Dead hard is so annoying
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we have, killers are just the minority of the playerbase and survivors tend to not care about our needs
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Yes yes queue the "killer is hard done by" etc etc
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If it's so easy then why is the killer queue 10 seconds and survivor queue 10 minutes?
Seems weird how killers can find 4 players in 10 seconds but survivors need 10 minutes to find 1 killer. This should be backwards.
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And at the time I play my survivor lobbies are instant and my killer lobbies are long, what's your point? That you play at a time where there are more survivors?
Killers aren't hard done by they're just lazy, there used to be genuinely good killer players who still 4kd when the game was hugely balanced towards survivors, the game is much much different from then and yet this current "generation" of killers fail or complain more than those who legitimately faced difficulties during trials, with genuine infinites, double pallets etc, killer is a far easier experience than it was back then yet killers complain about the tiniest nuisances ever.
It's ridiculous. Get better at the game dude, seriously.
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People have been complaining about this perk for a very long time.
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so because you got lucky 1 time your queue was instant does not represent the queue as a whole for the community and the community as a whole will tell you survivor ques are long
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It's not luck it's just fact?
and i didn't say that at all, you play at different times your queues will be different, it's really simple to figure out
Heres my stream where i queue as killer, and then because it's taking too long i swap to survivor and get it in about 20 seconds. To be fair i only waited about 1 minute for the killer queues but if they take longer than 30 seconds they usually take much longer.
I then swap over to survivor and I'll link so you can see the results the next lobby took about 20 seconds The next lobby took about 15 seconds
I can go on and on, I don't make things up, and I only ever play dbd when I'm streaming so it's incredibly easy for the me to show the things I'm talking about.
Like i said, playing at different times grants you different lobby waits, if I'd have played about 5 - 6 hours later in the evening i would have had longer survivor lobbies and almost instant killer lobbies, but I'm not biased and can happily admit that.
Also queue times have NOTHING to do with balance of the game, pretending that killer isn't the easiest it has ever been is ridiculous.
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The thing is, you've probably encountered hundreds of bad dead hards. You only remember the ones that get away.
I will tell you. I have missed and ######### up my dead hards maybe 50% of the time. But when it works it works.
It does require skill and if you're losing to dead hard its probably because the survivor was already looping stronger than you.
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I'm tired of people presenting this stupid psychological #########.
I'm fully aware of when their dead hard works or doesn't work for them.
The only time a survivor messed up dead hard for me was because they were a potato survivor. I remember each time.
but up against actually good survivors dead hard is infuriating and has almost zero counterplay. it's only with bad survivors dead hard has counterplay with
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Dead Hard is fine and will always exist. Survivors have to go against killers like Spirit and Nurse. You can't complain that it has no counterplay when survivors have to deal with them.
Killers have been getting 4Ks for years against Dead Hard. It's not going to change for 1 noob honestly. I've never once had an issue versing against it. It doesn't bother me. Props to the survivor if they route well and use it to get away
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Dead Hard is fine and will always exist. Survivors have to go against killers like Spirit and Nurse. You can't complain that it has no counterplay when survivors have to deal with them.
Killers have been getting 4Ks for years against Dead Hard. It's not going to change for 1 noob honestly. I've never once had an issue versing against it. It doesn't bother me. Props to the survivor if they route well and use it to get away