The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
not sure
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See if you can note if any status effects pop up. We already know there's issues surrounding them.
If not, we can add button prompts to the list of triggers.
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when I play today I'll keep a close eye on the undying part.
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Alright, thank you!
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I had that with kicking pumpkins on maps that increased performance issues like Ormond. I'd get a little freeze before I would get prompt to kick. I wonder if maybe because pumpkins and totems spawn in the same spots if that was causing the freeze for the prompt.
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That's a really good idea. But I bet this will never happen.I am wondering when there will finally be cross progression for the switch.
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Could be? At least the event is over I guess.
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I was kind of hoping performance may feel better now that the event has finished and freezing pumpkins are gone, but guessing from the comments not lol :')
I'll keep an eye out for any issues that could be totem related
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Oof, like an hour after posting this you saw BHVR's news announcement.
I feel your pain, man. I am so sorry, for both our losses. ๐โฐ๏ธ
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Yeah itโs not gotten much better lol.
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Just seen that, it really sucks sorry :(
Hopefully it means there's more focus put into improving the performance in the meantime. <3
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What was the news?
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Hey guys. I played a few surv games after a short break and didn't notice big issues like the ones during the halloween event.
Is it better now without pumpkins and stuff?
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All the other freezes are still there, unhooks are still really bad often; and there seems to be some sort of freeze when moving near even empty totem spawn locations and\or something to with the interaction prompt popping up for stuff like Cleansing or Chest opening.
Someone mentioned it earlier in the thread and while I've managed to get it to happen at times, I can't seem to recreate it consistently so unsure.
TBH its still hard to tell what freeze is caused by what as it can happen so frequently.
I've had a few games against Nemesis since the Halloween event ended and its still absolutely horrible to play against, with freezes happening very consistently throughout the match. I haven't had the strength to subject myself to testing playing as him in a match yet but I imagine its no better than it has been recently, freezing when bringing up the tentacle or using it to break pallets etc; seems heavily based on killer power and how much the map stresses the system.
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I'll play again tommorow and see if I just got lucky or something.
It would be weird if my experience was different.
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I had yesterday another match against spirit. This skin caused FPS problems.
Hitting the skill checks was also horrible. Imagine if I would play on Ormond against such Skin. I would have never a chance to hit a skill check.
All this terrible problems are on my Switch...
Make a quality of live update. I really don't want to know what the next chapter will bring us for performance problems.
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Don't notice many issues tbh. Played few surv and killer games (myers) today.
Played against nemesis, small short freezes ocasionally but nothing gamechanging for me. Maybe because he m1'd a lot and didn't use his power on me personally.
I dunno. It seems playable for me and not that bad as during the halloween. Nowhere near re chapter. Managable short freezes.
I'll update if anything change. I am playing on ps4 pro btw.
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The main issues iโm having are freezes when someone gets unhooked, demo goes through portal, disarming trapperโs traps, and perk prompts when being hit by the killer.
Iโm sure thereโs more I just canโt remember everything.
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Is it worse than before last few updates for you currently?
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A little bit yeah.
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It was pretty bad during the halloween for me but now it is kinda playable. It doesn't mess much with my chases.
I would say it is a little bit worse but not by far than before. And I can still play Myers without freezing when tiering up, issue that they fixed recently. Also dead hard is still working fine for me. No freezes.
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I do notice freezing when I use lithe and it throws me off track, and when playing killer.
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Lets hope they improve it soon.
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I hope so but I have my doubts.
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After playing more games I do sometimes experience considerable stuttering after unhooks that mess me up during chases. Also sloppy is still doing it.
It is not common that it affects me negatively tho.
Still hope they fix this.
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Sometimes my game outright freezes when hookinh someone
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I do notice issues the more I play now. It was not evident immediately since I was on break for like two weeks.
But it is mostly short freezes during unhooks, sloppy, some killer powers etc.
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yea, coompletely, than sometimes I domt even hook them
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That's bad. I wonder what will happen when the new chapter comes out.
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Hopefully not a Binding of Kin again.
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Or Resident Evil.
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Yea that as well.
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Just one clip to update everyone.
Nemesis is back to how he was on release.
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This is pretty much why I refuse to play nemesis.
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My last matches against him was pretty strange. His hit box with tentacles are broken i think. Many times Nemmi slapped a meter near me and I got the hit. My PING is between 35-50
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How to game been? I haven't played it in month and i been wondering how the ddos has been impacting everyone.
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performance issues is getting worse like it was on RE release, and who knows how this game is gonna run starting next Tuesday.
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I hope it does get better for people who are playing the game but i know it might not happen.
Im hoping i am able to get either a pc or a laptop in a month or two as vhs just released it closed beta and i am hoping to join it.
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This is what I dread being repeated. The RE chapter came so very very close to killing off the proir gen machines, but hurt everyone performance-wise across all platforms. Hadn't seen it everywhere like that and so pronounced.
Atm we've sadly drifted back to the level around the patches after RE came out. Feels like progress was made only to slide on back.
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(PS4) For me, the biggest issue are the hooks/unhooks right now. I also get random freezes sometimes, but for me the constant issue is the hooking/unhooking process, there is where my game lags the most.
It also lags at the start of the game if I'm using the perks Lethal Pursuer or Corrupt Intervention.
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Just back to the game for event today. It's my 2nd match with Legion, the most healthy killer to play (less effect):
0:17 hook freeze
0:39 random freeze
1:58 freeze after frenzy off
2:50 hook freeze, weird camera angle
3:05 unhook freeze
4:39 survivor fast vault freeze
5:14 hook freeze
6:13 unhook freeze
6:23 lag spike and frames skip, PS record could not capture it
6:45 i teleported
7:34 hook freeze
7:45 unhook freeze
7:51 freeze in mid chase
8:40 rubber band after breaking pallet
11:47 hook freeze
12:12 hook freeze
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๐ฅบ Wow... Reminds me of my games as legion when I was on ps4 .
To be honest every match I play on ps5 stutters or lags as killer regardless of the killer I play to so for those that think getting an upgrade wil improve things it won't.
I really wish they would really give us console gamers old gen and new improvements to avoid this experience .
Thank you for playing killer while experiencing this respect where is due ๐ท๐
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This has pretty much been my experience as well. It gets annoying because it almost always happens whenever I'm in a chase, causing me to lose the survivor for a moment and giving them even more distance.
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Hi miss you!!!
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Hopped on solo to check out how game is since I haven't played since DDoS started happening. It feels worse. I don't get how it feels worse when there have been no updates during this time. I was getting freezes that were completely turning me around like during the RE chapter. Killer using their power, hooks/unhooks, totems being cleansed/blessed, being on RPD or Ormond... It just felt like it was non-stop bad.
I played 6 matches, 5 were against the same killer. First two I escaped through the hatch, the other 3 they immediately tunneled me out and then got a 4k. I was in a lobby with the killer in under a minute so it seems like I was getting instantly matched with this killer but my teammates were all different each time. I don't get how I could get hatch twice then be first killed 3 times while killer was getting 3-4ks. Hatch would've been null and rest should've dropped my MMR while the killer should've just been going up.
The same killer multiple times mixed with performance feeling horrible just made for a terrible experience. Going back to not playing because I had 0 fun.
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Love you miss you to ๐๐ท just hard at work latley but still here fighting the good fight!
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Yeah console still to this day lags Hella on hooks and unhooks and killers using their power
There's 100s of videos documenting this for years
And still nothing is done love to see it :/
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Console needs extreme help especially in the killer side it runs perfectly ok on survivor on ps5 of course !
But the match making times on survivor are zzz the main reason console killers are struggling plz I beg if your playing survivor just take a moment to respect your killers it truly is muchly needed atm ๐ท๐