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General Discussions

Remember old Undying? Sounds an awful lot like the way boons currently work.



  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited February 2022

    Don't worry, with Empathetic Connection, you won't have to worry about those nasty Killers breaking your boons. You are the boon! Throw in Botany Knowledge and the ability to not even worry about wasting the time looking for, setting up and running to totems and CoH becomes a thing of the past.

  • Member Posts: 735

    What i meant is that camping and tunneling became more viable than going for 12 hooks when survivors basically get free medkits for doing 14s on a bone.

    Getting that 1 survivor out of the match early is a -100% gen repair and who cares if it´s scummy? It´s not like the MMR isn´t discouraging a 4 Kills 4 Hooks.

  • Member Posts: 667

    The one on the PTB is actually worthless. One of the worst perks in the game as it is.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    To be fair, I have a feel that new Boon's 2% movement speed buff might be slightly underrated. I could see it maybe giving a survivor or two per match an extra vault if they're looping near the Boon. And really that's about as much extra time granted as some exhaustion perks tend to give. Even Dead Hard only typically gives one or two extra vaults per match probably for instance but it's considered really powerful. So the new Boon may be ok. Not exciting, probably not great or anything, but maybe an average perk (maybe) 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 366

    Exactly my thoughts. I’d be fine with them reverting the COH nerf or even buffing it, along with the others, IF its one use only and not infinitely usable

  • Member Posts: 667

    Put 2% movement speed into perspective.

    5% movement speed is 0.2 m/s. 2% is 0.08 m/s. You go from 4 m/s to 4.08 m/s. When within a 24-meter range of a loud boon. That you have to set up for at least 14 seconds. What a terrible perk, genuinely.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    What I'm saying is that you made a point and I made a counter point. You then asked for evidence for my point but gave no evidence yourself.

    I'm saying Hexes fell off because of boon because survivors are now going out of there way to find boons and boons over write Hexes. I use to see ruin at least every other game when I played survivor about a week after boons I see it a few times a week.

    Unless bhvr resales perk usage since boons came out we can only speculate on what we have seen and I have seen a huge decrease on Hexes since boons came out.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    You can still cleanse them for the same amount of time plus it's only 8 more seconds our of 1 of 4 survivors time. Survivors are also going out there way to look for totems because of boons so Hexes are lasting even lest time then normal

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    I know it doesn’t sound like much, but whether or not someone makes a vault can be a matter of tiny distances sometimes. It wouldn’t alter most chases but if it even impacts 2 chases in the course of 20 chases in a match it’s gotten some value.

    Also to put this in perspective, say a survivor has a 5 meter distance on a typical killer moving 4.6 m. (5 meters is a little less than the width of the shack.) If the survivor runs at standard 4.00 m/s then the killer will take 8.3 seconds to catch up. If the survivor is moving 4.08 m/s though it takes 9.6 seconds to catch up. That’s 1.3 extra seconds the survivor has to reach a vault or pallet and gain distance, which at that speed means they can run an additional 5 meters, almost another shack’s worth of distance.

    It’s even more dramatic looking at the slower killers that move 4.4. Where normally a killer at that speed needs 12.5 seconds to catch someone 5 meters distant, it becomes 15.6 seconds with the survivor going 4.08 m/s. That’s a 3.1 second gap, which is 12 extra meters, an entire tile and then some!

    Of course a big limitation on the Boon is its range is only a 24 meter radius. So if survivor tried to just hold W and go forward at that speed they’d be out of range pretty quickly. But assuming there are a couple of loops in range of the Boon it could give a survivor just enough of an edge on distances to hit vaults they otherwise might miss.

    I will say, though, all this would be outweighed by misplays on either side. If a killer or survivor is running on a suboptimal path that could easily outweigh the differences above. So this speed difference would most likely be felt at higher skill levels where neither side makes too many misplays in a chase and things like Dead Hard for distance to reach a pallet or vault become even more valuable. Essentially this Boon is giving the survivor a Dead Hard’s worth of distance potentially over time between vaults or between tiles in the chase. It’s not as flashy as getting it all in one burst of speed but it is still extra distance.

    Anyway, I just got curious enough about the actual math of it I figured I’d follow up. 🙂 I seriously doubt that Boon will become meta, but I do think it’s probably better than some people might think.

  • Member Posts: 328

    That pretty much sums it up. I would add that it also works on multiple floors making it extremely time-wasting for the killer to keep on snuffing out the totem on certain maps.

    I don't understand how there can be people who claim CoH isn't broken.

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    Make snuffing boons break the totem. Problem solved.

  • The devs don't care, undying made it unfun for survivors and boons make it unfun for killer, the devs only care about the former. They will nerf boons only when it makes survivors quit the game because of 30min que times, until then they are here to stay and will only become more and more oppressive.

  • Member Posts: 1,960
    edited February 2022

    booning an hex is 28 seconds while booning a dull totem is 14 seconds, thats twice the time. if the killer intervenes that time is wasted. This is almost as bad as self caring in a corner

  • Member Posts: 128

    For me its just COH that I have a problem with. Who on Earth thought giving one side unlimited heals that stack with other healing perks, through floors and is only permanently disabled when the person running the perk dies was a good idea? It would be like giving killers a perk that instantly regresses a generator by 50% when it reaches 99% progress. It undo's all the progress one side makes with very little input required and a damned if you do, damned if you don't choice for the opponent. Kill it with fire, but leave the other boons intact if you ask me.

  • Member Posts: 571

    its been months now and people still compare boons and hexes as if they're literally the same... lmao. if you're complaining about people spamming boons (which is a very good thing to happen by the way, i don't have to explain), perhaps you aren't as good as you think

  • Member Posts: 571

    well, even if it did took a year to address keys, i'd say keys definitely got the short end of the stick bro. its so pathetic i don't ever see any randomers bringing keys anymore. its completely ruined. but moris still allow killers to skip DS/pallet or flashlight save on their second hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    They can still be cleansed in 14 seconds leaving 4 other totems to use. Plus if you take 28 seconds the whole team can befit from it which is huge,selfcare is just for you. Let's not forget if you do spend 28 seconds thats still only 1/4 of the team.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    1/4 of the team but 1/4 of the team wasting time is just going to snowball the game into the killer's favor, 1/4 of the team not doing gens quickly changes into 2/4 not doing gens and so on. Wasting too much time booning eventually becomes a detriment since there's still gens to be done. 28 seconds is way too much time.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Your assuming that they go down right after blessing. With that boon up it takes 1/4 of the team to to what it normally takes 1/2 unlimited amount of times so that time investment by 1 survivor can benefit the team multiple times. It also can easily eliminate any snowball potential the killer has.

  • Member Posts: 1,004

    Except it stacks with other speed increases like DH, Sprint burst etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    i'm not? im assuming the killer is chasing a survivor, a survivor that is being chased can't work on gens. even if boons benifit the whole team its not worth wasting 28 seconds on a hex totem instead of cleansing it and removing an obstacle in 14 seconds. unless boons remove hook state the cannot remove snowball potential, they can neglect pressure but the killer can still snowball.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    Why would you try and bless a totem in the middle of a chase that makes no sense. Building pressure is the definition of snowballing. Giving the team the ability to self-care in 20 seconds is huge. It's less time then sef care, it's team wide, it takes away the need for to people to heal which mean that 3 survivors can work on gens while one survivor can rest and go back to chase. If a killer stays in the bad chase after he gets an injury it's pretty much the game for them and CoH makes it so I'd you leave that survivor they will just go heal by themselves removing any pressure you started and making all that time in chase a waste.

    So if a killer 100% of there team gets in a chase for 20 seconds gets a hit and has to abandon that chase and then the survivor blesses a hex 28 seconds ans 20ish to self heal that removes all the pressure the killer started to build and now anytime they abandon a chase they fall farther into lost time. That's just 1/4 of the team.

  • Member Posts: 667

    Wow, a whole 0.08 m/s extra will surely do something when combined with Dead Hard and Sprint Burst. Because THOSE perks definitely need a boost. Your Sprint Burst will 100% take you out of the Boon's range and barely change, same with Dead Hard.

  • Member Posts: 1,960
    edited February 2022

    where did i ever state booning totems when being chased? Im talking about 1 survivor booning AN HEX TOTEM while another is being chased, you keep mentioning the advantage of boons which is not what the argument is about, it was about how you think booning an hex totem is a good idea. You claimed Hex build fell off the map because of boons, when booning an hex takes twice more time than booning a dull totem.

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