Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Nerf Iron will!



  • Member Posts: 1,419


    You made up a bunch of non-counters to lucky break, did you expect me not to reply?

    Just stop embarrassing yourself

  • Member Posts: 526

    Literally everything you've ever mentioned has been countered, besides Lucky Break, and you're clinging to it like you have a point. And Mangled does counter it, because you have to heal fast if you want to use it again. Plague and Nemesis also counter it, but you skipped right over that part. You're like an arrogant brick wall, there's no point on bothering with you

  • Member Posts: 1,419
    edited August 2021

    I'm not clinging to lucky break, you keep bringing it up LMAO. But let me break down everything I listed because you seem to be having a hard time with reasoning.

    Lucky Break is a one-time use perk. Sloppy doesn't affect it at all, if anything Lucky Break just disables Sloppy for a minute

    Exhaustion has no counter, even if the killer starts a chase while I'm affected by Mindbreaker, my exhaustion timer will run out as soon as I turn a corner and stop to see which way the killer's coming. Same with every exhaustion addon. They don't last long enough. The only good exhaustion addon was Clown's and they removed it from the game entirely.

    Discordance has no counter, you can't tell the killer has it and it's not affected by Distortion

    Alert/Bond/Dark Sense/Empathy/Kindred have no counterplay unless Third Seal is active. They're free information. Blindness addons are generally bad because they're activated in-chase when auras don't matter.

    Bamboozle has no counter, you simply have to leave the loop. The chase isn't over, but you're not getting any more use out of that tile for a while.

    Deliverance has no counter, the killer can't possibly know you have it. It's pure luck whether he hooks you first.

    Corrupt Intervention has no counter, you simply cannot do those gens for 2 minutes and have to work in the killer's zone-of-control

    Tinkerer has no counter, the killer will always know what gens are nearing completion for the entire trial

    Lethal Persuer can potentially be countered by Distortion, I forgot about that one.

    PGTW has no counter, the killer simply gets free regression every time someone is hooked

    Starstruck has no counter, if you try to play around it you'll be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Either you're exposed or you're making no objective progress. Either way, the killer gets value out of the perk.

    Prove Thyself has no counter. Gens will simply go by a bit faster.

    Adrenaline has no counter. The survivor will heal and get a speed boost at endgame unless they're already dead

    Breakout has no counter, the killer just has to hope for a hook in time

  • Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2021

    Exhaustion has Exhaustion add-ons and perks

    Lethal can also be countered by Object

    Tinkerer can easily be countered by spreading out on gens, and by using toolboxes for the last 30%.

    Pop can be countered by Repressed, Blast Mine, or just be spreading out on gens

    Starstruck can EASILY be countered by staying spread out, and it's laughable that you think otherwise. Maybe 1 survivor gets Exposed, and if they all stay spread out the killer gets maybe 20 seconds of a chase that the survivor dictates the starting point of to get a hit

    Prove Thy is countered by Discordance and slowdown perks

    Adrenaline has a counter, just don't let all the gens get done. Ranged attacks also counter it

    Breakout is weak af, and if you want to nitpick it can be countered by P Head and slugging

    Do you want to keep doing this, because I'm not the 1st to disprove one of your "uncounterable" perks lists here

  • Member Posts: 1,380
    edited August 2021

    BHVR pretty clearly noted that small game no longer detects traps because its unfair for trapper players to be singled out in a perk. I don't know how anybody could ever complain about this lol, the perk completely unfairly gimped trapper before its rework. It works great as it is now without shooting the kneecaps of the games worst killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    I already explained the problem with exhaustion perks & addons, you're just choosing to be ignorant so you don't have to acknowledge you're wrong.

    By the time Tinkerer is going off, everyone's toolboxes have run out. Even if 2 gens give the notification at once, the killer still gets to harass the more high-priority gen. It's free information all game.

    None of those things counter pop. Blast mine just delays the kick for 5 seconds. Repressed Alliance is counter-intuitive because it also prevents completion. Spreading out on gens is just what people do every game, that's the condition the killer expects to see when they enter the match.

    Starstruck isn't meant to affect the whole team, it's meant to screw over the closest guy and it does that extremely well. They either leave their generator to be popped or they get one-shot.

    Prove Thyself is a 40-second generator. Even if you kick that generator, Dwight is still gonna be doing 40-second gens all game. You'll have to break chase every 2 seconds to police this perk.

    "Win the game" isn't counterplay to Adrenaline. If that's your standard, me unplugging my computer is counterplay.

    Breakout is an awesome perk that has perfect synergy with Saboteur and Soul Guard. The killer doesn't get any input, it's pure fortune if they get to the hook in time.

  • Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2021

    I'm so done with you. I play in competitive leagues, and I promise you everything I just listed is exactly how those perks are countered, besides Blast Mine, which is more of a pubs thing Just because you don't understand them or make use of them doesn't negate that

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    LOL Mr. Competitive here thinks Mindbreaker is a good perk and that Lucky Break is countered by Sloppy. Post your stats bro

  • Member Posts: 526

    Mindbreaker is B tier on the right killer, it's not strong by any means, but it works with certain killers. You're also listing freaking Break Out as an uncounterable perk when there's Starstruck, Agitation, Mad Grit, and just plain looking around before picking up.

    Lucky Break is absolutely affected by Sloppy, and you're STILL ignoring the fact that 2 killers counter it with their powers. Hell, Nurse counters it fairly well too. Wraith with All Seeing also counters it.

    Get out of my feed, I'm done here

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Bro POST YOUR STATS, Mr. Competitive PogChamp.

    Bodyblocks are helpful for breakout, but you absolutely don't need them. Most people bring Sabo if they're running Breakout so the killer has no options.

    I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that king Pogchamp is this ignorant of Lucky Break's interactions.

  • Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2021

    What "stats"? Dbd playerstats? I'm on console bro. 2k hours, and I have past VODs and match records of my 50 wins in a row with the freaking Pig.

    Once again, you refuse to acknowledge that 2 killers counter Lucky Break with just their base powers, and that Sloppy slows healing, which you need to do to stop the timer. So yeah, I do know about its "interactions" whatever tf that means.

    Also, you aren't getting bodyblocks against Agi, Starstruck, or Mad Grit, and if someone sabos you can literally just drop or go to another hook. You clearly don't play at a high level if you can't counter sabos

    This is my last reply. You're a broken record who refuses to acknowledge anyone else's points

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Competitive tournaments have hosts, show me your stats, show me your scrims. I wanna see your epic Mindbreaker plays, pogchamp

    You need to play some games with Lucky Break because you're very very unfamiliar with it

  • Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2021

    I've played in Championship of the Fog, Vigo's Court, and Iri League. I play for We Can't Loop. Look it up yourself, and you clearly know nothing about comp if you think all of that is recorded for every league. There's VODs, that's about it.

    I play with Lucky Break plenty. Nemesis and Plague make you cough, and being Mangled makes it harder to reset it in time. I'm not sure what's hard to grasp about this. Now goodbye, I don't have to prove myself to someone so closed-minded

  • Member Posts: 1,419
    edited August 2021

    You've been steadily conceding & ignoring more and more perks every time you realize I'm definitively right, I notice the smaller pool of perks you try to poke at.

    Now you're just holding onto Lucky Break, the perk you don't understand.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Zero sound is too much. To many audio bugs already, now we have to guess if it's intentional or error.

  • Member Posts: 1,419
  • Member Posts: 60

    Sounds like all your problems would be fixed by lowering your graphics setting

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