NOED Rework

Right now NOED feels extremely broken. Before the buff a few weeks ago you rarely saw NOED used. Most people had to invest a lot of time and BP into their characters to get NOED3. Almost no one used NOED1 and 2 since it didn't have the exposed effect, that's my guess why they felt the need to buff this crutch perk. Now literally every second to third killer I come across uses it and 90% of the time it's not even NOED3. Similar to DS, NOED rewards players for doing badly and gives them a second chance at doing well.
NOED should remove the Hex part of the perk and turn it into something similar to "After the exit gates are powered your next 1/2/3 attacks, whether successful or not, will inflict the exposed status effect". With those changes it would actually require some skill to use it, because if you're a bad killer and miss most of your swings the perk won't reward you (as much). I realize the devs want to add side objectives to slow down gens, but this isn't the way to do it. Giving bad killers several free kills is just sad. While you can dodge swings and juke bad killer=s easier, you can't consistently do that with how the game works (P2P and just hitboxes in general). It doesn't feel fair and it's not fun. Same with Rancor, it's a broken perk that's basically Bitter Murmur 2.0. The exposed effect and instant mori should've never been added to this perk and instead should've be worked into DS. If DS had a downside like that, people would think twice about running it. And non-obsessions with DS could still suffer from the mori effect, while the exposed is obsession-only.
I just don't understand why you'd let people run perks like this that feel unfair and reward killers for being low skilled. I've recently made my way to rank 2 as Freddy without using NOED, so I don't understand why a rank 15 baby killer would need this perk for.



  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    My idea of noed rework would be something that makes it useless for bad killers at least cause that seems to be the major problem here. So lets say something like - noed activates only based on how many survivors you hooked before the gates were powered. For example you need all 4 survivors to have been hooked at least once for noed to activate - which would also help against camping . Time spend chasing can be another requirement.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    besides the fact that noed is just a piece of garbage and there is way better options (due to multiple nerfs) and that they DID NOT buff noed in the recent update, but actually NERFED it (check the stats. NOED 3 is weaker than it ever was), i think we should just get the old noed back. maybe the 2 minute noed would be okay too, but honestly, exposed isnt that much of a big deal, IF YOU CAN LEAVE AND WIN ANYTIME YOU WANT!

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    I've only played the game for a month thus I'm unsure if the "successful attack" is referring to hatchets and traps and was nerfed in that sense, or if it was something else, but as it is I think it's fine. It was however nerfed in that they removed the missed attack cooldown reduction. If they remove that they might as well increase the movement speed bonus a bit.

    Or they could always do something innovative such as increase the time required to cleanse the totem to 30 seconds rather than the default 16 seconds, while also notifying you that it's being cleansed on when it hits 60% cleansed. It super sucks if you bring a perk like NOED and the Survivors find the totem immediately and cleanse it. You don't have the time to guard the totem while hunting Survivors as they open the Exit Gates either so it's one or the other (obviously hunting the Survivors). It also super sucks if they cleanse all 5 totems and NOED never activates, but that should be the way to deal with NOED, not finding it and easily cleansing it at the end of the game when the Killer's perk should be paying off.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @ShyN3ko said:
    You know what?
    Clear all totems every game.
    You will never see NOED again.

    I didn't run NOED until mid rank 12 and ran it pretty much non stop off and on all the way to rank 1 with sometimes never getting to all gens powered. There were times it got killed right after it activated due to the totem next to the exit gate being chosen.

    That was funny because oftentimes there'd be all 5 totems up and one of the 2 near the exit gate would almost always be chosen. There were other times all totems got cleansed and times where people got smart and went for it.

    But I can't tell you how many 4k games i got because people didn't cleanse it after I'd gotten 1-3 sac'd already and then gens pop Rancor says hello or bitter Murmur then it's Ahhh FRESH MEAT.

    I had 1 game where I got 1 extra kill the 2 DS users were a lot smarter and weren't cocky when they saw me down someone so they bailed. The cocky sabo Jake stayed around trying to get the rescue after tea bagging me constantly.

    He died and post game said this.

    Of course you're a no skill killer that uses Rancor and plays spirit and relies on NOED. They gen rushed and tried the loop me game.

    I said you could always just cleanse the totems like you're supposed to just in case I've got NOED.

    He responded i didn't do totems because there was no Ruin and I didn't have time.

    So I said well then that's even more reason to cleanse all the totems and not rush the gens.

    I believe the 2 DS users that were also a duo called him out as well.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Malakir said:
    You just answered yourself, nobody used noed at lvl1 and 2 cuz was useless. Its even a lie that almost nobody used that, just to fit your narrative. They just made a tweak so its a deal perk at the first two levels, same tweaking as they did for surveys perks as well.

    He only reason you say these things are
    1 you are at rank 20-15 and never cleanse totems
    2 cannot see how even some survivors perks are broken (DS,adrenaline, sprint burst) and how easily counterable noed is since totems spawn is awful

    I see more noeds don't activate than ever. As survivor I finally see even my mates cleanse dulls totems, at least more often. As killer rarely use that since have 3 perks all game and don't see noed been activated at late game is kinda depressing

    If that's broken you should really reconsider your opinion or play something easier, maybe civilization

    People crying for noed when you can counter it so easily its hilarious. Its the easiest thing in the world. I really wonder if you ever played the old crash bandicoot with that artificial difficulty or the latest monster hunter which might feet better. I bet you would ask to Nerf the tempered kirin "cuz too steonk too broken" right?

    Let's stop making these theaters, are ridiculous. If noed is broken then half of survivors kits are since have the same mechanic of doing nothing and be rewarded.
    Adrenaline - free health and sprintburst
    Sprint burst - free outrun killer to get to the nearest loop or lose him instantly
    Ds - free escape punishing a killer for doing his job (don't bother saying the skill check I hard. As survivor you do skill check 24/7 so you should be used to)
    BT - punish the killer trying to punish a greedy save

    So please, please, use that thing called brain and cleanse totems. Problem solved

    Edit: almost forgot. If you really think rancor I broken.. Wow.. Nobody uses that because get outclassed by any other aura reading. After 2 weeks of spirit release I've seen no rancor against any killer I've faced. Wow you sound so entitled..

    I'm rank 15 because I can't be bothered to rank up. Ranking up in solo queue is inconsistent because rank 15 is a hell hole of smurfs, newbies, toxic players and people like me who don't give a ######### and don't even care about ranking up anymore. I was rank 7 at one point, at which point I couldn't rank up further. 7-9 was my true rank, but since rank resets every month this goes out of the window. Saying the counter is "easy".. is easy to say when you're playing SWF all the time and you have 1 guy who is the designated Small Game. Yes a lot of perks reward you "for nothing", on both sides, but both NOED and DS, and to some extend Rancor, reward you for nothing. bad players get a free reward and good players can abuse them to an extreme (at least DS).
    Adrenaline is an endgame perk that isn't guaranteed to help you, Sprint Burst is a bad exhaustion perk to begin with, DS.. well as I said and BT is simply a kill/hook trade unless the game is bad and misses swings.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @se05239 said:

    @Wolf74 said:
    How about "just break the totem"?

    This is the sad truth, I think.
    If everyone just took 10 seconds out of their game each to break a dull totem there'd be far less "NOED OP PLZ NERF" threads flooding forums all over the internet.

    Not everyone plays SWF and not everyone finds all totems nor do people have time to break them. You're all coming at this from a "I can't survive without my friends' perspective. I was rank 7 before, a lot of people didn't bother with totems at that rank. So what do you want me to do? Should I start running all meta perks and play exclusively SWF, just so I don't have to deal with broken mechanics?

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @ShyN3ko said:
    You know what?
    Clear all totems every game.
    You will never see NOED again.

    Wow you're right. Lemme go on a totem hunt, with or without Small Game, while literally no one else is doing gens. Great strategy. It's similar to "just down the obsession near a hook", right? Just dribble them 3 times ez pz no stabby stab.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Yaboi_Gengarboi said:
    News Flash Bud: NOED was actually nerfed. It no longer gives you a successful attack bonus. Therefore, it was made useful at tiers 1 and 2 but nerfed at tier 3.

    The attack cooldown is.. was worthless. 8% equates to nothing.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Karkadann said:

    @nomorevideos said:
    Right now NOED feels extremely broken. ... Almost no one used NOED1 and 2 since it didn't have the exposed effect, that's my guess why they felt the need to buff this crutch perk. Now literally every second to third killer I come across uses it ... Similar to DS, NOED rewards players for doing badly and gives them a second chance at doing well ...
    I just don't understand why you'd let people run perks like this that feel unfair and reward killers for being low skilled. I've recently made my way to rank 2 as Freddy without using NOED, so I don't understand why a rank 15 baby killer would need this perk for.

    I think the developers wanted to make the perk more attractive: they succeeded.
    This perk has limited use, as you know, the game has to be in the end phase and survivors must be in range of the killer, requiring them to mess up first. Now, this perk gives the killer another chance to score a few kills if the survivors get reckless.

    I see how you are assessing the perk as you call it a crutch, but it could be said about all perks, rendering your point -- pointless.

    To whom? Little Timmy who just bought the game and can't get a kill because he's new? Calling all perks a crutch is moronic, a perk is supposed to give you a slight upside or an extra ability, not be completely unfair. Please look at something like Monitor and Abuse and tell me it's as bad as NOED. NOED can literally kill an entire team in the end game, all because they couldn't find and cleanse all totems. If you're playing with your friends because you can't win on your own good on you, but for people who play solo this isn't an option. it's already hard enough at rank 15 with the smurf and newbie mishmash. And honestly, even red ranks isn't better. I rarely saw people cleanse all totems even at rank 2 and 3. So don't tell me I just need to rank up and everything is okay ex dee.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Have you considered hanging around as little as possible when NOED is in play? Or breaking totems?

    drooling Now that you mention it, that seems like a pretty good plan. Lemme consult my 3 teammates who aren't doing jackshit and the 5 gens that need to be done to even reach endgame. Maybe I'll have enough time to cleanse all 5-6 totems with Small Game before half my team is dead and 3 gens are left.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Haku said:
    My idea of noed rework would be something that makes it useless for bad killers at least cause that seems to be the major problem here. So lets say something like - noed activates only based on how many survivors you hooked before the gates were powered. For example you need all 4 survivors to have been hooked at least once for noed to activate - which would also help against camping . Time spend chasing can be another requirement.

    Thank you. For once a decent comment that doesn't that tell me to just play with my friends and run Small game 24/7 as dedicated totem exterminator.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    Before they nerf Noed, they should nerf Adrenaline, that perk is broken and killers have no counter to it.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @akbays35 said:
    Before they nerf Noed, they should nerf Adrenaline, that perk is broken and killers have no counter to it.

    Literally just run up to them and smack them again? And hey, just run NOED right? It's only gonna be 1 smack then. Perfect balance.
    I don't run Adrenaline myself since it's a situational perk that half the time doesn't even help you or come in handy. Overshadowed by the other exhaustion perks. Unless you're "optimal survivors" with your friends and try to specifically abuse the heal, it's not as easy to take advantage of it.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Stalks said:
    It's insurance for bad killers, and that's the bottom line.

    Thanks you.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123
    edited November 2018

    @nomorevideos said:

    @akbays35 said:
    Before they nerf Noed, they should nerf Adrenaline, that perk is broken and killers have no counter to it.

    Literally just run up to them and smack them again? And hey, just run NOED right? It's only gonna be 1 smack then. Perfect balance.
    I don't run Adrenaline myself since it's a situational perk that half the time doesn't even help you or come in handy. Overshadowed by the other exhaustion perks. Unless you're "optimal survivors" with your friends and try to specifically abuse the heal, it's not as easy to take advantage of it.

    Adrenaline refreshes their exhaustion, makes them move faster, and recovers them from any debuff they had on them, imagine being a clown, doc, freddy, or huntress and your ability just got wasted mid chase from one perk. At rank one this perk is run more than ds and gets more usage. Not only that the guy you had hook just gains an instaheal.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Have you considered hanging around as little as possible when NOED is in play? Or breaking totems?

    drooling Now that you mention it, that seems like a pretty good plan. Lemme consult my 3 teammates who aren't doing jackshit and the 5 gens that need to be done to even reach endgame. Maybe I'll have enough time to cleanse all 5-6 totems with Small Game before half my team is dead and 3 gens are left.

    Then whats the problem exactly? If your teammates are doing nothing, that means you wont have to worry about endgame. Might as well look for the hatch. If your teammates are doing generators (something), then you could consider going for totems. And, no, you dont need Small Game for it.
  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Wow you're right. Lemme go on a totem hunt, with or without Small Game, while literally no one else is doing >gens. Great strategy. It's similar to "just down the obsession near a hook", right? Just dribble them 3 times ez >pz no stabby stab.

    Wooow 50 seconds for 5 totems.
    And you can take a perk, to find totems.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    How about you cleanse the totem?
    They are there for a reason.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @nomorevideos said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    Have you considered hanging around as little as possible when NOED is in play? Or breaking totems?

    drooling Now that you mention it, that seems like a pretty good plan. Lemme consult my 3 teammates who aren't doing jackshit and the 5 gens that need to be done to even reach endgame. Maybe I'll have enough time to cleanse all 5-6 totems with Small Game before half my team is dead and 3 gens are left.

    Dude, NOED doesn't even activate until the gates are powered. If your teammates are off faffing around that badly, go for a hatch play.
    No NOED.

    Or you can go around and just break dull totems.
    If there's no dull totems left, there's no NOED. At all.
    So, in theory, if Thrill of the Hunt is active, or Haunted Grounds is active, in general, if there's a lit totem and no one is apparently is suffering from it, leave it alone.
    One less totem to do. Or even -3- less totems if they have TOTH, and HG going.
    It requires a dull totem to activate. Dull totems basically are unguarded because even the killer has to track them down manually.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Dragonredking said:
    How about you cleanse the totem?
    They are there for a reason.

    He already made his point.
    He does not want to! So he comes to the forum to ask the Devs to fix his lazyness .

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Wolf74 said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    How about you cleanse the totem?
    They are there for a reason.

    He already made his point.
    He does not want to! So he comes to the forum to ask the Devs to fix his lazyness .

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    NOED, like other hexes, is extremely vulnerable if not more vulnerable than the other 6 hexes that exist, because you can literally eliminate it before it becomes any sort of threat. Whether or not you yourself personally think it's a waste of time to cleanse all Dull Totems or not this is the case. If you think it's so dangerous of a perk, run Adrenaline or Hope and evade the Killer for the entire Exit Gate phase or run Small Game to find Totems so easy a toddler could do it and destroy NOED before it comes into being. If someone gets hit by NOED that is entirely on them, not the Killer, as it is a safety net just like the various safety nets Survivors have. The cost of Survivor safety nets is that you have to wait till end game, the cost of NOED is that you have to wait till end game and potentially end up not having it at all, or lose it within 16s because the Dull Totem it chose to use was the one directly next to an exit gate.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    As a survivor i actively hunt totems on the off chance the killer has NOED and because I'm never sure my teammates are going to.

    As a killer if I've got NOEd and the survivors are too lazy to cleanse them all well thanks for the free kills most likely.

    Don't like NOED then CLEANSE THE FCKING TOTEMS !!!!!!! You get the added bonus of removing NOED and a nice 600 objective points. If you're like me where sometimes I cleanse all 5 well that's 2500 objective points or 2k plus another 1k for a Hex totem.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    I stated awhile ago that DS should have the downside of being exposed and moriable attached to it after use and or end game... there was a thread talking about possible rework etc....... and then rancor was born.... it's not broken and the "bittermurmur 2.0" isn't that great at all ...... its not even auras its pretty much the docs madness tier up sooo
  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @ShyN3ko said:

    Wow you're right. Lemme go on a totem hunt, with or without Small Game, while literally no one else is doing >gens. Great strategy. It's similar to "just down the obsession near a hook", right? Just dribble them 3 times ez >pz no stabby stab.

    Wooow 50 seconds for 5 totems.
    And you can take a perk, to find totems.

    t. Killer Main who is bad at the game and has to rely on NOED to do the job for them

    Literally everyone arguing about "oh dude just do the totems" is coping and not trying to admit that this situation is ######### ridiculous. No, you're not going to cleanse all the totems without wasting several minutes and potentially a perk slot on it. And no, your teammates won't cleanse the totems either. They might cleanse SOME totems, but not all. Rank doesn't matter either here, I've played killer at red and purple ranks and people do not cleanse totems. I don't need to run TOTH or NOED to see that, I can simply look around and see unbroken totems even if it's endgame.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Malakir said:
    Wolf74 said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    How about you cleanse the totem?

    They are there for a reason.

    He already made his point.

    He does not want to! So he comes to the forum to ask the Devs to fix his lazyness .


    I always cleanse dull totems when I have the time to, my point is that's not how the game works when playing with randoms. I could give less of a ######### about how you and your SWF group play the game. Want me to record 2 hours of raw gameplay and see how often NOED pops, despite the fact I did cleanse all totems I saw? it's not an option, simple as that. It's not an option to run around the map for several minutes trying to find leftover totems that my teammates didn't bother cleansing.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Bravo0413 said:
    I stated awhile ago that DS should have the downside of being exposed and moriable attached to it after use and or end game... there was a thread talking about possible rework etc....... and then rancor was born.... it's not broken and the "bittermurmur 2.0" isn't that great at all ...... its not even auras its pretty much the docs madness tier up sooo

    Let me rephrase it then? I mentioned how stupid it is to have a bitter murmur 2.0 with basically no downside, except your obsession seeing your aura as well. It gives you a free mori and exposed effect, again for no reason other than "you equipped this perk, good job!". Devour takes effort to get, the same goes for some other perks and addons that give you the exposed effect (no, not huntress' crutch hatchets). I'd go as far as to argue even mories as offerings are somewhat crutchy, but at least you don't get them THAT often. Nerfing mori offerings would be pointless because then they'd be useless, similar to how useless BNP is nowadays. On that note, why did they nerf BNP? And why this much. Unlike killer addons, survivor addons and items are way more rare. For killers there are no items, just addons. Survivors have addons and items and BNP were pretty rare. Strong, but rare. Similar to memento mories. They might as well nerf those now and make them completely useless. Oh and please buff NOED even more, I am a bad killer and need all the automated killi- help I can get.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    How about you cleanse the totem?
    They are there for a reason.

    He already made his point.
    He does not want to! So he comes to the forum to ask the Devs to fix his lazyness .

    "Lazyness", nice English. No laziness isn't an issue, but braindead teammates are. And no, I won't become the designated Small Game(r) and run across the map for several minutes trying to find all the totems while my team is getting slaughtered and no one is doing gens. Again, play without your little friends and see how it goes. Everyone here is either low-key getting off to this NOED buff because they're a bad killer or they're playing SWF and don't know it better.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @powerbats said:
    As a survivor i actively hunt totems on the off chance the killer has NOED and because I'm never sure my teammates are going to.

    As a killer if I've got NOEd and the survivors are too lazy to cleanse them all well thanks for the free kills most likely.

    Don't like NOED then CLEANSE THE FCKING TOTEMS !!!!!!! You get the added bonus of removing NOED and a nice 600 objective points. If you're like me where sometimes I cleanse all 5 well that's 2500 objective points or 2k plus another 1k for a Hex totem.

    Totems give Boldness points, not Objective points. You're confusing emblem status with point categories. And at that, only hex totems give you a little bit extra in the Lightbringer emblem.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    @nomorevideos schrieb:

    t. Killer Main who is bad at the game and has to rely on NOED to do the job for them

    Literally everyone arguing about "oh dude just do the totems" is coping and not trying to admit that this situation is [BAD WORD] ridiculous. No, you're not going to cleanse all the totems without wasting several minutes and potentially a perk slot on it. And no, your teammates won't cleanse the totems either. They might cleanse SOME totems, but not all. Rank doesn't matter either here, I've played killer at red and purple ranks and people do not cleanse totems. I don't need to run TOTH or NOED to see that, I can simply look around and see unbroken totems even if it's endgame.

    I dont run NOED.
    I only use it for my endgame Piggy Build.
    I just like the NOED discusion.
    Because NOED is balanced.
    And NOED doesnt give the survivor informations, until the killer hit someone.
    Survivor have tons of informations.
    And survivors just hate 1 perk with no informations until its to late.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    edited November 2018

    @Bravo0413 said:
    I stated awhile ago that DS should have the downside of being exposed and moriable attached to it after use and or end game... there was a thread talking about possible rework etc....... and then rancor was born.... it's not broken and the "bittermurmur 2.0" isn't that great at all ...... its not even auras its pretty much the docs madness tier up sooo

    Let me rephrase it then? I mentioned how stupid it is to have a bitter murmur 2.0 with basically no downside, except your obsession seeing your aura as well. It gives you a free mori and exposed effect, again for no reason other than "you equipped this perk, good job!". Devour takes effort to get, the same goes for some other perks and addons that give you the exposed effect (no, not huntress' crutch hatchets). I'd go as far as to argue even mories as offerings are somewhat crutchy, but at least you don't get them THAT often. Nerfing mori offerings would be pointless because then they'd be useless, similar to how useless BNP is nowadays. On that note, why did they nerf BNP? And why this much. Unlike killer addons, survivor addons and items are way more rare. For killers there are no items, just addons. Survivors have addons and items and BNP were pretty rare. Strong, but rare. Similar to memento mories. They might as well nerf those now and make them completely useless. Oh and please buff NOED even more, I am a bad killer and need all the automated killi- help I can get.

    survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you

    Rancor.. Mg its so op that nobody uses it anymore since its weak as fk and bitter murmur is way stronger than it. Actually any mets perk is better than rancor

    So yeah, get better. I play solo all the time and noeds are every day less common to see since people is actually starting to cleabse them, not only me. It gives bp and boldness so its a win win, actually a win win win since you deleted noed and if the killer use it he actually played a game with 3 perks then whole time

    I know you wanna be the power role even playing as survivor (even if you already are) but you should do better plays. If someone hbad at chases like me can survive using mostly stealth and still winning chases, anybody can
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @nomorevideos said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    How about you cleanse the totem?
    They are there for a reason.

    He already made his point.
    He does not want to! So he comes to the forum to ask the Devs to fix his lazyness .

    "Lazyness", nice English. No laziness isn't an issue, but braindead teammates are. And no, I won't become the designated Small Game(r) and run across the map for several minutes trying to find all the totems while my team is getting slaughtered and no one is doing gens. Again, play without your little friends and see how it goes. Everyone here is either low-key getting off to this NOED buff because they're a bad killer or they're playing SWF and don't know it better.

    Oh, you found a misspelling from someone ho is not a native speaker… wow, wanna try answer me in german and we see how good you are?

    And guess what? I play 98% of my survivor games SOLO, so your "with your little friends" crap goes nowhere.
    If all survivor just cleanse ONE (dull) totem, Noed won't be an issue in 99% of the matches.
    You do not need to run around for ages to find all totems.
    There is a pattern in their spawn and you should be able to find them pretty easy, without actively searching. I usually cleanse 2-3 dulls while looking for Ruin anyway. :P

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @ShyN3ko said:

    @nomorevideos schrieb:

    t. Killer Main who is bad at the game and has to rely on NOED to do the job for them

    Literally everyone arguing about "oh dude just do the totems" is coping and not trying to admit that this situation is [BAD WORD] ridiculous. No, you're not going to cleanse all the totems without wasting several minutes and potentially a perk slot on it. And no, your teammates won't cleanse the totems either. They might cleanse SOME totems, but not all. Rank doesn't matter either here, I've played killer at red and purple ranks and people do not cleanse totems. I don't need to run TOTH or NOED to see that, I can simply look around and see unbroken totems even if it's endgame.

    I dont run NOED.
    I only use it for my endgame Piggy Build.
    I just like the NOED discusion.
    Because NOED is balanced.
    And NOED doesnt give the survivor informations, until the killer hit someone.
    Survivor have tons of informations.
    And survivors just hate 1 perk with no informations until its to late.

    I hate getting smacked by a baby killer who did badly the whole game and then he gets 2-4 free kills for basically nothing. I realize NOED is the meta at very high ranks, but it never was at rank 10-20, not even rank 7-9 did I see NOED often. People had to put time and effort into NOED3 and by doing that they most likely got better too because they spent time playing killer. All it is now is "Oh you're new to the game? here have your free 2 kills because you sucked earlier.". I am honestly hoping it's going to be similar to DS, where eventually people use it less and less but I doubt that since NOED isn't DLC and it's so easy to obtain too. It's not even "free" teachable.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Malakir said:
    nomorevideos said:

    @Bravo0413 said:

    I stated awhile ago that DS should have the downside of being exposed and moriable attached to it after use and or end game... there was a thread talking about possible rework etc....... and then rancor was born.... it's not broken and the "bittermurmur 2.0" isn't that great at all ...... its not even auras its pretty much the docs madness tier up sooo

    Let me rephrase it then? I mentioned how stupid it is to have a bitter murmur 2.0 with basically no downside, except your obsession seeing your aura as well. It gives you a free mori and exposed effect, again for no reason other than "you equipped this perk, good job!". Devour takes effort to get, the same goes for some other perks and addons that give you the exposed effect (no, not huntress' crutch hatchets). I'd go as far as to argue even mories as offerings are somewhat crutchy, but at least you don't get them THAT often. Nerfing mori offerings would be pointless because then they'd be useless, similar to how useless BNP is nowadays. On that note, why did they nerf BNP? And why this much. Unlike killer addons, survivor addons and items are way more rare. For killers there are no items, just addons. Survivors have addons and items and BNP were pretty rare. Strong, but rare. Similar to memento mories. They might as well nerf those now and make them completely useless. Oh and please buff NOED even more, I am a bad killer and need all the automated killi- help I can get.

    survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you

    Rancor.. Mg its so op that nobody uses it anymore since its weak as fk and bitter murmur is way stronger than it. Actually any mets perk is better than rancor

    So yeah, get better. I play solo all the time and noeds are every day less common to see since people is actually starting to cleabse them, not only me. It gives bp and boldness so its a win win, actually a win win win since you deleted noed and if the killer use it he actually played a game with 3 perks then whole time

    I know you wanna be the power role even playing as survivor (even if you already are) but you should do better plays. If someone hbad at chases like me can survive using mostly stealth and still winning chases, anybody can

    " survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you" What does that even mean. Also again where did I say I want survivors to be the power role? I said NOED is a crutch perk that doesn't feel fair to play against at all. Literally every other killer perk in the game feels more fair, even Rancor feels more fair than the mistake that NOED is. How about this.. let's give killers FREE NOED at the end of the game as well as free mories and if only 1-2 survivors are left you get free whispers so they can't hold the game hostage. Seems fair right?

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    @Malakir said:
    nomorevideos said:

    @Bravo0413 said:

    I stated awhile ago that DS should have the downside of being exposed and moriable attached to it after use and or end game... there was a thread talking about possible rework etc....... and then rancor was born.... it's not broken and the "bittermurmur 2.0" isn't that great at all ...... its not even auras its pretty much the docs madness tier up sooo

    Let me rephrase it then? I mentioned how stupid it is to have a bitter murmur 2.0 with basically no downside, except your obsession seeing your aura as well. It gives you a free mori and exposed effect, again for no reason other than "you equipped this perk, good job!". Devour takes effort to get, the same goes for some other perks and addons that give you the exposed effect (no, not huntress' crutch hatchets). I'd go as far as to argue even mories as offerings are somewhat crutchy, but at least you don't get them THAT often. Nerfing mori offerings would be pointless because then they'd be useless, similar to how useless BNP is nowadays. On that note, why did they nerf BNP? And why this much. Unlike killer addons, survivor addons and items are way more rare. For killers there are no items, just addons. Survivors have addons and items and BNP were pretty rare. Strong, but rare. Similar to memento mories. They might as well nerf those now and make them completely useless. Oh and please buff NOED even more, I am a bad killer and need all the automated killi- help I can get.

    survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you

    Rancor.. Mg its so op that nobody uses it anymore since its weak as fk and bitter murmur is way stronger than it. Actually any mets perk is better than rancor

    So yeah, get better. I play solo all the time and noeds are every day less common to see since people is actually starting to cleabse them, not only me. It gives bp and boldness so its a win win, actually a win win win since you deleted noed and if the killer use it he actually played a game with 3 perks then whole time

    I know you wanna be the power role even playing as survivor (even if you already are) but you should do better plays. If someone hbad at chases like me can survive using mostly stealth and still winning chases, anybody can

    " survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you" What does that even mean. Also again where did I say I want survivors to be the power role? I said NOED is a crutch perk that doesn't feel fair to play against at all. Literally every other killer perk in the game feels more fair, even Rancor feels more fair than the mistake that NOED is. How about this.. let's give killers FREE NOED at the end of the game as well as free mories and if only 1-2 survivors are left you get free whispers so they can't hold the game hostage. Seems fair right?

    Okay nice straw man, look if you won't discuss but just have an echo chamber its fine but then don't cry when people call you out for saying stupid #########. I listed why noed its pretty fair and how random its actually underpowered. To answer that you just did bad examples and strawman my words

    You are incredibly stupid or dishonest, either way I don't care anymore what you say if you cannot think

    Enjoy your little world, have fun
  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Wolf74 said:

    @nomorevideos said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    How about you cleanse the totem?
    They are there for a reason.

    He already made his point.
    He does not want to! So he comes to the forum to ask the Devs to fix his lazyness .

    "Lazyness", nice English. No laziness isn't an issue, but braindead teammates are. And no, I won't become the designated Small Game(r) and run across the map for several minutes trying to find all the totems while my team is getting slaughtered and no one is doing gens. Again, play without your little friends and see how it goes. Everyone here is either low-key getting off to this NOED buff because they're a bad killer or they're playing SWF and don't know it better.

    Oh, you found a misspelling from someone ho is not a native speaker… wow, wanna try answer me in german and we see how good you are?

    And guess what? I play 98% of my survivor games SOLO, so your "with your little friends" crap goes nowhere.
    If all survivor just cleanse ONE (dull) totem, Noed won't be an issue in 99% of the matches.
    You do not need to run around for ages to find all totems.
    There is a pattern in their spawn and you should be able to find them pretty easy, without actively searching. I usually cleanse 2-3 dulls while looking for Ruin anyway. :P

    I'm not a native speaker either and FYI my native tongue IS German. But to your luck I am very bad at it nowadays, so I'll have to decline your offer.

    Anyways I think I made it clear that the issue is that my teammates do not cleanse the totems. I try to cleanse totems, but it's not possible for me to do all of them unless I have Small Game or look very carefully and waste several minutes doing so. Even with Small Game I'd need to run through the whole map and across it to check all spots. It's not something I can afford in half my matches because I am often one of the only people who do gens. So it's either I do gens and we get to endgame and get cheesed by NOED or I waste my time looking for totems and everyone dies with 2-3 gens left.
    I'd rather work through perma-ruin than have to deal with NOED and baby killers every second match.

  • nomorevideos
    nomorevideos Member Posts: 75

    @Malakir said:
    nomorevideos said:

    @Malakir said:

    nomorevideos said:

    @Bravo0413 said:
    I stated awhile ago that DS should have the downside of being exposed and moriable attached to it after use and or end game... there was a thread talking about possible rework etc....... and then rancor was born.... it's not broken and the "bittermurmur 2.0" isn't that great at all ...... its not even auras its pretty much the docs madness tier up sooo
    Let me rephrase it then? I mentioned how stupid it is to have a bitter murmur 2.0 with basically no downside, except your obsession seeing your aura as well. It gives you a free mori and exposed effect, again for no reason other than "you equipped this perk, good job!". Devour takes effort to get, the same goes for some other perks and addons that give you the exposed effect (no, not huntress' crutch hatchets). I'd go as far as to argue even mories as offerings are somewhat crutchy, but at least you don't get them THAT often. Nerfing mori offerings would be pointless because then they'd be useless, similar to how useless BNP is nowadays. On that note, why did they nerf BNP? And why this much. Unlike killer addons, survivor addons and items are way more rare. For killers there are no items, just addons. Survivors have addons and items and BNP were pretty rare. Strong, but rare. Similar to memento mories. They might as well nerf those now and make them completely useless. Oh and please buff NOED even more, I am a bad killer and need all the automated killi- help I can get.
    survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you
    Rancor.. Mg its so op that nobody uses it anymore since its weak as fk and bitter murmur is way stronger than it. Actually any mets perk is better than rancor
    So yeah, get better. I play solo all the time and noeds are every day less common to see since people is actually starting to cleabse them, not only me. It gives bp and boldness so its a win win, actually a win win win since you deleted noed and if the killer use it he actually played a game with 3 perks then whole time

    I know you wanna be the power role even playing as survivor (even if you already are) but you should do better plays. If someone hbad at chases like me can survive using mostly stealth and still winning chases, anybody can

    " survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you" What does that even mean. Also again where did I say I want survivors to be the power role? I said NOED is a crutch perk that doesn't feel fair to play against at all. Literally every other killer perk in the game feels more fair, even Rancor feels more fair than the mistake that NOED is. How about this.. let's give killers FREE NOED at the end of the game as well as free mories and if only 1-2 survivors are left you get free whispers so they can't hold the game hostage. Seems fair right?

    Okay nice straw man, look if you won't discuss but just have an echo chamber its fine but then don't cry when people call you out for saying stupid #########. I listed why noed its pretty fair and how random its actually underpowered. To answer that you just did bad examples and strawman my words

    You are incredibly stupid or dishonest, either way I don't care anymore what you say if you cannot think

    Enjoy your little world, have fun

    Play rank 15 then and see how it goes. I bet you'll like getting smacked by NOED every second match when you're playing with and against bad players. Oh what? Rank up? Well I'd rank up if pipping wasn't total garbage on the survivor side and forced you to play a very specific way, a way that doesn't reward trying to survive but instead forces you to mishmash and get yourself and your team killed. Not to mention rank 1-15 feels the exact same except that you have more actual newbies at rank 15. Oh and we have "seasons" because DbD is a very competitive esports game, despite the fact everyone could be rank 1 since it's not an actual ELO system and you don't have to "win" to pip.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    @Malakir said:
    nomorevideos said:

    @Malakir said:

    nomorevideos said:

    @Bravo0413 said:
    I stated awhile ago that DS should have the downside of being exposed and moriable attached to it after use and or end game... there was a thread talking about possible rework etc....... and then rancor was born.... it's not broken and the "bittermurmur 2.0" isn't that great at all ...... its not even auras its pretty much the docs madness tier up sooo
    Let me rephrase it then? I mentioned how stupid it is to have a bitter murmur 2.0 with basically no downside, except your obsession seeing your aura as well. It gives you a free mori and exposed effect, again for no reason other than "you equipped this perk, good job!". Devour takes effort to get, the same goes for some other perks and addons that give you the exposed effect (no, not huntress' crutch hatchets). I'd go as far as to argue even mories as offerings are somewhat crutchy, but at least you don't get them THAT often. Nerfing mori offerings would be pointless because then they'd be useless, similar to how useless BNP is nowadays. On that note, why did they nerf BNP? And why this much. Unlike killer addons, survivor addons and items are way more rare. For killers there are no items, just addons. Survivors have addons and items and BNP were pretty rare. Strong, but rare. Similar to memento mories. They might as well nerf those now and make them completely useless. Oh and please buff NOED even more, I am a bad killer and need all the automated killi- help I can get.
    survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you
    Rancor.. Mg its so op that nobody uses it anymore since its weak as fk and bitter murmur is way stronger than it. Actually any mets perk is better than rancor
    So yeah, get better. I play solo all the time and noeds are every day less common to see since people is actually starting to cleabse them, not only me. It gives bp and boldness so its a win win, actually a win win win since you deleted noed and if the killer use it he actually played a game with 3 perks then whole time

    I know you wanna be the power role even playing as survivor (even if you already are) but you should do better plays. If someone hbad at chases like me can survive using mostly stealth and still winning chases, anybody can

    " survivors keeps item if they are good, unlike you" What does that even mean. Also again where did I say I want survivors to be the power role? I said NOED is a crutch perk that doesn't feel fair to play against at all. Literally every other killer perk in the game feels more fair, even Rancor feels more fair than the mistake that NOED is. How about this.. let's give killers FREE NOED at the end of the game as well as free mories and if only 1-2 survivors are left you get free whispers so they can't hold the game hostage. Seems fair right?

    Okay nice straw man, look if you won't discuss but just have an echo chamber its fine but then don't cry when people call you out for saying stupid #########. I listed why noed its pretty fair and how random its actually underpowered. To answer that you just did bad examples and strawman my words

    You are incredibly stupid or dishonest, either way I don't care anymore what you say if you cannot think

    Enjoy your little world, have fun

    Play rank 15 then and see how it goes. I bet you'll like getting smacked by NOED every second match when you're playing with and against bad players. Oh what? Rank up? Well I'd rank up if pipping wasn't total garbage on the survivor side and forced you to play a very specific way, a way that doesn't reward trying to survive but instead forces you to mishmash and get yourself and your team killed. Not to mention rank 1-15 feels the exact same except that you have more actual newbies at rank 15. Oh and we have "seasons" because DbD is a very competitive esports game, despite the fact everyone could be rank 1 since it's not an actual ELO system and you don't have to "win" to pip.

    So you're rank 15 saying its easy rank up to rank 1 but at the same time its impossible to get out of rank 15? What do you smoke?

    Win its piping while for others is survive. Depends on who you ask, for me its survived and pip.

    How can you say rank up its garbage while saying its easy I don't get it really. I just pip by taking the chase thing by being hid on terror radius and doing 2 gens for light bring er. Its easy peasy. if you can't escape rank 15 killers using the excuse of noed and you won't cleanse totems either, its on you dude.

    GitGud, play more and whine on the forum less. As far as I can read you just bought the game or still new ish to the game so just learn how to play before crying, ty
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @nomorevideos said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @nomorevideos said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    How about you cleanse the totem?
    They are there for a reason.

    He already made his point.
    He does not want to! So he comes to the forum to ask the Devs to fix his lazyness .

    "Lazyness", nice English. No laziness isn't an issue, but braindead teammates are. And no, I won't become the designated Small Game(r) and run across the map for several minutes trying to find all the totems while my team is getting slaughtered and no one is doing gens. Again, play without your little friends and see how it goes. Everyone here is either low-key getting off to this NOED buff because they're a bad killer or they're playing SWF and don't know it better.

    Oh, you found a misspelling from someone ho is not a native speaker… wow, wanna try answer me in german and we see how good you are?

    And guess what? I play 98% of my survivor games SOLO, so your "with your little friends" crap goes nowhere.
    If all survivor just cleanse ONE (dull) totem, Noed won't be an issue in 99% of the matches.
    You do not need to run around for ages to find all totems.
    There is a pattern in their spawn and you should be able to find them pretty easy, without actively searching. I usually cleanse 2-3 dulls while looking for Ruin anyway. :P

    I'm not a native speaker either and FYI my native tongue IS German. But to your luck I am very bad at it nowadays, so I'll have to decline your offer.

    Anyways I think I made it clear that the issue is that my teammates do not cleanse the totems. I try to cleanse totems, but it's not possible for me to do all of them unless I have Small Game or look very carefully and waste several minutes doing so. Even with Small Game I'd need to run through the whole map and across it to check all spots. It's not something I can afford in half my matches because I am often one of the only people who do gens. So it's either I do gens and we get to endgame and get cheesed by NOED or I waste my time looking for totems and everyone dies with 2-3 gens left.
    I'd rather work through perma-ruin than have to deal with NOED and baby killers every second match.

    So again… your teammates suck and don't do their job?
    And who do you wanna see punished for that?
    Oh... the killer, sure.^^
    They CHOOSE to ignore totems, so they have to take the possible consequences.
    Your part of said team, so: "mitgefangen, mitgehangen".

  • MasonHugsCats
    MasonHugsCats Member Posts: 135
    When playing at Rank 1 my NOED only activated 20% of the time..