FULL THOUGHTS on the Current State of the game. My extreme disappointed in the Team. LONG !!!

These are my full thoughts on the current state of the game & how everything is handled. I'll try and keep everything short as it would take too long to cover some areas and some are worthy of an entire discussion themselves.
Part 1: Performance
As we all know, Performance has gone down the drain the last couple of years. Now we have reached a breaking point where the latest Consoles & even high-end PCs have trouble running this game on the lowest of settings
I recommended every friend of mine to edit their files outside of the game to make the game playable. Unfortunately, Console & Switch don't have access to such luxuries.
Now, after so many years of our cries falling on deaf ears, a thread has been created by Pulsar which is the biggest thread in the history of the DBD forums. We have literally made history, and it's not the good kind.
Lag Freeze has become so bad that some killers are unplayable & you can simply get a 1-2 second freeze by someone dead hard-ing away from you or when u use it as a survivor. I can name 20-30 things from the top of my head that can cause a lag freeze to happen.
You can find some of my thoughts in this post right here:
Part 2: Bugs & Glitches
Now, name another game that breaks so many things after an update goes out. Go on, I'm listening.
DBD is extremely notorious for the number of bugs it has. So much that I've seen myself in multiple forums of different games this line:
- "At least it's not DBD" - Have we come this bad?
I have never seen another game that is as buggy & broken as DBD in my entire gaming career.
I bet the Devs don't want all of these to happen, just like us, so I'm trying to empathize with them. At the end of the day, this is the result.
Part 3: Communication
This is one of the main problems DBD suffers from.
- The complete silence from the devs about an issue that's been persisting for weeks, months & even years in some cases.
You might've seen me mention the Twitter checkmark around here and there on the forums and it's for good reason. The sole reason we got Colorblind options is that this issue has been brought online and specifically on Twitter where a "Twitter Checkmark" commented on this and DBD had to come full damage control after multiple users noticed this on Twitter and several other sites covered this topic.
This is what comes in Google:
Here's the site:
"DBD Colorblind controversy" is one of the search results Google gives you when you search for colorblind. Here's the proof.
After his recent comments, Almo has earned exclusive publicity from Google itself.
I will forever give BHVR crap for this.
As of now, we are still left with our eyes in the sun wondering if the RPD map can be played next week or if any changes or fixes will be coming next week. The silence is deafening.
Part 4: Events
I have started playing DBD in September 2019. I have accumulated nearly 900 Hours till then.
I don't remember seeing a good event that would get my attention to play DBD. 2X events do not count as they are not content.
Now here's the question:
- Why can't a company that has sold millions of copies, not to mention DLC, with a battle pass and an extremely overpriced cosmetic shop can't bring themselves to give us a good event in a long long while.
We all remember the 2020 Halloween Massacre on the Forums & the number of people that got banned after giving BHVR a piece of their mind. Rules act both as a limit and a way to silence people
I will also bring the fact that events are recycled.
PArt 5: Favoritism
I was going to bring favoritism towards streamers & other content creators, but I'll keep this for another time.
However, I will bring favoritism when it comes to changing killers, either for the worst or the best.
There's no better case than Hillbilly
- On top of receiving an addon pass, he got unnecessary changes to his power.
- He got unnecessary animation changes
- A good 60-70% of his addons after the change are bad, very bad, or absolutely crap.
- A Stupid roar
- Is cucked by the new reworked maps, the trees, the hitboxes, all trash & obstacles on the ground. Just look at the RE map, it's so billy friendly...
- Hasn't received an update since August 2020
Don't believe me? Check it yourself -> https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Patches
BHVR said Billy was performing fine so they won't do drastic changes. You can't trust these guys for one second to keep their word
Now, let's take a look at Blight:
- Has received multiple changes since his release, pretty much every month
- Has moved from a B-tier killer to A-tier to S-tier. No matter what you say, Blight is an S tier killer amongst the ranks of Nurse & Spirit.
- Is still getting fixes & changes to this day.
Why the Favoritism? I have no idea.
One theory is that Blight is a paid killer, not a free one, but that wouldn't explain why Huntress didn't get the Hillbilly treatment when it was time for her addon pass.
One other theory is that Billy got gutted to make room for Blight's release which was a very very weird coincidence if u ask me. It's funny, really...
It's timestamped but if it doesn't work, skip to 15:55.
Bubba was also changed when Billy was changed. On top of making bubba stronger at camping, he can now catch a survivor that's been rescued with BT, down the rescuer & catch up with the person who was originally hooked. It's crazy, BHVR wanted to remove Bubba from camping but in the end, they only made him stronger. You might as well go and check the comments.
I would've also brought the Mori nerf and no change to keys but I think they just didn't think of this... Not to mention the recent change to Franklin's.
Part 6: Hype to Disappointment
There's no better example than the recent RE chapter we have today.
We all remember the stream when it was announced. Everyone was absolutely surprised & ecstatic. The number of changes, the content that was about to come, the new map, the new killer & the 2 new survivors. The stream went absolutely fantastic. We all get a glimpse of the future & their roadmap amongst many other things. Everyone was hyped.
15th of June, the RE chapter comes out.
- The new map is disabled before I can even play it.
- Thousands of performance issues
- Thousands of bugs
- Crashes on top of crashes
- One or two killers unplayable due to bugs
- Exploits
- Network Issues
- Other Stability issues
- Tutorial resetting your perks & cosmetics
- A measly 300k BPs compensation
- Cosmetic sets locked moments after people complained about the headpiece or mixing pieces of skins together.
- You name it, what other issues did I miss
"Let me give you some advice son" - TF2 Soldier
I'm a mere player, but after a disastrous launch like this, a 2x weekend Event would've been absolutely mandatory to get our minds off things, get the BPs that we need whilst the team at BHVR focuses on fixing whatever they broke.
BHVR needs better-suited people for damage control & how they handle compensation
Whilst discussing this topic, I will also mention the fact that the new players who bought DBD & the RE chapter solely because they love RE have gotten a true taste of BHVR and how they handle things. I'll give you this one, you couldn't have introduced new players in a better way on how you handle things. *Slow clap*
Hype to Disappointment -> This has been the case for many Chapter releases, 99% of the time.
Part 7: PTB & Fog Whisperers
Chapter 1: PTB is nothing more than a way to hype out content.
Throughout the years, BHVR has proven multiple times how feedback is handled when it comes to PTB and feedback in general.
Let's take a look at a certain item:
You all remember this item yeah? You come across it once in a while in your Bloodwebs and you just simply choose to ignore or be forced to grab it. This does nothing more than taking precious space of other more useful items.
We all gave feedback on this item, yeah? Everyone disliked it, yeah? Everyone saw no purpose to it whatsoever, yeah? Why run this item when you could run a hatch offering, a Mori, a map offering, amongst other things & ESPECIALLY a Bloodpoint offering.
Survivors could've gotten a brown firecracker but no, we got this useless #########. This type of firecracker could have a normal explosion whilst event firecrackers have a special explosion & are exclusive / limited to that event.
This is just one example of our feedback being thrown into the garbage. I'm sure you can remember how many times this has been the case.
Chapter 2: Fog Whisperers are nothing more than a marketing pawn.
Moving on to the next subject at hand.
Currently, Fog Whisperers are nothing more than a marketing pawn and are not actively involved in making the game better.
Look at Otz for example. He has a plethora of good ideas & suggestions and they're all ignored. Nothing pains me more than when I see Otz make a video that is 3-4 hours long knowing that BHVR will not even bother to watch 5 minutes of it... Not to mention how many times he has gone out of his way to explain for 1-2 hours in his stream a certain topic and come with new ideas.
Otz is just one example, there are many more who have good ideas. Another person who comes to mind is Cope.
I was gonna give Tru3 as an example as well... But...yikes...
Part 8: The Grind
One question for the devs. In the Anniversary stream, you were all about new players & the first experience.
- So why wasn't Grind mentioned?
You don't honestly think a new player will stay once he gets a taste of the DBD grind, now do you? I believe BHVR is not that dense to think that the grind keeps the player into the game, not the game itself, the features it has & mechanics amongst other good things. I would like to believe this.
If I were to go to a new player that came to DBD after the RE chapter and tell him he needs 1.6 Million bloodpoints to max out a character 0 to 50, how do you think he's going to react once he realized he gets 10-13k average per match?
- How do you think a new player is going to react when I tell him he needs 1.3-1.5 Million Bps to lvl 40 a character just for the teachables alone?
- How do you think a new player is going to react when I tell him he needs to spend millions on getting those 3 teachables on other killers? Survivors as well but killers are way more unique due to how they work.
- How do you think he is going to react once I tell him that the game has 24 killers & every killer has their own teachables he might need to get? Did I mention survivor?
- How do you think he is going to react to the sheer fact that ques can take from 1-2 mins to 5-10 mins, EVEN LONGER, to find a match that will he might not even enjoy or get over 15k Bloodpoints. What if he wastes a BP offering for that?
- How do you think he is going to react to the fact that Bloodwebs get more expensive as you progress from level 0 to level 50?
- You get my point already...
Not to mention the $$$$ he needs to drop to acquire those said perks. You need $ to have build variety & strong builds, especially for higher ranks.
I will bring this up again.
Jesus christ BHVR, wake up already. People have their own lives & don't need a second life inside this game.
Are u too complacent with your game, is that it?
You have reached a new peak, the question is, can you maintain it? Especially with how you're treating the game right now.
Part 9: Breakable walls
Ah yes, the design we all love.
You can find my thoughts in this post:
Nothing brings me more joy as a Killer than ending chase just so I can kick a wall so the survivor doesn't turn it an infinite whilst they make distance on me. Nothing stops the survivor from abusing the loop.
Nothing brings me more joy when I down someone and I get cucked by the breakable walls. I'm looking at you Badham Preschool, when I down someone underneath the building and there's no basement. I didn't forget you Game Map...
Nothing gives me more joy than encountering this pathetic, stupid flawed design that is nothing more than a band-aid and a bloody excuse for not coming up with more loops & designs.
I would've brought survivor as well but the killer gets cucked 99% of the time by these stupid walls...
Part 10: Generators
It's the middle of 2021 and gen tapping still exists in the game.
You know that feeling when you chase someone for 1-2 min, rush to a gen that's 90%, kick it with Pop, regress it, only for a weasely little Feng or Claudette to come and just TAP IT to stop it instantly from regressing? Yeah, that feeling, of anger, dread, frustration & rage... Just like keys instantly opening a hatch
How come it's 2021 and kicking a gen doesn't regress not even 1% of it? It should be 3% or 5%, at least 3% so there's some bloody benefit to dropping chase or kicking a generator especially without Pop goes the Weasel.
Not to mention the horrible spawns some survivors get... By that I mean how spread out they can spawn.... Chasing someone for 1+ minute can end up in you losing 3 gens due to RNG alone, something you can not control.
You could say, just drop chase, sure, drop chase, chase the one working on the gen whilst the one who you chased originally gets on it, while the other 2 are working on 2 different gens, they pop and are looking for different ones whilst you struggle to manage one. Not to mention when they're on coms & coordinated... This has been my experience in the last 4-5 days at night.
If you spawn around the middle of the map and you have Corrupt, you're pretty much boned.
Part 11: Maps
Although, not a particularly big subject, I'll still bring it up.
There are a few maps in this game that have been aching for a rework and those are:
- Haddonfield - This is by far the most infamous map in Dead By Daylight & for good reason. It's by far the most survivor-sided map in this game. The infinite houses, the houses of pain, the long walls of china, the long loops, the BS windows & drops, and the list goes on...
CoconutRTS has done a great job showcasing how broken this map can be:
It was implemented into the Game alongside the release of Chapter 2: The Halloween on 25 October 2016. For almost 5 years, there have been minimal changes to this map and the issues from back then are still present to this day. BHVR priorities are somewhere else, reworking this map does not earn them any $$$$ after all.
- Swamp - Nothing kills the joy & hype for me to play DBD more than getting a Swamp map as my 1st match.
- The boat has some BS loops & can be turned into an infinite
- The pier can be like a maze. The same thing applies to the main building
- The main building can be turned into an infinite against slow killers and has some BS loops
- Totem & Hatch spawns are all over the place.
- It's mushy, brown, dark, and boring. Stealth is removed due to the sheer fact you can hear the mushy steps. I feel sorry for any stealth killer on this map.
- The middle of the map always has a stupid RNG of spawning like 2-3 pallets, even more, or none at all. So you would end up with a gen in the middle with no protection whatsoever, just grass.
These are just a couple of examples of maps being horrible.
Part 12: Lack of Quality of Life features & changes
I will split this into two things. One is quality of life features in general and one is quality of life features / mechanics
Part 1: General lack of quality of life
- No advanced graphics option
- No optimization
- No search bar for perks
- No Brightness slider
- no FOV slider, at least for killers.
- No SoloQ bonuses
- No rewards for ranks, yet, at least. It has been mentioned but that's all we got. I would discuss this more but I can't avoid the Leaks.
Part 2: Lack of Quality of life features & changes
- No key changes, still busted as ever
- No Mori changes, nothing but a fancy kill animation. Moris have been driven into the ground. I say good riddance but there's not much use to them as of now.
- You can't mori the last survivor in the trial by default
- No actual strategic placement of Breakable Walls
- RNG still deciding your fate in a lot of cases, how your match is going to go. One zone can have 5 pallets whilst the other side of the map is nothing but grass and rocks. Not to mention generator spawns amongst how far survivors spawn from each other.
- You name it...
PArt 13: Ignored Perks & Killers.
At this point, I'm already tired. I've been writing for 5+ hours on this on top of doing research... and I've mentioned a few things from this subject in other parts of the post. So I'll keep it short.
Funny fact, before Wraith got his lunge buff, he didn't get a single change for 2 years. Makes you wonder where BHVR's priorities are.
I'm just got gonna make a quick point:
- A large number of perks / killers can be made for the better by simply adjusting / tweaking numbers here and there.
There is no better example than the perk called: Tinkerer
A simple number tweak has moved this perk from one of the least used to one of the most used. Makes you wonder where else you could apply the same logic as a simple number tweak to fix things. Let me give you some examples:
- Wraith, he now has 150% movement speed while cloaked. This an absolutely fantastic change. All he needed was a number change in his movement while invisible. The longer lunge buff is nothing but the cherry on top.
- Myers - Just give him faster stalking for Christ's sake.... And award him more BPs for doing it.
- Plague - really needs some buffs when it comes to getting BPs with her, same as Myers. She could use a very small increase in her projectile vomit speed, how fast it travels.
- Trapper - Just give 1 more trap already and increase his placement of traps by 7-10%
Let's take a look at some perks:
- Hangman's Trick - a perk no1 uses. Increase the radius by at least 2 meters per tier, from 2/4/6 to 4/6/8.
- Agitation - Not really a number change, but a 15-25% pickup speed would be fantastic.
- Bloodhound - increase the duration by 1-2 seconds per tier.
- Surge - just decrease the cooldown from 40 to something like 20
These are nothing but a few examples.
This marks the end of this whole thing
If you read this far, congrats. Leave your input in the comments whatever you agree on some points or not, or whatever, as long as the subject is the same.
I might've missed a few things but i;m already tired of writing this.
You would do me a great favor if you could comment down below and keep this post alive for a few hours or so as I've put too much work & time into this just so it can disappear. Just so it gets some attention...
Thank you,
I have to say, amazing work on this post, I absolutely love the effort and amount of details you poured into it.
The one thing that stirs me so much about this game, and it feels like its never adressed (or never will be) is the G R I N D part, honestly, the Battle Pass is grindy AF (or used to at least in the previous ones). It also gives no extra progression or challenges for buying the premium one which is really out of place for someone who doesnt have all the time in the world, then the bloodpoints part and the random 1M cap which should've been raised by this point already with all the killers and survs that we've got in the game.
It feels like a korean game all over or even worse at times, and the bloodweb idea needs a rework so at least you wont spend a thousand hours just so one character can get a T1 perk you've been looking for. Prestige should also keep ALL the perks you've had, even if they're downgraded in tier or whatever as long as you dont have to start over for some bloody cosmetic.
I do feel like dbd has been somewhat doing better, but the whole problem with not telling about the colorblindness mode they were working early on and other huge hiccups in their patches are really tearing it down.
They could've saved themselves so much trouble if only they said it was a work in progress early on instead of revealing it the way they did.
23 -
Love it, thank you for putting in the time and effort to talk about these points.
28 -
You said what had to be said. Well done.
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Wow. You put a lot of time and effort into that. Great post.
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Very well thought out and articulate. Its gonna get tossed into the bowels of the "Feedback" section and ignored by the devs.
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Thank you, I try to pour my heart into things that I enjoy & I'm passionate about, DBD being one of them and you can stand idle for so long until are forced to speak.
The cap is there so you can keep coming back, every day, to play. I would agree to raise to 1.5M or max 2 Mil but I don't see why we wouldn't have a cap. Raising the cap would at least be a band-aid fix to the grinding problem we have.
The battle pass used to be quite grindy, yes, a lot of people were very excited when they saw that the grind got alleviated. As of now, I'm rank 50 in the battle pass. I have work & I don't play every day lately and still managed to get rank 50 which is pretty fantastic. Finally, If I were to buy the pass I would know that playing at the same rate as I am now, I would be able to get the rewards that I so desire.
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Unfortunately, that is going to be the case.
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On your favouritism point I’d also like to add huntress kept all of her good add ons alongside her broken hitbox. Most people assume she got better treatment since a lot of streamers/devs main her
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Also, she kept her exhaustion addon.
Almo said himself they're going to monitor these kind of addons very closely.
Here's the link to the post in question ->
3 -
Very well said.
I'm definitely the closest to quitting this game than I've ever been before.
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I could pretty much stop there. Almost everything in this post is 100% accurate. And It echo the frustrations that a vast majority of the playerbase has been having.
A shame then, that the devs will continue to ignore everything in it. And the problems in this game will continue to go unfixed. Because despite all of the problems they won't address their income will keep rolling in.
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I really want the devs to prove me wrong but I've lost faith in them.
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Yep but with demo getting his add ons changed around again this chapter it seems unlikely it’s going to get changed
But apparently doctor, clown and demo can’t have one?
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This is a very good post, but the one thing I want to point out is that it's very, very likely only parts of this is the actual Dev's fault. People seem to forget there is probably a whole different team (or just a few people) we never see that make the decisions for the Developers. The Dev team are just a batch of employees, like anyone else.
I'm not saying nothing is their fault, the weird balance choices are no doubt their fault, but when it comes to shoving things no one wanted, like graphical reworks and maybe even breakable walls, it's investors/higher ups. The Dev team is not fully to blame here, and people constantly forget that.
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sadly, we won't get any response on any of these topics, we better get some into the rainbow for the game hype wow!
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Hey, Pilot. Could you check this post and tell me what do you think? "Would you like this change in the current Groaning store house?"
I can assure you that the post is short. You will find it in Feedback and Suggestions.
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Phew, was about to actually get started on a long post about the same things, thanks for making this so I don't have to lol it is probably better than what I could make anyway.
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I guess you're welcome? lol. This whole thing + planning + research + everything else took me roughly around 5-6 hours. Started around 10 PM last night, went on for about 4 hours then finished the rest in this morning.
You could still make a post of your own, the more voices out there, the better, after all.
Edit; Typo
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Yeah, I have done that sort of thing before, not the whole research part tho which is probably what I am missing to make a really good thread like this. But I think I will just let you have the spotlight this time around.
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Should I have brought SWF in this as well? I had mixed feelings about this topic.
If Anything I should've mentioned that there should be a way to identify SWF in a lobby, by either having their names in different colors, their names welded together by some line, or simply their characters having a glow a different corresponding with who they're teaming up with, at their feet that goes up. Idk...
The glow thing, I was thinking something similar to this:
For example, Nea & David would have a yellow glow under their feet while the other 2 would have none, signaling who is SoloQ and who is not. If there are 2 man SWFs, one team would have a yellow glow while the others a green / blue one.
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Pilot, please go back you didn't understand one thing about my sketch, I wrote a comment explaining it. :)
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You said name one game that breaks like dbd okay
Friday the 13th
Call of duty
Red dead Redemption 2
Cyberpunk 2077
dbd is not the only buggy game I like your post but you make it out like dbd is the only game that’s buggy there’s others that I mentioned that are very buggy and glitchy
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Yeah but, why respond in here and not on your post?
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Also stop this attitude that they won’t change the maps cause of money there not that greedy like EA they already announced that every map will be changed and they recently got the license for Halloween so that confirms that Haddonfield might be changed in the mid chapter. Plus they nerfed all the bad loops on other maps yes the breakable walls are there and some maps got worse(The game) but at least there better than there old versions.
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I still like this game, but I'm afraid for it.
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I think it's better to have a civil debate on this rather than just tell him to "stop with that attitude"
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The game is a mess right now, and this patch has just continued on with what this year has been: Extremely Buggy Patch (they've always been buggy but the 2021 chapters have been the worst yet), and a Killer that feels unrewarding for most to play.
All of this ontop of the Grind just getting worse. The price of each node in the Bloodweb needs to be, at least, cut in half. It would still take a long time to level characters and get the perks you want, but it would take half as long as it does now. 🤷♂️
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Actions speak louder than words.
I would love to see a confirmation first and foremost, that this is going to happen.
Communication is not their forte
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We got a picture of Laurie strodes face rework it doesn’t prove that the map will get reworked but it shows that they got the license for Halloween to work on the map. There not allowed to work on licensed maps without permission I think so that’s why it was left for last
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Cause people treat them like they won’t balance the game because all they care about is money but that’s not true they rebalanced half the roster and nerfed every god loop that was bad in the past and they nerfed DS and OoO. But people forget the past and always look at them as the greedy people when in reality there trying there hardest to make this game work. Yes this update was very buggy and glitchy but if you ignore that the characters aren’t bad. They were probably forced to push the update from higher ups and investors cause Devs can’t possibly make it this bad this was probably pushed by executives and they didn’t give them time to change stuff
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That is speculating.
I would love it if they came out and said "Oh, we first need permission to rework this and that...."
They're only shooting themselves in the foot by not telling us. We might be idiots cause we don't know how this works but we'll never know if nobody tells us.
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Because they want to surprise us they like surprises. Which is why they won’t reveal it they want to save it to surprise us. Which is there main problem they want to keep it a secret to build hype and surprise us but when it’s a major issue they got to at least talk
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I definitely agree about the grind and new players. If they are anything like I was it will be 'wow, look at all these characters I can level up' turning to 'I'm getting really tired of the perks I want waiting until the 65th bloodweb to turn up'.
One 1.5 or double bp event per month would be nice, preferably the weekend after reset.
I was really looking forward to breakable walls but was disappointed with them. They covered doorways that used to be open, made some loops stronger. I thought they would be placed in new stronger positions but I was wrong.
2 -
Because they want to surprise us they like surprises.
Do you even realize how that sounds like? Tell this to someone who's been around a block and knows how BHVR does things and see how he reacts.
I like surprise just as much as the next guy, however, when the 100 last surprises I've had most of the time a negative impact, it's not really going to work. Besides, a fix to a problem is not a surprise. Do you want to surprise the community? Then good, do it with events, teasers, limited cosmetics, clues, leaks, whatever... Don't do it... with fixes to the problems you made... The anniversary stream has a lot of good surprises for example.
Even you agree with me on the fact that there should be more communication, especially on bigger issues such as this release.
Not to mention the good surprises we had, which turned out to be quite poor in execution. There's no better case than the Breakable Walls we have today. A rather interesting design, very poor execution. People will remember past negative experiences more than good ones. Personally, my hatred for this mechanic mainly comes from the poor execution of it, which is why it overshadows whatever good came from it.
Problems are fixed through communication. Talking with us, at least it would make us more understanding of their situation. But here we are. The little communication we had, was the Twitter guy saying the "team is investigating x".
I want to defend them, I truly want to but when I have nothing to work it, what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do when someone makes an x claim that I have no clue how to defend for the Devs because I lack information?
We have no idea what's going in the background, no idea if the new map can be played next week, nothing.
You might say the devs might be too busy to talk, but they have people to take care of this. God bless some mods on this forum that take care of Public Relations & respond in their stead.
Also, I will make another point. You can't come and say but we got X update or change because my question to you is: How long did it take for that to happen? Weeks, Months, perhaps years in some cases? True, we got X change or whatever, but let's not forget HOW LONG it took to get there.
Edit: Typo
Post edited by Pilot on6 -
Communication has gone downhill. When they used to do weekly streams, even if there was not much, they were visible to the public.
I can understand a weekly stream is too much, but now we got almost nothing anymore.
And where are "our" community managers on this forum anyway? You don't see them anymore, ever. So much for having CM's...
11 -
Not to mention that there’s only one dev active on the forums nowadays and 90% of his responses are “OINK” :)
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I wouldn't go that far as to insult him.
I personally like Almo as a person, but not as a dev.
Edit: At the end of the day, Almo comes of his own free will to talk & respond to us. Why is why I said, that I like him as a person.
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Apologize if that came as an insult, more so just frustration. I do appreciate that he at leasts checks the forums, but it’s very frustrating to only see responses that carry very little weight.
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To be honest i don't think he's stellar in both things. Watching the dev's streams makes me wanna question my existence.
There's a reason why they don't have a lot of viewers; your work is a reflection of your person.
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Plus they nerfed all the bad loops on other maps yes the breakable walls are there and some maps got worse(The game) but at least there better than there old versions.
Not really,no.
The map reworks were pretty much only focused on graphics.They barely improved their gameplay experience and in some cases made it even worse.
Map reworks are a failure so far.
15 -
Map reworks are a success in aesthetics.
Not so much in terms of gameplay. Let's just leave it at that.
Unless we're counting Autohaven, I can't see anything for the life of me...
However, I would like to add when you come and say you're gonna rework maps.... You're expected to come with something new and innovative... Not slap a breakable wall here and there and call it done... Some parts of the maps are pure dead zones, just like Macmillan Estate.
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I was talking about the others after Deathslinger came out they fixed
Rancid abbatoir
Iron works of misery
every Autohaven map
I wasn’t talking about graphics I was mentioning the ones after slinger came out and they were much better yes I admit breakable walls sound like a great concept but in execution there terrible they should add more gameplay to these dam walls
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But none of those maps have improved through the map reworks?
The only good change they did regarding maps was removing most of the god loops and make some maps smaller.
But bad map design + RNG are still a HUGE problem,that has yet to be adressed
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Great post!
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The Game is literally worse than it's pre-rework version.
Groaning Storehouse literally had it's old INFINITE put back in.
They absolutely are as greedy as EA, at least Battlefront 2 ran well.
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Said it much better than I did in my post
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amazing post, just sad that the devs will never bother to read it
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OP knows very well that the Feedback section exists. If they wanted to make sure the devs would read it, they would've posted it there.
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This is an extremely well-written piece of valid criticism, with plenty of examples, research and time put into it. Moreso, it's how it's addressed: I was half-expecting this to be another "Devs don't care! They burn babies" type of post, but am really pleased to be proven wrong and that this comes across as a passionate fan, who is desperate for a good product but has been disappointed too many times.
I've normally tried to straddle both sides of defending/ challenging BHVR, but recently they have created a scenario which requires an awful lot of work to recover. From a PR point of view in the long-term, this chapter could be disastrous. Maybe it needs to be in order for things to finally turn it around.
This is an amazingly impressive post, which I'd say needs to be less a post and more an academic paper - and I mean that sincerely. Not sure if they're done for such subjects though.