The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
Mandy. I have been experiencing fps drop when a survivor is being unhooked (while playing trickster, pinhead and blight) I've been also experiencing consistent fps drop from lithe and some frame drop while playing killer and maybe survivor.
I will try to post on this thread if I find more fps problem in the future and will keep and eye open on what causing it.
hope this help in fixing the issue's
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Played around 10 matches in a row, no big issues overall but they still happen, usually stutters when surv perform actions such as vaulting or using deadhard, not always but it happened during 3 of thoses games at most.
Also i had a very weird Glitch where i was at constant 200 ping and higher up until i restarted the game, i have no idea what caused it but it was very annoying.
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Thank you, as much information as we can provide helps so much <3
I do appreciate everyone on this thread for first of all being civil cos I know how frustrating this is, and for giving me as much information as possible <3
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As a sidenote because I haven't seen it mentioned:
Any of Wraith's add-ons that apply a status effect can cause some horrendous freezing.
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Is that what it is with Wraith? I thought it was the glowy cosmetic. It's been a bad time playing against him, so many freezes.
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I know there is a new patch out but as there doesn't seem to be any fixes for these I figure I would upload some stuff I saved over the last couple of days as it should still be relevant; I hope it helps and isn't too much.
This one seems to show a freeze when the exit gates were powered on.
I'm not sure what happened here as the rest of the game before and after was alright but 3 issues together.
I couldn't hook Leon, the animation was me spamming the button to hook.
A freeze as Pinhead portal camera goes through an unhook.
Freezing as killer hits a flashlighting survivor.
And this is a full game with 11 good examples of freezing\FPS drops throughout, and I have timestamped the description for each.
I figure the game might be useful someway as some of the actions only cause the issue on some occasions and not others.
00:00 Match start
00:50 Pallet break
01:30 Zombie infect
02:05 Vaccine (small freeze)
04:30 First hook
07:30 Whip infect (small freeze)
09:05 Wall break (small freeze)
12:50 Dead Hard
13:00 Exit gates powered
13:20 Pallet break (small freeze)
13:35 Hook (small freeze)
Using a standard base PS4 btw <3
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So much longer
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Has anyone else experienced fps drops in Dead Dawg Saloon?
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Some here and there, hard to tell if it's the map or just console DBD being itself.
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As a game on PC, I experienced fps drops 2 times on that map playing both sides, but then I did not suffer anything else so I think it is about the map or this update again broke something else.
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I haven't had it since it was disabled but before it was I was getting terrible performance issues on it.
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Hey Mandy, I usually dont quote or name you guys because I know you are busy folks.
I know devs are probably aware of some killer powers causing freezes too, but I am wondering is it known that Myers freezes when poping tier 3 (most of the time) ?
It is my favorite killer and I am unable to play him for a while now because of that issue. It is very important to down survivors immediately after poping it. But when you freeze behind them and they get to the pallet or window because you couldn't move, it is very frustrating and ruins everything :(.
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As it relates to Wraith, most run "all seeing" and each time I lose a stack of my Distortion there's a half second freeze. I too though it was cosmetic-related but maybe not.
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Okay, I've played some matches (about 10-15 games) after I got done with the rdr2 gamepass and the new patch with the new killer.
I have to say, the game runs way smoother for me then before the Pinhead patch. I get way less stutters at this moment. The occasional Bloodlust or Sloppy lag, but not the stutters out of nowhere when nothing is happening.
I have to say, taking a break from this game to wait for this patch, was worth it. I really, really hope they can keep this up. The game is more enjoyable for me now on console. So for once I want to give a positive note haha, I sincerely hope the devs can make the game run better from now on since they performance increased for me on the ps4.
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Agreed! The game runs sooo much better now! Definitely more enjoyable. I also play on an original Xbox One, haha.
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This one is known, I've seen it brought up in discussions.
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I actually think that's a general issue with the status effects, it seems to be all types of status effects from the videos I've seen, even things like Prove Thyself being active on the Survivor side etc.
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Thanks a lot. I am glad devs are aware. I hope it gets fixed like dh did in the future.
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A played a game on the road map against a plague and whenever there was more then one survivor on my screen (me included) my frame rate drop heavily. It nearly look like a slideshow.
I've played it a couple of time and it haven't drop any frame even if there were multiple of survivor on the screen.
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Killer powers definitely affect it even when playing survivor; falling asleep against Freddy and whenever Demo goes into a portal for example cause long freezes for me playing survivor on base PS4.
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Ormond and RCPD are still almost unplayable as killer on PS4. All hitches which were fixed on the last update (Dead Hard, unhooking, healing) still remain on those maps.
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Really? I didn't notice it with dh.
Also I don't think they fixed unhooking freezes, it is still happening a lot in my games no matter the role.
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Hello, is anyone experiencing a synchronization error (Error 111) while spending bloodpoints? Sometimes, after 10 or 15 levels, my game doesn't save well and I'm getting kicked to the opening screen.
It is just me? I already made a ticket to the support but I wanna know if it is just me or this is happening to others (my platform is PS4).
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Haven't encountered it myself yet.
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Apparently Xbox has got patch 5.2.2 hotfix early; does anyone know what it changes?
Hoping for any performance fixes as always.
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Well, it stops us from playing with other people.
So there's that.
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Just played a match on RCPD that had like 15 FPS. They really need to split that map in half, not just for gameplay, but it runs terribly right now.
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Was looking at Update History for patch notes on recent patch on my ps4 and saw this one about fixing overheating. Not sure why this wasn't included in patch notes on social media when a PC only one was but for you PS4 players it's good to know. See if also maybe helps with performance?
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What's IIS?
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Good question, I really just focused on the fixed overheating. @MandyTalk could you let us know what exactly IIS is in this patch note on PS4?
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RCPD hits my performance even on PC, the game gets very stuttery whenever I'm in the center of the map.
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Last gen PS4 and last gen Xbox are not weak systems by any means, most PC players still don't have systems that I don't understand what gives in this situation....
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PS4 fans are still ridiculously loud in menus/lobbies/archives so whatever that overheat fix was it didn't help the fan situation.
Today had a match as survivor on that map. Sloppy freezes are bad but that map is one where they feel even worse. Following match on Hawkins the Sloppy freezes weren't as hard as they were on RCPD. On Hawkins the freeze happened when I was hit, on RCPD the freeze started before I was even hit and felt like it lasted longer.
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I just searched for it and it seems to be something related to the internet, but it would be nice for a mod to confirm.
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So nothing really fixed in this update?
I was really hyped when they improved dead hard and was hoping they will follow in next updates like they said they will. We had like two already (right?) with nothing impactful.
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I'm guessing fixes like those will be saved for the chapter/mid-chapter patches.
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It looks like IIS means "splash screen"
Which is really weird that this note is included in today's patch because the splash screen seemed to stop overheating the PS4 with its red-hued update in the Cenobite Chapter release.
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Maybe they forgot to include it on the chapter release patchnotes? Or does IIS stand for something else and in the 3.2.2 patch it was whatever IIS is for the splash screen which is why they specified? Like if they specified fixing something with UI in your lobby v UI in game, they could say HUD (lobby).
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Maybe it's the "searching for a match" screen? I remember that one really hurting the PS4 fans.
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That one still has my fans going crazy. Main menu, the survivor/killer lobbies when you search for a match, pre-game lobby, and archives all are still the worst for ps4 fans. If the fix was for one of those I don't think it worked.
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Welp, @MandyTalk can you help us on what this IIS means?
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We have a fog whisperer tweeting about experiencing performance issues on PC. I know they've said they're working on fixing performance issues but here's hoping they're moved up further on priority if it's hurting fog whisperer experience.
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Iirc, they also made light of Console issues in one of their boycott discussion videos, but I could be mistaken. Even if I'm not, people are allowed to change their opinions.
Regardless, it's unfortunate they are having issues and it further lends credence to the theory that this isn't a hardware issue.
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She made two videos on it but the first one wasn't well received because of the way she reacted to it.
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I watched both of them at the time and just rewatched. Nothing about console in first. In second she says how game feels bad on pc and on console is terrible, while no personal experience on console she's heard from her community how it was on console. During this she did mention that apparently in comments of first video there was a disconnect she didn't know where it came from so maybe that is where you heard she belittled console?
Rewatching her second video she mentions that she has brought up stutters/freezes to bhvr. Now she's tweeting about performance issues it will hit larger audience with that especially since it takes 2 seconds to read the tweet over waiting 25 minutes of a 38 minute video to hear her talk about performance issues. Also with direct link to bhvr as fog whisperer as she mentions in the video it's interesting she's reaching out on Twitter for help now for any fixes people may have.
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BHVR doesn't have a great record of listening to Fog Whisperers
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I'm worried the Spirit changes are going to hurt performance. The dust makes me think of how the fog already hits performance. The new add-on where she explodes to block vaults I feel like it will cause freezes. 😬
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Just a random thought, but why are there no Fog Whisperers from console? I know some console streamers like One_Stalky_Boi get way more viewers than some Fog Whisperers out there and they'd help a ton on exposing console problems. Idk if the program is exclusive to PC, never bothered to read it.