Ok here me out, new deathslinger cosmetic

Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. They would have to switch up his animations so that the character uses scorpions spear but the mechanics would be the same. I think it would be cool. What do you guys think
Nah. All Slinger needs is deletion
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That special reward goes to Spirit. Leave Deathslinger outta this
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No don’t get rid of my girl Rin. She don’t deserve that. Instead get rid of that joke Hag.
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Spirit is actually FUN to play against
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How about we keep rin and caleb and get rid of CoalTower?
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I would actually prefer more of a Skeletal Cowboy set
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Honestly I feel deathslinger in his current form is just a modern day nurse. Still has no counterplay but actually has a weakness namely his map pressure
Still pretty boring to fight but not OP like Nurse
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Nurse has the counterplay of unpredictability. Slinger has the counterplay of the disconnect button.
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We need more killer legendary skins. I'm #########' down.
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There's a pretty cool sort of skeleton cowboy in the movie "House II".
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🤣 🤣
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I will give BHVR so much money for a slinger scorpion skin that says "GET OVER HERE!" if you get the hit.
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Deathslinger like nurse only has counterplay if the player is inexperienced. If both are skilled nurse is worse to fight against imo due to the extensive slugging and her mobility
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Not true. Nurse still has the counterplay of unpredictability. Her entire playstyle revolves around reading the survivors playstyle. If you don't HAVE one, she'll have a much harder time catching you, and it will take her longer. This is counterplay.
Slinger on the other hand shoots faster than you can move your character. You quite literally can't do anything about it at all.
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Thing is deathslinger can’t always hit you no matter where you are. You can still get stuck on objects to break the chain.
So long as it’s a good nurse being unpredictable means nothing when she uses the first blink to get close enough and the second the course correct to you for a hit
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Only if there is the FATALITY message after the mori
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That's just the effective way to play her. You can still outplay this, it's just really hard. As it should be.
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And how do you counter said strategy then? Also how about an infectious fright nurse on a small map?
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You have to read her. There's not a set counterplay as every Nurse plays differently. This, combined with the fact that Nurse is so rare to face, lead the vast majority of the community to believe she has no counterplay.
You can always counter Nurse if you're good at reading playstyles. As a Nurse main myself, I don't have a problem facing her, as you counter her the same way you play her. Infectious Fright doesn't change this. However, unless your team is a tournament SWF, beating an IF Nurse on a small map will be very difficult, but still possible.
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Right to play devils advocate here couldn’t the same be applied to slinger? Sure a lot of them play differently but a lot will choose the shoot at similar parts of tiles and a lot will fake their power when somewhat far away since they don’t want to miss. His shot is somewhat reactable within 15m or more
Not to mention when injured you can predrop pallets to buy time since a lot are safe enough to where he can’t go around them without breaking. Since slinger has no snowball or mobilty a slightly longer chase for him can be fatal compared to nurse who could easily pull back with IF
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His shot is somewhat reactable OUTSIDE of 15 meters. Anywhere in that and you quite literally can't do anything about it because he ADS and shoots faster than you can move your character. You got it mixed up lol
Slingers playstyle isn't unpredictability. As you said, they fake the shot until they're close enough to have no counterplay, but if you don't dodge, they'll just shoot you. It's a lose lose, while Nurse is a 50/50.
Scott Jund already talked about why just throwing pallets isn't counterplay, but I'll refresh you. Pallets are very finite, barring maps like the Game. Throwing too many too early will kill your team.
The same can't be applied to Slinger as he doesn't create 50/50s like Nurse. He creates only lose lose situations.
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At least Nurse has counterplay in a 50/50 form, while Slinger has none at all
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If a nurse uses her first blink to get close and has her second one available there is no 50/50 there that’s entirely on the nurse to hit the blink just like it’s entirely on the slinger to hit the shot
I do agree predropping isn’t exactly counterplay but against nurse pallets might as well not exist so it is an improvement
Do you want to know what Scott said about slinger? He only has no counterplay of he’s really good. Do you want to know what he said about nurse? She has no counterplay if they are really good
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Her second blink is more like a 75/25, but you can still outplay it by doing something unexpected, because she doesn't have anything else she can do. If she misses, she fatigues no matter what.
Her first blink is also a 75/25 but the other way around. It is not hard to counter a Nurse who is trying to one blink you.
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I don't use IF and I've been playing her since the day she came out. You can still counter her, just not through regular looping.
Also, she's been heavily nerfed TWICE. When she came out she was as fast as a killer like Trapper or Billy, and had 3 blinks basekit.
Then they nerfed her into what's referred to as old Nurse. Then they nerfed her into what she is now. She shouldn't be nerfed again.
The fun argument is subjective, seeing as how I hate Slinger while Nurse is my favorite killer to go against.
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Why would a good nurse ever try to one blink you? That’s like a slinger constantly going for 15 to 18m shots
It is fair that nurse does have to commit to a blink and it’s the one thing that could make her easier to counter but again this is fully in the nurse hand to hit the blink same as slinger hitting his shot (which I’d argue is harder but that’s just personally).
This is all without mentioning that slinger might get stunned out of a hit due to objects and terrain
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That's a lie.
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Hmm... the same could be said about SLINGER
You can't by conventional means loop him, same with Nurse. If you try, you'll be the first to go down completely. These two you don't screw around with otherwise they'll break you, and it annoys me when a T-Bagging survivor stands a pallet acting like it's the safest thing ever, so I shoot and pry them out.
He aim and shoot fast, but besides that, no map pressure. He's a chase ender. He will mess up a survivor in his chase as much as a Huntress would.
While Nurse has map pressure and can end chases just as effectively.
If we throw in maps as well, then that puts Nurse in more of a higher position for obvious reasons.
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Actually when Nurse was added, she was pretty balanced. Looking at it from today's standpoint, you'd be think "how could they ever think this was balanced???" When looking at things like Nurse and Moris when they were first released. But bear in mind that survivors were literally impossible to catch unless they messed up BADLY. Nurse took this away, and made the game actually fair for both sides. On-release moris were also fair. Just catching a survivor back then was as much of a challenge as getting a 4k now. Windows didn't block off, Shack had two windows, there was pallet vacuum, instablinds, etc.
Her being put into the game was actually a very good decision at the time.
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It's subjective. I like going against her, but I've never met someone who likes going against Slinger
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I never said Slinger was OP, just that he's uncounterable. Imo he's C tier.
Uncounterable doesn't mean strong, and the opposite is true as well.
Nurse, the best killer in the game, is counterable, while Legion, the worst killer in the game, is not.
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How about just the weapon, a license with Netherrealm is one thing, but a knife on a hook is so generic you could pile it with references and still have deniability
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You're right, but to be honest I get really greedy with Nurse because I intentionally handicap myself to not end the game in 2 minutes. I can afford to go for greedy one blinks, so I do sometimes. And yet I'm still probably one of the better console Nurses. You'll notice that most good Nurse players will get greedy with their blinks, because they have no reason not to. For example, SupaAlf.
I'm not talking about which one is harder here, which I personally don't think is Slinger, because I play lots of Huntress and am very precise with my aim. I'm talking about how Slinger doesn't have counterplay. I don't think that Slinger is OP or needs a nerf though.
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If we are talking about good player I agree. Both nurse and slinger have no counterplay it’s just slinger isn’t as strong
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Why does hag get so many traps, compared to Trapper? I get that Trapper can stop the survivor in place, but some of these hags are essentially 'trap camping' a hooked survivor by putting an ocean of traps near on the approaches to a hook.
It's gotten so that when I see someone going for the unhook, I try to run ahead and spring all the traps at full speed in the hopes that I'll be chased and they can get the unhook, thus keeping 3 survivors busy because of SO MANY TRAPS. EW.
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I certainly believe that he is not uncounterable. I do believe he takes advantage of a survivor's lack of awareness however.
As I said, if you treat him like any killer, you'll most likely get hit. If you treat him as a Huntress, you'll get hit. You have to be wary of what he's gonna do. Same can be said about Spirit.
I've certainly done it a lot when I.. unfortunately rarely go up against him.
It takes a lot of cognitive focus from a survivor and I personally think that's fine. When i plays survivor, I get so bored. Same tile, same loop, same killer shack, same counter. It just gets so boring. The only killers that shake things up for me that I enjoy are: Pig, Pyramid Head, Hillbilly, Huntress, and Deathslinger. They make me focus hard and have fun with it. Spirit.... is ehh. Just an invisible Hillbilly with better control, no real fun.
When I see Deathslinger, I just get super focused on him and I can dodge his shots, they're hard. No doubting that, but saying uncounterable is a big leap
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You can't dodge a shot. You can guess when he's going to shoot and move, but that isn't dodging. However, I'm not going to shame you for liking going against him. We all have different tastes.
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Yeah I suppose you're right. However, Nurse rarely has no counterplay. Only the best Nurses actually trying has none. For example, this video.
I was still handicapping myself a little bit, but not as much as usual, and I didn't miss a single hit until like 3 minutes into a 5 minute match.
This is an example of her not having counterplay, but this isn't average Nurse gameplay, and I'm going by averages.
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I didn't say he's on Nurse level. I just said he had no counterplay. Another example of a killer with no counterplay is Legion. They're literally the worst killer in the game.
Uncounterable doesn't mean strong.
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Yeah it really doesn’t make sense. Trapper has such an outdated mechanic that desperately needs buffs. Honestly, I find Trapper much more fun to play as and against compared to Hag and I can say the same thing about every other killer because ######### Hag.
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Well. This awkward. I honest to God don't know what to tell you then. Unless me and other people I go against are cracked beyond belief, which... is no. We've been able to. I've actually had people dodge me as well.
I'm not saying I'm a God at dbd, that's complete bull, but all I do is focus hard on a killer. I suck at map awareness, but I think I do fine at reading a killer.
Or you can say it's just dumb luck, that could be what it is, but on consecutive attempts it becomes hard to agree saying it's uncounterable.
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The shot is literally impossible to dodge off of reaction. "Dodging" is really predicting when he's going to shoot, and moving when you think he is.
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Yep same applies to slinger if you’ve ever watched a good slinger who is playing well.
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I personally don't feel like I have counterplay while playing him and I am by no means a good Slinger. I barely play him.
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But you said that wasn't dodging. By that logic, there's only one way to dodge in dbd and that's Huntress. Which is a lie, dodging is still dodging an attack no matter what. Chalking it up and "saying oh you just moved a certain way and it made them missed, that's not dodging" is actually an unfair statement.
"You can't dodge a shot. You can guess when he's going to shoot and move, but that isn't dodging." This is direct quote from you.
By that logic you can't dodge a Nurse's blink, Legion stab, Pyramid's Rites of Judgement, Plague's vomit, Hillbilly's saw, Blight, Oni, a bear trap. You can't dodge them. But you can avoid them. So I avoided all of deathslinger's shot. How is that still not dodging?
Just that statement alone is completely unfair, because you're saying you can't dodge anything a killer does. Which you main Nurse, the best way to counter her is dodging her blinks and swings and on top of that, dodging a gunshot is exactly what you said isn't a dodge.
Visually predicting your opponent and trying to sway your way out of their attempt is dodging, you're making quick, sharp, sudden movements to sway the outcome of the situation.
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I want a Mooby dick hunter cosmetic inspired for him. With an Harpoon shooter gun.
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Not true. You can see where and when they're going to shoot.
Nurses blink has visual queues. If you know her muscle memory you also know exactly when she'll blink, and the direction she's facing tells you where.
You can't dodge a Legion stab. There is literally no way to do it unless the Legion royally ######### up.
Rites of Judgement is telegraphed, giving a chance to dodge.
You always know when Plague is going to vomit because she has to pretty much backrev it for it to work.
Hillbillies chainsaw is dodged by going to areas he can't curve.
Blight has a limited turn radius, as well as a strict way he has to bounce off of things. You can either 360 him or go to an area he can't hit you with Lethal Rush.
On is the same as Billy and Blight. He can't instadown on tight loops.
You can just go around a bear trap. They aren't hard to see.
Making a guess isn't dodging, it's doing random ######### and hoping it works. You can make a dodge on every killer except for Slinger, because his shot is literally not possible to react to.
The best way to counter Nurse is stealth. But in chase, you counter her by watching her and reading her playstyle. Seeing where she tends to blink.
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Then you agree with me.
The act of a 360 was random movement, when it was first discovered it was just random movement that happened to work and still does. Now in traditional sense, it's used to dodge a killer's swing so you won't get hit.
I repeat, when it was first discovered, it was RANDOM.
Also wouldn't trying to make yourself a harder target to hit constitute it as a dodge as well?
Also the bear trap was just a meme.
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Oh a type of pirate skin would be awesome. But, I do love the Moby (or mooby?) Dick idea