A small DS buff



  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i think 60 seconds is enough to go down to a tunneler. all i would change is maybe increase the stun duration to 6 or 7 seconds cuz it clearly isnt long enough to make the killer lose you. not to mention that the getting off the killers shoulder already eats up a solid second or two

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    What's the point of the perk, then? At this point, the best use of DS is ensuring that you make it out at the end. DS got nerfed to hell to bring it in line as the anti-tunnel perk it was proclaimed to be by the community, and yet it isn't even good at that tbh- if a killer is hell bent on tunneling you, DS doesn't do anything than set them back around 10s (or even less- Spirit, Blight, Nurse, etc., kind of especially don't care about DS because they can very, very quickly catch up by following scratch marks)


    In my personal opinion, if they want DS to be this anti-tunnel perk, then they should consider actually making it an anti-tunnel perk, rather than this "Spirit downed and picked me up 10 seconds after my unhook, ok great I hit her with DS now just let me run away for a few more seconds until she catches up with me again anyways and downs me again, all within less than a minute". I think DS would be fine with the very heavy nerf it received if they added a couple of seconds of no scratch marks, because honestly? At this point, it really isn't doing that good of a job at getting "actually tunneling" killers to leave you alone.

    I think that if you had those 4s of running away+3s of no scratch marks, DS would actually do its job of discouraging killers from tunneling survivors, without it being broken.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    thats not a "small" buff that'd be a pretty big buff

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    I agree with the second half, perhaps it could be a type of “off the record” perk