Hillbilly C tier according to otz new vid !



  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited April 2021
  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    I dont know what you are trying to prove here,but i didn’t start this post to analyze the pick rate of billy.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    You have to analyze the pick rate of Billy if you're going to claim that nobody's playing Billy anymore because he's just that broken now.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    Like myself,the majority of people here,and many streamers said billy has become very weak and unpleasant to play. The reasons why,are all written in the above posts here perfectly. By the way someone on those forums posted a pic with the pick rates in red ranks so you can see by yourself

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Streamer opinions always make me laugh. Hillbilly C tier? Looks like he was late for the april fool joke.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Again, you don't know that for sure because there's never been an actual review on it. The stats that the devs provide are reflections of the game in 2019 and in 2020 (around Descend Beyond era), so there are plenty of other factors that have changed since then.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    You're one player in a sea of thousands per server network in a sea of hundreds of server networks. Don't be surprised if what you see doesn't reflect the entire game.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited April 2021

    This is know

    but 12 billy since nerf that was what almost a year ago now.

    rarely see any forums pfp of Billy (also a small majority of players) most clips of people playing billy are either sniper which is on the surivor not playing attention or they are getting looped with occasionally flicks.

    So please if theres like a secret billy fan club point me there

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Again. What you see does not reflect killer pick rates. This does a much better job at that:

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    Why not make a poll here on the forum and settle it with facts from here make it about who mains billy then there will be a right and wrong

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    This is almost 5 months out of date and Billy is a basic starter killer so that makes sense why his pick rate is average and his kill rate surivor run in straight lines or very predictably

    This has to be a majority of average ranks because why would pigs killrate be almost the same as freddy

    Because of the skill checks low ranks may struggle with them alot

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited April 2021

    It's the latest statistics we have, and still accounts for the major change that last happened (being the rework). And no, this is red ranks (it clearly says so). Pig players tend to be the more skilled since the more "questionable" killer mains are turned off by how much she's reviled by major streamers. The simple fact is that this is a better reflection of the game than what you or me, in our humanly narrow vision, can detect.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    I play the game for hours every day and have seen maybe THREE Billys since the nerf. It seems to be a pretty common experience. Even without having the larger context, I can tell you that Billy was easily one of the most common killers I faced before he was nerfed. Now it’s pretty much Spirit, Ghostface, Blight or Deathslinger. Billy is simply not worth playing anymore. There are other killers with a comparable or even lower skill ceiling who are far more effective than Billy.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Ugh. copy and pasted the wrong image. Here's the red rank one:

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    I haven't gone against a Ghostface in eons. So now, it's just your word against mine. See the issue?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Plague A? yeah no thanks, Im not going to waste 2 seconds pressing the Play button. But since a streamer says so it must be true.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    No, because my example still stands: he was incredibly common before he was nerfed. The data you showed actually goes against your argument. Billy’s pick rate is lower than many killers, which is especially bad because he is base and killers that you actually have to pay money for have higher pick rates.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Ok this is a bit more of what I expected so few Billy players

    I'm shocked by nurse kill rates

    Idk what to say about the kill rates either there's something im missing when playing him

    Or there are some masochists that are really good at him

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    My example still stands too. So now we're back to square one and we've gotten nowhere.

    My point is that what you and I say doesn't really matter. General statistics matter. The game has changed in many ways since 2019, and all of those complicate the task of determining how much the overheat mechanic affects him. Add-ons change was undeniably a nerf, albeit a deserved one (since the devs are trying to take DBD down the less add-on-dependent road), but it's improper to say, "I see less Billies, Billy is trash now."

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Nurse kill rates hit like a truck, right? It's because a lot of people want to play Nurse (because streamers say she's the best and all), but she's just really hard to play.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    My example stands as strong as yours. I didn't see that many Billies before, I don't see that many Billies now. Back to deadlock.

    Billy isn't that far down, when it comes to average players. He's on the lower end (discounting Blight because he just came out), but not as low as some of the more egregious offenders. And the harder (and pertinent) part is, you can't tack that all onto overheat. He had an add-on change (which is consistent with the trend of making add-ons less consequential), the general balance of the game has shifted (as you can see in the general drop in killer lethality since 2019), and his kill rates are still respectably high. In general, that would mean he's harder to play, but without a cap on skill. Similar case to what happened with Nurse. No more 5-blink chains, but good nurses didn't need 5-blinks to get survivors on their knees.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    Add-ons change,power change,fov and animations change WAS A BIG NERF,and it was UNJUSTIFIED except instasaw. You dont need statistics to see that,but some common sense.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    Read that post :

    GargledFire Posts: 21 April 29

    It really goes to show how little people play and understand Billy's power when you have those saying his new update is because he was balanced for old DBD. Ok, now Billy doesnt have to deal with infinites and pallet vacuum lets destroy his power and all addons because we forgot to add "Does not stack" to his addons.

    Against GOOD survivors Billy is C tier. Being able to get around the map quick so you can M1lly everyone doesn't mean anything. The amount of time and skill required to be able to curve anything consistently is the highest in the game, more than nurse or spirit. And all that practice and time gets thrown out the window because you hit a single invisible pixel on a collision box, and the survivor gets a 5 second head start. Even if you manage to down them, you can't down any of their friends nearby because you will overheat unless you wait 15-30 seconds, allowing the downed survivor to recover 9 times out of 10.

    Billy was balanced, you could escape him if he messed up, and you could mindgame him as well and sidestep. His cooldown alone was long enough for survivors to make it to another loop. Now you get punished for mistakes twice, with cooldown and overheat. Survivors prefer autoaim m1 killers because you can be braindead and still win against them.

    I'm tired of these M1lly mains thinking they have a say in how powerful his power should be when they can't even curve autohaven cars. And for those who think the overheat is the problem, It wouldn't be if his hitboxes worked like they used to. Now you literally SLIDE off survivors you would have snapped to and instadowned. Backrevving M1llys won't notice a difference.

    For those who don't know Billy was nerfed twice, the 4.1 update and the 3.7 update. Both absolutely gutting what made Billy fun to play. Let's nerf huntress basekit because Iri head exists, and then remove iri head. Let's nerf Myers basekit because tombstone exists, and then remove tombstone. I wish half of the people thinking they know what is best for Billy would go and play him pre patch 3.7.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    FoV and animation were hardly nerfs. Add-ons were perfectly justified in the wider context of BHVR wanting to make killers less add-on dependent. Ever since Oni, you can see how add-ons become less and less necessary.

    Of course you need statistics to see the impact of a nerf. Otherwise, you're just guessing at possibilities and you can't quantify how much that's nerfed them.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Well he's literally just repeating what you're saying but with longer sentences, no more elaboration. Doesn't really add much to your point.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    Do you need statistics to see the power limitation and the smaller fov/bugged animations and the useless addons ; NO YOU NEED SOME COMMON SENSE.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Yes, you do need statistics to see. There are too many factors that determine a killer's strength, both inside and outside fo the game (which is a nice way of saying people suck at playing DBD), to just make meaningless surmise based on your own limited information. You are not Einstein. You are not Newton. You are not Voltaire. Even those great thinkers were unable to create perfect models and predictions, and neither can you.

    By the way, yelling doesn't help you get across your point (Unless you're point is looking belligerent).

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    No,in that case you dont need statistics to see the obvious. Hope that helps,i wont waste my time anymore

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited April 2021

    I don't know why I'm surprised that you'd always think your intuition is 100% right, perfect genius brain you, but it makes more sense as we go on.

  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2021

    First off, if you think overheat/addons are Billys only issues now you don't play him at all, or if you do you are a backrevving M1lly. You seem to have this idea there's all these GOOD billies out there who know how to work around the overheat mechanic... Completely dissociated from reality so you can prove some fake point. All the good billys QUIT once again, and those that didn't play him for nostalgia or because they invested thousands of hours into him. Look at Syndicate, look at Ayrun, look at anybody who mained Billy pre patch 3.7 and patch 4.1. Also, a good billy against a GOOD survivor team will overheat constantly. Backrevving 4 people is easy, try and curve 4 rank 1 loopers 3 times in a row, while breaking pallets and protecting gens. Billy already had a cooldown mechanic, he doesn't need 2. All BHVR had to do was increase his chainsaws original cooldown and add "Does not stack" to his addons.

    Just because you can farm console players and purple ranks doesn't mean Billy is in a good place. It means he can punish some mistakes if you play perfectly, and get lucky while the survivors play awful and don't sidestep. Theres a reason Billy is no longer seen in tournaments, and when he is, it is to show off the absolute sheer amount of skill required to even compete at that level.

    Second, FOV and Animation are BUGS that are nearly game breaking, but once again you never have hit a 180* curve so you wouldn't know how they inhibit his gameplay. The stats don't show his new hitbox, the stats don't show his FOV, the stats don't show his animations. The stats show its possible for an insta-down killer to get 2, sometimes 3 kills.

    Edit: And im sorry to be harsh, but thats the reality of billy. If you disagree we can KYF and 1v1, and ill show you the exact issues with him.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Yeah, let's go straight for personal attacks and miss the point entirely.

    What we are talking about is some guy's ludicrous claims that overheat and add-ons, specifically his rework, "killed" Billy. That is false and that conversation has devolved into some ben Shapiro-esque rant about common sense and I'm-too-good-for-logic. That whole mess about good billies quitting is filled with the same mistakes, assuming that 2 streamers are indicative of the entire community.

    You don't consider bugs in how good a killer is. Twins were buggy as hell but they're still considered powerful, because they eventually get fixed. Blight's PoV, that time you could hear Spirit phasing inside of the terror radius, etc. all go the same.

    And beyond all of this, which is pure postulation and guesswork based on the assumption that everything goes out as you've detailed (which rarely happens). 69.4% killers per game is still on the higher side of kill rates, and even if he isn't as strong as before, which happened to all other killers regardless of nerfs and buffs, he didn't get "killed" by overheat. Less people play him, meaning he's probably going down the Nurse route, though.

  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2021

    It's not a personal attack man, if you don't play Billy you won't understand him is all.

    These 2 nerfs did kill Billy. They didn't make him unplayable but they made him uncompetitive and punish you for learning to use his power outside of mobility more than any other killer.

    You don't consider bugs in how good a killer is? These bugs have been in the game for much over a year, almost 2 at this point. They absolutely effect natural gameplay, and if they were fixed the overheat and addon gutting wouldn't mean much. The hitboxes/animation for getting a hit is completely different now. You can no longer snap to survivors you must run directly into them at a 90* angle or risk sliding off the survivors hitbox.

    If you haven't mained Billy pre patch 3.7 I can't really take anything you say seriously. It seems you just want to sound like you know what's best for him. There is a lot different about him, half are bugs, the rest are poor design changes by a dev team that doesn't even play this character.

    Edit: Syndicate isnt 1 person, it was a group of the best billies in the world. They ALL quit.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    I used to play Billy. I got some sick crossmaps and even more violently ill mindgame saws, but then I bought Pig and it was over. Everything else was over (until I bought Demo but I can't change my username so).

    Again, it punishes you for learning your power, not necessarily capping it. Same case as the aforementioned nurse syndrome; you can still be really good with them, it's just harder to learn how to. I checked the FoV thing (which was probably the case since they modified killer PoV to better reflect flashlights, in which case it isn't a bug but a feature), and hitboxes are just really wonky for every killer. If you don't like getting robbed of hits because of hitbox issues, play Huntress. Otherwise, it's just part of the learning process.

    "It's not a personal attack," + "I can't really take anything you say seriously. It seems you just want to sound like you know what's best for him"

    Moving aside the glaring contradiction, it still stands that we are talking about overheat and add-ons alone, and their impact on Billy's playability (as detailed in the last 200 pages of comments).

  • GargledFire
    GargledFire Member Posts: 83
    edited April 2021

    I'm not going to split hairs on what an Attack is.

    The thing with nurse is, she get's both blinks back within 5 seconds. Billy will turn into an m1 killer for 30 seconds, 15 if you force yourself to overheat. Sure in a perfect world where all survivors are split up, not helping eachother, and you down and hook immediately after etc you won't notice overheat. As soon as you go against teams that know what they are doing or even try and bully you, you will notice overheat.

    Nurse doesn't have to learn mindgames, looping etc. She doesn't have to deal with windows and pallets like Billy, but she gets a quicker "overheat" than him? Why does Billy roar at the start of a curve giving the survivor a notification on when to sidestep? Why does spirit not have this?

    Billy is a conglomeration of nerfs that were never deserved because people don't understand how to play as or against him. Billy is the only killer with 2 full scale cooldowns. His chainsaw now has a cooldown and an overheat. It would be like if blight lost all his stacks after cancelling his power after 1 bump. It would be like if nurse lost all blinks after she blinked only once and had to wait 15 seconds to get them back.

    Edit: Not even mentioning both Nurse and Blight have auto aim for their power.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Tbh, I actually don't mind the Billy change. (There were a lot of his add-ons that needed to go, even if he could use some help now) and while overheating is crappy, I definitely think it's not the worst. I think the biggest issue is just saw inconsistency. I can't tell you how many times it looks like Billy should have gotten a saw hit, and he just... doesn't, be it on Killer or Survivor side. Heck, I had one game against a Billy as Survivor on new Meatplant, running on a safe loop, and he should have landed like... three saw hits on me, but the game just didn't give it to him. (Wasn't a latency issue on my end either, I play at 60 ping, and he wasn't getting any wild latency hits). It got to the point where I just felt bad and gave him the kill, because he had deserved the down.

    Idk, I don't know if it's something with animations or hitboxes, but I think between that and bad add-ons, and the fact that so many Killers can do what Billy does, but do it either better or more variety (After all, he was the original quick boi- now we have Blight and Oni) and with him being so old that many players who have been playing for a while have probably had their time already with Billy (and again, Killers that do the same thing available), and I think it's just hard for people to play Billy these days, or try to pick him up.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    He was common because running behind someone and using instasaw required almost no skill at all and it was quite effective except against very good players (which are very rare), Hillbilly now requires a lot more skill and the bad players who depended on that gravitated towards the next stomping-ez-modos (Stridor Spirit and Forever Freddy).

    He is not as good as he used to be but people who were very good at Hillbilly can perform extremely well with him still.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Honestly, my least favorite thing about Hilbilly also applies to Cannibal. So many of his addons give you an up side and a down side, unlike most killers where the addons just give you buffs. Since I'm not great with Hilbilly, I don't particularly want to take a hit to my stun time, steering or charge time, so I feel like I'm mostly restricted to brown and some yellow rarity addons.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    So they wanted to make him less addon dependent by nerfing his base as well?

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,612
    edited April 2021

    Honestly i feel bubbas downside addons arent even that punishing. The worst ones for him were the engravings but with a good bubba even thats not much of a downside.

    meanwhile one engraving on billy and you basically overheat after 2 saws. Bubba don't really care.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    With Billy it's so hard to insta down with his nerf, you're mostly an M1. Blight have a strong base power and strong add-ons. He just do way better than Billy because he can actually use his power at loops unlike Billy boy.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    I'm playing billy again and I allready regret it I'm sticking to blight

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Yes, and I also have almost triple the winstreak on clown than otz does what's your point? He kept losing his winstreak on clown, because he barely knows how to think ahead in scenario's with him.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited May 2021

    Na bubba has bad add-ons too. Carburetor tuning guide is bad because you lose ability to control when your chase saw ends and it reduces your movement speed. Depth Gauge Rake makes your chainsaw go longer.... but it also reduces your movement speed and whats the point if you can't catch up to anyone. Light Chasis aura-reading is too little range and it would be better if it worked during chainsaw sprint. Most of chains have pointless effects. Shop Lubricant is the perk knock-out with a million conditions to activate. Knife scratch does not add enough movement speed for the negative of longer reving and most of the other add-on are related to tantrum.

    Billy most important add-ons were charge time reduction and doom engraving which required him to run a charge time reduction to mitigate the negatives. Bubba add-on are Chili's and Beast marks. he uses those because of how his acceleration and duration works with his speed. both of them curve objects, but they do so differently. Their add-on list might as well just be 3 add-ons as nothing else really matters for them.

    Nobody faces good billy anymore, they all quit.