More people should play Spirit
But why create 100 discussions with same text every time? Why not just use one>
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I played against 2 today.
1 baby who didn't know what to do with her power at all and,
1 with MDR + DCB with Pain Res., Pop, Corrupt and Surge.
All in 1 evening. MMR is surely being drunk sometimes.
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Avoid necroing, help spread the word, may discuss different topics within the same theme.
Countless reasons, really.
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This forum needs ignore button
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Not a chance.
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And she is also best waifu. Juat saying.
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you're not a mod
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Probably because not fun or strong enough to worth practicing for most players.
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I believe most players will disagree with this. Personally, if I'm against Spirit I have no problem out mind-gaming her if I've got Iron Will on. There's just not enough information for her to work with. I look where I am, if I'm moving grass, I mix up my walk and run, and I double back at the perfect time because of the audio indicator we now get. I don't think she's awful, but she's no longer A tier. Maybe top of B.
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You don't have to be one to understand why such button would never work.
It doesn't take much.
Heck, even the laughing emoji didn't work.
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If you don’t like my threads, don’t comment on them. Simple as that.
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It works on any other forum
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im tired of seeing them, that's why i commented
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Well I’m sorry to say, but Spirit is my killer and she means a ton to me. If something about her is on my mind, then I will post it. Again, you are not obliged to comment on any of them nor do you have to even read them.
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Doesn't make you less annoying
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Well it’s good that I just couldn’t care less about what random people I don’t know think about me. Get ready for more Spirit threads in the future because I’m sure I will have more things I would want to talk about.
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Well she is not fun anymore for you if you know how she was before the nerfs. I was an old spirit main and stopped at the patch where they nerfed her lunge after phasewalk (was simiular like wraith's).
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I think that lunge nerf happened before I discovered the game. Didn’t they make her post phase speed gradually go down when before it went back to 4.4 instantly?
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You mean for more same thread spam without anything new to tell
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You’re very bitter about my connection with Spirit, so it might just be a healthy decision for you to, again, just ignore my threads if they bother you that badly.
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I used to play her when I started playing the game, but honestly, after I branched out and started maining Nurse and trying out Blight / Huntress and stealth killers who are on the weaker side (ghostie mostly) it just came to me how boring she is in comparison to those like she only requires headphones, basic game sense, and if you are facing non iron will users it's mostly gg ez. I feel like her power does everything for you and it does not require any sort of skill improving after you already figured out how DBD works.
Her nerf also does not help that much.
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I never understand the no skill argument. Tracking survivors by sound is most definitely a skill and knowing how and when to the shift the directional audio is something that comes with game knowledge and practice.
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Why should they
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Ye, she was basicly like wraith, you got a little boost out of the phase walk and then it went down, you could use that to get an extra lunge range which was really fun and made her more of a agressive killer like blight or nurse. But now since you have basicly no post phase boost you are a boring ass m1 killer.
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Because she’s a queen.
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You're like Jehovah's witness on your door. same type of annoying
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@TheGannMan I am trying my best, man :3
Also, I do see Spirit on my survivor games. Not too often, and when I see one they are usually very bad. Like very very bad. I'm pretty sure my MMR is not the best as survivor.
But yeah, I mainly play Oni right now instead of Spirit. Playing Spirit, for now, is very stressful for me. Probably because I am terrible with Rin. Basically, after 2 games of Spirit, I switch to 4-5 of Oni and then back to Spirit. Super-hard and you can make many mistakes as Spirit. She defly has potential to be very fun though
Also her new terror music and chase music are incredibly. Im specially a fan of the terror
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Yeah I’m just going to stop replying because this is getting pointless. None of your hate comments are going to keep me from talking about my killer so good day sir, hope you find happiness somewhere.
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Here it would not. Same thing with the laughing emoji and the downvote option.
If such things worked, it would still be here.
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I’m sure you’re not too bad, you just need to keep practicing with her. Believe me, she isn’t a low skill killer like everyone makes her out to be. Not saying she’s Nurse levels of skill but she has a high learning curve nonetheless.
How often do you see her as survivor if I may ask?
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elaborate why
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You commenting over and over on a thread that supposedly annoys you is incredibly cringy, but mostly just dumb :D. If the person/post/thread/website annoys you, leave and never come back. This is not your forum, not your home. You have to choose what you are okay with consuming/watching/reading/clicking/interacting with. It's weird that we have to tell you this unless you are a child, which I suppose you are not.
No one knocked on your door. You clicked this thread and decided to comment because you couldn't handle your bitter emotions. If it annoys you, why are you here? If it annoys you so much you can't stand without commenting, maybe consider taking a break from the.... internet? Idk... XD
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Oh, you already know the answer to that.
How long do you think it took for people to use such features to BM and provoke?
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I mean, Nurse feels super easy to play right now, especially compared to Spirit.
I think I usually see her like once a day, sometimes less. Definitely not a very common killer. So I'd say like one in 20 matches. Most of the killers I face are Bubba, Nemesis, Wraith... Specially first 2 is like suuper common
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I would love to play against Spirit once a day. I think on average I’ve played against like 2 or 3 a month since her nerf.
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how can you provoke with ignore button
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People would find a way.
They always do.
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Yeah, it's sad. I would really like to play more against her. She is fun to vs. But I'm on low MMR and most of them are very bad and play a heavy facecamping style, which usually make me even more sad.
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to annoy you obviously. Just ignore me if you don't like my comments lul
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Well, yes, but... What's the reason? You want to play more against her?
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Im gonna make a topic "More people should draw Spirit" because her arts give me more joy than playing against her without Iron will
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I never said you annoy me. I also never stated that I don't like your comments. They are quite hilarious, to be honest, :D
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Well yeah but I also want to grow a wholesome Spirit community. She really deserves it.
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so you don't know how. And i will say you it will work. like on any other forum. because there is same people as anywhere
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Show me the art :O
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She’s fun though :(
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You sound annoyed but tell anything you want
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Yes, I don't precisely know how people would use it for BM because I am not a person that would do such a thing. I do not know how the Forums worst think. Do you?
I can offer possibilities, such as screenshots or comments about how other people's threads should or will be ignored. Some people would do that, as we know from past experiences with other mechanics.
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This is one of my hundred Spirit arts.
Pls send him to my Twit, Im on phone so dont know how to send Twit link.