Nerf Iron will!

Zero counter play. Simple nerf it on to a timer of 60 seconds or less
they indirectly buffed it after what they did to stridor.
survivors should at least BREATHE while injured it's stupid they make absolutely no sounds
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There are a million perks that don't have counterplay, tired of salty killers trying to turn this perk into c-tier garbage
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Tell me which perks have zero counters
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why should holding your breath with no counterplay be an S tier perk?
they should breathe when injured it's a bug they don't breathe
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I'm with you. Killers want every survivor perk nerfed and unfortunately they get their way.
Remember when Small Game used to also detect traps? If it's not going to do that anymore can it at least highlight totems once we're so close and looking directly at it? Not gonna lie sometimes we're blind and sometimes you're on a map like SWAMP where it's impossible to see.
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Every exhaustion perk, every aura reading perk, prove thyself, breakout, lucky break, blast mine, deliverance, adrenaline
Here's some killer perks too; bamboozle, corrupt intervention, pgtw, tinkerer, lethal pursuer, starstruck, discordance
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as if trapper needs to be countered and nerfed any further
the small game change was needed
you have a totem counter and alerted when a totem is nearby, THAT'S ENOUGH
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That's true and I agree they should breathe, but OP's terrible suggestion would put it straight in the dumpster, and I've seen a million suggestions equally as bad
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Please no. It's one of the only thing survivors have that provide meaningful stealth.
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Explain to me how Iron Will has no counterplay when:
- Scratch marks are a thing
- Blood pools are a thing
- Infection as Plague or Nemesis causing coughing are a thing
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It's not a bug per say. It's a game mechanic flaw when injured, Survivors don't breath but instead moan grunts of pain and since Iron Will neglects the moan while injured they're completely silent instead. Been like this since the game launched
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The only "counterplay" you mentioned is Plague and Nemesis causing the survivor to cough
The others do absolutely nothing to cause the survivor to make sound when they're injured, sound is pretty damn important and the fact that there's a perk that completely rids a killer of one of their senses is REALLY dumb.
Would nerfing it in any way make it garbage? Yes, most likely. But a perk like this with no downsides or requirements shouldn't be in the game to begin with
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Surely moaning is more audible then breathing and more useful to the killer anyway?
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Nothing is stopping both though, that will when Iron Will is used the Survivors are still breathing
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This would take away the one counter to spirit that exists
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Exhaustion perks counter is its cool down
Aura reading perks need you to do something in order for them to trigger and your aura can be shown to the killer sometime.
Prpvethyself needs a nerf
Blast mine dont kick the gen
Deliverrance get hooked 1st
Adrenaline do all gens before it can be used
Courrupt ,lethal and lucky break are 1 use perks
Tinkerer can be found out and countered
Starstruck don't be in the tr
Discordance don't work on the same gen
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Oh ok, so you're playing without eyesight? Otherwise, explain to me why you are unable to see scratch marks or blood pools on an injured survivor.
The downside is that you need to play injured to get any value at all from the perk. Not every perk needs a downside, and is usually a selling point as to what makes it a bad perk. Dying Light, for example.
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This was the case a long time ago but like most sound, broke with the 1.4 update. BHVR being the way they are, cannot simply program in play full health state sounds while injured with IW. Because that would be too hard.
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If nerfing it would make it garbage then why nerf it at all? Are survivors not allowed to have strong perks?
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same reason stridor got nerfed, to be garbage.
the difference was stridor was only relevant on 1 killer and not meta and iron will is meta
guess only killer perks should be garbage
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Then revert back the stridor nerf then since no one wanted it. Making perks garbage doesn't help anything.
And besides people were complaining about iron will before the stridor nerf so what about that?
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the only thing that needs to be "nerfed" with iron will is fixing the breathing bug
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Is hearing breathing and grass move, a PC thing, or a headset thing? Because I can't hear either on PS4
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Survivors should still breath when running. No reason why it should make them quieter.
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right you can hear them when they are uninjured just not when they are injured.
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How about instead of wanting the limited amount of useful perks nerfed. Why not instead ask for buffs for the 90% of useless niche perks to get buffed?
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Yes it really is. 3k hours on PS4 and about 1.2k on PC now the differences are incredibly noticeable.
PS4 blood pools are super easy to follow and scratches seem to be more confined. PC if a survivor runs a small circle inside an LT wall scratches appear EVERYWHERE in the tile so its nearly impossible to know where the survivor went.
Blood pools also match the texture if you play on high/ultra settings of the ground and there are actual spots that look like blood pools that aren't really peppered throughout some map ground textures.
Add to that maps like coldwind (alrdy a headache for killer pov since they can't see above the corn stalks) where the ground texture on ultra has scraps of corn that mimic scratches on high/ultra, if you dont turn on a specific color blind setting there is almost no way to tell them apart.
Breathing (not grunts and moans) are essential to properly moonwalk juke as a decent killer but iron will completely removes that atm.
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Thank you. I always hear the talk of grass movement and never hear it, but I play ps4 with ######### headphones.
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I bet you were against DS nerf
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Youre making it sound like Iron Will gets its value from out in the open, which just isnt the case and Im sure even you know that
It gets its value in the middle of chases behind walls, youre adding an extra layer of mindgames by literally equipping a perk that doesnt require anything other than being injured.
People who are healthy cant even get away with the things Iron Will can because of the huffs and puffs they make.
Ive said this before and Ill say it again, stripping a killer of one of their senses is not healthy for the game
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Theyre allowed to have strong perks, but unhealthy design is another thing
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Yes. And nerf Spirit itself also, not dependable on a perk.
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I can't believe I 100% agree with you on something.
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Scratch marks and blood last for several seconds, track these if you cannot hear the injured survivor. If it's still trouble, try Predator and/or Bloodhound.
Sound isn't the only sense removed from killers. There are also items and perks for blinding the killer, so I assume you don't agree with those either?
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Difference with those is you can avoid getting blinded. You can't just get better ears to hear a survivor with Iron Will
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Going back to the first point: rely on sight.
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Thats not the point, the whole point is not being able to hear survivors. What good is sight when theyre behind a wall? Iron Will doesnt do anything if youre out in the open.
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None of these are counterplay LMAO
They're just things that might happen, you unironically think "don't kick gens" is counterplay? You HAVE to kick gens unless you have Surge. You think a cooldown is counterplay? They're still gonna use it on you every chase, the cooldown just prevents it from being used twice in one chase. You think the 1/4th chance that you'll hook the deliverance user first is counterplay? You have no way of knowing who's running it.
Learn basic logic.
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->This guy has his own personal opinions on the game! SURVIVOR MAIN LOLOLOLOL
Please look at my post history before making an ass out of yourself
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Name literally any strong perks without counterplay.
Iron Will shouldn't cancel breathing sounds, maybe reduce by 50%
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Old ds being balanced is an opinion too. Wrong, but still opinion. Same as iron will being balanced
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I named like 20 on page 1
What is with all these people that don't read
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And you were incorrect on all of them except Blast Mine, which is only a minor inconvenience and can still technically be countered by Surge.
There's literally perks and add-ons that cause Exhaustion.
There are anti-aura perks to combat those.
Lucky Break is countered by Plague, The Nemesis, Bloodhound, Sloppy, Mangled add-ons...
Should I go on? Quit being arrogant and condescending when you don't even have an argument to stand on
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There are 4 addons in the entire game that cause exhaustion, and only one of them is reliable. Mindbreaker is a pile of garbage so don't come at me with that.
The only reliable blindness is Third Seal and that's a hex perk. Blindness addons are always insignificant and too short-lived to help (baby teeth, kerosene can)
How the hell do Bloodhound, Sloppy, or Mangled addons counter Lucky Break? It completely disables those things. Plague and Nemesis' infections add sounds, but they don't have anything that'll magically bring back scratch marks and pools of blood. Did you even read the perk description before you posted?
You're just saltposting over Iron Will and strawmanning perks.
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Ohhhhh. So every single game is Trapper? Or its a benefit if you bring small game and play against Trapper.
Same benefit like if you have iron will a play against spirit-
Same benefit if you find/bring flashlight or urban evasion and play against Hug
Same benefit if you have calm spirit and play against doctor.
Jesuuuus... Cry more, seriously.
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If you need complain about everything. Maybe you can try play survival. But thats need more skill I guess.
p.s. Iron will doesnt have counter? Try Predator or Blood hunting.
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Yknow, I don't have it in me to argue this. People still make injured noises, mangled slows down healing, mindbreaker isn't useless, there's plenty of exhaustion add-ons, 3rd seal sucks lmao. There's counters to everything, and you ignored everyone's arguments
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You realized you can't defend your point and are now saving face
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Dude, people have already replied to you with countless ways of counterplay, I just gave you some more, and you're still just ignoring those and saying LuCkY bReAk tho