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General Discussions

Yes, Springtrap Can Work in DBD

Member Posts: 1,292
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

Since this patch cycle seems to be the most people have ever talked about Springtrap in DBD (though I personally think next chapter is Candyman), I wanted to jump in on the discussion. YES, Springtrap would be a great fit in DBD. In fact, he’d be one of the best additions.

I legitimately don’t see why people don’t think Springtrap would work in DBD. Not only does he get bonus points for his series being a pop culture icon in the horror genre, he has the rich— dare I say— dripping lore to back it up.

Aside: call it what you want. “For kids,” “only jumpscares,” whatever. FNAF is still horror, even if it doesn’t appeal to you. While yes, it has a large younger audience, it also has quite the sum of mature themes— and while the gameplay loop is jumpscare-heavy, it is not essential to be translated into DBD. For example: Silent Hill is predominantly psychological horror. That isn’t present in DBD with Pyramid Head.

A deranged child murderer getting turned into a possessed, twisted, walking iron maiden in the decor of a childlike attraction is extremely creepy IMO, both visually and lore-wise. Springtrap also has the potential to bring in another horror archetype with a unique twist. Phantoms! In FNAF 3, Springtrap is assisted by the Phantom Animatronics with give the player different negative effects when triggered. This can easily be translated over to DBD in his power fairly easily. Finally, FNAF has like the easiest map addition choice possible. Fazbear’s Fright is literally a burned, abandoned horror attraction location based on the in-lore murders. It’s supposed to be eerie, and it is in the game! It’d bring a unique green color pallet to indoor maps (though yeah, it’s an indoor map lol).

I probably haven’t changed any minds, but those were my two cents. Maybe you still disagree with the idea of FNAF x DBD, but hopefully now you understand why people like the idea. Thanks for reading!


So anyways, I had some ideas for a Springtrap power and his perks. Here they are I guess.


28 Terror Radius




Lock down the trial with the Phantom Animatronics, which can impede the survivors from progressing and inflict various status effects. Then, reap the fear that was sown to quickly move to another survivor and spread that fear.


Power - Looming Phantoms

Press the Power command in various places to leave behind a Phantom Animatronic, which can afflict survivors in various ways. These Phantoms are not visible to the survivors while inactive. When a Phantom is triggered, the survivor who triggered it will gain 25% Madness.

On generators (2 active at a time) Phantom Freddy or Phantom Chica will hide inside. If a survivor interacts with a generator that LP is active on, they will be given a very difficult skill check without warning. If they fail, they will be jumpscared, scream, and the generator will be blocked for 15 seconds. Otherwise, nothing happens. Afterwards, they return to Springtrap.

On pallet and vault locations (2 active at a time) Phantom Foxy or Phantom Mangle will appear when a survivor interacts with their designated vault or pallet, making the survivors deafened and hearing Mangle’s auditory interruption for 5 seconds. Afterwards, they return to Springtrap.

At any other location, Phantom Puppet or Phantom Balloon Boy can jumpscare, causing the survivors to scream, and adding 50% Madness.

When placing Phantoms, Springtrap’s movement speed becomes 4 m/s.


Active Ability - Returnal Slayer

After two Phantoms have been activated, Press the Active Ability command to enter Returnal Blitz. Springtrap will become invisible and Undetectable, moving at 200% movement speed for up to 3 seconds. If Springtrap reappears within 5 meters of a survivor, he will cause them to scream, increasing their Madness by 1 complete tier. After 1.5 seconds of reappearing, Springtrap can attack.





You are undying. You rise from the dead. You always return.

You become obsessed with one survivor.

After being stunned or blinded, gain a token. Each time your obsession escapes the chase, see their aura for 5 seconds. Once your obsession dies, for each remaining token, see the auras of all other survivors for 4 seconds.

”I always come back.”



You’re always picking up the pieces they salvaged.

For each item present in the trial, gain a token. The number of charges on every item are reduced by 10% per token. When the item runs out, you get a notification at the survivor’s location.



Steal their souls for a second chance.

After a survivor dies, a previously destroyed Hex Totem will be restored at a different location. If the Hex perk is related to Dull Totems, one Dull Totem will be restored at a different location.

I figured since my idea of Springtrap would be a Jack of all Trades, some unique attributes were warranted. :^)


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