple times, just by doing the calculations you made above.
    When I said there are only killer perks than have build in mechanics to benefit the survivor, like MYC is encouraging the killer to give unhooks and chase the rescuer instead of the rescued, I got the answer that I am wrong and one example of killer benefiting survivor perks was frickin SELF CARE.
    And the guy seemed to truely believe that!

    Right now the troupe is comming up again that "survivor get nerfed every patch" and "killer always get what they want".

    (And yes, it's the same wolf.)

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Eninya said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    League is a good example on the rank system and adjustments that can be made.


    Their Division/Tier system is a massive step down from Elo. It's not dynamic, locks players into sets of players of uneven skill, and has busted "Promo Series" that stacks you with players outside of your skill brackets by huge margins.

    The system is broken and exploitable to the highest degrees. I used to boost accounts for years in that game, so people could get the end of season rewards.

    Leauges system - even though I dont like it tbh - is a lot better than the "ranked" system we have in DBD

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    The main problem with Dead by Daylight is that the game lacks a definitive identity. It tries to do too much and so it fails in nearly every area.

    Competitive vs. Casual

    This is an issue that is one of the more dividing issues among the community. If Dead by Daylight is competitive, then the balance should trickle down from rank one and killers need to be rewarded for kills above everything else. Survivors will need tweaks so that they will HAVE to work together to escape the trial. The match results will need to be specific and direct. If a survivor escapes, they win regardless of their allies. If three or more survivors are killed (or they disconnect) then the killer wins.

    If Dead by Daylight is casual, then the rank system needs to be abolished to shorten queue and let games be random and casual. In this case, the game should reward both sides for participating above all else. In this occurrence, I believe that the killers would deserve a base FOV boost just to make the game more enjoyable. Instead of emblems meaning anything for rank, they would just remain to boost the Devotion levels.

    Survivor vs. Killer

    I understand that survivors want to be powerful, but when you sign up to play an asymmetrical game if you have more people than the other side, then you should mechanically be weaker in every way. I understand that some survivors want to be the hero. Some survivors want to have Borrowed Time, Self-Care, Decisive Strike, and Sprint Burst and want to be the heroic protagonist that escapes the killer. However, the independence this can grant is frankly unacceptable for one reason: everyone can do it. If only one survivor per match could use this set of perks per game then I suppose it'd be alright. However, since there is no restriction in this regard it allows for a full team of "heroes" to square off against the killer. That's not balanced, that is the definition of overpowered.

    Killers are self-explanatory, make them a threat while not making them too absurd. I'd personally add the ability to Mori after the second unhook, but that's just me.

    As a side note, we need to cut this "us vs. them" crap. I get it, we're opponents in an online game. However, a good number of us play both sides. So as a tip for the future, "be excellent to each other". If you play like a toxic jerk as a survivor and later get into a survivor lobby with a bunch of killers you harassed you're gonna be in a rough spot. Also, quit the bloody farming. Otherwise, you'll just make more people hate you.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    He forgot to mention 1 thing swf advantage.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @HellDescent said:
    He forgot to mention 1 thing swf advantage.

    Probably didnt want to upset his survivor watchers and lose them to other channels

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Eninya said:

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    League is a good example on the rank system and adjustments that can be made.


    Their Division/Tier system is a massive step down from Elo. It's not dynamic, locks players into sets of players of uneven skill, and has busted "Promo Series" that stacks you with players outside of your skill brackets by huge margins.

    The system is broken and exploitable to the highest degrees. I used to boost accounts for years in that game, so people could get the end of season rewards.

    Leauges system - even though I dont like it tbh - is a lot better than the "ranked" system we have in DBD

    We don't even have a system for DbD because you practically "rank up" automatically if you're putting in any semblance of effort under Emblem. Picking one of the worst ones out there to be your ideal system is a bad idea, since LoL will never reward you for the amount of effort and skill you invest. It's a matter of manipulating the meta of the brackets, and--voila!--you're raking in your end-of-season rewards without really being astronomically better than the opponents you stepped on to get to them.

    For killers, the victory metric of killing survivors was better, since Emblem is a band-aid that rewards you for good gameplay... if said good gameplay was actually the optimal way to play. It only got 'better' for survivors, in that you couldn't rank up by just being that one jackass to sandbag-unhook everyone for huge points anymore.

    To reiterate, though, none of it matters because rank doesn't matter in the slightest.

  • knoblin
    knoblin Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2018

    @Acromio said:

    @DocOctober said:
    All I have to say about Tyde is that he can eff himself with the Doctor's Stick for the comment related to the Doctor's Hallowed Blight cosmetic.

    Tyde knows a lot, but he's utterly ignorant in some regards, mainly in how strong Killers are. He's a noob Doctor, yet convinced that he knows how to play him.

    The Doctor has no way to travel the map faster, no way to down survivors faster, and no way to deal with looping. He's just a M1 killer with a ginormus terror radius, that can track survivors easily, but can't do anything during a chase, and is ez pz countered just by knowing how he and the game work.
    It's as simple as that. If Freddy and the Spirit didn't exist, the Doctor would be the worst killer in the game.

    Lol wut. Spirit is in the middle and is in no way a low tier killer. Doctor is mid tier also, but isn't close to the bottom. Doctor can quickly initiate a chase due to tracking, and can use his ability to cut loops shorter, with precise timing. IMO, it goes something like:

    • Nurse
    • Billy
    • Hag
    • Huntress
    • Clown
    • Myers
    • Spirit
    • Pig
    • Doctor
    • Wraith
    • Leatherface
    • Trapper
    • Freddy
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737


  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
