Killers are beginning to get tired of BHVR's BS

Legionair Member Posts: 196
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

The mid-chapter notes has caused a lot of players to question BHVR's ability as developers, and to question dbd as a whole. these mid-chapter notes introduced a LOT of changes to both killers and survivors that includes gutting spirit and passing it on as "a skill increase to playing AS and AGAINST her" when in all reality everyone knows this is just a massive nerf.

Another very out of the blue nerf went to deathslinger who, in many peoples opinion, didnt need it. To compensate for this, BHVR gave trapper a buff (a couple more traps), and plague a buff (Yay! she is now moving out of the worst killer tier and into the 2nd-3rd worst killer tier).

For survivors a LOT more things got buffed and is going to be added, namely the Boon totems to the survivor sides excitement.

All in all the survivors get a new survivor, 3 new perks, 3 buffed perks, and boon totems.

The killers get, S tier spirit dead, worse killers made mediocre, 3 buffed perks (debatable on HEX: The third seal) and the inevitable knowledge that they will probably never get to enjoy hex totems again with the release of boon totems. (not that it was enjoyable with your ruin spawning in the middle of the street or next to a gen).

A LOT of killers are expressing their concerns and frustrations with this but it's doubtful BHVR will care as most all survivors love this. How much farther until the constantly unheard 1/5th has had enough? How far is BHVR willing to push this? With as toxic a community the one-sidedness has created I am willing to bet it wont be much longer until the dbd player base starts to crumble with some much more promising games similar to how dbd functions comes out. I would love to hear everyone's opinions on this! (Pls keep toxicity/being rude to yourself)

Post edited by Legionair on


  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    Unfun is a very subjective term, if a survivor is new I feel like they should in a way feel scared of the killer (something that is missing in mid-high tier play). Plague at least personally I would rank above legion who is in turn above ghostface but thats personally my opinion just as you have yours, neither of us needs to be right in that regard as we are 2 different people. Yes I forgot about keys which sucks for survivors but was a MUCH needed nerf for wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too long. I know they are a bit biased about that however as moris recieved a nerf way before keys, mori changes were not publicly announced (as far as I remember) so nobody got to use them before they became not very viable. keys however and the hatch took BHVR a year to change, and were publicly announced (I see a key in every other game now). Boon perks as a whole are very powerful and basically mean that Hexes are going to die out as killers who know what boons do and how survs can use them will not bother using hexes again. This game is a 1v4 and BHVR has decided to give the 4 people the power role which is beyond me to comprehend or understand. In any situation in a 1v4 the person who is outnumbered should always hold the power role and yes it is hard as hell to balance that correctly but it has been this way for what feels like a long time and people are getting fed up with it. It is also beyond me to understand that BHVR takes their veteran players feedback at high tier and a noobs feedback at how hard the game is and basically says "Sorry veterans! you who know our game best! we are going to take the voices and reasoning of the newer players and balance the game around them!" Like WhAt!!??

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    I installed a little before "Of Flesh And Mud" and the game was decently fun then! now I dont feel fulfilled unless I play survivor and can run my 4 copout perks and run pallet to pallet as the poor killer doesnt get a chance to catch me or they lose 4 gens

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    Im not saying they are leaving simply because of a spirit nerf. read the post again if you need.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    A lot of people are unhappy with is, even looking at the general discussions in these forums one can easily tell people are very unhappy. But BHVR won't change it until a majority of people get like this

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Ghosty at least can turn off his TR at will and try to get the drop on people. I feel legion and twins are worse than him.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Is he the strongest? Ofc not but he can 99 and instadown when it pleases him. Not to mention crouch instantly, turn off TR and red light. Legion wishes they could be half as good as Ghostface. Trapper (even with this buff) still will not be better than Ghostface. I will raise you a Mike, Pig, Trickster who are also not better than him. To the main point though killers will remain here to kill until the game dies.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    Legion and twins in my opinion are much better because they have more map pressure, ghostie has great 1v1 potencial but where he fails is to capitalize on it with pressure on multiple survivors

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    Ghostface cannot provide pressure like legion and other killers can with their powers and speedboosts, or trappers utility to instadown with 6 traps placed where he wants. trapper alone provides more pressure with his power as he can spread them out and legion can lock down and injure everyone in under 30 seconds if they are clumped together, ghostface cannot remotely do this

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    I'm actually pretty okay with the mid-chapter changes: Trapper gets a nice buff and add-on pass, which is wizard;

    Plague gets an add-on pass and a QOL change, which will make playing her even more entertaining;

    Spirit gets what looks like a Nerf in the form of a change that makes her a tiny bit less absolutely busted while leaving her essentially the same in terms of power, really looking forward to playing her without getting told to kill myself after every match;

    Michela is getting added, and not only is she hella cute and incredibly slappable-looking, but she brings one descent perk and two more that are good enough that I might see more than the same six perks every high-level match, which is flat-out astounding;

    Pig also is getting an add-on pass, which wasn't amazing to be fair, but it was still nice to see!

    Over all, I'd say that it's actually an absolute win. Glad we didn't get a disaster with the patch, tbh--it's funny looking back at everyone's nerf "predictions."

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Ok so first thing first, please format your text cause that is not easy to read.

    Plague was not one of the worst killers. Almost everybody can agree that they are at least B.

    I do agree that almost every patch, survivors end up getting more out of it then the killer, but what do you expect? One side clearly has more players, more characters, and more money opportunities. Sure killer is required to have matches but look at how much stuff killer has dealt with in the past.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    I am sorry you had trouble reading that ill work on making it easier for you to look at another time. and I am trying to get people to notice these things and have attention raised for it so BHVR fixes it, otherwise it wont stop until killer is unplayable

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I'm sure most of us have been aware and I do see people talk about it but it's definitely not enough. I hate the idea of bringing other people into this but I kinda want another situation of the whole color blind thing again. That was the only case where we got immediate feedback.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196
    edited October 2021

    sorry i thought this was for a diff discussion i had. but yes, and by all means start a colorblind thing if you want attention drawn to it

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I can't tell if your assuming I'm a survivor main or not. Either way I definitely don't think survivors need a buff. Maybe solo Q but that's it. Gens fly too quick. Loops are really strong. Maps are too big. The amount of second chances they get are ridiculous. They had so much for so long. As for the Color Blind thing I don't mean I want more things for color blind people, I'm saying I want a similar situation. Such as if for some reason a really big person on the internet talks about how bad the loops and map design is, or how strong perks are.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    I edited my post, I had thought this was for a diff discussion I had which is mb

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    are you saying just because I have a different opinion means I am not capable?

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    No they're not, but it's interesting how that's where you're steering the conversation, If I'm being honest.

    Your comments lead me to believe that you play on console: correct or incorrect?

    And before you ask: yes, that is relevant information.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    I am happy you feel so optimistic about the future updates, I agree to disagree.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    I have actually only ever played on pc, but that is also interesting thats where you are streering the conversation, if I am being honest too ;).

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416
    edited October 2021

    Thanks, that leads to my follow-up question: what the hell are you doing that Plague is slowing down performance so much? It seems like you're the only person I've heard of so far outside of console who's having issues.

    Mind answering so quickly to this one too? Kay, thanks, cute attempt at a bait-and-switch ;)

    Edit: Actually, I'm going to bed, because I'm feeling absurdly aggressive right now, and that's not fair to you--I shouldn't be snipping at you with very little reason like that, s'not cool of me.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196
  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    also for someone who interjects into other peoples convos and not my original post you sure are rude, mind being more civil? im sorry i matched your energy but come on XD

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    My bad, that was "Warcrafter4," apparently--yet more proof that I should go the ######### to sleep already.

    I did respond to the original post, actually. It's on the first page :)

    In fact, I responded to the original post on two of your forum posts; thanks for noticing or even bothering to check before insinuating that I'm a nosy jackass :)

    You were high energy initially, I responded curtly, you responded rudely, so I finished very rudely and apologized after--so I literally refuse to be more civil; eat my entire keister.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Poor Spirit, she was fine from the start and was nerfed because survivors suck

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is sad, but true. I have no bias here, I do not even have her unlocked. I just can't believe she was nerfed because survivors couldn't make a read to save their lives. Heaven forbid they ever play a fighting game where you actually need to predict what your opponent will do.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    I never had a problem witn Spirit because, I use Spine Chill. It's amazing for Ghostface and Michael Myers too

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
    edited October 2021

    Forcing the survivor to take a shot in the dark was braindead and cowardly, Spirit deserved the nerf.

    The Deathslinger nerf though, that was way out of left field and now he's bootleg Huntress. That TR nerf especially should be reverted entirely.

    As a Clown player, I don't think my killer of choice is realistically being looked at for nerfs, so I'm safe.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    Hey man, sorry for the late reply. I think we both are a bit too much out at each other so allow me to be the first to apologize for how I said things to you. I am sorry man and I hope you have a good one

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    I was going to be all "You fool! I've already apologized! Muahahahaha!"

    But then I realized that no, I actually didn't apologize properly in that edit, so I'd best lay it down: I'm sorry that I came at you like that. It wasn't right of me to take figurative shots at you just because I took offense to the way you worded things, and then further think poorly of you due to things that you didn't even say--hella uncool of me, m'dude.

    Here's to hoping you have a good day as well, yeah?