EAC on Steam Deck / Proton / Linux



  • I think the reason why there's a block on the Steam version is pretty obvious:

    They don't want the forums (and Steam reviews) to be flooded with angry Steam Deck users who don't know anything at all about Linux and are upset because X feature doesn't work properly or map Y has a graphics bug or they just plain couldn't get the game to run. They haven't finished testing it thoroughly, and maybe the people at corporate are also waiting to get Valve's Verified seal of approval before moving forward.

    At the same time, the devs aren't dicks, and so, in the meantime, we still get a way to play, and BHVR can take the stance in the meantime that it isn't something that's officially supported while gleaning valuable information from the few who are trying it.

    As mainstream as the Steam Deck has become, merely enabling Proton support out-of-the-box is still going to lead to hundreds to thousands of people trying it and causing headaches for BHVR.

    It takes an extra $10, a little bit of knowledge, and a lot of extra work to get it working on Linux, more work than just installing Windows on an SD card would be for the average Steam Deck user.

    In the meantime, if you really want to play the game on Linux, get the Epic version. It's the price of two cups of coffee, and cross-progression works flawlessly. If playing the game is more important to you than what OS you're playing it on, dual-boot Windows or play on GeForce Now.

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    if devs want test steam deck before release, they need to close game for test or switch game to early access🤗

    devs can add some beta option (similary as ptb) for steam deck and mark as "testing", "beta", "early access for steam deck", etc, because we tried play via proton and no one doesn't found bugs

  • IncapableOfSex
    IncapableOfSex Member Posts: 25

    Bugs are not a reason they have not released on steam deck yet, I have been playing this game for some time now on epic version in both my pc and steam deck and both versions run perfectly (including the same visual bugs that windows has)

  • Mach2
    Mach2 Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 49

    It did work. Flawlessly. I don’t think making excuses for them is going to help us get Steam Deck support. They need the pressure from the community to get things done

  • That's not what I said, though. Whether there are or aren't (and I haven't found any, either), BHVR is a corporate entity, and they have bureaucratic ways of doing things. There not being any obvious bugs doesn't mean that one might not show up at some point and spoil everyone's party, and even though you and I can sit here and speculate on how unlikely that is, these things have to go through a rigorous testing process.

    I was just reading up a few minutes ago on the class-action lawsuit over Aliens: Colonial Marines, which I'm surprised any court took up at all, but it resulted in a $1.25 million judgement.

    Is something like that likely to happen over DBD enabling Steam Deck support slightly earlier than a handful of stuffy guys in suits think is a good idea? No. But if they don't follow rigorous standards on every product they make, something bad might happen eventually.

    The way things are working right now, if someone fires up DBD on Linux and and their house explodes, BHVR can honestly say, "Well, these people weren't using our product in any intended way, and we're not liable."

    Stop thinking like a normal human being with a brain and start thinking like a cold, corporate bureaucrat, and it actually makes a lot of sense.

  • I didn't see this before I wrote the above comment (which you should also read), but I'm not "making excuses".

    They gave us what we wanted. It works. You can play it.

    I was complaining about it as much as anyone, but now it works just fine, and all of my progress will be synced with Steam when they decide that's good and ready. I'd like to be making progress on my achievements, but the situation is currently just fine other than that.

    I don't think "pressure from the community" is going to do much good, at least not here. They know we want it. They're getting it done. You have a solution in the meantime. Be happy.

  • Mach2
    Mach2 Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 49

    They did not give us what we want. We want Steam Native Support, not a crummy work around that lags.

    Apparently you don't follow DBD much because cross progression has been re-enabled. If we were just "content" with everything BHVR gave us, DBD would have flopped years ago. It's people like us that push the issues are what get BHVR to stand up and fix their wrongs.

    This post thread is clearly not for you if you'll take what you can get and suck it up and move on. We want NATIVE Steam Deck Support that is actually supported. BHVR didn't "give us" the Heroic work around, people worked tirelessly to discover it. Don't give them credit for something they didn't do.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    Well, I can't get it working. I get the error "EAC has detected that game files have been modified (error code 1)."

    I've tried forcing the update and verifying and repairing, but neither worked. :(

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    someone can try launch dbd on steam? now I have EAC instantiated error at start after few retries

  • aragami
    aragami Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2023

    It's "working" as always, I can get into the menu. Try deleting the EasyAntiCheat directory and verify game files, changing Proton version may give this outcome depending on which version you were using.

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    someone have error in heroic w/ dbd "engine/binaries/thidrparty/cef/libgles.dll?

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97
  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    I bought dbd in epic and check matching files: bhvr make different builds for steam and epic.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    As additional info, the game tells me, "Easy Anti-Cheat Hash Catalogue not found."

  • What are you even talking about?

    1. I'm not having any lag problems. What's your distro? Have you even tried this yourself?
    2. Apparently you don't follow DBD much outside of social media, because the Facebook and Twitter posts saying that "cross-progression has been re-enabled" aren't referring to EGS at all. EGS cross-progression is a relatively new feature; multiple people here have confirmed that it worked even before cross-progression was re-enabled on Stadia, which is what those posts are about.
    3. If we're being technical, Stadia cross-progression always worked, for that matter; it was account linking that was disabled for some time. I linked my accounts before there were any problems, and my progress has been syncing between the two flawlessly the entire time. Yes, cross-progression works flawlessly and always has. And you can currently link Steam, EGS, and Stadia, if you want, so I don't know what you're on about.
    4. Wait, come to think of it, is the game unplayably laggy on Linux, or is it so bug-free that there's no way bugs are the reason it hasn't been released yet? These statements seem to contradict each other. You understand that any performance issues affecting the EGS version of the game are going to be exactly the same for the Steam version being that they're both using Proton and are more or less identical, right?

    What I wanted is to be able to play DBD on Linux without having to dual-boot another operating system.

    I'm appreciative that there's now a way to accomplish this. It plays well, and they've confirmed that they're working on "native Steam support".

    Being that they have confirmed that they're working on it, and we have clear evidence that that's exactly what they're doing, what is it that you're trying to accomplish? It seems like you think you're on some kind of a holy quest to bring the evils of BHVR's dev team to light. Do you even like this game?

    I'll go ahead and stay in this thread to help people who actually do want to make this work.

    Yes, it gives you a list of files you need to copy over from the Steam version to the Epic version. Same locations in both instances. When you copy that one, it will complain that it's missing another one next time you boot. There are 20 or 30 of them, I think. It's tedious, but once you've copied them all, the game works again.

  • Oh, and I missed this.

    You didn't copy the EasyAntiCheat folder from the Steam version to the Epic version correctly. There's a post about this somewhere above. Take the EasyAntiCheat folder from the Steam version and copy it to the Engine/Binaries/EGS subfolder (or something like that) in the EGS folder.

  • It's also worth noting that the update to glibc 2.36 breaks EAC on everything (DBD included), so if you're using a rolling release or bleeding-edge distro, this may require a workaround.

    I think Arch may (?) have already fixed this in its implementation of glibc, and there were workarounds floating around as well if you Google it. But I don't use Arch anymore and am not sure.

    If anyone knows what glibc SteamOS is currently using (I imagine that Valve wouldn't allow EAC to break on its own platforms), that might be interesting.

    On Gentoo, recompile glibc with the hash-sysv-compat USE flag.

    The only other distros this might currently affect, AFAIK, are Fedora and OpenSUSE's rolling release branch, so if anyone's using those, try firing up any game with EAC and post results.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620
    edited January 2023

    I didn't find the post you're referring to, but it sounds different from the one I followed. I had tried to point to the Proton EAC Runtime itself, so I thought they may have been the problem, so I just pointed to the folder it was in. Then I just get "EAC Client Cannot Be Initiated" or something.

    So in order to copy the EAC folder from the Steam version to the Epic version, does that mean I would have to install the Steam version of the game?

  • Yes, you need both the Steam and Epic versions installed. You can uninstall the Steam version once you've got Epic working, but I keep them both installed so I don't need to redownload the Steam version every time there's an update.

    Yeah, the post in question wasn't very clear at all, and it wasn't in the original instructions.

    You still need to add the PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME enviroment variable, and then you need to take the EasyAntiCheat folder from the root of the Steam version and copy it to the Engine/Binaries/EGS subfolder in the EGS version (so they're in different locations

    Also, the missing files referred to here

    after doing some testing might be like 70 or something. To prevent anyone from having to boot the game up that many times, copy the following folders from Steam to EGS (unlike above, these are placed in the exact same location in both folders):




    Dead by Daylight/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/CEF3

    Dead by Daylight/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/ - there are threeish more folders here that already exist in Steam, but don't in EGS; compare the two and copy the ones that don't already exist

    I'm going by memory here, but I think that's largely correct. If I did miss something, wait for the error message and just copy whatever folder the file is in that it's complaining about. But at least this way you can deal with one or two error messages instead of 70-something.

  • Also - last double-post for now - note that the first "DeadByDaylight" in the above instructions are the root install folder for the game, and "DeadByDaylight/DeadByDaylight" refers to the subfolder within the root folder. This confused me some at first, so I'm pointing it out.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    While I'm waiting for DBD to install on Steam, are these folders easy to locate? And will we have to do all these steps every time the game updates? Because it updates quite often, and if we have to keep doing this every time, it may not be worth it... 🙁

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2023

    Yes. To find the files on Steam, right click on "Dead By Daylight" and then go to Manage -> Browse local files.

    Heroic asks you where to install it when you first download the game, and if you forgot where it is, it should tell you in the settings for the game.

    I don't know how frequently you have to redo all this. Maybe you don't at all. I haven't had to so far, but I'm erring on the side of caution since I have slow internet.

    The thing that was most confusing to me is that there are different but similar folders like DeadByDaylight/Engine/Plugins and DeadByDaylight/DeadByDaylight/Engine/Plugins. You want the directory structure for all of the copied folders to match exactly, with the exception of the EasyAntiCheat folder from Steam, which goes in Engine/Binaries/EGS.

    But just copy the folders listed in my post above and you're 90% of the way there (100% if I didn't forget any). Don't overwrite anything; everything that you need to copy doesn't exist yet in the EGS folder. (And definitely do not just copy/overwrite every file from Steam to EGS indiscriminately; this will result in failure since one or two files are different. I tried this.)

    Couple of other tips (for anyone reading this):

    Remember to have a version of Proton selected. GE is best, which you can download from Heroic's Wine manager, but remember to use Proton (meaning, Proton-GE-Proton, not Wine-GE-Proton).

    Remember to test another game with EAC to make sure it's working correctly in general. (VHS uses it and is free. It's also not as good as DBD. EDIT: VRChat also has EAC and is much smaller.)

    If you encounter a bug when trying to run a game from Heroic with something like "no version of Wine is selected", you might have to download a different (even older) version of Proton, run it with that, and then you can switch it back to the version you actually want once it's been opened once.

    Epic launcher via Lutris does not work. Don't try it. It seems like it does at first, but whatever "Force update if available" does to fix the Heroic install doesn't appear to have an analogue for the Epic version, so once you start getting errors, you're just screwed. There might be a way to sync the Lutris installed games with Heroic so you don't have to redownload everything if that's how you installed it, but I didn't test this out.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    Well, I've copied everything over, nothing overwritten, and it still says "EAC cannot be instantiated." So I'm completely lost on where it went wrong...

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited January 2023

    Should be an easy fix.

    Do you see the little EAC popup with the little blue loading bar before DBD proper starts? If not, you need to make sure the PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME or whatever it was is set correctly.

    If so, good; EAC was properly set up. Just go to "Force update if necessary" and relaunch. If that fails, try "Verify..." and then relaunch. The former is more likely to help than the latter, and the latter takes 10 minutes-ish to work, so try the former first.

    If you've gotten the missing hashfile error, I'm assuming that it was indeed set up correctly to begin with, and all you have to do is click that button and you'll get to the menu (assuming all of the necessary files were copied).

    That's also what I meant when I said that using the installer via Lutris doesn't work. If you get that error on Heroic and EAC is set up correctly, "Force update if available" fixes it. Lutris's Epic launcher has no such option.

    This error has nothing to do with the files you copied, for the record, and you probably would have gotten it the next time you started it up regardless. I always, ALWAYS get this error the second time I launch the game after installing, but never the first. YMMV.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    I do see the EAC popup, and I tried the force update, but still get the "EAC client cannot be instantiated" error. When I tried the verify and repair thing, nothing seems to happen.

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    dbd possible on run w/ heroic, but what about progress? I can't sync progress, this is doesn't work at this time. play as nude dwight after 3000 hrs not interesting

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    I'm already linked egs and steam, but sync doesn't work

  • That's weird.

    What version of Proton do you have selected?

    Are you sure the PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME variable points to the right place?

    Have you tried "Force update" and retry multiple times?

    This is a regression if you've gotten the missing hashfile error. You've already gotten past this point before. We just need to figure out why it's not working now.

  • Tiixxel
    Tiixxel Member Posts: 25

    Fedora works. Even tho I have glib 2.36-8 installed which is odd.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    I have GE-Proton7-31 selected. It's the only one I have, other than the default, whichI'm pretty certain the PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME variable is pointing to the right place.

  • Mach2
    Mach2 Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 49

    You reiterated exactly what I said about EGS cross progression being enabled, so I’m not going to dive into it further. I'm not trying to do anything other than advocate for Native Steam Deck Support. They've promised this for at least almost a year now and have yet to deliver.

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    guys someone have performance issues? i talk about heroic (egs). pls check: spamming LCtrl + LShift (crounch + run) as flashlight clickers. do u have freezes at this moment?

  • Mach2
    Mach2 Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 49

    Lag spikes happen with DBD on Heroic, it's a common issue that unfortunately won't be resolved until the Steam Deck is supported by BHVR themselves.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    I did notice in the DBD settings in Heroic, it says "Sync Saves: Unsupported." I'm assuming that means that your progress in Epic won't be carried over to Heroic, or vice versa. If that's the case, it's probably not worth playing DBD on the Steam Deck, at least through this method. I might as well stick with the Nintendo Switch version for portable DBD...

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    heroic is not way to play in dbd at this moment... hard installation, lag spikes, unsupported sync progress

  • IncapableOfSex
    IncapableOfSex Member Posts: 25

    Sync not supported is probably related to the fact that ever time you install new it shows a popup about ranks like you are new to the game, the progress is being carried over, I can easily jump from my PC to the Steam Deck, also for the people talking about lag its normal in the begging like many other games, after sometime it's gone, you might still sometimes get a lag spike but that's normal for dbd, I also had on windows

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    in dbd after sometime my lags not gone, I have lag spikes every time and I'm say, how to reproduce it

    on win7 dbd unplayable, but on win8 dbd wok smoothly and perectly

  • IncapableOfSex
    IncapableOfSex Member Posts: 25

    This is strange, have you tried changing the proton version? I'm using Proton-GE 7-43

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    yes, i try proton-ge 7-3* and proton-ge 7-43, I doesn't see differences

    March2 said about lag spikes, u can't confirm it?

  • IncapableOfSex
    IncapableOfSex Member Posts: 25

    No i can't, I use arch for pc and the steam deck, the only problem I have is sometimes when alt tabbing the fps get stuck at 20 but after a few seconds it slowing starts going back to 60, other than that I don't have any lag spikes, the only time was when i first started playing on Linux but that is expected from proton for the fist few hours. Maybe could be related to the WM compositor being use? I'm using wayland + gnome

  • Pyc
    Pyc Member Posts: 97

    what ur video adapter and what drivers u use?


    have nvidia gtx 1080ti and nvidia blob 525.60.13

  • IncapableOfSex
    IncapableOfSex Member Posts: 25

    AMD rx580 Mesa Latest version (22.3.3) Vulkan-Radeon (22-3-31) It could also be a problem with Nvidia, other people with lag spikes could confirm, this would also explain Why it works perfectly on my PC and steam deck, both are AMD

  • Mach2
    Mach2 Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 49

    My nvidia graphics card on my PC performs without issue. Maybe someone will come up with a solution for the lag spikes for heroic.

  • Alphonse
    Alphonse Member Posts: 146

    @Mandy , some news please?

  • Mach2
    Mach2 Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 49

    Good luck, BHVR is as silent as a mouse when trying to get any information from them.