BT should be nerfed, here's why
DS isn't a problem anymore unless the survivor goes out of their way to do absolutely nothing. Dead Hard I think is fairly fine, I'd just like them to fix the hit validation part of it where it looks and sounds like a survivor went down but they didn't. Prove Thyself if they did anything to I'd say make the repair speed slightly less faster, but other than that (if they had to do anything), I'd say it's perfectly fine. Borrowed Time is the only one that feels not fine. If survivors would use it correctly and only against killers who are actually camping and tunneling and not trying to be offensive with it, I wouldn't think it needs nerfing. However, they don't do that so....
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In those cases it's fine, but that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. The times I'm talking about, the killer is not camping, actually it's better to say they aren't even given time to get away, or the survivors run the killer back towards the hook, get smacked, unhook, and then the survivor with BT body blocks. Both of those happen way too often for BT to stay as is. If survivors would use the perk correctly, like in the examples you're giving, I wouldn't call for a BT nerf. It would be working as intended and isn't punishing for noncamping/tunneling killers. However, that's not the reality of how people usually use BT. That's the experience I usually have and I know others have.
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BT DS and DH really need nerfs their abilities are being abused bt with being used as a shield rather than a tool to stop camping and tunneling, ds for some situational reasons and DH mainly just for abusing the I frames it has and to be honest it gets both frustrating at times and rather boring facing the same perks over and over again just cause they can be abused
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What about times where you turn around and you got two or all three basically zurg rushing the hook without much to go against it?
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Honestly I might be wrong with how I would suggest nerfs but what about this
BT: reduce the time to 5 seconds and is deactivated if 2 survivors are within 15 ft of hook (only problem I'm thinking is for gen hooks)
DS: single strike after two hook stages or one if a mori is used and the time is only 10 seconds.
DH: remove the I frames but gain no collision for the length of DH
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Nerfed yes but the only one that should actually be limited is any boons due to the range they have specifically COH or atleast since all killers seems to stomp on the totem they should be destroyed like hex totems do
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But what if a survivor is bming though and wants the killer's attention it's their own fault for acting like a scapegoat then. And yes while its fair to punish camping why not make a reduced amount of bp as well as their mmr being decreased and if only one survivor was killed because of camping they get a 5000 bp sacrificial bonus and for tunneling it is situational. For instance, if you have more than one survivor next to each other and one is healthy and one is injured wouldn't the smarter option be going after the injured one even if it can be counted as tunneling?
Also I don't know if anyone has thought about this or just doesn't want to say it cause it can be considered a one side good one side bad idealogy but IMO having BT DH DS UB and COT doesn't detract from tunneling and camping but instead encourages it cause it is showing to be a viable (if not dirty) tactic.
(NVM I do see some people talking about the irony)
Post edited by CyberDragoon656 on0 -
Or maybe the survivors with BT should loose his hitbox with the killer body unless he is attacking.
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The problem with removing a survivor's collision while under BT's effect, as I have seen many people in this thread suggest, is that it can actually be used against you. If it were to work like that, all the killer would need to do is test for it - does that survivor have collision? If they don't, they have BT and you shouldn't hit them - go after the unhooker. If they DO have collision, that means they DON'T have BT, and you can (and probably should) just down them.
So in order for that change to work, you would need to make losing collision for 12 seconds after being unhooked (except for when the killer swings) a basekit effect, rather than making it part of BT. Which I would be completely fine with btw, because standing in a doorway to prevent a killer from not tunneling is stupid. And then people complain they got tunneled/hit you with a DS when you didn't even want to go for them again, but you did because they left you no other choice.
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I think the body blocking is fine, the survivor is taking a risk in doing so and most times you can play around it or just wait the BT, but the DH play is very cheap and easy to use. One alternative way to prevent this scenario would be if BT made the unhooker exhausted for 5 seconds, like mindbreaker (or even made like a normal exhaustion perk). It would make a lot of sense actually, since BT is an altruistic perk, you should take some risk to benefit your friends.