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Killer is boring now - How i think it can get fixed

AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91
edited November 2018 in General Discussions

Before the updates over the year, i think killer is too ez and getting boring. Im both killer (Rank 1) and survivor (Rank 7~) main. (I have 1k+ hours ingame) When i play survivor, its hard to escape and only escape like 1 out of 3-5 matches. As killer, i get 4k 4 out of 5~ matches in rank 1. I dont think its balanced. Devs only listen to baby killers and buff killers. I know its hard to balance the game, but what i think will balance the game is:

  1. NERFING: killers and survivors. Just nerf all killer a little bit and then fix gen rush, because gen rush is unbalanced (no ######### lul)

  2. FIX BROKEN ADDONS: Instadown hatches at huntress and addons like that.

  3. REWORK ADDONS: Many survivor addons need to get reworking. Addons like "High-End Sapphire Lens", "Odd Bulb" and "Intense Halogen" does nothing. Like Odd Bulb is a pink addon and do nothing? A brown battery is better lol

  4. DEDICATED SERVERS: I know its super hard to add. Im a programmer, but i think its time to use some time and money to it. You devs have made the ingame shop and have make alot of money out of it. DBD have grown alot this year so i think you should do it to say thanks.

  5. FIX WINDOWS: Okay. Medium(or known as slow vault) vault is broken. In the tuorial level i have tested a little bit and i have found out if you medium vault, you dont get as far if you fast vault. Thats why the killer can get broken hits at medium vaults.

  6. PALLETS: (This can get better if your team get dedicated servers) Killers get hit throw the pallets, because of the peer to peer connection and the design of pallets. Before patch 2.0.0 (as im remember) there was the toxic vaccum, but now its gone. That means, if the killer hit and you drop the pallet without vaccum you can still get because before you teleported to the other side. The hitboxes touches and you get hit. Thats why pallets should get a big redesign or get a "half" vaccum. So you can drop it when your at the middel of the pallet. With that, you should have enougth destance so the survivor and killer hitboxes dont touch.

  7. FLASHLIGHT Its simple. After the patch 2.2.0 flashlight save kills more then save. Just decrease the flashlight timing when the killer is doing the pickup so its gonna blind a little bit faster when the killer pick someone up.

Any other ideas? I know the vaccum will get alot of baby killers to cry, but i think its the best and fair way to balance pallets. Not a full vaccum, and not no vaccum. The middel thing will be good.

I hope your team maybe just will think about some of the things

Keep up the good work! :D "I think your team have done a pretty good job so far" i know dead meme lol

Post edited by AndreasLyUs on


  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    Lol you want to nerf the Huntress even more so now hard to come by add-ons are useless?

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited November 2018
    Anyone got one of those "how do you do fellow killer mains" pics?
  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @AgentTalon I have not said i wonna nerf her more lol. I just think the addon is broken and need to do something else thats good like a pink addon but its just broken right now.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @friendlykillermain Please say why not? Like if you just say "no" why should we listen to you? Give a reason why you say "no" and what you think will be better :D

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331
    edited November 2018

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @AgentTalon I have not said i wonna nerf her more lol. I just think the addon is broken and need to do something else thats good like a pink addon but its just broken right now.

    Why is it broken? Billy and Myers have a built-in 1 hit down. Huntress requires an item, accuracy, and without a specific second addons lots of time at lockers.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @AgentTalon I used huntress as an exemel.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @friendlykillermain Please say why not? Like if you just say "no" why should we listen to you? Give a reason why you say "no" and what you think will be better :D

    ok good point i just like the way things are right now and while i do think some things should be changed im worried of what counter balances might be implemented.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @friendlykillermain But if you was survivor, how do you think i will feel to get hit through a pallet. Unfair right? How will it feel to get gen rushed with 4 toolboxes. Bad right? Both things need to be fixed.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @friendlykillermain But if you was survivor, how do you think i will feel to get hit through a pallet. Unfair right? How will it feel to get gen rushed with 4 toolboxes. Bad right? Both things need to be fixed.

    the games not perfect thats a given killers get genrushed and survivors get unfair pallets i know i play both sides just one more than the other but i see both arguments of course i hate it when i get hit trying to pallet a killer of course i hate it when my hands are tied during the endgame as i search for the hatch and the survivor does whatever the reason i named my self freindly killer main is because yes im a killer main but i am not toxic and will not bite anyones heads off in an argument i understand both sides i just feel right now its better to have a problem on both sides then one one one side.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @altruistic said:
    Killer is easier atm than it’s ever been.  I honestly feel like I am playing against bots most games.  

    I had a good game against a 3 man SWF squad today, but they were too thirsty to sabo my hooks.  Only finished one gen before the game was over.

    More points, control of the game, if you do poorly only you can be blamed.  I’ve enjoyed Killer far more the past year.  Even if I make a lot of mistakes, most games it doesn’t matter.  

    People are blind, they've been buffing killers every patch and call for "weaker SWF". Every killer buff is a survivor nerf, they just don't understand that.

    Game is in a pretty good spot rn.

  • MyFreddyIsBae
    MyFreddyIsBae Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2018
     A)  Billy is OP, 
    B ) those survivors were trash. 
    I still bully the ######### out of killers as survivor. And Im rank 1 in both of them -_-
  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @MyFreddyIsBae Im also playing as a rank 1 but im trying to not be rank 1 xD

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ThirdSealOPplzNerf Lol im watching him but his not good. But i cant forget "dud" and "Baby" idk why lol. Of corse it will be nice if vaccum will come back but its not balanced. I think the "middel" vaccum will be better because the killer cant hit through pallets with a little bit of vaccum. The problem without vaccum is the killer speed is so fast when you hitting as killer so the killer is fast enough to hit through the pallet if the killer is behind you. If There is a vaccum at the middel of the pallet you teleport to the end and your faster then the killer.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    @ThirdSealOPplzNerf Lol im watching him but his not good. But i cant forget "dud" and "Baby" idk why lol. Of corse it will be nice if vaccum will come back but its not balanced. I think the "middel" vaccum will be better because the killer cant hit through pallets with a little bit of vaccum. The problem without vaccum is the killer speed is so fast when you hitting as killer so the killer is fast enough to hit through the pallet if the killer is behind you. If There is a vaccum at the middel of the pallet you teleport to the end and your faster then the killer.

    You're not supposed to have a supershield on pallets

    If you get hit through a pallet, your fault to pull it down too late. Stun a killer shouldn't be the rule but the exception. If you think its unfair being hit through a pallet cuz you want to be safe when you actually don't.. I don't really know what to tell you

    I find survivors that can stunt me all the time having good timing, then survivors like me that prefer don't take the.. Emphasis on this word.. RISK to make a pallet stun and drop it earlier to get distance. After all I just need time to get to another loop
  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Malakir The problem is not when someone camps pallets (lol). The problem is when you getting chased and the killer is behind you. I think the "middel" vaccum will be better because the killer cant hit through pallets with a little bit of vaccum. The problem without vaccum is the killer speed is so fast when you hitting as killer so the killer is fast enough to hit through the pallet if the killer is behind you. If There is a vaccum at the middel of the pallet you teleport to the end and your faster then the killer. Killers will not feel the big defrent because its not a big vaccum and as killer, im hitting through so many pallets and i dont feel its fair.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Dudddd Why so much hate? Only because im saying what im thinging its maybe not gonna happen? But its a dream to get the dedicated servers and fix medium vaulting. Like if the devs cant get dedicated servers, should they add a "max ping" option

  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ThirdSealOPplzNerf Lol im watching him but his not good. But i cant forget "dud" and "Baby" idk why lol. Of corse it will be nice if vaccum will come back but its not balanced. I think the "middel" vaccum will be better because the killer cant hit through pallets with a little bit of vaccum. The problem without vaccum is the killer speed is so fast when you hitting as killer so the killer is fast enough to hit through the pallet if the killer is behind you. If There is a vaccum at the middel of the pallet you teleport to the end and your faster then the killer.

    If you get hit it's completely your fault you didn't throw the pallet in time. But a vacuum would make pallets more overpowerd than they already are.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ThirdSealOPplzNerf The problem is NO. Its most times not my fault. I can also code and the problem is the a bad P2P connection and the way hits are registered. If the survivor getting faster then the killer when the killer hits, you not gonna get hit. With a little vaccum with a teleport of like 0.5 meters gonna fix the chase pallet drop. If the P2P connection is really bad, there is no way to fix it. Its hard to tell and the killer not gonna feel the big defrent because its only avable at the middel of the pallet and not at the start (I think 1.3 meters or something like that.)

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    Before at 2.0.0 the problem was the "dance" animation and the delayed killer stun in the animation. Its much better but it can still happen with pings like 130~

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Tsulan Again a killer that likes to hit through pallets and windows. Im NOT saying to nerf killers? Just fix the connection or add a VERY small vaccum as i sad but baby killers dont understand? "Yeah just buff survivors and enjoy your bully simulator"? Like ######### im not saying that. JUST a vaccum thats gonna vaccum you like 0,3 meters or something like that. I cant understand why the ######### baby killers getting salty about that? The killer is not gonna make a big defrent lol. But normal baby low iq killers dont understand how a game is working. Injoy your unbalanced game :D

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    And again. Im playing most killer and dont understand why every single patch survivor getting nurfed?

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    If killer is so easy, why not prestige, and handicap yourself instead of taking it out on everyone else?
  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Rebel_Raven Im p3 billy and all killers level 50 lol (Same as survivor)

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited November 2018

    @Rebel_Raven Im p3 billy and all killers level 50 lol (Same as survivor)

    Prestige again and don't get all your perks back.
    Challenge yourself. Try new loadouts. Go in with 1 less perk.
  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Rebel_Raven Ok im gonna try xD. Im gonna post the end of the match

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    Wait around 25 min (10 min in lobby lol)

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2018

    I got toxic loopers and all emblems close to get a better emblem (The chaser emblem was the emblem that was longest away to get a better emblem= with 2k (one kope at the end of the match so he also escape lol)

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I definitely do not agree with your 5., 6. and 7. point. Pallets work just like they should now. If you get hit while stunning a killer than you just dropped the pallet a tad to late. I mean hitting killers with a pallet won't make their arm and weapon just disappear into thin air. This is the fairest that pallets can work like. Vaulting also seems totally fine. I wouldn't mind if survivors couldn't be hit through windows once they are out of the vaulting animation, but if they are still in the animation, than that's totally fine. That's why survivors need to try and fast vault in chases.
    Also flash light saves can reset a lot of progress the killer has made towards his objective, something like that needs to be hard to pull of, or it's not fair for killers.

    I agree though that some killers will need some nerf if there is ever a gen rush nerf. Killers like Hillbilly would become overpowered, and Nurse in my opinion is overpowered even now already.
    What the devs really need to do now for survivors is buff solo survivors to the level of swf survivors, so survivors gain the advantages that swf have because of communication through aura reading abilities. And then they should nerf camping. I feel like those are the two biggest problems for survivors right now. Especially if camping gets nerfed, I definitely believe more people will play survivor again. Camping might just be priority number one in my personal opinion for the devs.
    However, regarding chases survivors are still pretty good and can survive for quite a bit, so they do not need buffs in that regard in my opinion. Again Nurse is an exception, since I find her to be overpowered.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Dudddd said:
    Malakir said:

    @ThirdSealOPplzNerf Lol im watching him but his not good. But i cant forget "dud" and "Baby" idk why lol. Of corse it will be nice if vaccum will come back but its not balanced. I think the "middel" vaccum will be better because the killer cant hit through pallets with a little bit of vaccum. The problem without vaccum is the killer speed is so fast when you hitting as killer so the killer is fast enough to hit through the pallet if the killer is behind you. If There is a vaccum at the middel of the pallet you teleport to the end and your faster then the killer.

    You're not supposed to have a supershield on pallets

    If you get hit through a pallet, your fault to pull it down too late. Stun a killer shouldn't be the rule but the exception. If you think its unfair being hit through a pallet cuz you want to be safe when you actually don't.. I don't really know what to tell you

    I find survivors that can stunt me all the time having good timing, then survivors like me that prefer don't take the.. Emphasis on this word.. RISK to make a pallet stun and drop it earlier to get distance. After all I just need time to get to another loop
    Its someones fault the game doesn’t have dedicated servers? yeah great logic there bud i bet everyone come to you for advice on important matters that only your wisdom can solve.
    Wait what? Do I talked about dedicated servers?

    You should start using your head instead of watching a certain someone videos "duuud"

    At least read what you are questioning and answer accordingly
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    @Malakir The problem is not when someone camps pallets (lol). The problem is when you getting chased and the killer is behind you. I think the "middel" vaccum will be better because the killer cant hit through pallets with a little bit of vaccum. The problem without vaccum is the killer speed is so fast when you hitting as killer so the killer is fast enough to hit through the pallet if the killer is behind you. If There is a vaccum at the middel of the pallet you teleport to the end and your faster then the killer. Killers will not feel the big defrent because its not a big vaccum and as killer, im hitting through so many pallets and i dont feel its fair.

    And you keep not reading what I said (lol)

    You're not supposed to use pallets as a weapon and pretend you are entitled for a stun. If you want to you are also taking -THERISK- of getting hit. You can stunt killers if you have nice timing but if they hit you because you dropped too late its your fault, you don't need a mechanic to ensure you feel protected behind every pallet

    You don't feel its fair but I do feel its fair hit through that #########. If I play killer I won't feel playing babysitter simulator but as killer, feel empowered and not having pallets as save zones with vaccum. At the same time I meet people that stun me 24/7 sometimes, they know how and when drop pallets

    Im not that good at it and I prefer drop it to get to another loop or hide. I don't understand why you want a broken mechanic back. Oh wait I do.. And its sad

    I said the same thing before and I won't repeat myself any further, just read next time OK buddy? Great
  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 Why do you not agree with number 5? The problem is when the survivor medium vault, he dont get as far away from the window so the killer can get hits at the end of the animation.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    All i would like to see is a specific penalty to SWF players and a bonus to solo players to bridge the gap (if necessary). I feel like these blanket nerfs to survivor players hurt the solo players the most.
    Obviously killer would need to be balanced up or down to meet these changes.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @CornChip Yeah they should buff the solo survivors and not nerf all survivors/buff killers. But i also think the problem is many swf is 4 toxic players, but many solo teams is there only 0-2 toxic players and the rest is ######### survivors.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Anyone got one of those "how do you do fellow killer mains" pics?

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91
    edited November 2018

    @Wolf74 I play both killer and survivor much. Both sides i think survivor should get a LITTLE buff. Not something big. The balance should be average 2 kills every match, but when i play killer in rank 1 i get around 3-4 kills.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @Wolf74 I play both killer and survivor much. Both sides i think survivor should get a LITTLE buff. Not something big. The balance should be average 2 kills every match, but when i play killer in rank 1 i get around 3-4 kills.

    Sorry, but your claims are laughable at best, every experienced player KNOWS that the game favors survivor.
    Killer are only strong in the low ranks where they stomp noobs.
    So I just do not believe you that you have a significant amount of ingame experience as a high rank killer.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Wolf74 Believe it or not, but im playing killer 50% of the time in dbd.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Now explain to me how any killer outside of Huntress, Billy and Nurse are good at rank 1. Personally, my most played killer is probably tied between trapper and pig, and at rank 1 I need to bank on the faults of survivors to get a 4k. A killer has to work hard for their kills. If you're consistantly getting 4k's without nurse or billy at rank 1, then you're either the greatest player ever or are lying.

    Furthermore, SWF is a very powerful tool against a killer with coms among all survivors, and the addition of roles being given to each player. Killer is far from easy at rank 1, and anybody who can't see that is a fool.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    @AlphaJackson said:
    Now explain to me how any killer outside of Huntress, Billy and Nurse are good at rank 1. Personally, my most played killer is probably tied between trapper and pig, and at rank 1 I need to bank on the faults of survivors to get a 4k. A killer has to work hard for their kills. If you're consistantly getting 4k's without nurse or billy at rank 1, then you're either the greatest player ever or are lying.

    Furthermore, SWF is a very powerful tool against a killer with coms among all survivors, and the addition of roles being given to each player. Killer is far from easy at rank 1, and anybody who can't see that is a fool.

    I played pretty much Wraith only last season.. R1 in about 10-12 hours of playing after reset. Tough game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I still enjoy Killer, moreso than Survivor.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    How about you start playing other killer than billy, leatherface and the nurse instead of having everyone nerfed?

    You want challenge?
    Go play the trapper or freddy at rank 1, according to your achivment you don't play them at all or you are complete garbage with them.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Anyone got one of those "how do you do fellow killer mains" pics?

    Thank me later.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @MyFreddyIsBae said:
     A)  Billy is OP, 
    B ) those survivors were trash. 
    I still bully the ######### out of killers as survivor. And Im rank 1 in both of them -_-
