The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
Had recently made the decision to turn crossplay off. Xbox players dealing with lag spikes for every hit, unhook, hook, gen pop, exhaustion perk (namely lithe) while survivors on pc don’t have to? THAT is what is so unfair. Being denied hits, having chases go on for much longer than necessary if I didn’t get that one lag spike that allowed the survivor to vault that window when I otherwise would have been able to input into my controller would’ve ended the chase!
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Appreciate your continued efforts with our concerns, it is much valued. Few things infuriate and fustrate more than believing we are not heard.
Thank you! :)
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Got some more clips to share; though after 6 months of sharing clips of the same freezes, I have to wonder if there's a point to all this as the only thing that's changed in all this time is 2 new content drops with a 3rd any day now.
The above survivor clip shows both the severe freeze when kicking a pumpkin, and shortly after the freeze when someone is unhooked the other side of the map.
The above survivor clip shows a severe freeze around the killer hitting me, but I am not sure of the cause as I forgot to wait at the end to check the killers perks. It could be a pumpkin, there are freezes like this often where its just hard to tell the possible causes though its very frustrating.
The above killer clip shows multiple various freezes when playing as Nemesis including:
- Hooking
- Breaking a pallet with Nemesis power the first time
- Unhooking
- Vaccine being used
- Unknown freeze, maybe related to the Nea who healed but could be a pumpkin or anything really
These were all much worse in game but the recording seems to make some look less noticeable.
Hope this helps and please tell me if there's anything else I can do to help get some significant improvements in the next update; I'd really like to enjoy the new content with everyone else <3
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@MandyTalk here is the sorry state that Nemesis is right now. Every killer has been suffering from slutters lately but this one is the worst of them all.
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I'm still not sure how this happened again.
They figured out what it is obviously since the game was improving a lot, and things were getting fixed.
I'm baffled.
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Because they probably don't test their changes enough on their dev consoles. Otherwise they would have seen that the game was beginning to crumble again.
I sometimes think they just load the patch into their dev consoles, start it up, "yes, it works", and then shut it down again. And then act surprised when console players find out that the game is just becoming worse again.
Obviously this isn't true (I hope haha), but if they tested more or let other people test it more, they would have seen this issue.
Maybe it's time we, as console players, demand compensation every time the game is becoming unplayable. Like 9000 shards to buy one character as a we're sorry gesture. And some BP as well on top of that.
Wishful thinking of course, but how long is this going on now...
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On PS4, frame drops and sound stutter very often happening now. After numerous patches, these problem still exists
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it's so sad..
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I honestly think all their testing is taken up with the new content that’s constantly added and they can’t spare the time or staff to properly investigate these older issues.
It just seems like a matter of time until it all falls apart, piling new issues on top of unresolved older problems.
Things were already bad enough back in 2019 that they finally placate us with news of the Road to 60fps; but things have only gotten worse since then not better.
How long before we’re told ‘for the best experience upgrade’? How much worse can it get?
What if it gets so bad it’s removed from the stores like Cyberpunk?
Its super worrying to love this game but to be stuck playing a version that just feels neglected and an afterthought.
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exactly, only interactable when you have selected them
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Here's hoping VHS picks up and either DBD is forced to get its ######### together or console just has something else other than this sorry excuse
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Hackers are still a problem months after they started being a problem.
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Yeah VHS might be some serious competition for DBD.
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i would also say might be the death of dbd cosidering their action and how badly they do every patch with only a bunch a good thing they've done which still doesn't compare with how bad their decision are when changing a perk, killer, map and the core machenic of the game. The balancing doesn't shake the meta and they are so slow at making changes and their optimization is the worst and bizarre. How can you make it worse by trying to make it better? Makes no sense.
i hope hellbent will do better when it come to vhs.
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I hope it comes out and is really good, if just to encourage some better practices by BHVR.
I don't think any of us really want to see this game fail; just the collection of licenses alone is something I can't see any other game ever achieving.
I just really hope DbD becomes the game its always had the potential to be, I just think it needs some TLC in the right places to secure its future rather than this unsustainable piling on of new content on top of old content that always seems to compound unresolved issues.
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I really really hope they add it to console. I'm so bummed it's currently not heading to console.
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Hi, I've been asked to check some things - has it worsened since 5.3.0 or 5.3.1 - was there any noticeable differences between the patches?
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5.3.1. was definitely the one that made things worse. I posted a Plague match that I had right after the patch.
5.3.0. was okayish. The difference between both was abysmal.
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5.3.0 was when performance started to worsen. Hotfix 5.3.1 it got worse. Hotfix 5.3.2 made it even worse.
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@GrimoireWeiss @bm33 I thought that by the dates on the posts, but I wanted to make sure. Thank you for confirming so quickly.
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Console ports can take a couple thousand to make. Optimization costs even more, most likely.
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Trickster release was also the start of other problems like "an unknown error occured" and you have to restart.
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Thank you for everything; just to have this sort of interaction does wonders for (my) morale, and while I am not putting any expectations on anyone it does renew my hope that things might always improve in one of these patches\hotfixes in the future - which honestly means so much.
It would be a dream come true to be able to get hyped up with everyone as the new content arrives and be there enjoying it along with everyone else <3
There will always be bugs or issues with new content but to make some progress on the optimisation would make a lot of the other problems people experience seem minor (to me at least) in comparison. I can deal with a hell of a lot as long as the foundation is solid and have been there for some of the really rocky launches over the last few years.
I do have some more clips to sort through, hopefully tonight; but if there is anything I can do to help in anyway then please let me know and I'll do whatever I can <3
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This sums it up nicely
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Thank you.
Please keep the clips coming, anything that shows hitches when a perk status happens etc, all those are extremely helpful as it allows me to visually explain the issues as well.
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Playing killer is already miserable enough, but it's been worse lately due to the fact that anytime I start a chase or a survivor unhooks their teammate, it causes my game to freeze for a second or two. And those few seconds can make a big difference in a chase.
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I thought this clip might be notable:
It starts with a smaller freeze on unhook that we've seen before, but theres a big freeze as the other survivor comes to help heal and I noticed it seemed to coincide with the Safe Unhook score event; I wonder if there might be some link?
There is a big freeze at the end too but I'm unsure what the cause could be.
This next clip is a freeze when I get infected by Nemesis:
As I am full health none of my perks are in play here, but I did notice that again around the time of the freeze\hit the Safe Unhook score event is there again.
This is right at the start of the match against Freddy and looks to be caused by a failed skill check to wake up by Meg; I've had to assume some things there but I don't think she would've made it to a clock to wake up another way and don't think there is any other option?
Not sure how useful these last 2 will be but this one just seems to be caused when the survivor is downed by Nemesis:
And this is just another example of the freeze when a different survivor unhooks across the map; I have a few of the unhook ones if any more clips of that are useful, though I don't want to bombard you with clips if they wont be any more help <3
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Just spotted this as you mentioned perks specifically and this match had bare minimal perk variety so may make it easier to identify.
Both are freezes when I get hooked 1st and 2nd time so the only perks that would activate would be BBQ, Pop, and Kindred.
Killer perks: BBQ and Chili, Monitor and Abuse, Pop Goes the Weasel, Brutal Strength - Addons: High Stimulus Electrode and Interview Tape
My perks: Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Kindred
Survivor #1: Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Plunderers Instinct - Common Medkit with Butterfly Tape and Rubber Gloves
Survivor #2: Borrowed Time, Lithe, Iron Will, Spine Chill
Survivor #3 : Borrowed Time, Lithe, Iron Will, Windows of Opportunity
2 BP offerings and the RPD offering were burnt
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The Police Station map seems to bring many of the issues out, just as Nemmy does pretty much on any map. Combine the two and oh boy ya have a great chance to be disconnected from the match. No doubt there's perks that aggravate all of this as well.
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PTB notes are up, and nothing was mentioned about performance on console. I'm extremely worried about what bugs we might get when this goes live.
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Oh goodie! Another ranged killer!
Said no consoler ever...
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The killer has so many visual effects going on too. 😬
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I don't fully understand the part about Spirit's optimization on the patch notes. From my experience she was always one of the few killers that actually played without too many freezes, in fact I almost exclusively player her post-RE chapter. So was fixing things about her really necessary?
I remember someone posting here that DBD seems to load assets for every character during the loading screen. Maybe her specific asset was causing issues and that reflected on every match?
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I’m actually scared to play this update with the current state consoles are in.
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I was thinking of buying something but I am not sure it is worth it if they don't at least get it to the pre last 2 or 3 updates state soon.
I didn't play in like two weeks. Just watching streams to satisfy my cravings.
From your posts guys, it doesn't seem I should play at all atm lol.
I am not up for the re chapter misery again.
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Probably for the best. I think console players continuing to buy killers that don't play well on console doesn't help. Why care if they play well on console or not if people will buy them anyway?
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It is hard even tho I play other games sometimes I want to play dbd too and feel like I can't.
Also stranger things going away soon. Feel like I am forced to buy at least some of that lol. But we definitely shouldn't give them anything unless we have playable game again.
And, what if this happens again? They somewhat fix things and boom back to square 1 little bit later. Wish I could just buy ps5 or switch to pc with my progress :(.
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Prolly going to melt the Switches...
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Last few chapters I've been saying to myself "This'll be the one that finally kills off the proir gen machines..."
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Not gonna lie I fear that could happen in this upcoming chapter.
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Kind of echoing your guys comments with my own thoughts.
First, I worry as theres a lot of fancy effects going on, especially the transparencies.
Second is I wonder how aim reliant she will be; as even Blight\Hillbilly can be really hard to aim on controller because of having to have the sensitivity up so high to not get 360d.
Lastly I'm curious about the Spirit optimisation from the patch notes, as I am also in the same boat that thought the game actually seemed to run a lot better when playing as Spirit than most other killers. I wonder why she was chosen when my anecdotal experience made her one of the killers that impacted performance the least while Nemesis didn't get looked at instead when there are a multitude of severe examples of issues in games where he is present here in this thread. Sure there are very good reasons and I would love to have it explained to me so I can understand the big picture.
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My prediction was that Switch will go first and that will be our warning that our days are numbered, so to speak.
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Devs need to take a break from churning out paid content and have a chapter devoted to quality of life updates and bug fixing
i want to start a solo custom game to practice but no that’s to much to ask for
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As far as Spirit being worked on but Nemmy was not, the only thing that makes sense to me was play pick, where they would choose to toy with her innards as she is played way more often than Nemmy is (one of the big three so to speak).
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Makes sense to use that as a yard stick. My personal guess is we're toast by the end of April, after another chapter comes out and a hot fix or two as well.
But that's just a guess.
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That's never gonna happen.
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Now I'm getting freezes when the "cleanse totem" prompt comes up. It's not happening with the heal and repair gens prompt though.
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That's very odd.
Dull or Hex?
Also, do you have any videos?
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I don't have videos, and I wanna say it's both but it was a dull totem for sure.
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Did the Killer have Undying, by chance?