Yes, Springtrap Can Work in DBD



  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 3,994

    I'm pretty sure bhvr can make nearly any one work

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    what I find fascinating with LITERALLY every of these threads is that while, okay, you people put thought into the perks, i very, very rarely see any actual thoughts on the actual gameplay.

    You'd have a new RE chapter situation:

    A killer with a lackluster ability and an obnoxious hard to navigate map.

    you've seen how many people came in for RE, people who found that while the RE map is great, they'd rather play on other maps, and play other killers (jill and leon are fine though)

    And that's the other thing: The RE chapter had its survivors and looks as a saving grace, fnaf can't offer that.

    And again, I never see an answer to 'okay, so you thought about the perks, and map and cosmetics, but what about gameplay' in these threads, only handwaving, really.

    Meanwhile you have potential killers like Candyman who could play similar to spirit and wraith when turning into bees, Sadako/Samara who could play similar to freddy/trapper leaving tapes that can serve as traps/teleport points, Lady D who could use her daughters to trap gens, lockers etc.

    Also, don't you people think that if something gets added only so you bunch will finally shut up they'll put heart and care into it? Look, trickster and twins and nemesis are generally disliked, but you can see they tried.

    Now imagine what you'll get if you pressure them into wasting money on a license just so you'll stop pestering them

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,897

    I actually like Trickster, but I don't get why people hate on FNAF, then say Trickster is fine. lol

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,976
    edited August 2021

    Looks like a character that could work in DBD's environment.

    Even if he didn't look scary, his background would be similar to that of Trickster. Sadistic serial killer who uses the screams of his victims for his music, and uses his kpop alter-ego as a mask of his true self.

    By your logic, I can say that Trapper just looks like some big guy that got spikes stuck on his back. Maybe Billy is just some inbred. Or I can say that Bubba is just some fat guy wearing a mask that wields a chainsaw. But here's the thing: they have backstories. Springtrap is a literal child murderer stuck in a rabbit costume. If that isn't similar to how Billy killed his parents or whatever, then idk what to say man.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,976

    Which is completely fine, it's not going to change my view on FNAF.

    And that's your opinion. I disagree with it, but I respect it.

  • DarKaron
    DarKaron Member Posts: 615

    In addition, the lore has confirmed, with Freddy's backstory, that the Entity can just GIVE and TAKE abilities to and from Killers as it sees fit.

    "... His powers were tempered in some ways and focused in others..."

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    If you like/liked FNAF at any point, I'd disagree that you are "fine".

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,976

    It's your opinion on whether of not you think he's scary. Not everyone shares your opinion. I personally disagree with you and there's those that disagree with me as well.

    FNAF's lore is complicated but if we're basing it off the 3rd game then it wouldn't be that hard to put it together.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,976

    So you can't have an interest that you don't like, got it.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,976

    That's not the point. You're insulting someone for having an interest.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353

    Okay, so a couple people are basing it off the third game? But what about those who don’t want it based off that one or disagree with the lore around it. There’s too much discourse around the story for it to work without people being unhappy with it.

    When the lore has been fully established, and it’s correct, maybe ask for a FNAF chapter then, because I don’t think any dev team would want to deal with it until then.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353

    Wow! So scary! I love it! BHVR please add this chapter, it will be a great addition. /j

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,976
    edited August 2021

    You literally said you disagree that someone is fine (which is an insult btw) for liking... ugh nevermind, it's worthless.

    This whole thing is just a bandwagon honestly.

    Also I literally said it's okay if you dislike FNAF.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Chill the hell out, mate.

    What? Are you saying I'm not normal person because I like a franchise just you happen to think is "childish"?

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 5,976

    That's respectable.

    However the threads themselves are pretty harmless, and you can just move onto another thread or ignore it. We get these about 1-2 times a week, they're not that common.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited August 2021

    Why Springtrap in specific, anyway? I've mentioned before I'm not really a fan of the series, but I have played the first game and watched Let's Plays of it. It's been a while, but if we have to have a FNAF chapter, I'd think maybe Foxie would work better since they SPRINT at you. I know they don't move if you're watching them, but them chasing you seems to make more sense than the other ones.

    Post edited by VioletCrimes on
  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,897

    I wouldn't say the majority of the player base don't want it. Tons of people don't even visit the forums, reddit, twitter, etc. Just ignore these types of threads if they bother you so much.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,897

    We really can't say. No way to back that up. Again, most people don't even visit the forums or other places.

  • Ghostyboii
    Ghostyboii Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2021

    Why cant we just let people enjoy things that they want to enjoy. I think that some killers are good ideas and some are bad but in the end of the day BHVR will make it work. Let people make their own concepts and theorize about who they think is next. Just have some fun with it. thats why this post was created was to share ideas and thoughts and discussions, and the comments are just filled with bad intentions and vileness

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 999

    Tbh would be fine with him being ingame but I just hope his ingame design has more gore and blood compared to cannon designs.

    Like William was crushed by a suit full of gears and springs then he was left to rot in a room for 30 years.

    So if he does get ingame I would love his design to be full-on horrific.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069
  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132

    Imagine being bothered by what other people are thinking. Stay clear from threads like this then. Simple as that.

    Don't get me wrong, I know there are a lot of threads about FNAF, but if not that it would be about something else. People want their favorite franchises to be included in the game, they want to speculate, they want to make cool concepts. It'd be like this with or without FNAF.

  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132

    I played only one FNAF game so I'm not a fan but ######### is this mentality?

    FNAF is horror. Plenty of people who aren't "kids" played it. It might not be horror up your alley but it's still horror.

    What I find most funny is that people hate the idea of FNAF, but would love a Scooby Doo chapter. Lmao.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited August 2021

    I don’t really think that throwing knives were the best route for him. I know that throwing knives are part of his story, but then his main weapon is a bat? Yeah, I like his dramatic bat twirl after hits, but I don’t think it was the best fit.

    I would’ve liked them to make him a fast knife killer, since that plays into his backstory, and gave him a perk that built based on survivor screams, maybe also a siren-style perk where he used music to disorient/blind briefly. I also would have loved a stage that was his production studio and started out looking normal but just got more and more ######### up as you came across his victims that he used for his music.

  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132


    I get that people might not like a certain franchise, but why be rude to others and wish them not to be happy? DbD is one of my favorite games, because as a huge horror fan I love seeing it bring together all the different and unique franchises, and mixing them even with it's own stories.

    Heck, I'm not the biggest Texas Chainsaw fan, but I enjoy having Bubba in the game. I might also not be as excited for Candyman if he's ever added, but if he is, I'd accept him with open arms.

    DbD is like Smash of horror and I think exploring different tropes of horror is an amazing choice. It makes the game special.

    Even the whole Trickster outrage made me question this community. I think he's super cool. I love his aesthetic. He's still horror. Maybe not in a twisted monstrous way, but he is. (I do agree that his power was a huge let down tho)

  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132

    The thing is you and plenty of other people keep resorting to "we are just sharing our opinions, same as you and everyone else", but then keep pushing other people down for their way of thinking.

    No one is saying you have to agree that FNAF should come to the game, but not trashing others for wanting it would be nice.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Who's shutting you down? I'm addressing you, talking to you, the same way you're talking to me. What's the point of posting if you just expect people to never reply to one another, like we're all just shouting into the void? This is a forum, it's a place for communication.

  • DrStone
    DrStone Member Posts: 132

    My bad there tbh. I was speaking generally and I wasn't trying to say you specifically are thrashing anyone. Bad wording.

    But reading through these threads you see a lot of other people actually doing it.

    And no one wants others to immediately agree with them. I'm not a huge FNAF fan. I played one game. But from these discussions I see FNAF fans or people who want FNAF being a lot more respectful. That's all.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You called out my English first. Anyway, I'm done replying to you, this is getting off-topic.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Seems fun ! The only perk i wasn't sure about is the Hex one, but i assume that if it get cleansed it's power is inactive and it cannot get back up right ?

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,403

    Simple fact of the matter is that people don’t want FNaF, for various (both legitimate and not-so legitimate) reasons. And there’s also people that do want it.

    As for the “spamming the forums” thing, I’m personally also getting tired of the ever returning Chucky, Xenomorph, Candyman and even Jason threads. The arguments in those threads aside, that comes across as a little hypocritical.

    Does it change my mind regarding those licenses? No. I’m largely indifferent towards any license that’s not included already.

    Also, the “it’s for kids” argument. Yes, it has a younger audience, but you’re not convincing me there’s no actual kids in DbD. The themes in FNaF aren’t exactly for kids anyway, are they? I can’t say I know why it caught the attention of a younger audience (myself in my teens included, I’m 21 now), but how exactly is a child murderer “for kids”?

    As for Springtrap’s design specifically, yes it’s a tad weird and not exactly scary. But is Wraith scary? Is Huntress? Hell, Nemesis, even? Intimidating, sure, but scary?

    How is the consistent use of the uncanny valley effect of supposed child friendly animatronics to create relentless hunters not at the very least vaguely unsettling? You could argue that we’ve become desentisised, and that’s fair. But, then, nothing truly is scary anymore, so the whole “it’s not scary” thing is moot.

    They also don’t have to use FNaF as their way into an animatronic killer. But, if they ever did an animatronic-esque killer that is not FNaF related, the outcry would be even worse.

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