More people should play Spirit
I’m on my phone too.
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you don't know, nobody knows. Because they can't
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Every single killer in the game should track survivor by sound, it's not really Spirit skill, her power just makes it easier to do that and thatt's basically why she is boring to me, I feel like I am not learning any new mechanic, and the shifting directional audio thing is kinda pointless because if you are on a survivor and they are hurt and can't go to the pallet / loop in time you still get a hit on them and it does not matter if they knew you were coming or no.
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Killers like Blight, Nurse, and Huntress all have a skill in prediction and the reliance of using LoS to their advantage. So we can say the same exact thing about them. I would even say Spirit is more unique than them because there isn’t a single killer in the game that has mechanical skill and can’t physically see the survivors in her power.
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Send me an awesome headset and I will play her every third killer game. I’m a cheap ass.
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Well that is Spirit's forte, otherwise you would just use wraith.
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Easily, Wraith is an easier but worse Spirit.
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Who needs the ability to shift in and out of reality fueled only by pure revenge and rage when you have the ability of FRIENDSHIP
(This post was brought to you by Legion gang)
(I am the only member of Legion gang)
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Spirit has lot frien.
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I don't need friends as long as I have my favorite four killers to keep me company!
No, YOU'RE in denial!
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I am still playing her sometimes, she is not my main and i have not good perks on her. So usually survivors are genrushing me.
And Spirit is not rare btw. I have min 3 - 4 Spirits at week. We have 26 killers, so even best killers will seem rare. I don't know why but Nemesis and Huntress are so common, i have so much of them. And both are strong but not top tier killers.
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I want to get into Spirit now that she’s been nerfed but I don’t really like playing with headphones on. Killer is already difficult relying on my crappy tv speakers lol.
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It has been said multiple times, she is just complete trash, that has to rely on op addons to perform well and even then you will get destroyed because there is no way to counter Iron WIll.
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Well you have to rely on OP add ons if you’re simply not good with her. I’m sorry to say that but what else am I supposed to tell you?
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I don’t understand.
Thankfully I’m not the only one that is confused by that comment lol.
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“I can’t literally stand still and have the survivors come to me therefore it sucks”
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Tell me your fave spirit build and ill tell you mine
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it's not about being good spirit, she is just basic loopable m1 killer with map pressure, that's like saying "you just have to be good with trapper ,else you will have to rely on op addons"
if a survivor is semi-decent, you stand no chance, especially if the survivor has iron will
lastly I'm not talking about me playing her, I dropped her soon after the nerf, but not a single spirit I played against stood any chance vs me or my team unless she had mother daughters ring that gave her some advantage with movement speed, so that I have less time to react to her, or the survivor she is chasing is either bad looper or listening to music during gameplay
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I play her more since standstill is gone. And also because of that it’d be nice to face her more. Still would’ve wanted a different change.
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Spirit was fun to get against and required survivors to think and use their brain.
Some wanted none of that.
Now Spirit is still too strong against the incompetents and too weak against the good ones. In one word: a waste of time for everybody.
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In one word: A waste of time for everybody.
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She’s far from being a waste of time for me. I always have fun playing as and against her.
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I would like to play spirit.... if the sound system actually worked or I could take the route of "the best spirit main" and use an equalizer to literally deafen every other sound other than survivor footsteps and breathing/grunts.
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So you dropped her right after the nerf and didn’t even give her a chance? Ok, that’s fine, us loyal Spirits don’t claim people like you anyway.
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:( tell me your fave spirit build
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Oh wait I thought I replied to you my bad 💀
I’ve been running BBQ, Lethal Pursuer, Pain R, and NWO. Add ons I just switch in between different ones but I like charge speed add ons the most.
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I use enduring brutal spirit fury and pop. And the addon when you get stunned by pallet you get your powerback.
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I sometimes use that every once and a while. Uchiwa is the add on where you get your power back after being stunned and I’ll use that in combo with Kintsugi Teacup, the iri that restores your power after kicking a pallet.
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Also very fun. I how ever do crutch on movespeed/duration because sometimes i do need the extra help in a chase. Survivors are getting better. Which is a good thing.
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Movement speed add ons are always very impactful, especially MDR but I’d recommend not relying on that one too much.
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I never use mdr. Altho i sound ######### with spirit mdr is out of my skill level atm as im relearning spirit. I do need my scratch marks lol.
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Yeah scratch marks are very unnecessary when you’re going that speed.
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Ill give it a try tonight. Do you play on pc? Or console? And are you willing to add for some survivor shenanigans in the future? Im looking for more people to enjoy the game with.
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I decided to play some killer for the first time in ages yesterday and started out with her, had a pretty fun time. Also since the last time I've played I broke my headphones, (I trod on them) got some better ones and now I can often hear uninjured survivor breathing, it feels dirty 😈
I would've played more as her and will again but I hadn't tried out birdbrain yet so the rest of the night was dedicated to her.
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I feel bad for Rachel, not her real name, no name and shame here. But I had one of those 3 minute 4k in the basement games and she queued into me for a second time and the same thing happened. I didn't even do my daily in these two games and needed to play her again.
I was too focused on the basement challenge and too scared to turn the survivors invisible. I need to try a haunt only game to try and improve.
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I’m on PC.
Sorry it took me a while to respond.
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I've been getting some bizarre angles at the start of the match. I'm aware it starts by showcasing her butt, but lately they've been bolder, more risque and at odder angles.
This has to be intentional right?
I played 2 spirits today! Both fun matches
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I’m pretty sure that’s a bug. It’s a bug I hope they don’t fix.
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Ive noticed it too. Esp since i have school girl spirit.
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Ah, you guys are talking about that, rather odd, Spirit bug? I've had it happen to me a couple of times. I wonder why the devs haven't fixed it yet...
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I don't play Spirit because I don't have spirit. I work with what I have.
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It is the same team that made a model of nude Yui after her release.
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She costs 9k shards if you want her.
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Oh I know, but she's just not high on the list of killers I'd want to spend shards on.
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Oh, yeah, I forgot they did that.
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