Legion is not *that* weak



  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    You're not wrong, but one thing I don't get is this.

    So like... Nurse and Spirit have absolute garbage in the tracking department. In fact, their powers actively harm attempts to use the games default tracking options. Does anyone say that that makes them bad killers? Obviously not. People just run BBQ, Infectious, and other tracking perks on them to make up for that deficiency and nobody on the forums says boo about those weaknesses.

    Why doesn't that happen with Legion? Sure they do have to in fact land the M1 for the down. But there are perks that can absolutely help with that. End Fury, Coup De Grace, Bamboozle, Play with your food, Brutal Strength and numerous others. People could run those. They could put away the BBQ, the Pop, the Ruin Undying, and the Infectous Fright since Legion doesn't need them near as bad as other killers and actually give them the perks they need. Instead... people just complain about that one weakness.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I admit the extra speed while Frenzying throws me off sometimes when a survivor is juking, I’ve whiffed now and then just out of having bad reflexes with them. Totally not a weakness in Legion, though, just my bad twitch skills.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I keep seeing posts about how Legion is having a rework coming up? It’ll be interesting to see what comes out of that assuming the posts are still true.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
    edited December 2021

    Yeah... from my experience, Enduring isn't actually that good of a perk for Leigon. Really the sort of chase perks you want on Legion are ones that can give you hits in situations where you had no business getting them. Enduring isn't that. In rare cases Brutal can be that, but you need to be good at shepherding your Survivors. The perks you're after are things like Spirit Fury, like Coup, like I'm All Ears, like Agitation, like Trail of Torment, or Play With Your Food.

    Edit: either that or you need to go just... all in on Legion's death by 1000 paper cuts strength.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Legion is that weak.

    Making survivors mend introduces a level of time inefficiency into survivor gameplay that can be difficult to counter in some situations, but generally speaking. When you do manage to hit everyone in frenzy you're still left with the fact that no one is going down. Legion's synergy with Thana is great, but if you don't have or don't want to run thana then you're going to put out much more work for much less return overall.

    The fatigue hurts them greatly a long with the missed swing penalty. As well as losing access to your power because you dared to do a basic attack. You've mentioned this as well.

    Legion had an addon pass that didn't really help them out and basically need another as Legion currently only has one viable playstyle with the extreme nerfs to stab wound study and Frank's mixtape. The death by a thousand cuts playstyle is functionally unusable with the currently numbers on those addons. The on-hit debuff pins are a move in a better direction, but the fact that they do not apply until after you hit the first person during a frenzy makes the super limiting as people have generally played or watched this game long enough that if you spread out Legion can't reliably use their power to their fullest potential.

    Legion can be a time waster which is nice, but other killers can generate the same level or better time wasting with thana. That is Legion's problem, is that most other killers when given the same perks can produce better results and don't have to deal with such a harsh fatigue state for using their powers.

    I've spent hundreds of hours playing this killer since they were released and sucks to see that they are still suffering from the same drawbacks. Killers have released with portions of their power reworked into something much better.

    Blight has better frenzy mechanic with better benefit as his can down people

    Ghostface arguably has better overall usage of killer instinct

    Trickster is a killer made around the death by a thousand cuts playstyle that while not a super strong killer is more threatening in the 1v1 and the 2v1 where his power can down outright.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    currently, hitting a healthy survivor, a killer suffers 3.2 second cooldown. Legion's cooldown for going out of his ability is 4 seconds fatique.

    1vs1 wise, Legion's has longer cooldown going in and out of his ability than just hitting a single survivor without his ability. To say he is better at countering hold-w than others is illogical fallacy.

    Secondly, When legion goes out his way stab multiple survivors, Legion goes to 0% killing efficiency for doing this because he cannot down survivors in his ability. A big reason why COH boon is powerful is that when survivors boon, Survivors only lose 1 survivor on gens out of 3 possible survivors doing gens assuming that one survivor is getting chased by killer. COH is active, survivor's action speed in healing surpasses amount of time legion takes to injure survivors. so if anything, Legion is the killer that gets most hard countered by COH boon because he never gets his payoff for his ability which is instant downing injured survivors.

    "Why doesn't that happen with Legion? Sure they do have to in fact land the M1 for the down. But there are perks that can absolutely help with that. End Fury, Coup De Grace, Bamboozle, Play with your food, Brutal Strength and numerous others."

    Its because these perks are rubbish anti-loop. part of the reason why killer like blight and nurse are good is because their chase power is worth 15 perk slots. Legion is m1 killer and m1 killers can still have long chases with these perks in play. they're ineffective at their job. The other information perks on other hand are pretty good at finding survivors and only empower their strong chases further.

    So when people say, Legion is the worst killer. It is not too far off the mark considering that legion has no lethality 1vs1 or 4vs1 lethality mathematically, no real stall and no chase ability. His only redeeming quality information from killer instinct. Not an impressive ability.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196
    edited December 2021

    .....I'm sorry?

    How is Plague bad but Deathslinger and Ghostface good?

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I enjoy using Enduring + Spirit fury. That helps you get downs a lot.

    Also Enduring helps with Legion Tech, because you can do it in time even when survivors want to blind you right after stun. Not much, but fun thing to do.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    It's just amazing what you can find here, isn't it?

    I was 99% sure he is kidding...

  • Fukse
    Fukse Member Posts: 106

    Ok mr Scott Spund Best Buy employee of the month but consider the fact that legion can force camping by keeping people injured (because who the hell heals into legion or runs kindred). Plus the fact that his power gives him a ton of info (both directly and by omission) to know where to go after a chase, plus you can always make surv waste at least 12 seconds mending if you can't catch them and just force a chase with another surv. Doesn't that give him like somewhat a 4v1 potential that's not just "Run fast from gen to gen"?

    They're still bad, but not AS bad as according to someone who thinks entire legion can be summed up in one sentence

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    1. Deathslinger's power doesn't down survivors.
    2. Trapper's power doesn't down survivors
    3. Hag's power doesn't down survivors
    4. Doctor's power doesn't down survivors.
    5. Freddy's power doesn't down survivors.
    6. Blight's power doesn't down survivors
    7. Cenobite's power doesn't down survivors.

    How did you get upvoted 10 times... Sad face.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    One of the weakest but not Trapper awful. But Legion are the next killer to get a rework/change yes? I wonder if they will buff them or not. Probably just given a Clown buff at the most. Some killers is not supposed to be good I guess.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    Ah yes the Clown "Buff".....well thats a horrible flashback.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    He has no chase power and is countered by what is already the most effective strat, spreading out and holding w.