TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You better not remove Leatherface's masks! You're going too far with this. This is not the way to go. You already pull a bunch of bullshit but now taking away cool and unique content? Just stop this before you do it. DO NOT REMOVE THEM! You're just giving those people what they want. Plus, how many people are actually being a piece of ######### over the faces? Not enough to warrant this! I bet the people who even reported these probably don't like this idea! They'd probably want you to actually ban these people for being big numbskulls. Not remove content because they reported something.

Had to quickly edit one last thing here. Look at it like this. You're punishing the people who are being harassed and that report these things and not giving out the proper punishment to the people that harass them.

Post edited by Mandy on
