Unfun mechanics need to be slowly removed from the game, 1 by 1.

SilentShepherd Member Posts: 527
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Anything that is ANTI-FUN, that is, that makes playing the game not fun, should be looked at. For both sides. The aim of game play design should be to create abilities and gameplay that does not break the core tenets of the game and is not overly stressful that it ruins the game's FUN aspect.

  1. Bubba's chainsaw able to facecamp, insta down AoE multiple targets, and has many charges, AND can turn directions
  2. The doctor's AOE reveal scream. This mechanic breaks the fundamental tenets of the game. The hide and seek aspect of a HORROR game is completely nullified with this broken, stupid mechanic. And it even penetrates upper or lower floor levels. It's completely stupid. The killer doesn't have to search for you, you remove the tension and fear of the killer looking for you.
  3. Nurse blinking through walls. Again, another stupid ability that completely breaks the core tenets of the game. This time, the CHASE aspect. The chase aspect of a horror game is the most tense, exciting parts of this game. And Nurse completely ruins it with this stupid mechanic that allows her to simply teleport through obstacles, pallets, and even walls. This is ANTI-FUN written all over it.
  4. Decisive Strike should be CORE on all Survivors. Being tunneled out of a game is one of the most frustrating, anti-fun things in this game.
  5. The game needs to stop being about kills/escapes. A kill should be worth a lot of points, and an escape too, yes, but the game needs to utilize all of those amazing stat tracking that we ALREADY have.... and combine everything into an overall GRADE and Title Score for each Survivor. So even if you die, you helped your team succeed and escape as a martyr hero... which is a core thing in all horror movies... the hero who takes on the killer so others can get away. People would not feel as bad for dying anymore.. when they get a good score and the title "Heroic Survivor" for achieving a lot of points to contribute to the match, even if they died.

I have a few more to add to the list.

Post edited by Rizzo on
