You need to do something about camping/tunneling BHVR!



  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,910

    You do realize if they do something about camping and tunneling... they would need to change how survivor works completely.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    ds on a new character because it's what i was given on the bloodweb, my mistake for not putting on level 1 technician.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Of course man, killers never just play like this, it must be the survivors fault, it's so boring when you post screenshots of something and killers just have to argue that it's the survivors fault, killer never saw me and was camping before i was even in that position but of course you gotta make up your stories to justify.

  • kingbojenbo
    kingbojenbo Member Posts: 130

    So if survivors work on their objective which is gens then it's "gen rushing" and when survivors run from the killer (which is the only thing they can really do) it's the "hold w meta". Which both are considered unfair to killers...

    Not looking down at anyone but I'm failing to see the logic here.

    H1GHLVND3R Member Posts: 138

    If i see speedhack or ping abuse i will camp, cuz its pointless to play. Add anticheat to the game and remove desyncs so 300 ms players wont have profit and then we talk

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    So this turned into an Us V Them... this isn't fun nor productive... but it does prove that it is a circle

    Survivors that do gens really fast and/or not caring for Hooks the killer gets = Genrushing

    Killers that: find, chase (for however long), Down, hook the first Survivor only not caring how many Gen were done = Tunneling

    Killers that Hook one Survivor but don't move not caring about how many Gens were done = Camping

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Tunneling and camping are a symptom of gen speeds, which are only a problem because maps are too big

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    No they don't, you just need to get better at the game.

    A good survivor is impossible to down, they have all the resources in game to survive. Use them. The game used to be designed that you would get caught at some point, now it's designed that if you know what you are doing as Survivor you are immune. There is no excuse.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Yeah, there are plenty guides online and a player I recommend is Otzdarva. Best of luck.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Okay. A few things.

    • Any claim that starts with 'my friend told me...' immediately comes over as disingenuous.
    • Yes, some killers facecamp. BHVR have...something in store to help this. However:
    • Tunneling is a valid strategy. Of course the killer wants to win, and it makes tactical sense to get one person (probably the biggest threat if possible) dead ASAP. Do you want a 4-out every game?
    • As things stand, it's entirely possible to lose 2 gens within the first minute of the game, and 4 gens by the time you get a real chase. SWF sweatsquads with PT, toolboxes and now boons make it easy to just whack out gens while being nearly invisible.
    • BHVR can't stop 'tunneling'. What you should be asking for is a tweak to gen speed at the upper end of addons/perks, so that killers aren't forced to tunnel someone. Then we can talk about some sort of mechanic to stop killers from doing it out of spite. Maybe.

    Agreed. This game should be about chasing and being chased.

    However, survivors also need to abide by this.

    There is no reason why I, as a killer, should be seeing gens fly by before I can even get a chase, or survivors negate this by abusing infinite loops on RPD or those obnoxious stealth boons that allow you to basically avoid chases entirely.

    The problem isn't tunneling and camping alone. The problem is that, the game as is - especially on RPD/Haddonfield/Badham - is so incredibly difficult for some killers that they are forced into these strategies. Believe me, it's not much more fun for them.

    I've been accused of tunneling/camping because:

    • A survivor followed me all the way to the hook, and I chased them and downed them right after.
    • Someone gets unlucky and runs directly to me off hook.
    • A survivor teabags and flashes me, then gets focused down. Why complain about getting my attention when you ask for my attention?
    • A survivor keeps coming back to the same gen that I'm defending.

    Survivors really do seem to be going into matches with the expectation of escaping every time, and will DC/get salty in postgame if they don't on a regular basis.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Yeah, of course. I am talking about actual tunneling / camping, it's nothing new that 90% of "tunneling" said by survivors is not really tunneling, they just don't understand killer's POV and trying to find an excuse for losing.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    No, face-camping and proxy-tunneling are a symptom of bad game design that allows 1 player to completely stop another player from playing the game. You can slow gen speeds to take an hour and killers would still face-camp and proxy-tunnel. This is entirely on the killers side of things and any nerf you do to survivors wouldn't change it. It's been going on since the game began and will continue to go on until the developers make changes.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854


    Getting a camper and tunneler in most trials since SBMM release. Was high MMR at release sure 100%. Dunno now but still above average for sure (playing soloQ so hard to stay at the top by myself).

    Whatever the MMR, as camping is the only viable way to win a trial, especially in high level, most killers do it.

    When i play my high MMR killers, i don't do it and i get reckt many times. Some survivors even thank me for being so fair.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352


    RPD needs to be split up and minimized BAD. It's way too big and the fact that it has infinites is sad.

    And my god, Haddonfield needs a map rework the most out of every single map in the game. Ideally every map would be 50:50 for both sides in design and layout but alas.

    I think reducing the size of the larger maps would help immensely over all. As a Killer I literally run either: Corrupt Intervention OR Ruin + Undying + Discordance to stall the early game somewhat until I can get into a chase and get things going.

    Again I agree with you, I know it's a way to apply pressure or secure at least 1 kill but I hate that there's so many people who exclusively do just that AT 5 gens and relish in it and sometimes even secure a 2nd kill with NOED and gain MMR from that despite only making 8 - 9k BP and doing next to nothing the entire match. If they made it so that the survivor being face camped wasn't penalized as harshly and maybe got Distraction points for being camped idk just anything to make the experience of being camped until you die on hook a little bit better would be appreciated. I'm not asking for camping to magically be removed somehow just that it be less rewarding for a killer to do in the grand scheme of things and the unfortunate victim to get SOMETHING in return, even if it's small because it makes me just give up on playing survivor and either play some killer or go play another game, usually the latter.

    If a killer rly wants me to not play the game I won't 😐

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    You aren't going to prevent 'tunneling' though without completely breaking the game. The goal of the killer initially is to turn a 4man into a 3man, as this is the only way to get generator speeds to the point where you can actually get there in time and have a chase before it pops. As it stands, if you reach 2-3 gens without a kill, you're going to get stomped.

    And...killers don't have all that much control over this. On some maps (RPD), it's entirely possible for survivors to finish 2 gens before the killer can realistically reach them, even if he starts heading there at the start of the game.

    Survivor queues are getting longer and longer, and my killer queues are pretty close to instant.

    Ruin+Undying is a gamble, as on certain maps it can spawn literally next to the first gen survivors go to, right out in the open. I use Ruin on Pinhead and Pop on most other killers now.

    Yeah, RPD is horrible. I've started just yanking my cable whenever someone brings an offering for it. The map is spectacularly busted - it's annoying for inexperienced survivors, and way too strong once they understand the layout, the infinite in the office, the 3 or so 'free' gens that are nearly impossible to pressure and the various drops and vaults that are on par with the notorious Badham fence.

    Haddonfield is very killer dependent. If you have a killer that can traverse vertically, it's manageable. On an M1 killer, survivors can see you coming so clearly and have so many escapes from nearly every gen position that you have to rely on them making mistakes.

    I'd be happy with a BP increase for camped survivors, but as it stands smart groups already love to play grab-ass or sit and heal around the hook (especially now with boons) as even chasing them around it gives the killer a pretty nasty BP penalty. Any mechanism to stop face-camping has to be done very carefully, or survivors will exploit it to create a safe-zone where killers can't threaten them.

  • xnicolay
    xnicolay Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2021

    play vs 4 BT,DS,DH, Unbreakeable.... yes, it's fun play as killer.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Yeah, I only use Ruin Undying on my Plague and it's 100% a gamble. If it gets cleansed in the first minute or two I'm screwed but if i can get more than 2+ minutes of value from it I can usually get a snowball rolling. And if it happens to stay up all match it's just crippling to the survivors.

    Aside from that on Plague I stick to the Pop Corrupt combo because it's reliable lol

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Everytime there is a post about the few killers that think it is viable to stand in front of a hook and just wait, come back with the same lame arguement.

    I play killer most games and never get gen rushed, the reason why, because I don't camp, I pressure the gens. I keep the survivors running, The time it takes for somebody to leave a gen, run to save, both heal, you could have chased the other two away. And if they are that good that you still lose out on all the gens, then it is down to them just being good. It's not rocket science, while you are stood at the hook, the other two are working on gens, probably with tool kits and "prove thy self".

    Gen rushing only happens because of campers who come on here and say what a wonderful tactic it is to stand at a hook, waiting for another survivor to come to them. Then come on here crying that the game is survivor biased, boon totems are two strong, ban medkits, make gens slower. Just look at anytime anybody posts about camping.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    CI is still one of the perks I need to farm up. I really enjoy Discordance+Pop, and I like to run Ruin+Undying+Plaything on Pinhead. Really need to unlock Dead Man's Switch on him, that seems to have some crazy potential.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165
    1. This is why the first rule of thumb is video and not screenshots as it does more to show us how the game really went.
    2. Know when to hold them and when to fold them. Rescuing against Bubba is suicide and sometimes sacrifices must be made.
    3. Before anyone tries to call me a killer sympathizer look at the situation with logic and explain if the killer would have been able to even get a kill otherwise.
    4. Are we stating that camping at any level or time is bad? What about EGC when there is literally nothing else to do and a great way to get more points from hits or potential trades?
    5. If you state that even at EGC that camping is bad then why stay and reward the killer with more points instead of just getting out and leaving them with their one kill?
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Lol y'all killers are so funny, I actually think camping is fine especially at end game but someone makes a joke and killers immediately just have to start defending why someone would camp, actually funny imo that you need to justify it so badly.

    And yea videos would have been cool but I don't go into games expecting camps and because I think camping is fine I usually only screenshot because it's funny.

    Good job guys you got tilted by some screenshots and went into defence mode 🤠🥰

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    as far as i remember BHVR tried that before and you know what? survivors always find a way to abuse things and use them offensively.

  • Entinaty
    Entinaty Member Posts: 165

    Funny that I am assumed as a killer main and sympathizer when I was only asking questions about logic and wanted honest answers based off of the screen shots that you provided. Funny how not only am I accused of defending people but also assumed to be tilted. We all know what is said about those that assume. I just honestly want to know what situations would make camping a problem without with arguments for and against that are logical.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I hope I get to face camp your friend before he quits. Would be a nice farewell to his DBD career.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    Guys please, this 'muh gen speeds' counter argument doesn't even work.

    Regardless of people doing gens, you as a killer get to move, chase, patrol, break and use your power the entire match. A hooked survivor being camped is stuck in a static position until they die. They don't get to do anything in the match they queued into. THATS why camping needs to be changed, so they can actively participate in the video game.

    Besides, a lot of killers camp you out of spite, not because they're losing gens. They'll either mess up on a mind game or not try one at all, avoid pallets stuns or breaking them like it will crash their game to bloodlust you instead of reducing the effectiveness of the tile/remove it completely and then once they down you, nod at you and hit you on hook. Them being outplayed means you don't get to play at all! cool!

    Also, DS does nothing to a tunneler. If they want to tunnel you, DS isn't going to stop them, and with the current popular roster its not hard to still quickly catch and down the person who DS'd you anyway.

    'just don't get caught lol'

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    >Regardless of people doing gens, you as a killer get to move, chase, patrol, break and use your power the entire match

    Wow! It's so cool! Killer can walk and suck the whole game, feeling like a helpless invalid! The words of someone who doesn't play a lot for killer.

    You only describe problems of your favorite side. Do you want to take away killers camp? What will you give them in return? I don’t like speed of making gens, I don’t like duration of chase compared to making gens. I don't like toxic foolish clowns who grimace every second match and turn horror into comedy like Scary Movie or Benny Hill's show, that destroys whole atmosphere. What are you willing to give in return instead of a camp and tunnel to solve these problems?

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Every time I offer a solution to this, people get mad at me. But here it goes anyway: get better at running or run perks to counter it. Yeah, getting tunneled is a thing and yeah it applies at all ranks (the camping does inevitably go away the higher rank/MMR you get) because just like the survivors, killers want to win and they can do so by the means they see most effective. If you are hunting survivors and you see a healthy person who can run well, or an injured person who goes down in 15 to 30 seconds, you wouldn't go after the healthy person. You would target the weakest link to eliminate them and start a snowball effect. All of the games I play where somebody dies quickly to tunnelling is because the survivor cannot run the killer. The other alternative is to run something like Decisive Strike or get a friend to run Borrowed Time. If you can run or you have a perk to discourage the killer from tunnelling they will leave you most of the time to seek an easier target.

    As far as dying at 5 gens go, I'm gonna regurgitate a flowchart I saw online. Are you being chased? If so, run as long as possible away from generators. If NOT then what are your teammates doing? Being chased/Not on gens? Get on a generator. Unsure? Get on a generator. Working on a gen? Get on a different generator (or look for totems but if you are struggling this much with getting gens done they should be the only focus till you get better at it). Never assume anyone is working on a generator ever.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    As a person who plays killer and survivor and is still quite new to the game, I have no problem with tunneling or being tunneled. Sometimes it just happens, you come across the person who has just been unhooked and they are the next person to down. No killer is going to run away from somebody who is already injured and could be out on next hook, just to give the survivors the chance.

    Camping is not a problem as long as it is only proxy camping, being in site of the hook, looking for others to chase while watching the hook for the save is fine. As a survivor I don't mind this, sometimes I get saves, sometimes the person who comes to save gets chases and somebody else saves me. As a killer sometimes I get a hook swap, sometimes I get and extra hook and sometimes I lose both, then have the fun of the chase.

    These are both valid tactics. The problem comes with killers who stand next to the hook making it impossible to save without somebody taking the hit. Using perks sound good in theory but you can't load up with perks to save being camped on every game just in case.

    Killers comment saying they do this just to spoil the game on purpose, like trolls on social media. Then there are the ones that just want to win every game, and the ones that are new and can't catch, so they get the lucky hook and wait, using them as bait.

    A solution would be to stop the hook timer when the killer is in a small radius around the hook, somewhere far enough to offer the chance of the unhook, but close enough that the killer can get back. This would give both sides a chance and if the killer really wants to camp they can, but the survivor on hook will never die and the rest of the survivors will be doing gens. Any killer able to play should be able to deal with this.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Unequip DH and circle of healing then.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    ''the words of someone who doesn't play a lot for killer'' there it is fellas the random generalization because i didn't agree with the precious camping killer player

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140

    I never really camp or tunnel but it's happening more because thats what the game is evolving into. Just like how one of the best ways to escape is to gen rush. One of the best ways to swing a match in the killers favor is to camp and tunnel and kill a survivor out as quickly as possible to get a 3v1.

    Not to mention killers who don't really camp and tunnel like myself are getting punished for it. Killers more and more get punished for trying to play "nice" with the additions to the game such as the healing boon totem. Leaving a survivor in an injured state in such a big healing meta especially in higher mmr just isn't worth it.

    I feel like a lot of issues such as these are deeper game issues. It seems design decisions lately are shifting the game into a worse direction. I don't think anyone here would of thought hey you know what the game really needs right now? A new objective for the killer and another way for survivors to heal themselves.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    Yup, many bad decisions have been taken lately.

    • Releasing Pinhead with an inefficient power (summon of pain slow down doesn't compensate the fact that the killer is stopped while casting, it's a joke)
    • SBMM release without some huge balance changes prior to the release
    • Boon totems

    That's terrible for DbD to the point there is almost no streamer that play killer while it was 50/50 a few months ago.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    If your worried about camping bring bt, breakdown, kindred and camraderie. if your worried about tunneling bring DS, dead hard, Lucky break and Quick and quiet

    if somebody else is being camped/tunneled bring for the people, bt, babysitter and we're going to live forever.

    try to lose chase or just line of sight and leave the area

    if you can try to show the killer that chasing you is a waste of their time by looping everything well and for a long time

    however if the killer is focused on you this can be turned into a good thing. try and stay on your feet as long as you can so your team can get things done every second you spend in loop is a second that stuff gets done and a second that the killer loses and will never get back

    try to avoid getting ambushed and make sure to always have your guard up even against a doctor because some killers bring stealth perks

    i am a doctor main and i can tell you i bring dark devotion because the last thing you expect is a stealth doctor

    always be prepared anything can happen and don't doubt it otherwise

    and for extra if the killer has rancor and your the obsession don't hide in a locker it does nothing they can still see you because it's nto an aura they see it's a loud noise effect with your outline inside it. dash for an exit and avoid the killer

    honestly if you don't piss off the killer they won't camp you (however their are exceptions)

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I meant to try to get past the slog of Noed-huntresses with winter-eyes. after that level of play, those playstyles really seemed to drop off for me.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989


  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Get rid of boons and I'll stop tunneling you and making sure you die on your first hook. If I know you have a boon perk because I saw you blessing or saw you running from that area right after a bless, then you're getting focused out of the game. Why? Because that is the only way to permanently rid the match of these absurdly strong perks.

  • KFChris18
    KFChris18 Member Posts: 112

    As much as it sucks, camping and tunneling are here to stay. With boon totems allowing infinite heals + luckybreak/distortion, killers can no longer spread injured states so breaking a chase after one hit is not feasible. There is also no counter at all to boon totems since they can be reused an unlimited number of times. In fact, the only way to stop boons forever is to tunnel out the person running them. Survivors are going to have to give up a lot of their power role if they want killers to go on long chases again.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    The whataboutism in this forum is strong, we shouldn't be surprised.

  • LeonxJiwoon
    LeonxJiwoon Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2021

    Repetition and Hypocrisy like no day tommorow.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    I'm pretty sure you got that backwards lol, refer to gameplay in the year 2016-2018, survivors were literal gods and killers were their plaything

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Luckily most computers/devices has this, but if you look at the Calendar, it's 2021. We're not talking about the past, but glad you mentioned it when Survivors were absolutely immune before, like they are today.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    Holy crap this.

    I won't camp you until it's gate time and I haven't downed anyone.

    I won't tunnel you unless you are being BM.

    That said, I get accused of both constantly. Survivors insist on playing grab-ass all the way to the hook, bodyblocking or sitting right in my vision, then trying to unhook in front of me - or flick me while I'm hooking. It's like - what do you expect to happen? I'm not going to put them down and chase you. I'm going to hook, then chase you and hook you.

    What's even more annoying are the survivors who constantly try to bait you into chasing them - teabagging and flicking you constantly. Then you chase them, down them and they suicide on hook. Then yell at you in postgame for 'tunneling' them.

    If you didn't want my attention, then why try so hard to get it?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Pinhead is such an odd killer. His M2 is almost never worth using, save for 'open' loops with a pallet.

    His chain hunt and box thing though is nightmarishly strong. I've had games with 2 gens remaining and no kills, and this either buys me time to get momentum or allows me to snowball on it's own. Far too few survivors respect it until it's already happening.

    The only thing I don't like is how savvy survivor groups can abuse certain parts of the map to drop you into a pit, a jungle gym or sometimes even glitch you permanently when you teleport.