General Discussions

General Discussions

Remember old Undying? Sounds an awful lot like the way boons currently work.

Member Posts: 328
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

Just wanted to remind everyone of what the devs said regarding the Undying nerf back in the Jan '21 Developer Update:

"We’ve been watching this one closely, and there’s a few things we’d like to address:

  1. Transferring the same Hex multiple times can get out of hand: Hexes are meant to be strong perks that can be destroyed, and having to destroy the same Hex four times can be a bit much."

This comparison is most relevant to CoH, as it is the most gamebreaking perk of the bunch.

But the devs obviously understood why the old Undying was a problem, and yet they are okay with 4 different people being able to keep blessing multiple totems infinitely so that everyone gets free medkits. Not to mention the time wasted trying to pointlessly snuff out a totem knowing it be back up in 20 seconds, on multiple floors.

After the last Q&A I don't expect the devs to tone down CoH any more than what they already announced, so I just hope they realize CoH is killing the game before it's too late.

Post edited by Flawless_ on

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  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Boons aren't a problem like at all even if the mechanic was never changed they would be fine.

    Circle of healing is a problem tho. not boons in general

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Boons are fine, CoH is not

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    the problem about boons aren't their effects imo, but the fact that they can be spammed... i would gladly revert the CoH nerf, in return boons can be used only once during the trial... Add also the fact that they should be "divided" from each other (you have 2 boon perks? 2 totems are required instead of a single one with both effects). those perks should be high risks=high rewards

  • Member Posts: 41
    edited February 2022

    As a killer I have absolutely no problems which how CoH works and it is rarely a challenge to face survivors that use it, and I don't mind the times it is a challenge. Every match should not be an easy match.

    Some of you other killers sure complain a lot about those evil survivors that makes your life miserable, how the turntables.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Two reasons

    1. Hexes are either great or awful. It's why the usual four you'll see now are Ruin, Undying, Devour Hope and Noed. Even before boons, you would only really see these four.

    2. Boons aren't that great other than CoH. CoH itself does need a nerf according to most, but the other two that are in game right now aren't used often if at all, and for good reason as they're not that good. And the new one in the PTB won't be used much either.

    In other words, this isn't a boon strength problem, or a hex weakness problem, it's a coh strength problem.

  • Member Posts: 408

    Seems like most people agree boons are OK. Circle of healing is busted. Wonder if there is a reason for that devs?

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    I do think the devs realise that it's strong and needs to be nerfed, but also don't want to completely gut the perk as it's a fresh change to the meta, so from seeing it get nerfed a tad bit recently, if I had to take a guess it'll receive further changes soon. They're just taking it in small steps.

  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited February 2022

    Old undying took 14 seconds for each totem to cleanse without taking into account the time to actually find the totems, and was purely rng. It also revealed auras of people on hex totems too, giving insane advantage to mobile killers. Snuffing a boon takes 1 second while it takes 14 to set it back up, other than having to go back to the totem again.

    If you go out of your way to snuff a totem that's your problem, that's not how you're supposed to counter them.

    So no, there's nothing to compare about the two mechanics. Old undying was utterly broken. We can talk about how COH is, but not about boons in general

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Actually, then boons and hexes should work similar. Start the game with 10 dull totems, and killer and survivors can bless them. But it takes the killer the same 16 seconds per totem that it does the survivors, and survivors can destroy a hex as fast as the killer can. Yes, there are 4 surviors, but killer hexes are mostly stronger than boon perks.

    Why do you think the boons should be devided? Most people run only coh anyway, and dividing them only leads to the few people running more than one boon perk stopping it. But every boon perk beyond coh is one less of the ds/bt/dh meta, why would you encourage people playing more meta?

  • Member Posts: 1,243
    edited February 2022
  • Member Posts: 2,785

    And that's still a change in the meta if it changes the way people play.

  • Member Posts: 989

    Boons have broken this game.

  • Member Posts: 237

    Circle of Healing has broken this game, not the other boons.

    2/3 of the roster are now practically helpless against COH. The only killers who can deal with COH are Blight, Nurse, one-shot killers and Plague.

  • Member Posts: 8,317

    The difference being that while survivors were finding all four totems (in different spots, mind you), the effects of the very strong Hex perk that's associated with them is still active and the killer is unaffected, able to continue chasing and pressuring.

    Compare to boons. Hell, compare to the actual problem, CoH- usually relit in the same spot, and inactive once snuffed. It's not a constant map-wide healing boost for the entire match, it's intermittent location-specific healing boosts that requires a survivor go out of their way to relight it.

    Is that balanced? Absolutely not, CoH is a monster and it needs a proper rework. Is it comparable to old Undying? No, not even close.

    I've noticed that people are really bad at separating the boon mechanic from CoH in specific. Boons aren't completely fine, there are some problems, but they are not synonymous with the gigantic problem of CoH- and no change to boons as a mechanic are going to do the job of fixing CoH, either, it has to be a change that affects the perk itself since it already breaks the intended design of boons to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    Old undying is nothing compared to boons, and boons aren’t that useful anyway.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    That has nothing to do with Boons in general but simply that they’re perks which entice survivors to go find and interact with totems. The more survivor perks there are which require survivors to find and use totems the more likely it is they’ll find hex totems. You could entirely replace Boons with Inner Strength style perks that give the team a boost when you cleanse a totem and it would still mean Hexes would be found because survivors are looking for totems for example.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    This arguement falls flat when you realise that, unless the wiki is incorrect, Undying lasted a month longer than CoH in its strongest stage, with Undyings introduction being in Mid September and being nerfed early February, while CoH was introduced in October and nerfed late January.

    Also saying Undying was nuked is a huge overstatement.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    They can nerf COH again if they want, but I don’t wanna hear killers complain how the survivor meta doesn’t change.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I’ve never complained one way or another about metas.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    Not talking about you personally but a lot of killers do.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Well there’s always people complaining about everything, it’s the internet after all. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 545

    I like to imagine the devs as Drew Barrymore in 50 first dates.

    They have no consistency due to not remembering the day before.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Except undying got a real nerf, and COHs nerf isnt even noticable

  • Member Posts: 335

    Nah Undying was nuked into oblivion. How often do you really see it these days? I only see it when I play against Blight. Meanwhile the COH "nerf" only added a couple seconds extra. So yes technically it was a nerf but it didn't change the new meta.

    Boons need either tokens so survivors don't have unlimited blessings and/or killers should have an option to bust the totem so it can be reused.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    boons are not strong in general, COH is the only decent perk.

  • Member Posts: 335

    Yeah, the new one and exponential aren't super impressive. Personally i like shadow step over coh. But that's mainly b/c my playstyle. I agree coh is much stronger since it compliments the shift w playstyle so well

  • Member Posts: 8,317

    Could you elaborate on why a token system or breaking totems would be a fair nerf for the other three boon perks, and how it'd actually fix the problem of CoH?

    From my view, it wouldn't be fair and it wouldn't fix the problem, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    I will agree with that, although the point of my reply never was if the CoH nerf was enough or not. It's the fact that the other person phrased it as if Undying was nerfed instantly while CoH took ages to receive a change.

    Haven't played in a month, but back when I did play I still saw it in most of the survivor matches I played, and when I played killer it had become a common perk for me to use when playing with certain killers along with great success.

    CoH does need another nerf however without a doubt. Personally I'd prefer it to have that 100% speed boost to healing (maybe even more although that could definitely be broken) but remove the ability to heal yourself with it. Possibly a range reduction along with it, which could work interestingly with other boons.

  • Member Posts: 335
    edited February 2022

    the speed boost or the self healing is fine. but not both. i generally feel the same about all the boons. They each add 2 perks to other survivors. shadow step provides zero scratch marks AND aura hidden from the killer, exponential speeds up recovery and gives you unlimited pickup. b/c boons add the extra perks to the team, each boon should be split into two. But i know it's too late and i doubt the devs will make this change. so i'd rather just see them give the killer an option to break boon totems.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Well, once there is a boon totem that lets you insta-down a killer when the exit gates or powered, or a boon totem that lets you insta-down a killer after 3 gens or done or a boon totem that makes all gens to start progressing until it's destroyed, then you may have a point.

  • Member Posts: 510
    edited February 2022

    Undying got nuked within a few months as killers are never allowed to have anything good. The only part of it that I found op was the aura reading on hex totems. Boons in general are ok it’s just circle of healing that’s an abomination.

    Post edited by Yippiekiyah on
  • Member Posts: 328

    Can we change it in a way that doesn’t make the other side miserable?

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Your right in theory but your wrong at same time. Back when Old Undying was a thing I was exclusively killer only (Did not play ANY survivor) and it was a bit ridiculous. There was trials were they would have to cleanse every bone to be able to get rid of a hex which in turn lost them the game anyhow. Wins didn't feel like wins....kind of like now survivor wins don't always feel like wins because it was too easy perks/totems did most of the work.

    Boons are not as powerful as Old Undying....CoH is strong even after the nerf but not as powerful as Old Undying. Boons are easy to track and once you snuff it usually is put right back in that same spot.

  • Member Posts: 71

    old undying won you games and was seen in tournaments. boons are just a meme

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