Yes, Springtrap Can Work in DBD

Since this patch cycle seems to be the most people have ever talked about Springtrap in DBD (though I personally think next chapter is Candyman), I wanted to jump in on the discussion. YES, Springtrap would be a great fit in DBD. In fact, he’d be one of the best additions.
I legitimately don’t see why people don’t think Springtrap would work in DBD. Not only does he get bonus points for his series being a pop culture icon in the horror genre, he has the rich— dare I say— dripping lore to back it up.
Aside: call it what you want. “For kids,” “only jumpscares,” whatever. FNAF is still horror, even if it doesn’t appeal to you. While yes, it has a large younger audience, it also has quite the sum of mature themes— and while the gameplay loop is jumpscare-heavy, it is not essential to be translated into DBD. For example: Silent Hill is predominantly psychological horror. That isn’t present in DBD with Pyramid Head.
A deranged child murderer getting turned into a possessed, twisted, walking iron maiden in the decor of a childlike attraction is extremely creepy IMO, both visually and lore-wise. Springtrap also has the potential to bring in another horror archetype with a unique twist. Phantoms! In FNAF 3, Springtrap is assisted by the Phantom Animatronics with give the player different negative effects when triggered. This can easily be translated over to DBD in his power fairly easily. Finally, FNAF has like the easiest map addition choice possible. Fazbear’s Fright is literally a burned, abandoned horror attraction location based on the in-lore murders. It’s supposed to be eerie, and it is in the game! It’d bring a unique green color pallet to indoor maps (though yeah, it’s an indoor map lol).
I probably haven’t changed any minds, but those were my two cents. Maybe you still disagree with the idea of FNAF x DBD, but hopefully now you understand why people like the idea. Thanks for reading!
So anyways, I had some ideas for a Springtrap power and his perks. Here they are I guess.
28 Terror Radius
Lock down the trial with the Phantom Animatronics, which can impede the survivors from progressing and inflict various status effects. Then, reap the fear that was sown to quickly move to another survivor and spread that fear.
Power - Looming Phantoms
Press the Power command in various places to leave behind a Phantom Animatronic, which can afflict survivors in various ways. These Phantoms are not visible to the survivors while inactive. When a Phantom is triggered, the survivor who triggered it will gain 25% Madness.
On generators (2 active at a time) Phantom Freddy or Phantom Chica will hide inside. If a survivor interacts with a generator that LP is active on, they will be given a very difficult skill check without warning. If they fail, they will be jumpscared, scream, and the generator will be blocked for 15 seconds. Otherwise, nothing happens. Afterwards, they return to Springtrap.
On pallet and vault locations (2 active at a time) Phantom Foxy or Phantom Mangle will appear when a survivor interacts with their designated vault or pallet, making the survivors deafened and hearing Mangle’s auditory interruption for 5 seconds. Afterwards, they return to Springtrap.
At any other location, Phantom Puppet or Phantom Balloon Boy can jumpscare, causing the survivors to scream, and adding 50% Madness.
When placing Phantoms, Springtrap’s movement speed becomes 4 m/s.
Active Ability - Returnal Slayer
After two Phantoms have been activated, Press the Active Ability command to enter Returnal Blitz. Springtrap will become invisible and Undetectable, moving at 200% movement speed for up to 3 seconds. If Springtrap reappears within 5 meters of a survivor, he will cause them to scream, increasing their Madness by 1 complete tier. After 1.5 seconds of reappearing, Springtrap can attack.
You are undying. You rise from the dead. You always return.
You become obsessed with one survivor.
After being stunned or blinded, gain a token. Each time your obsession escapes the chase, see their aura for 5 seconds. Once your obsession dies, for each remaining token, see the auras of all other survivors for 4 seconds.
”I always come back.”
You’re always picking up the pieces they salvaged.
For each item present in the trial, gain a token. The number of charges on every item are reduced by 10% per token. When the item runs out, you get a notification at the survivor’s location.
Steal their souls for a second chance.
After a survivor dies, a previously destroyed Hex Totem will be restored at a different location. If the Hex perk is related to Dull Totems, one Dull Totem will be restored at a different location.
I figured since my idea of Springtrap would be a Jack of all Trades, some unique attributes were warranted. :^)
I know you don't mean Ill but one of the reason people want to keep FNAF out is the fact that at before nearly every single release people always ask and beg for them to be included.
Its just eventually gets on everyone nerves to have these threads pop up constantly every single time a new killer is being speculated about.
People are just sick and tired of people begging for Springtrap to be included.
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I always disliked reading comments on "Candyman won't work" but immediately side with Springtrap.
Now, I do wanna say this, yeah I don't like just jumpscare games and Springtrap fits that description.
But, Hag exists so whatever. I'm okay with the concept of Springtrap being in the game if they made it more of a heavily armored unit charging after people.
Like if I dropped a pallet on you (if you're playing Springtrap) and you just ate the pallet like it's nothing. I would be terrified
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Na, little kid games dont belong in DBD.
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At this point, please BHVR, just add him. I'm so tired of people talking about it.
And, like I've said before, watching this forum become a shitstorm after the fact would be ######### hilarious.
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Any killer can work on DbD. We have baby killer (Victor), we have fastest killer (Blight), we have anti-loop killers (Nem, Trickster, PH), we have monster killer (Demo) etc. They all worked so well. Nurse was maybe hardest killer for design because she is ignoring everything but she is working well too...
So i am sure Candyman, Alien, Chucky, Spiringtrap etc. will work too. People just need to open their minds. We need more unique killers.
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lets not have candyman, springtrap or chucky.
i'll eat the downvotes so nobody else has to
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I don't even care about upcoming killers anymore, but I now hope FNAF never makes it in to DBD out of spite for the reasons you list.
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Sure, just as long as we get Xenomorphs.
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What happened to you? You're jailed too?
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How would he work. Spring trap is just a man in a broken suit. He has no ability besides M1ing. He doesnt really have anything that I could think of besides using cameras that are set on gens
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They made Myers and Ghostface work, when all they did in their films was follow and stab.
They made Freddy work, even though his powers in the film has no obvious translation to video game mechanics.
They made Pyramid Head work, when all he did was follow James around and try to great knife him.
They made Nemesis work, even though he is mainly known for ranged weapons.
A little creativity would go a long way. People have made plenty of good ideas on how any sort of Killer could fit into DBD.
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Michael and Ghostface have a power that is true to them. They both stalk their victims, and then kill them. Spring trap has really nothing to him.
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I’m not at all interested in a FNAF chapter, but my suggestion was to have it revolve around them popping out of lockers.
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I don't really want a FNaF chapter, but this 'argument' means nothing.
Show me where in Silent Hill 2, or in any other Pyramid Head appearance, where Dorito Head drew in the ground and attacked with waves like that.
Show me where Freddy spawned Pools of Blood that slowed Nancy and Quentin down in the NOES remake?
They don't. The 'well he's just a guy in a suit!!11!!!!1" arguments don't mean anything, because BHVR has shown they're capable in just making up powers. Michael is just a guy in a mask. So is Ghostace. Pig is just a woman in a mask.
I hate this argument so ######### much.
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Tell me you didn’t read the post without telling me.
Always wanted an animation where the killer gets hit by the pallet and barely moves— just looks back up at you and cracks their neck.
*omg they should make vader a killer*
Trickster release, but now with 100% more crying.
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This. I've seen so many that would be ok with fnaf turn against the idea because the fans are obnoxious with daily posts and spamming on twitter and dbd streams.
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I don’t get this. You guys are referring to it like someone is forcing you to watch the video or read the posts. Seems like if people truly weren’t interested, they’d just… ignore the post.
Also, I think people keep bringing these killers up purely because of how much people on the forums say that it doesn’t fit or it won’t work, when they very clearly have elements that do. I dunno, that’s really what my post was about.
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No… no he isn’t lol.
Also, the bottom of the post was made for this exact counter-argument.
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Well... he can work, but they would've to make him really dark and macabre.
FNAF took a "soft" approach after some time, but remember that, when it really comes down to it, Springtrap is an insane man who killed children.
That is the character that fits the game.
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I've explained this before Michael and Ghostface have powers that fit them. Pigs is a human yes. Her power is putting traps and suprise dashing people which happened in the movies.
Spring trap literally is just a decayed suit, and nothing else. The only thing that could work is maybe putting cameras on gens
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Cool how you completely ignored my points about Pyramid Head and Freddy. Probably because they don't fit your narrative.
Once again, that doesn't mean anything. Where the killer comes from clearly doesn't matter-- BHVR has shown they can and will just make up powers if they have too.
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He can cause mass hallucinations though.
Though that might border in Doctor's territory.
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Tbh a Fnaf would be sweet but if i have to pick one killer android property it would be terminator and yes terminator isnt horror but he could still work
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Freddys snares, and pallets make sense. He can mess with the dream world in movies, by making the floor a mussy substance, so what's to say he cant make snares or pallets. Plus survivors can only see them in the dream world. What's next PH becuz I can do him to. I only picked too for example.
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Read what? Springtrap and FnaF is a little kids game, no matter how much you don't want it to be. Majority of people don't want FnaF in this game, yet the same small group of FnaF fan girls keep making threads every week recycling the same topic. If you want to see Springrap, go play your little kids game. We don't want it, or need it in this game.
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So Freddy can do that because 'generic dream world stuff', cool. And you can try, but in my eyes you'll just be grasping at straws because nothing PH can do matches any appearance he's made. In every appearance he's made, he's been an unstoppable obstacle. Strong, slow. He has never dug trenches or shot waves like he does. But seeing as what you said, it'll probably be 'Silent Hill gave him that power to punish!!!1!"
Jason is just a hard-to-kill guy in a mask. He would never work. See how I can generalize too?
I don't like Springtrap either, but saying "he is just a guy in a suit" just shows a clear, huge bias against anything you personally don't like. Which is fair, you're allowed to dislike what you dislike, but just saying "He won't work because I said so!" doesn't make you right. I've seen more than plenty of showcases of how he could work.
It's clear we're not going to agree on this, so we should probably just stop.
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That is fair, I just hate the "He's just a insert thing here!!" argument so, so much. A huge portion of this game is just people in masks or came from media where they have no powers, other than the generic horror villain thing of never dying.
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Jason is supernatural though. You see your thinking of Jason from 2 to 4. Jason from part 6 through Freddy v Jason can do all sorts of things. For example teleport
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I told you Ms/Mr. Lat3ncy, we aren't gonna agree on this. I don't even like Springtrap or FnAF even a small amount, but I have always and will always think the "blank doesn't fit in DbD" argument is stupid. I will always think that, you aren't gonna change my mind. Better we just part from this and have a good rest of our nights.
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I don't understand what's good about Springtrap.
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I don't know about you two, but I usually skip threads I'm not interested in. These threads are gonna keep popping up because people are interested in a FNAF chapter. Let people ask for whatever they want. @Warcrafter4
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I'm only seeing facts in this comment.
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Since we got Trickster added to the game (least scariest killer), then I have no problem with a FNAF chapter being added.
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And? A FNAF chapter would be fine. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't be added.
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I am guessing you missed the question in the OP's post:
"I legitimately don’t see why people don’t think Springtrap would work in DBD. Not only does he get bonus points for his series being a pop culture icon in the horror genre, he has the rich— dare I say— dripping lore to back it up."
I never said they couldn't ask but I simply answered their question to the best of my abilities.
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That last part wasn't directed at you or Huge_Bush. I just mentioned it because I see a lot of hate when FNAF is mentioned.
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Cringe, go back to playing Slender on TF2
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If they did put him in the game, I'm wondering how they would do his design so he didn't look silly. What I mean by that is I'm not sure if the art style would transfer over well.
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Am I the only one that thinks posts like this are cringe as well? 🤦♂️
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I think using "cringe" like this is "cringe", but I'm old.
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I would've thought you were pretty young...
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No, just immature.
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It's the only descriptor for FNAF characters
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"Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't be added." Okay and? Just because you like it, or are indifferent to it, doesn't mean it should be added either. I'm not really seeing a point to your statement as to why it should be in the game. All I am getting is "well, why not?" which can easily be opposed by saying "well, why?". Why are there so many of these types of comments, they don't add anything or provide a good reason for a FNAF chapter.
Furthermore, I actually do agree with @MeatBycicle. FNAF is a kid-infested game, whether originally intended to be that way or not. Dead by Daylight isn't. We don't need to encourage loads of kids/teens to play DbD by adding a FNAF chapter. Plus, they would literally be adding teddy bear looking machines and costumes, like we don't need more animal-themed costumes in DbD. We already have the Clown's awful elephant costume which just looks ridiculous.
And before you bring up the Trickster, yes he may appear out of place in the game due to his bright cosmetics but he is a terrible person, a murderer and his appearance and backstory reflect on that. You can visibly see how unhinged he is in his eyes. Plus these differences make him stand out from the other killers, he is easily one of the most interesting ones. The animatronics and Stringtrap don't amount to that, they literally lack emotion and anything scary at all. They're just kind of childish, silly and quite frankly boring.
Moreover, there is no chance of a compelling backstory with them since the FNAF community hasn't even settled on what the actual, correct backstory/timeline of the game series is. It would be a nightmare to try and piece together. There's lots of different theories as to how the entire series pieces together. Which one do the developers go with? Because no matter what they pick there will be a group of people who disagree with it.
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That's... a questionable reason to be jailed. I won't say anything else because the mods won't be happy with me.
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Honestly the FNAF hate bandwagon is what makes people think he can't fit in DBD, and it's really tiring. If you hate FNAF for reasons such as the games themselves or other than to fit in or to look cool, then that's fine, but Christ. If you're tired of people requesting for Springtrap, that's fine too, I totally understand that.
FNAF is not a kids game, people need to stop saying that. Calling the game a 'kids game' because of your interpretation of the community is ridiculous. It's not a kids game, it wasn't meant to be one either.
Besides, the community has matured over the years, you can't just stereotype the community over a bunch of YouTube comments. The community wouldn't be an issue either way, DBD's community is already toxic.
Springtrap is the mutilated corpse of a man who is stuck in an animatronic rabbit costume. If that doesn't fit in DBD, then what does?
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Yeah, the community has "matured" enough to bombard every twitter post, dev stream, etc about it. All I'm seeing is a too vocal minority.
Also FNAF might as well be a kid's game because you can barely even class it as a horror one. The most horror thing about it is the jump scares and they're not even that scary. Like, oh no robots that look like cuddly toys are after me!! Come on.
Along with this, the Clown's elephant costume looks ridiculous, as does the Legion's bunny cosmetics, we don't need more of that, even if they look more damaged and hurt.
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I want it just so everyone who doesn't want it can whine and complain about how it didn't cause any of the problems they said it would
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There's obviously going to be children in there.
It's a horror game whether you like it or not, because it's literally in the horror genre.
And finally, Springtrap is literally a mangled corpse inside a broken Springbonnie suit. He looks absolutely NOTHING like those cosmetics. Just because he's themed after a rabbit doesn't automatically make him goofy.
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So you're telling me this is scary. It's truly not. It literally looks like a teddy bear that a child played with all the time, causing it to become worn-out, and then dropped it behind the sofa where it stayed for too long to collect dust and hairs. Honestly, everything about FNAF was too overhyped.
And as for the horror genre statement, I never said it wasn't horror I just said that it barely was. Which I stand by. It might as well not be with it's fear factor, or lack of.