Boon totems will be OP



  • Grimzy
    Grimzy Member Posts: 219

    Wouldnt suprise me if the effects of the totems work only when 2 or more survivors do something. Also who knows, it might not be a perk but an offering and only 1 boon totem can be used per match, else you cna have a boon totem active on a dull one and it can prevent the killers hexes from activating. And i doubt heavily they want to add 5-10 more dull totems into the maps.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    And now that you said it I want the next killer nerfed!

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    If boon totems becomez meta I will bring all hexes so

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    I can't wait for the next update where killers has to do generators too 🤡

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killers get something very strong with every patch, it is way overdue for something good from survivor side.

    Killers have gotten Undying, Starstruck, Lethal Pursuer, to name only a few recently.

    When was David King released? It's very stale on survivor side and the neglect has been profound.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Fourth objective you mean. Killers already have:

    - Sacrifice survivors

    - Break open breakable walls on god loops

    - Protect generators.

    The list is getting ever longer on killer, no change for survivor

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256
  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256

    Then it would be pointless to run the boon in the first place...We can only assume that it will be strong.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    That's assuming strong perks are released often for survivors. Spoiler: they aren't.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Not necessarily. Killer is all about time crunch. Adding more into what a killer has to do already just makes it worse. So while we may not know exactly what the boon perks will be, you still know that the killer needs to find said totem to deactivate whatever perk it's tied too. The very fact that the killer has to waste time in any form on a new mechanic tips the balance further into survivors favor.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    You realise that in order for a boon to be active, a survivor is going to have to find a totem and activate it, right? It's an extra objective for survivors.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, no. Ironically, YOU are stretching the term meta. Most commonly used perks are not meta perks in DBD. Self-Care is not a meta perk, DH is not THE meta exhaustion perk(I'd still call it meta, I'll explain that a bit later, however, THE meta exhaustion perk is SB, DH is simply easier to use, and thus more popular). Even though Self-Care is the no 1 most used perk, it is not meta. The definition of meta: "most efficient tactic available". Meta itself has been deranged to most popular by a lot of gamers. But just because something is the most popular, doesnt mean it's meta.

    Camaraderie is often better than most popular perks. It can add a whole 55% extra time to the second hookstage. Yet it's not commonly used due to people farming(which isnt efficient), people unhooking you whenever they get the chance when the killer is away(also, not efficient, the efficient way is to do gens and unhooking your teammate as close to last second as possible, especially if they are being camped).

    So yes, the perks I named were META, because they are the most efficient tactic available when it comes to DBD as a game.

    Heck, if I did the definition of meta dirty, it's because I consider the top 3 viable perks for 1 objective the meta perks. Just because a strat is popular, doesnt mean its a meta strat. Anything on Myers that is not Tombstone Piece and J. Myers Memorial is not meta. That is his best addon combination by far. Yet, barely anyone uses that and rather uses Hairbow. Not because it's the most efficient tactic available, but because it's one of the best tactics available that are also fun to use. But if we're talking killers, running Myers isnt even close to meta.

    That being said, I wont elaborate too much on the other points, simply as clearing up the definition of meta vs popular would have done enough:

    "Counterforce is nice with the Speed, but unless you run Inner Strength, Dull Totems are not really useful to do (yeah, yeah, NOED; but whatever). And Small Game is better IMO to track Totems, you cannot cleanse Totems if you cannot find them in the first place. When I did my Adept Jill, I had problems to find the initial Totem, lol."

    Small Game is better if you dont know where to find totems and also want to keep track of them. However, it would still take you quite some time. Counterforce gives you the aura of the furthest totem, which is the one you actually do not want to go for, but just make a mental note of where it is. Besides, there is a thing as sound for burning totems too. If you know general totem spawns, it's quite easy to lap around the map and do totems. But if we're talking the absolute meta slot for totems? That's not even a perk. It's Rainbow Map. But Counterforce is arguably better than Small Game(especially because Small Game works in a cone, meaning you dont know if it's upstairs or downstairs, possibly making you waste a lot of time). I'd personally say Detectives Hunch is THE meta perk for totems tho, it's only downside is teammates not doing gens.(yes, I would have elaborated more, this is the shorter version)

    "Soul Guard is the best Perk out of those you mentioned, however, it needs the Killer to slug AND a Hex to be active. And it is always better to cleanse Hex-Perks, unless the Killer is running Third Seal against a 4 man SWF. But other than that, always better to cleanse Hex-Perks, especially the most used one, Ruin. It is only really useful in combination with another Perk, Unbreakable, and this is also seen way less often than other Meta-Perks, simply because the slugging-part still needs to be fulfilled."

    It even works without hex tho, not being able to be downed instantly again after pick up is absolutely insane. Also, Third Seal, even against a SWF, needs to be cleansed if all 4 people are affected(Third Seal is weaker against 4 people, but once all aura reading is gone, it's quite strong, especially with perks like Trail of Torment). Ruin, on a 4 man SWF, is actually one of the worst slowdown perks. Besides, we're talking meta anti-slugging perk.

    "Resurgence... We Will Make It is better, it does the same, cuts healing time in half, but does this for potentially multiple Heals. And even this is a Perk you almost never see."

    We'll Make It is only better if you're being unhooked by someone who runs it. Even then Resurgence cuts the time in half on top of that. As a SWF, you actually would want Resurgence on the main runner and We'll Make It on the designated unhooker. Even if the designated unhooker is being chased, you'd get half the healing time and can gain attention of the killer again. If the designated unhooker unhooks anyone else, it's still half the healing time. The only time it sucks, is when the designated unhooker gets hooked. Resurgence always cuts your time in half, We'll Make It only cuts it in half when the user does the unhooking.

    "Built to last... Again, really specific scenario you are describing. Unless you Dedicate a Build to it, not worth running, but then you are already off-meta."

    Specific scenario? I mentioned 3

    1. franklins demise counter
    2. fully using a key
    3. making strong items even stronger

    Built to Last is better than Streetwise(unless the entire team has items). Built to Last can turn 3.8 quick heals(purple medkit, green addon, yellow addon) into 5.6 heals. On it's own. And Medkits are THE meta item to run(yes, medkits are the best items in the game, better than keys, better than toolboxes, the only thing making toolboxes better to run, is BNP not deleting the toolbox on use). There is no bigger gamechanging item than medkits. The worst thing about it? Medkits have 4 perks that increase the amount of heals out of a single medkit: Built to Last, Self-Care(20% more efficient, but only when healing yourself), Botany Knowledge AND Streetwise(flashlights do have the sport flashlight and low amp filament). The most supported item through perks, is also the best item in the game.

    Hence, running any item, Built to Last is THE best item support perk. It's meta, especially on things like purple medkits. It's just not very popular.

    "So I dont think that Boon-Totems will be good. Let alone, we dont know anything yet, except that Survivors have to bless a Totem and Killers can snuff it out. It starts with Blessing already - there is a huge difference between a 5 second animation to bless and a 30 second animation to bless. Also, the Devs will most likely keep in mind that 4 people can run Boon-Totems, so they will not be too strong. If I had to guess, I would say they will be Totems which remove Killer-Debuffs... Like, as long as your Boon-Totem is lit up you dont become Mangled. As an example."

    First off:

    1. even if 4 people can run boon perks, doesnt mean they can activate their boon totems unless the game actively spawns new totems when boon perks are used
    2. it's likely going to be about 14 seconds to bless(the same time to cleanse a totem), with cleansing speed likely affecting blessing speeds, you're still removing a totem from play for killers, afterall.
    3. even if they remove killer debuffs, that's quite a strong power. Imagine having 4 people injured with Thanatophobia active, aka 100 seconds to do a solo gen, and still doing solo gens in 80 seconds. That's quite nuts.

    "So, yeah, there is currently no indication that they will be good Perks. And given the last Meta-Perk was years ago, I doubt it."

    Wrong, last meta perk was flashbang. It's quite effective against a lot of killers, better than most flashlights and is fast enough to stun a charging Nurse, who is a meta killer.

    "(And this does not have anything to do with people not having Perks or not learning to use them... Many players will have all Perks unlocked and you dont really need to learn anything when it comes to Perks, it is not like DBD is a complicated game)"

    Funny, as I just had to teach you why popular perks aren't neccesarily meta, and why other perks are meta even if they arent popular. And there is a lot to learn when it comes to perks. Did you know, for example, that the 25% on streetwise doesnt make a 30 second item last 37,5 seconds(aka, 125%) but a full 40 seconds? This is because it doesnt add 25% of the charges, but lowers the charges per second taken by 25%(basekit is 1 charge per second, meaning normally 30 charges is 30 seconds, but having 0.75 charges per second on 30 charges is 40 seconds). There is a lot you can learn about perks. You dont need to, to use them correctly. But you need to, to use them most efficiently.

    There is an optimal window in killer lunge animation where you can trigger dead hard and never be exhausted on the floor, regardless of latency, but this window doesnt really exist in a short lunge animation. There is an optimal angle to still get a flashlight save against a killer, even if they are facing the wall(yes, the only strat to never be blinded is to face a wall with an angle, any straight walls still have flashlight angles).

    Some perks take time to properly learn to use.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "Nothing you've mentioned is a 'meta perk' meta perks are perks that are used often."

    Wrong. Meta: Most Effective Tactic Available. Popular perks are not meta perks by definition. In a lot of other games, the most popular build IS the meta build. But that doesnt mean the most popular build is meta by default.

    Yes, it does, it speeds up totems. In fact, when there is a hex totem, counter force is the best perk to remove that totem as you can hear hex totems. Next to that, small game doesnt work well when there is more than 1 floor, as it triggers on totems below the floor and above the ceiling too.

    Soul Guard literally allows you to be picked up in front of the killer without your recovery bar being reset(aka, slugged again), which is common when a killer is slugging. You dont need an active totem for soul guard to work. It's endurance effect guarantees a pick up, where unbreakable does not. The reason it sucks, is because either a killer isnt slugging, or teammates refuse to pick you up.

    Lol is not a counter argument

    Built To Last adds 50% extra charges to commodius toolbox, purple medkit, resets keys that can no longer open hatches into keys that can. Also, you're not seeing Blood Amber often anymore, because the devs changed the keys into being unable to open the hatch if it has 0 charges. Since Blood Amber increases charge usage(lowers the key from 30 seconds to 20 seconds), its harder to 99 the charges. If more people were aware of how Built To Lasts works with Blood Amber and keys, you'd be seeing them a lot more often.

    Thing is, people in DBD dont really need to care about what perks are meta. They have to care about what vanilla mechanics are meta and counter that. Tunneling is the meta killer tactic, DS, DH and BT counter that. Rushing gens is the meta survivor tactic(rushing gens is not a genrush, btw), so generator slowdown perks are used to counter that.

    Essentially, the most popular perks tend to counter the vanilla meta of the opponent, rather than being the actual meta of the player.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited September 2021

    Thing is, that I can't imagine effect that would make it balance. It would be either useless and not worth hex, or broken and make killer's life hell.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Well, players wanted side-objective. So BHVR listened and gave side-objective to the killer.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    That's not really hard, because you have lot of maps with guaranteed totem spawns.

    As a killer, you will never be able to actually search for it. You will just find it by accident every time, when survivor will bring you there, or gen is nearby.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited September 2021

    imagine googling what meta means lmaoooooooo.

    Med kits are by far the best way to heal, they aren't meta though, despite being "Most effective tactic available"

    Keys are also the strongest item in the game, still aren't meta though because they aren't used that often.

    BNPs are the fastest way to get generators completed, somehow despite being the most effective thing, still aren't what any player considers meta, because they aren't used enough to be considered meta.

    gg, didn't even read your post after the first sentence because it's full of not understanding what meta in dbd actually means going purely by the first sentence.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Good job. You described how hexes feel when playing survivor. ha

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited September 2021

    Then you are not good survivor. ha

    4 players (3rd POV) that have option to use totem hunting perk (where it is 1 of 16) and item vs 1 player (1st POV) with nothing to help

    some maps have guaranteed totem spawns and most random spawns are predictable anyway, if you have problem to find hex as survivor it is because you lack knowledge.

    and main thing - killer can't choose where hex will be, so it can be in open for everyone to see, it can be in place where everyone goes (shack), it can spawn in front of survivor.

    survivor will be able to choose location, so they can just put it into deadzone, where killer has no reason to go.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,220
    edited September 2021
    1. It will still take up a perk slot. A Boon totem means one less DS, or BT, or DH, or PT, or Adrenaline.
    2. It's an additional objective for the survivor, it requires them to find and bless a dull totem, it's no different to Inner Strength only instead of a one-time super-OP skill (instant heal) for one totem, it's a more prolonged effect (which should mean any boon perk should be inherently weaker than Inner Strength) Speaking of inner Strength...
    3. This is a stealth nerf to Inner Strength. Along the same lines of multiple people running Inner Strength, it now has to compete for totem slots with Boon totems too.
    4. Survivors can already power through and ignore most Hex perks, even NOED can be countered by "just run out of the exit gate" in the right situation (although in that case there's usually one unlucky survivor who gets left behind). So why would these perks be so OP that the Killer can't also just 'power through' and put up with the Boon perks effects?

    Lets take an example of a potential Boon Perk that could be OP in certain scenarios, but isn't necessarily OP; The ability to recover from the dying state.

    We already have a few perks that can do this; Unbreakable, No Mither, Soul Guard. Unbreakable has a limit (one use), No Mither has a penalty (broken), Soul Guard has a prerequisite (cursed).

    So if this Boon Perk allowed you to recover from the dying state, it would basically be an Inner Strength variation of these perks, the additional 'cost' of the perk would be setting up a Boon Totem.

    So lets say a survivor does take this perk, they find and bless a dull totem, which takes time, to both find and bless (presumably at least the 14s it would take to cleanse), which is time they're not repairing generators. They then have the ability to recover from the dying state. As a killer, you can either A. find and snuff out their boon totem, or B. don't slug.

    Chances are, you're already not slugging anyway, because for all your know, they could have Unbreakable or Soul Guard anyway...

    So is this perk really inconveniencing you as a killer?

    If you happen to come across their totem, great! You get to snuff it out, and that survivor loses one of their perks. (about as effective as you not running a Hex and invalidating Soul Guard) If you don't? No big deal, maybe that survivor gets the opportunity to get themselves back up, maybe they don't, how you play as a killer will determine whether or not that happens.

    Being able to recover from the dying state, with no other penalty, is probably as OP as they could possibly get, and I still don't think that would be too hard to deal with as a killer.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Didnt even google it, I grew up when meta started becoming a standard gaming term. Imagine using a term entirely wrong just because it fits your bias tho, lmaooooooo.

    No, keys are not the strongest item. They are annoying, and in specific scenario's they are completely broken, but if a key was in the average game? Wouldnt make that much of a difference.

    Meta in DBD isnt different from meta in any other game. Just because something is popular, doesnt make it meta. Flashlights arent meta because they are the most common item. Heck, BNP is actually avoided because players think it's too good of a meta to be in the average game.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Ok so I'm just gonna mention this, cus I don't think anyone has said it or mentioned it. Ok yeah, finding totems might be annoying but it is a side objective and one that you are actually equipped to handle whereas killers don't have the tools, at least right now to handle going on totem hunts. See on top of there being 4 survivors, which means main objective can be done while also completing the side objective of totems, you have something else that killers don't have besides teammates and that's perks and items!

    Yeah, see you survivors have 4 perks and 1 item that help you find totems, and hell even one let's you cleanse them even quicker. I mean you don't even need to waste a perk slot and can just bring a map and keep all your meta perks and STILL be able to go totem hunting. Hell if you bring the right add-ons you can even have the map reveal the totem locations to the other survivors too! Killers don't have any way to track down or hunt down totems. In fact we only get notifications of you guys killing totems when you either kill off our main totem, or when you're cleansing a dull totem and we have Undying. Even with Undying, once it activates and saves the main hex perk the tracking goes away.

    So yeah based on this one little detail I personally don't have any faith that these boon totems are gonna be balanced in any shape way or form. I'll sit back and wait and see, but if they make it so that we have to go and hunt these damn things while not balancing gen times, gen regression, and not giving us any way to help track totems, then I'm gonna be honest I might just stop playing the game entirely.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Just some little details that you forgot. You have no ######### idea what boon totems do, you've never played as killer against boon totems, and theory crafting is beyond speculative.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683's almost like you didn't read what I said at all and just wanted to talk #########. I said at the end that I'LL WAIT AND SEE HOW THIS WORKS. Everything else I mentioned were just some concerns that I have about this mechanic, and that I hope that the devs also considered the same and figured out a way to make this work without breaking the game. Granted my faith in them is pretty low, but I can still hope for some semblance of balance.

    So yeah, no ######### I never played against boon totems. Literally no one here has. Still doesn't mean that I can't worry and bring up some issues that I can potentially see and hope that they'll address them. But here, let me reiterate again, so you don't miss it this time. *I GUESS WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE HOW THEY HANDLE IMPLEMENTING THIS NEW FEATURE IN TO THE GAME.*