More people should play Spirit

She’s too rare in my survivor games. It’s such a shame because she’s an incredibly fun killer that is fair to play against and is a strong killer. Why is she getting close to Billy’s level of rarity despite still being strong and fun?
I had one in my game today after long time. She managed to get 2k with Mother ring and Cherry
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I feel like almost every Spirit except me and a few others runs that combo.
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I havent seen a Spirit in months. I'm not against more people playing them
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I’ve only seen a total of 6 since her nerf.
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i still derive negative amounts of joy from playing her so im good thanks
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I'll play her when they nerf Iron Will. Perk is on 3+ survivors every lobby and utterly destroys her. No thanks. I don't want to play trials that are annoying as hell the majority of the time
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Yeah I don’t get it. I’ve been playing Spirit a lot and she’s still fun. Her nerf wasn’t a huge deal.
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Yes it does suck but you mainly have to play against Iron Will users differently.
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Where's the fun in having it available if I don't do it occasionally? 😛
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Personally more into playing Oni than Spirit, perhaps in the future i'll try her out some more.
Also i don't think the Ringu chapter is gonna change much for Spirit in terms of how many play as her, people who enjoy Spirit is gonna continue to play as her regardless.
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I'm good, thanks 🤗
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They'll make Sadako as similar to Spirit as they can. Then everyone will drop her for Sadako. That's why they nerfed Billy to the ground and put Bubba in the spotlight and they would do the same to Spirit.
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Why? :/
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Bubba is more fun!
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I doubt Billy's nerf had anything to do with Bubba, seems more like speculation than anything.
Also i highly doubt Sadako is gonna be even remotely close to Spirit's power, they may both be Japanese ghost but apart from that, i don't see any similarities, especially since licensed killers are usually created in a way to feel like you're actually playing as their source material counterpart.
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No one is more fun than Spirit!
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I always find spirit. What servers do you play in?
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I agree.
I love facing Spirits tbh.
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East NA.
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Huh. I also play NA east.
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Then I’m just incredibly unlucky then. Can we trade games?
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I was playing her a bunch yesterday. She’s still DBD on easy mode.
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Wouldn't say she's easy mode but she's still strong.
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Why play spirit when the vast majority of survivor use iron will. Im going to stay a twin main but you do well to worry about her because shes a rare species in my survivor game
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I absolutely love Spirit, and mained her for over two years myself. I think that is why I enjoy versing her as well, I like to try to use that experience to out think her and it is a thrill when it happens. She is the only killer I bought skins for and will probably remain that way.
But, I just don't play her often anymore. I think because I just feel like I have been there and done that too many times.
I agree tho, she is a fun killer and it is a shame we aren't see more of her.
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I play with her daily 😋
But I don't judge people stopping playing with her, the Iron Will meta is frustrating.
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I play her because I like her, but man, my hearing is bad. All of those years blasting full volume metal has apparently done a number on me and I guess I must be partially deaf or something. It is scary just how hard she is to play for me. I try so hard, and get so far, but in the end, it didn't even matter, they went the opposite way...
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I rolled a Mother Daughter Ring out of the blooded so I played a round last night! I grabbed a Mike Reid off a chest thanks to Lethal Pursuer! Good thing too because she was the IW user
I wished I saw her more as survivor I'd rather face her than your average killer
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I got a gen grab with Furin and Amulet. The survivors just get used to hearing the phasing sound and stop reacting to it.
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I wanted main her because she is so cute and she reminds me Samara. But i don't wanna use my bps on her anymore because Sadako is coming. Sorry, i know you love Spirit and she is great killer.
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The people that said I was overreacting about the Ringu chapter are eating their words.
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I haven't went against a Spirit in forever. I wouldn't mind seeing more people playing her.
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I would love to see her more often.
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Yes, they should.
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I’m glad you agree!
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I don't want to cheat on Joey :(
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Is this even allowed to spam same theme again and again? Maybe you'll just comment on one of your old post to bump it up instead of making another?
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I mention Old Freddy every single time. Such "spam" is perfectly allowed. I should know.
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So you create countless topics about freddy too?
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I'm gonna give her some playtime again. I really do like SPEEEED in killer powers. Honestly, I avoided playing her for a while since she was so widely hated. Now, I hardly see her...
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I don't usually create discussions, but most of my comments are about him, yes.
Don't worry, it is allowed.
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That sucks then. that's annoying and there is no ignore button
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Well, that is unfortunate. For you.
We all have our passions and interests within DBD, and are allowed to discuss them as much as we want.
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If youd like some variety, I can make a thread talkingabout why RPD is the best map in DbD.
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Spirit is pretty fun but I haven't played her because I didn't get that many good perks when I P3 50'd her. Maybe I'll try to get more perks and add-ons on her so I can enjoy her more.