Boon totems will be OP

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So boon totems, hexs for the survivors... why is this so bad? hex perks for killer these are usually the strongest perks in the game (although alot of killer ones suck) this is likely to be the same for survivors, does that mean same level as DH and DS? Stronger?

2. Killer has to find these and cleanse them, another objective for the killer and one for them to track. So not only do you have to manage survivors, gens, hooks, pallets and loops but now possible search for a strong perk.

3. Survivors place the boon totem on a dull totem, this means a survivor can place a boon totem in one corner of the map after they do the gen there, this means the killer has no reason to go there and likely not to ever see it.

4. Being that a strong perk can be hidden way out of the way and providing more objectives for killer this will hurt slow mobility killers even more than high mobility.

All of these downsides for killer and I haven't even mentioned theres 4 survivors, these perks will likely counter killer ones or speed up the game even more. Itll be a sad day for killer mains in October

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    How do we know boons are going to be inherently strong? They might be weaker so that the killer isn’t forced to find them

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I wish there was a way for the killer to break the totem.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    DH, Ruin, Undying, Haunted

  • I mean, i really hope boon totems are not reactivatable at least.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I mean I would expect boon totems to be strong if they can be destroyed like hexes.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I fully expect one of two things with boon totems:

    They are either overpowered by being strong enough to force a killer to break them(Good luck getting to one on the other side of mother's dwelling without losing even on blight/wraith). This would most likely just be nerfed out of the game.


    They are so underpowered the developers might as well not even bothered making them a boon totem as killers will always ignore the totems on the opposite side of the map. They will stay underpowered forever.

    I don't expect the devs to actually balance them let alone with a mechanic that's conceptually unbalancable like forcing killers to break the totems.

    We don't even know if the killer kicking the totem will destroy it or not and if not broken when kicked the killer might need to kick totems(Or even one totem) 16 times a game.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    If I were to introduce boon totems to the game. I would make it so that whatever effect they give only gives that effect when in range of the boon totem, and some kind of indicator on the survivor(s) affected by a boon totem, so the killer knows there is a boon totem nearby. I would also make it so that it doesn't take a lot of time to break a boon totem, like the Killer just kicks it down.

    That way even though they have to take time to remove the boon totem, it's not a lot of time, and the Survivors can't benefit from leaving it in an obscure place. While at the same time the boon totem will help survivors give time to escape 1 chase, take up killers time if they ignore the totem, or give the survivor a buff to like their healing or gen speed for only 1 gen/heal.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Hopefully the ranger thing is a possibility.

    I've wondered, if the boons ARE strong, if they will be a timed thing possibly. Might even destroy the totem when they fizzle.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    "The perks we know next to nothing about will be op for sure"

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    You can't really jump to conclusions over something that hasn't been implemented yet, let alone explained in great detail. However I am concerned about giving Killers another objective. Generators already fly by way too fast as it is without regression perks, and giving Killers something else to be on the lookout for other than monitoring generators is something that is worrisome indeed.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    But konchok, don't you see? Boon Totems are a new gameplay mechanics that will force people to stray from their standard tactics. Thus is HAS to be BAD!

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I was about to go to bed because I am not in a good mood then I saw this post

    they are not even out yet so we don’t know how the balance for boons will be

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    The fact that it's another thing that takes the killers time makes them unbalanced to add to the game

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    i can't even think of any survivor perk that would need to be on a dull totem. i think boons are gonna be some kind of cheese. not particularly bad, but you know. its weird

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    That's not the same, none of those added another objective for the Killer

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    How do you know it's "another objective" when you don't even know what the perk does? It might be like some useless hexes and have such a mediocre effect like "while this boon is active, all survivors have a 10% healing speed bonus" that the killer can just ignore.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    The perk you name are strong the issue is they are too weak compare to the survivor meta. Boon totem if they work like a hex need to be strong so high risk high reward is the issue because killer dont have the time to go out of their way for that.

    You are right we dont have any info on that yet. Still killer are scare of that because they know from past experience its going to be a strong perk. It may not break the meta but most of them are sure its going to be strong

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    If they are not going to be meta, why should killers be scared of it? When was the last time Power Struggle gave you as much work as DS?

    There's really no need to be worried about it because the last meta perk that survivors had was released on 2017 (Dead Hard). You can maybe mention MoM but the perk stayed OP for like a month or so and it was basically a cash grab for Ash.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Hex strength has repeatedly been referred to as not overly oppressive for a balance goal. I'm skeptical that this will also apply to boons.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Survivors literally haven't had a meta perk since Dead Hard, besides an OP perk Mettle of Man, which was swiftly nerfed.

    Survivors don't really get anything strong added to the game so I don't see boons being strong, let alone OP.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    "Feature that hasn't been released yet is op"

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    They just sound pointless more than anything. I don't see them becoming too popular, but you never know.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Lmaooo that's not even out yet or tested but it's op already? Wow my my aren't some dbd players talented they know the outcome before it's even in game

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, 1 boon perk might be quite broken, yeah. But you might forget that NOED once wasnt a hex perk. It became a hex perk much later in life. Same would definitely apply to survivors. So a lot of currently strong perks could turn into boon totems instead, giving survivors an extra requirement to activate that perk.

    1. hexes spawn instantly, survivors need to activate their boon
    2. 3 things: 1. we dont know how fast cleansing a boon is. 2. killers can remove survivor perks from play. 3. the fact that survivors need to activate their boon means as long as the killer has a faster time of cleansing a boon than it takes for a survivor to set up the boon, it could very much be worth it(they are probably much easier to find than hexes too)
    3. Also a few things here: 1. there needs to be a dull totem. 2. there might be more dull totems added, making it harder for a hex to spawn close to survivors. 3. they might need to do something specifically to activate the boon totem(like, finish 1 generator to activate Boon: Adrenaline, get chased for 1 full minute to activate Boon:Hope). 4. There are a limited amount of them, meaning if survivors risk not being able to run any perks at all if they face a killer who runs 4 hexes.
    4. The only hex that will be affected directly, is noed.

    Considering all that, Boon totems arent going to be that much of an issue.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    You're forgetting the fact that they will also retroactively change perks too. Adrenaline might become preventable because it would be a boon totem. Hope would recieve a minor buff by being a boon totem(instead of 2 minutes, potentially forever).

    A lot of current strong perks could recieve a direct nerf by becoming a boon totem. If there is going to be 5 totems total still, and a killer is running Ruin Undying. Then suddenly there can only be 3 adrenaline's at best, rather than 4. That is a direct nerf to survivors.

    If there are still 5 totems, and hex totems are applied instantly, that means survivors would be forced to cleanse haunted grounds to be able to activate 1 more boon.

    If there are 5 totems, and survivors brought 5 boon totems, yet you're running 3 hexes, that's 3 boon perks that never see the light of day.

    If 2 solo survivors decide to run a full boon load out without communication, and one survivor cleansed a dull totem for Inner Strength, that's 4 unusable totems.

    So how are boon totems overpowered by definition?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Idk, there have been some meta perks that were added, that simply arent used because either the killer meta changed a bit, or because people are too used to the old meta perks.

    Counterforce is one of the best perks to get rid of ruin undying(and even noed), its just unused.

    Soul Guard is one of the best perks to prevent slugging, it's just unused(it's objectively better than Unbreakable with the killer meta being mainly around Ruin)

    Resurgence is one of the best anti tunnel perks if you heal under the hook. BT is only outshining it if you get camped and tunneled, but DS is a better anti-tunnel perk.

    Built to Last, THE best perk to run if you have an item. Fully counters Franklins Demise, gives you the ability to fully use up a key and still open a hatch, makes strong items even stronger. Better than Adrenaline at any time of the day.

    There are enough new meta perks that can be run, its just that most people have access to old meta perks, dont want to waste BP unlocking the newer perks and dont want to spend time learning how to use the new perks. Why learn how to use 4 new meta perks if there are 7 meta perks you know how to run comfortably? Desperate Measures is overall better than Botany Knowledge unless you're using a medkit(2 stacks are enough that unhooking and healing is faster than unhooking and healing with BK), yet people still use Botany Knowledge because they think it's better, yet you cannot unhook a survivor in the face of a killer and dead hard away with the unhooked survivor tanking the hit with BT unless you run Desperate Measures.

    It's why you see veteran survivors run newer perks more than casual survivors. Veteran survivors tend to see the value in newer perks, where casual survivors think the meta perks are the best because everyone runs it.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I hope they're good. So sick of bad survivor perks.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068
    edited September 2021

    I mean, you stretch the term "Meta" a lot. Meta-Perks are those Perks which are run often.

    If I look at your list, those Perks were all called good or OP when they came out, but nobody used them a week after the Chapter was released.

    Like, Counterforce is nice with the Speed, but unless you run Inner Strength, Dull Totems are not really useful to do (yeah, yeah, NOED; but whatever). And Small Game is better IMO to track Totems, you cannot cleanse Totems if you cannot find them in the first place. When I did my Adept Jill, I had problems to find the initial Totem, lol.

    Soul Guard is the best Perk out of those you mentioned, however, it needs the Killer to slug AND a Hex to be active. And it is always better to cleanse Hex-Perks, unless the Killer is running Third Seal against a 4 man SWF. But other than that, always better to cleanse Hex-Perks, especially the most used one, Ruin. It is only really useful in combination with another Perk, Unbreakable, and this is also seen way less often than other Meta-Perks, simply because the slugging-part still needs to be fulfilled.

    Resurgence... We Will Make It is better, it does the same, cuts healing time in half, but does this for potentially multiple Heals. And even this is a Perk you almost never see.

    Built to last... Again, really specific scenario you are describing. Unless you Dedicate a Build to it, not worth running, but then you are already off-meta.

    The last Meta-Perk which got released was MoM and this was OP and a Cashgrab. Other than that, nothing for years.

    So I dont think that Boon-Totems will be good. Let alone, we dont know anything yet, except that Survivors have to bless a Totem and Killers can snuff it out. It starts with Blessing already - there is a huge difference between a 5 second animation to bless and a 30 second animation to bless. Also, the Devs will most likely keep in mind that 4 people can run Boon-Totems, so they will not be too strong. If I had to guess, I would say they will be Totems which remove Killer-Debuffs... Like, as long as your Boon-Totem is lit up you dont become Mangled. As an example.

    So, yeah, there is currently no indication that they will be good Perks. And given the last Meta-Perk was years ago, I doubt it. (And this does not have anything to do with people not having Perks or not learning to use them... Many players will have all Perks unlocked and you dont really need to learn anything when it comes to Perks, it is not like DBD is a complicated game)

    Post edited by Aven_Fallen on
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Lol, look I'm great some of you are hopeful. But as any high rank player knows this game isnt balanced, especially at the high skill part of the game, and it really is good of you being hopeful but after my 5 years experience I cant think that way with DBD.

    A good and quick example is breakable walls, one that said it would change things like killer shack and loops as such if the killer wishes to choose to break it. We was lead to believe it would have rewards, instead we got 1 map we can change how shack plays and everything else is now god loops, they physically added in walls in open doorways to allow for infinite loops to be a thing again until they're broken.

    If a boon totem isnt strong why would a survivor bother running it, alot of survivors barely change perks as is let alone for a weak hex perk, it just wont happen. All reasons I stated are facts apart from the strength of the perk, but I dont believe the devs know what balance is. Would not surprise me if there will be boons that stop regression, repair faster, gives haste etc. I'll stand corrected if they arent but I dont believe they will be good for the game in that sense

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah they always do, honestly people just lie and exaggerate to try get their own way. I'm not usually one to hate on things but alot of my points stand as facts and its alot of concern, title of OP just draws attention so people can see the possible issues.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    SBMM is different though because they've tested it multiple times and it's always been horrible.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Just do bones. Problem solved.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    Killer is already fighting for time. Killer is all about time management and adding another thing for killer to do is crazy. Gens only take 80 seconds solo. Imagine having to possibly spend multiple minutes looking for a totem as killer. This just shows how out of touch they are with how DBD play out above average play.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Ah yes, I'll do that while I apply huge map pressure, chase and down survivors, carry and hook them, kick gens for regression and destroy pallets that have to be broken due to god loops while trying to track 4 lots of survivor perks so I can try to counter them.

    It's a nice attempt to copy killer but this games a 4v1 so naturally the killer has far more to focus on as base not just gens and saves, and even then that's split between 4 players unlike the killer who does every task alone

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Survivor versions of those perks?

    Let's see:

    - a perk that auto stuns killers on the first pickup.

    - reverse ruin that auto progresses gens which have been worked on.

    - survivor Undying protecting boon totems.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Survivors have 4 eyes to look for totems, killer just one and less time to waste so i hope boon totems are just slightly better survivor perks that don't break the game if the killer doesn't go out of his way to find the totems.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    What I see its that killers get more and more pressure and survs get less.With new boon totems I will need to protect my hexes,search for boon totems and protect gens Devs seriously do you play ur game? Mc Cote what about to play as killer your disastrous game again? I wanna see how the next day killers go at 120% base and hen last 101 secs being solo and 80 with another surv

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I feel like boon totems are either gonna be like hexes. Either super good or super bad.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    I wonder how this will work with NOED?