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General Discussions

I'm so happy people are finally realizing this game is so killer sided

Member Posts: 2,270
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

I wonder if the narrative on the forums will ever change from killer's being oppressed. People like Otz and Scott Jund are finally admitting it because there is just so little evidence on the contrary.

EDIT: I realized that I probably made the title a bit misleading. I meant it as more "not as survivor sided as people make it out to be" than straight up killer sided.

Post edited by gendoss on

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  • Member Posts: 219

    Depends what you consider a "win". For me a win is if i get a 0 or a a +1 pip out of a match, regardless if i escape or die.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    I think the opinion of guys like otz or other content creators is very very important especially if you talk about general game mechanics or broken stuff because these guys and girls are just a bit deeper in the game then the average joe but this also brings a problem with it. Otz opinion if the game is surv or killer sided doesn't matter because if I make my money with playing a game. And I spend a good chunk of my day with that game chances are high I am really good at that game sooner or later but the player base don't consist of players of this lvl so when I only play killer and destroy 80% of the survivors I face I could think the game is killer sided same goes the other way around. And by all gods don't come with git gud cause you can't expect the majority of the players to reach a lvl like Otz even remotely

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    That's quite a heavy spin you're putting on both what Otz and Scott have said and shown.

    Otz displayed that at high mmr things aren't a total death march for killers. What they didn't do is prove the game isn't leaning a bit heavier on survivor's side of the line currently. Scott has even spoke about this and proven the advantages and disadvantages for both sides multiple times.

    You say there is little evidence when scott sits there and posts evidence on a regular basis. He also posts the receipts for killers are also over performing and has expressly stated that survivors are quite strong right now. Just because Otz was able to play Hag with no perks and still win consistently is more about his overall skill in the game more than the state of the game. If you had the same level of time investment and skill as Otz you could produce similar results. He plays the game very well, a fact that Scott was sure to point out, doesn't mean it isn't challenging or that the game is killer sided. It simply means it can be done and that things aren't quite as bad as what people say.

    That doesn't mean it isn't bad at all or that the balance isn't borked because it is. Both of them has spent far too much time detailing their issues with the game balance for someone to sit there and spin a hyper biased narrative.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    No it's because people cry at every little thing.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    "Just because Otz was able to play Hag with no perks and still win consistently is more about his overall skill in the game more than the state of the game."

    So essentially if you are good at the game and play a good killer you'll win more times than not. I don't get how people have a problem with the fact that you have to be good at the game to get consistent wins. It's almost like killers want every game handed to them like it is at every other MMR level.

  • Member Posts: 2,270
    edited January 2022

    Yes, every person who claims that the game is killer sided is just baiting. Very original idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Either that or they're not very good and I say that for anyone who says the game is survivor sided or killer sided, the game isn't that extreme balance wise.

  • Member Posts: 768

    A lot of those survivors were really bad anyway

  • Member Posts: 768

    Yeah too true, and they wouldn't hide MMR either.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I don't think it's that extreme but you just can't deny that the average game is killer sided. Be it for balance reasons or not. Killers have an advantage especially against solo teams.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    It's not though? Your average killer player isn't otz, they're not going to be as good in chase or use their power perfectly or bring a bunch of gen slowdown meaning they're going to be making a lot more errors and not have a cushion for when they do. I feel like this is partly because you can have a really good meta build as a survivor without making any purchases while the meta perks for killer are spread out among a bunch of dlc killers so they're not going to be as good.

  • Member Posts: 735

    I couldnt agree more. 1 game I am playing against really good coordinated team. End up with hardly earned 3K.

    And then for the rest of the night my SBMM is matching me with survivors who have aprox 100 hours in game. Firstly I thought okay…perhaps smurf accounts? Nope, legitly a players with such hours, who were then complaining in the end chat, how broken SBMM is. I still performed 4K just to raise my MMR believing I will go back into the “balanced” lobbies.

    Same match the same, over and over against baby survivors. Running shadowborn and bbq without addons.

    tldr; Does SBMM work? I think its in extremely horrible state, working on special events. Hidden MMR …I wonder what could be the reason :wink :wink

    I rather get destroyed by SWF rather then being bored and ruining new comers matches

  • Member Posts: 21

    At high MMR, unless you run Nurse or Blight, the survivors are OP. Even if you run Nurse or Blight, it can be a struggle. Sure it's killer sided at low MMR, but who cares about low MMR - everyone there is awful.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    It's not though? Your average killer player isn't otz, they're not going to be as good in chase or use their power perfectly or bring a bunch of gen slowdown meaning they're going to be making a lot more errors and not have a cushion for when they do. I feel like this is partly because you can have a really good meta build as a survivor without making any purchases while the meta perks for killer are spread out among a bunch of dlc killers so they're not going to be as good.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    THIS! You can claim that the system works great all you want, buy unless you give players access to their numbers and they can compare their e-peen, you will never get acceptance; especially when the system seems that busted and peeps get this kind of results.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    Every time someone use Otz or Dowsey or Tru or Ayrun or Zubat or JRM or (insert top-level content creator here) as an example that the game is killer or survivor sided, it's akin to pulling up footage of Tom Brady or Michael Jordan or Mike Trout or Wayne Gretzky and saying, "Look at them and see how easy it is for them to dominate? Playing football/basketball/baseball/hockey at the top levels must be ridiculously easy, right?".

    Some of these people literally LIVE playing this game. That clearly doesn't represent the average experience of the average player who pops in a DBD match a couple of times a week.

  • Member Posts: 867

    On Steam forums there are lots of posts like this, trying to get awards.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Ok I decided to put up my Killer hat for a while when I played 10 straight games and only got a total of 6 Kills. I'm no where near a scrub Killer and before SBMM my average was 2-3K a game because I was matched with more accurate Survivors of my skill level unless I get that wierd match where I faced a SWF squad.

    So i played Survivor for 10 games and died once.....and thatvwas due to my "team" leaving me on the hook and refused to recuse me.

    All the other times thaks to CoH I never got downed and most matches I just dropped a pallet and fast slide over it to make so much noise I annoyed the killer to chase me allowing everyone to get gens done and escape......I shouldn't be able to mess around like that in front of the Killer and at most get a minor scratch......

  • Member Posts: 638

    "Man who literally plays dbd for a living can beat casuals"...even otz gets stomped by comp teams

  • Member Posts: 571
    edited January 2022

    game is killer sided if you only play nurse (recharge addons) or blight (ring+crow) - otherwise, killers usually get stomped on by swfs with map offerings. otz's "experiment" is not that good of a reference, the survivors he was up against were complete babies/messing around and i cringed hard watching it.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    "killers usually get stomped on by swfs with map offerings."

    Where is your evidence for this? Is this just based on your experience?

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Are we not going to talk about how he did it. He had to do all the most scummy and unfun tactics each game. So yeah if you have 7k hours and camp to second stage slug tunnel and make the game as fun on both sides as possible its killer sided.

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