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Killer is boring now - How i think it can get fixed



  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited November 2018

    Also since I'm at it here is the list of his last couple of username

    Tunnel me pls
    TRY ME ######### (wich appear 3 time on the list by the way)
    TOXIC #########

    also unsurprisingly he follow Ochido group and has a youtube account with "funny" montage of him playing survivor.

    50 50 killer survivor

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Dragonredking said:
    Also since I'm at it here is the list of his last couple of username

    Tunnel me pls
    TRY ME ######### (wich appear 3 time on the list by the way)

    also unsurprisingly he follow Ochido group and has a youtube account with "funny" montage of him playing survivor.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 Why do you not agree with number 5? The problem is when the survivor medium vault, he dont get as far away from the window so the killer can get hits at the end of the animation.

    Yeah that's the whole point of medium vault. If you make them gain more distance it would just be a slightly slower fast vault. Which it isn't supposed to be. I think it's totally fine, and limits the loop potential of survivors on some window loops. I don't see how that's unfair. Killers should be dangerous when you get chased by them.
    I hope that makes some kind of sense.
    Once again, I'm not saying ignore any survivor buffs. I just think they need buffs elsewhere. Camping needs to be nerfed and the gap between solo and swf survivors needs to be reduced considerably by buffing solo survivors.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Dragonredking Of corse i play survivor on videos? Its more boring to watch killer (what i think). I think survivor is more funny to watch and play but tunnel and camp is more boring so thats why i play much killer offcam oooof. And if im not playing killer, how the ######### is it possible to get rank 1 lol. I change my name sometimes at steam if im playing SWF and the other guys play. If your guys dont think about balance, just say "nerf survivors too op" to the devs because thats what your guys do. Survivors are weak right now (if its solo) and thats maybe why all players play swf? Because random teammates is ######### and friends is better + you can talk to them at the same time. I dont care much about the pallet "fix" but more about the flashlight and windows. I have tested in the tutorial level and found out, when you medium vault you are closer to the window then if you fast vault, you get a little bit fare away. Thats the biggest problem + pings + flashlightsaves is hard (and as killer, just spam R if someone try to flashlight save lol). Flashlights is weak right now and need buffs and the addons reworked. Because i dont think about survivors only, i do also think about killers? In the begining of this year, survivor was much more overpowered but now its the killer if the survivors is not toxic bitches (but they have removed almost all pallets on many maps like Auto heaven and the new swamp maps so you can still get like 2k). It should be like 2k most matches. That sould balanced right? Right now if the killer do a misake, it dosent mean anything to get ez kills. Before you really had to think about what you was doing as killer but now i dont have the same feeling (only if its toxic players with i like to play against). And freddy needs nerf ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 Use your brain. If you have a iq above 10 you should know a person cant hit you when your at the other side of a window, but in dbd you can because of the hitboxes. Like sometimes when i play killer, i move a little bit forward when i have medium vaulted but i still get hit. Thats because the hitboxes touch eatchother and the game think its a fair hit, but its not. Do the hitbox smaller, get dedicated servers or do so you get more far away from the window then you have medium vaulted will fix it (im not saying to speed the animation, just so the survivor get more far away from the windows when medium vaulting)

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 Use your brain. If you have a iq above 10 you should know a person cant hit you when your at the other side of a window,

    apparently your IQ is below 10 or are you seriously telling me you are incapable of reaching through an open window...cause you need to see someone about that

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Spicybarbecue said:

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 Use your brain. If you have a iq above 10 you should know a person cant hit you when your at the other side of a window,

    apparently your IQ is below 10 or are you seriously telling me you are incapable of reaching through an open window...cause you need to see someone about that


  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Spicybarbecue One more killer main that dont care about balance but only "I WONNA GET 4K EVERY MATCH ######### BALANCE".

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    @Spicybarbecue One more killer main that dont care about balance but only "I WONNA GET 4K EVERY MATCH [BAD WORD] BALANCE".

    Lol. I wanna see you two in real life standing close together with such a window in between you and see if windows are magic force fields.

    10 bucks if you can take the knuckle sandwich without crying.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 Use your brain. If you have a iq above 10 you should know a person cant hit you when your at the other side of a window, but in dbd you can because of the hitboxes. Like sometimes when i play killer, i move a little bit forward when i have medium vaulted but i still get hit. Thats because the hitboxes touch eatchother and the game think its a fair hit, but its not. Do the hitbox smaller, get dedicated servers or do so you get more far away from the window then you have medium vaulted will fix it (im not saying to speed the animation, just so the survivor get more far away from the windows when medium vaulting)

    Dude I have an IQ over 10. That's how I know that killers have arms they can use to reach through windows. It only makes sense for them to hit survivors while medium vaulting. Has nothing to do with broken hit boxes.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 But if its can reach medium vaults, why cant it reach fast vaults? Because its a bug k? I dont want to make ######### fight at this forum because all the killer mains dont care about balance.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    @ad19970 But if its can reach medium vaults, why cant it reach fast vaults? Because its a bug k? I dont want to make ######### fight at this forum because all the killer mains dont care about balance.

    You call it a ######### fight cause you expected everyone to take your ######### uncritically. Noe you are just throwing a temper tantrum cause the world doesn't revolve about you.

    But hey you atleast can label anyone who disagrees with you even though you don't know anyone. So please just practice what you preach, call me a baby killer main then get out of the forum like you said.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 But if its can reach medium vaults, why cant it reach fast vaults? Because its a bug k? I dont want to make ######### fight at this forum because all the killer mains dont care about balance.

    Because at a certain point the survivor is far away from the window. I mean wasn't that the point? You reasoned survivors getting hit during medium vaults but not during fast vaults because they don't get so far with medium vaults. Look at your main post again.
    As long as survivors are close enough to the window while fast vaulting, killers can still hit them.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @Spicybarbecue One more killer main that dont care about balance but only "I WONNA GET 4K EVERY MATCH [BAD WORD] BALANCE".

    And we have a winner in the salty tear Olympics! clap clap clap AndreasLyUs step up here and collect your gold medal WHOOO

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ChesterTheMolester lol have you seen @ad19970 picture? Doctor is the perfect killer for babys lol

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 I know but the problem is, when you have medium vaulted and move forward the killer still hits you because you get more far away when you fast vault.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I'd agree with buffing some stuff but first they need to give survivors more objectives so that survivors have to use their pallets even more wisely than normal, they would have to add in a few more pallets though but the objective would have to be something that takes a while to achieve. I'd suggest like have some parts like gears or mechanical parts scattered around the map that spawn slowly or one by one. If we do that boom killers have more time, survivors get their interactions with the killer and most importantly more teamwork, because if 3 people are trying to bully a killer and only 1 person is actually working on getting the objectives done then those 3 people are just helping the killer. Anyway if we just give more objectives you indirectly buff most killers. People didn't like the Hallowed Blight objectives because their teammates wouldn't help them, but if they're doing a mandatory objective then they're technically helping them. Killers like Freddy, Pig, Micheal, Doctor would all rise and become powerful and then survivors could finally get the nerf they've all wanted which is nerfing Nurse and Billy (Not too bad though pls we need them to be fun)

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @PhantomMask20763 THANKS! Because you know what the word "balance" means.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ChesterTheMolester lol have you seen @ad19970 picture? Doctor is the perfect killer for babys lol

    Dude you can't be serious now or? Just because I disagree with you, even giving you obvious reasons why I disagree with you, you come up with that. That's just insanely immature.
    A shame because I'm even one of those "baby" killer mains that is hoping for the devs to buff survivors now before they buff killers in any other way, like the gen rush nerf people have been crying for. I'm against a gen rush nerf until they've nerfed camping, tunneling and buffed solo survivors.
    But immature responses of survivor mains like you, or for example this ridiculous Radiant guy just aren't helping survivors cases in any way. I can just pray that devs realise they need to even out the survivor experience before buffing killers any further.

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 I know but the problem is, when you have medium vaulted and move forward the killer still hits you because you get more far away when you fast vault.

    I think I even said that I wouldn't mind if survivors wouldn't be able to get hit once they are out of the animation. I admit it to be slightly frustrating to get hit even though I started running away from the window again. Although at the same time I don't think this really is too much of a problem, since that is exactly how it medium vault is intended and visually it makes sense. However, my point was that while survivors are in the animation of medium vault, they need to be able to get hit since that's the point of medium vaults, being more vulnerable as a survivor. If they just get farther away from the window during a medium vault, than that means that killers won't be able to hit survivors during the end part of the animation, which would defeat the purpose of medium vaulting.

    FYI if they'd have the clown as a profile picture I'd switch to him since he's my favorite killer. Sadly though for some reason they haven't added him yet. But I find your conclusion about Dr very weird, since playing the Doctor effectively actually requires quite a bit of skill and isn't easy.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @ad19970 said:

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ChesterTheMolester lol have you seen @ad19970 picture? Doctor is the perfect killer for babys lol

    Dude you can't be serious now or? Just because I disagree with you, even giving you obvious reasons why I disagree with you, you come up with that. That's just insanely immature.
    A shame because I'm even one of those "baby" killer mains that is hoping for the devs to buff survivors now before they buff killers in any other way, like the gen rush nerf people have been crying for. I'm against a gen rush nerf until they've nerfed camping, tunneling and buffed solo survivors.
    But immature responses of survivor mains like you, or for example this ridiculous Radiant guy just aren't helping survivors cases in any way. I can just pray that devs realise they need to even out the survivor experience before buffing killers any further.

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 I know but the problem is, when you have medium vaulted and move forward the killer still hits you because you get more far away when you fast vault.

    I think I even said that I wouldn't mind if survivors wouldn't be able to get hit once they are out of the animation. I admit it to be slightly frustrating to get hit even though I started running away from the window again. Although at the same time I don't think this really is too much of a problem, since that is exactly how it medium vault is intended and visually it makes sense. However, my point was that while survivors are in the animation of medium vault, they need to be able to get hit since that's the point of medium vaults, being more vulnerable as a survivor. If they just get farther away from the window during a medium vault, than that means that killers won't be able to hit survivors during the end part of the animation, which would defeat the purpose of medium vaulting.

    FYI if they'd have the clown as a profile picture I'd switch to him since he's my favorite killer. Sadly though for some reason they haven't added him yet. But I find your conclusion about Dr very weird, since playing the Doctor effectively actually requires quite a bit of skill and isn't easy.

    the person who started this thread is very obviously a closed minded survivor main intent on nuetering every killer just ignore him he should get banned soon enough

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 Thanks for understanding. Im saying it for last time now. I dont want to buff survivors much, i want to balance. A pink addon should do something right? But it does not do anything like much other survivor addons to flashlights. I will upload a video that show you what the problem with medium vault is.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    I'd agree with buffing some stuff but first they need to give survivors more objectives so that survivors have to use their pallets even more wisely than normal, they would have to add in a few more pallets though but the objective would have to be something that takes a while to achieve. I'd suggest like have some parts like gears or mechanical parts scattered around the map that spawn slowly or one by one. If we do that boom killers have more time, survivors get their interactions with the killer and most importantly more teamwork, because if 3 people are trying to bully a killer and only 1 person is actually working on getting the objectives done then those 3 people are just helping the killer. Anyway if we just give more objectives you indirectly buff most killers. People didn't like the Hallowed Blight objectives because their teammates wouldn't help them, but if they're doing a mandatory objective then they're technically helping them. Killers like Freddy, Pig, Micheal, Doctor would all rise and become powerful and then survivors could finally get the nerf they've all wanted which is nerfing Nurse and Billy (Not too bad though pls we need them to be fun)

    Do you also aggree with the changes he suggests to medium vaulting, pallets and flashlight saves?
    I'm curious because honestly, I believe that first of all devs should nerf camping and buff solo survivors, and only then they could add a second objective. I agree though that some maps will need an increase in the minimum amount of pallets allowed on those maps, but I wouldn't change how medium vaulting, pallets or flash light saves work. Another problem with a gen rush nerf is that certain top tier killers, as well as killer add ons would need some nerfing as well. Just imagine Nurse with a second objective for survivors. Adding more pallets would do nothing against her, she'd become so brokenly overpowered. That's why I really liked the pallet density nerf of the last patch, it was a buff to all killers except for nurse.
    I'm honestly scared that devs will add a second objective to the game to soon. It will lead to 30+ minute lobby times for killers.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @Spicybarbecue One more killer main that dont care about balance but only "I WONNA GET 4K EVERY MATCH [BAD WORD] BALANCE".

    Today I had a match as Wraith with 1K and the survivor insulted me in aftergame chat as a frickin camper and tunneler and therefore a trash tryhard killer, yadayada… you get the picture.
    They did not CARE that it was a 1K match!
    They complained and cried like they got totally trashed, but in fact THREE escaped.
    Survivor in general do not care about "balance".

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Wolf74 Because many survivor mains are brain dead like killer mains lol. Dont think about what survivors type in the endgame chat.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 Thanks for understanding. Im saying it for last time now. I dont want to buff survivors much, i want to balance. A pink addon should do something right? But it does not do anything like much other survivor addons to flashlights. I will upload a video that show you what the problem with medium vault is.

    Ok I'm curious to see the video. If we end up still disagreeing that's totally fine. Forums are not there for making people magically agree with each other about anything. I as well just want this game to be balanced, but in my opinion survivors simply need help in other areas.
    Also I have no experience with the flash light addons so I can't comment at that. Of course a pink add on should do more than add ons of lesser rarity. I just think flash light saves being very hard to pull off is only fair since it can hurt the progress of killers so much if that survivor than escapes to the next pallet.
    I have been blinded by a flash light once at a pallet that made me blind for like 3 or 4 seconds, which was pretty insane.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 i know lol but maybe the devs dont know about this. Im editing it right now and will send it soon (around 20 min i think)

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    There seems to be no real way to balance this game with all the moving parts. 1v4, SWF, Multiple Killers, etc. Without a serious overhaul/rebuild of the game from the ground up, which I'm not suggesting I have the ideas to do, I'm not sure you can make tweaks to the current system to any point that would make this balanced and fun for everyone.

    The balanced and fun part is a big issue. You could make a 1v4 killer in the power role balanced game but survivors would hate it or you can switch it to be balanced where an SWF v 1 killer is balanced but solo players would hate it.

    I'm fully convinced this game can't achieve balance and fun so you just have to roll with it and if it's not for you any longer find something else and check back in after a patch. It's what you basically need to do with any multiplayer game these days.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @ad19970 said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    I'd agree with buffing some stuff but first they need to give survivors more objectives so that survivors have to use their pallets even more wisely than normal, they would have to add in a few more pallets though but the objective would have to be something that takes a while to achieve. I'd suggest like have some parts like gears or mechanical parts scattered around the map that spawn slowly or one by one. If we do that boom killers have more time, survivors get their interactions with the killer and most importantly more teamwork, because if 3 people are trying to bully a killer and only 1 person is actually working on getting the objectives done then those 3 people are just helping the killer. Anyway if we just give more objectives you indirectly buff most killers. People didn't like the Hallowed Blight objectives because their teammates wouldn't help them, but if they're doing a mandatory objective then they're technically helping them. Killers like Freddy, Pig, Micheal, Doctor would all rise and become powerful and then survivors could finally get the nerf they've all wanted which is nerfing Nurse and Billy (Not too bad though pls we need them to be fun)

    Do you also aggree with the changes he suggests to medium vaulting, pallets and flashlight saves?
    I'm curious because honestly, I believe that first of all devs should nerf camping and buff solo survivors, and only then they could add a second objective. I agree though that some maps will need an increase in the minimum amount of pallets allowed on those maps, but I wouldn't change how medium vaulting, pallets or flash light saves work. Another problem with a gen rush nerf is that certain top tier killers, as well as killer add ons would need some nerfing as well. Just imagine Nurse with a second objective for survivors. Adding more pallets would do nothing against her, she'd become so brokenly overpowered. That's why I really liked the pallet density nerf of the last patch, it was a buff to all killers except for nurse.
    I'm honestly scared that devs will add a second objective to the game to soon. It will lead to 30+ minute lobby times for killers.

    Well like I said, more pallets with a second objective. But with the window vaults and flashlight saves, I've personally never had a problem with the windows when I'm survivor. Same with flashlight saves. As for pallets there are some hits that seem a bit weird but that's normally because of the connection and stuff. With the flashlights I normally get the timing right and I'm able to save my teammate, some addons should be buffed for the items but not too much. Solo survivors need to be brought up to swf though because right now they suffer the most. As for camping I think the killer should be rewarded for leaving but not be punished. But if we are going to add a punishment it should ONLY be if there are no survivors near the hook or all the gens are done. I normally look around once I hook someone and I normally stay near the hook when all the gens are done and the gates are open.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Wait, flashlights? 
    I've dealt with a lot of flashlights. 
    From clickers to people who actually know how to aim.

    Flashlights are pretty brutal if you can aim, and worse if you can catch a killer in an animation.

    Yeah, you can evade by looking away, but you aren't watching where you're going. That buys time for the person they're carrying to say the least.
    Even looking away my most recent encounter with flashlights partially blinded me until it did blind me. 

    Flashlights shouldn't blind a killer if you don't shine it in their eyes. 

    Don't forget that flashlights burn cloaked wraiths and destroys hag traps.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AgentTalon said:
    There seems to be no real way to balance this game with all the moving parts. 1v4, SWF, Multiple Killers, etc. Without a serious overhaul/rebuild of the game from the ground up, which I'm not suggesting I have the ideas to do, I'm not sure you can make tweaks to the current system to any point that would make this balanced and fun for everyone.

    The balanced and fun part is a big issue. You could make a 1v4 killer in the power role balanced game but survivors would hate it or you can switch it to be balanced where an SWF v 1 killer is balanced but solo players would hate it.

    I'm fully convinced this game can't achieve balance and fun so you just have to roll with it and if it's not for you any longer find something else and check back in after a patch. It's what you basically need to do with any multiplayer game these days.

    Well I wouldn't say this game can't achieve fun. Personally I'm having a lot of fun with this game as both killer and survivor at the moment. In fact, even though I'm a killer main, personally I find getting camped by far the most frustrating experience you can have in this game. More so than getting gen rushed by an insane 4 man swf team.
    However, I agree with you that this game can never achieve perfect balance. The entire add on sytsem already contributes to that, with add ons being so different in power.

    That's why I always say the best they can do right now is buff solo survivors to the level of swf survivors with aura reading abilites, nerf camping and then buff (or in Nurses case) nerf killers to get them all to a similar level of viability. Making all killers as viable as Hillbilly, together with solo survivor buffs will help create a solid foundation of which the game can then be balanced of better. Cause right now buffs and/or nerfs either hurt solo survivors or weaker killers too much or make swf survivors and strong killers too powerful. We need more of an even ground of which the game can then be balanced off.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    @ad19970 said:

    @AgentTalon said:
    There seems to be no real way to balance this game with all the moving parts. 1v4, SWF, Multiple Killers, etc. Without a serious overhaul/rebuild of the game from the ground up, which I'm not suggesting I have the ideas to do, I'm not sure you can make tweaks to the current system to any point that would make this balanced and fun for everyone.

    The balanced and fun part is a big issue. You could make a 1v4 killer in the power role balanced game but survivors would hate it or you can switch it to be balanced where an SWF v 1 killer is balanced but solo players would hate it.

    I'm fully convinced this game can't achieve balance and fun so you just have to roll with it and if it's not for you any longer find something else and check back in after a patch. It's what you basically need to do with any multiplayer game these days.

    Well I wouldn't say this game can't achieve fun. Personally I'm having a lot of fun with this game as both killer and survivor at the moment. In fact, even though I'm a killer main, personally I find getting camped by far the most frustrating experience you can have in this game. More so than getting gen rushed by an insane 4 man swf team.
    However, I agree with you that this game can never achieve perfect balance. The entire add on sytsem already contributes to that, with add ons being so different in power.

    That's why I always say the best they can do right now is buff solo survivors to the level of swf survivors with aura reading abilites, nerf camping and then buff (or in Nurses case) nerf killers to get them all to a similar level of viability. Making all killers as viable as Hillbilly, together with solo survivor buffs will help create a solid foundation of which the game can then be balanced of better. Cause right now buffs and/or nerfs either hurt solo survivors or weaker killers too much or make swf survivors and strong killers too powerful. We need more of an even ground of which the game can then be balanced off.

    I'm not saying it's not fun. I don't think it can achieve being balanced and fun at the same time.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @PhantomMask20763 said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    I'd agree with buffing some stuff but first they need to give survivors more objectives so that survivors have to use their pallets even more wisely than normal, they would have to add in a few more pallets though but the objective would have to be something that takes a while to achieve. I'd suggest like have some parts like gears or mechanical parts scattered around the map that spawn slowly or one by one. If we do that boom killers have more time, survivors get their interactions with the killer and most importantly more teamwork, because if 3 people are trying to bully a killer and only 1 person is actually working on getting the objectives done then those 3 people are just helping the killer. Anyway if we just give more objectives you indirectly buff most killers. People didn't like the Hallowed Blight objectives because their teammates wouldn't help them, but if they're doing a mandatory objective then they're technically helping them. Killers like Freddy, Pig, Micheal, Doctor would all rise and become powerful and then survivors could finally get the nerf they've all wanted which is nerfing Nurse and Billy (Not too bad though pls we need them to be fun)

    Do you also aggree with the changes he suggests to medium vaulting, pallets and flashlight saves?
    I'm curious because honestly, I believe that first of all devs should nerf camping and buff solo survivors, and only then they could add a second objective. I agree though that some maps will need an increase in the minimum amount of pallets allowed on those maps, but I wouldn't change how medium vaulting, pallets or flash light saves work. Another problem with a gen rush nerf is that certain top tier killers, as well as killer add ons would need some nerfing as well. Just imagine Nurse with a second objective for survivors. Adding more pallets would do nothing against her, she'd become so brokenly overpowered. That's why I really liked the pallet density nerf of the last patch, it was a buff to all killers except for nurse.
    I'm honestly scared that devs will add a second objective to the game to soon. It will lead to 30+ minute lobby times for killers.

    Well like I said, more pallets with a second objective. But with the window vaults and flashlight saves, I've personally never had a problem with the windows when I'm survivor. Same with flashlight saves. As for pallets there are some hits that seem a bit weird but that's normally because of the connection and stuff. With the flashlights I normally get the timing right and I'm able to save my teammate, some addons should be buffed for the items but not too much. Solo survivors need to be brought up to swf though because right now they suffer the most. As for camping I think the killer should be rewarded for leaving but not be punished. But if we are going to add a punishment it should ONLY be if there are no survivors near the hook or all the gens are done. I normally look around once I hook someone and I normally stay near the hook when all the gens are done and the gates are open.

    I fully agree with everything you said here. And yes, I have definitely experience both as killer and survivor a few weird hits at pallets and even at vaults, but these, at least for me, have always been extremely rare. If pallets and vaulting work like intended, they are totally fine and fair in my opinion.
    And yes, there's no doubt to me personally that solo survivors need some buffs. I mean I still enjoy the game a lot when I play survivor, and I only play survivor solo, I don't find solo survivors as problematic as some people make them out to be, and I also wouldn't call them underpowered compared to most killers, but with every further buff to killers from this point on, the solo survivor experience will suffer too much.
    I also agree with you on camping. Of course I only mean camping, not hook patrolling. The changes that were made to the chaser emblem should be also applied to the Bleedout Speed of hooked survivors. So survivors bleedout at half the speed if a killer is within let's say a 24 meter radius of the hook, after like 15 seconds after hooking that survivor. But this effect should not apply if the killer is within a chase or if there's another survivor within that 24 meter radius. And it shouldn't apply if the exit gates have been powered.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AgentTalon said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @AgentTalon said:
    There seems to be no real way to balance this game with all the moving parts. 1v4, SWF, Multiple Killers, etc. Without a serious overhaul/rebuild of the game from the ground up, which I'm not suggesting I have the ideas to do, I'm not sure you can make tweaks to the current system to any point that would make this balanced and fun for everyone.

    The balanced and fun part is a big issue. You could make a 1v4 killer in the power role balanced game but survivors would hate it or you can switch it to be balanced where an SWF v 1 killer is balanced but solo players would hate it.

    I'm fully convinced this game can't achieve balance and fun so you just have to roll with it and if it's not for you any longer find something else and check back in after a patch. It's what you basically need to do with any multiplayer game these days.

    Well I wouldn't say this game can't achieve fun. Personally I'm having a lot of fun with this game as both killer and survivor at the moment. In fact, even though I'm a killer main, personally I find getting camped by far the most frustrating experience you can have in this game. More so than getting gen rushed by an insane 4 man swf team.
    However, I agree with you that this game can never achieve perfect balance. The entire add on sytsem already contributes to that, with add ons being so different in power.

    That's why I always say the best they can do right now is buff solo survivors to the level of swf survivors with aura reading abilites, nerf camping and then buff (or in Nurses case) nerf killers to get them all to a similar level of viability. Making all killers as viable as Hillbilly, together with solo survivor buffs will help create a solid foundation of which the game can then be balanced of better. Cause right now buffs and/or nerfs either hurt solo survivors or weaker killers too much or make swf survivors and strong killers too powerful. We need more of an even ground of which the game can then be balanced off.

    I'm not saying it's not fun. I don't think it can achieve being balanced and fun at the same time.

    That's interesting. I do believe that if the game somehow manages to be more balanced, it will be more fun. I mean I am enjoying this game a lot as both sides right now. But who knows, This game certainly can't achieve full balance, that's for sure. But maybe it doesn't need to, at least I believe it was never to be meant to be a competitive game.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Wolf74 said:

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @Spicybarbecue One more killer main that dont care about balance but only "I WONNA GET 4K EVERY MATCH [BAD WORD] BALANCE".

    Today I had a match as Wraith with 1K and the survivor insulted me in aftergame chat as a frickin camper and tunneler and therefore a trash tryhard killer, yadayada… you get the picture.
    They did not CARE that it was a 1K match!
    They complained and cried like they got totally trashed, but in fact THREE escaped.
    Survivor in general do not care about "balance".

    finally a insightful post

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    So you want any vault to be impossible to hit? When you medium vault and get hit through the window or above the item vaulted you were too close to the killer to make that vault safe. That's a positioning and strategy problem, not a vault problem.

    Am I wrong can anyone else try to explain if this is a bug?

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @AgentTalon Its a bug because you dont get hit at a fast vault, but you do with a medium vault. Maybe you dont think it and maybe you have not seen it in a real match, but the killer can hit you if you have medium vaulted and you moving forward, but still get hit.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    ok yeah I get it totally. However, I still need you to explain to me exactly what's the problem, or what exactly you think is buggy. Cause yes, fast vault gives the survivor more distance than medium vault. But that's exactly the reason you don't get hit during the end part of the vaulting animation. You're to far away from the window. Medium vault doesn't get you as far. That's why, right when you get control of the survivor again the killer can stil hit you, cause the survivor is still closer to the vault. However, I wouldn't want the animation to be changed so that survivor would get farther away from windows, because that would mean just like with fast vaults that you couldn't hit the survivor during the end part of the animation. But the way it works now is intended, pretty sure about that.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AgentTalon said:

    So you want any vault to be impossible to hit? When you medium vault and get hit through the window or above the item vaulted you were too close to the killer to make that vault safe. That's a positioning and strategy problem, not a vault problem.

    Am I wrong can anyone else try to explain if this is a bug?

    Yes that's how I understand that too. To make medium vaulting be worse for survivors so they are more vulnerable while medium vaulting.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 Of course its better to fast vault and im also try to fast vault any time i play survivor, but when its a medium vault the killer can hit you when your walking away from the window. If the devs get dedicated servers, then they can maybe change the way a hit is registared(when 2 hitboxes touch), so its can get more corret.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 Of course its better to fast vault and im also try to fast vault any time i play survivor, but when its a medium vault the killer can hit you when your walking away from the window. If the devs get dedicated servers, then they can maybe change the way a hit is registared(when 2 hitboxes touch), so its can get more corret.

    Yeah but aren't the killers still able to hit you with their weapon when you get hit like that? I mean visually it always looks like that's totally ok. And balancing wise once I also find medium vaulting like that fine. At least from my experience as survivor I normally don't get hit while medium vaulting if the killer doesn't somehow reach me with his weapon anymore. If I get hit, than visually it also looks like I am getting hit.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 I dont think you know how broken hits can be like. You can get hit when your out of the animation and can walk. Its okay to get hit at the end of the animation but when your out of it and run? I dont think its fair.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @AndreasLyUs said:

    1. FIX BROKEN ADDONS: Instadown hatches at huntress and addons like that.

    Oh no instadown hatchets what will we ever do, oh I know, not throw the pallet infront of huntress with her hatchet ready, fake her out when she gets ready to throw a hatchet, or just crouch at random to avoid them, NOT BROKEN AT ALL JUST GET GOOD

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Survivor is not to hard, its challenging and better. Why do people claim its the game's fault if they lose or win? Where is the accountability for skill? Got a 4k, good for you, doesn't mean everybody else can. Do you get killed every game, try something different, the game is not causing bad plays. Don't want the stress, play with friends and wait for the next set of changes. If you have feedback, report it in detail and why its causing issues. Don't complain and offer nothing but demands or one sided requests. Game needs both sides regardless if you main or not.
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @Wolf74 I play both killer and survivor much. Both sides i think survivor should get a LITTLE buff. Not something big. The balance should be average 2 kills every match, but when i play killer in rank 1 i get around 3-4 kills.

    The problem isnt actual balance.... the game is the best it's ever been... the problem is that it's too easy to pip ------> this causes inexperienced players to reach red ranks where they shouldnt be... 
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @AndreasLyUs said:
    @ad19970 I dont think you know how broken hits can be like. You can get hit when your out of the animation and can walk. Its okay to get hit at the end of the animation but when your out of it and run? I dont think its fair.

    Ok see I think we are just arguing over definitions here. Personally, I don't mind getting hit as a survivor even if I started running just in that moment while still being in the range of the killers weapon. The killers do have arms that can reach far through vaults and that's fine. However, I do know that it does make some bull ######### hits possible as well. You know where you are clearly out of range of the killer and still get hit. And that certainly could be a bug. It's just that that happens to me so rarely I don't really bother. But I do understand your frustration over such hits.
    I'm not sure if it is a bug though. i always explain that to myself that it's because of connection. You know on his side of the game it looked like he was still able to hit you but on your side it didn't. I'd be happy if they were able to fix that though, no doubt.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @ad19970 Its also because of the Peer to Peer connection.

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @Bravo0413 I know. When i play killer i often see survivor that didnt look behind in chase lol

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @DemonDaddy I wanted the devs to know about these things if they dont know about them (I think they do but we are talking about dbd devs here xD)

  • AndreasLyUs
    AndreasLyUs Member Posts: 91

    @alivebydeadight Lol when your huntress main and dont want balance lol. Its broken like the old insta-blind. And i do fake pallets but most killer know how to be smart and not respect the pallet. You can not juke a killer for that long if the killer have a iq over 10 lol