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can we do something about hook camping?, its becoming a joke....

FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

How is it even possible to get 6 hook campers in a row???

i've played 4 matches today 3 of them has been against a nemesis 2 of them has been hookcamping. the game before that was against a pyramid head hookcamping...

around a week ago i got hook camped 6 games in a row??

4 weeks ago i hadnt faced a hook camper in like a month or 2 but now its like 6 out of 7 matches just pure hook camping and yet the killers that doesnt hook camp complain "yOu RuN mEtA pErKs" which i've stopped doing but honestly DS is a must at this point

its so boring because i find killer overwhelming due to ######### perks like CoH making it 3 times harder to perform well on some killers (edit due to some of you thinking im saying that playing killer is impossible no its not i do 4k some matches and a majority fo my matches are still 3ks and very few are 2ks... CoH is a problem i think its to fast and has a little to large area) and then im like ooh fine i will play some survivor... and the killer is just an hook camper that says GGEZ NOOBS from russia playing nemesis :p

Something as simple as removing the skillchecks or bringing back the old stuggle would help 200x more it would make it so you can sit on your phone or something instead of sitting and doing skillchecks for 60 seconds...(i dont want to suicide so the killer gets even more value from it)

Since a lot of you assume i hate meta perks im fine with all of em

DH is meh its annoying but not a problem...

CoH is annoying and makes it a little harder but its not a big problem (its enough of a problem to not run fun troll builds)... I dont think CoH makes it much harder to win it just makes your playstyle a little more limited

BT is fine

DS is fine

UB is fine

same with killer perks

i find NOED boring but it is what it is

Post edited by FlameGNG on


  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,883

    Man, that's pretty bad. I hate camping, but I gotta say I actually don't get camped all the often (maybe like 1 game out of 20 I'll get really camped).

    Of course my personal definition of camping is pretty forgiving (unless the killer hangs out within a 5-10 meter radius I don't really consider it camping).

    If you are getting face camped that frequently, I feel for you. I might stop playing surv for a while.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    the thing is i usually never get hook camped its as you said like once in 30 games or so but the last week has been a living hell (and they do camp they are always within lunge range or like upside shack if im basement... and if i get hook camped once its like meh it happened whatever im just gonna move on but when its 3 times in a row it starts to get really annoying

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178
    edited March 2022

    Maybe Kinship as a standard for hooks but instead applies when a killer enters the area and only pauses the hook progression while the killer is in the 16m.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 465
    edited March 2022

    It already is incentivized to not camp as it reduces your score being close to the hook too much.

    Can we do something about the vanishing hex's and infinite boons it's already beyond a joke.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    BHVR have said they don't like camping, and how powerful it is in the current meta. They are working on a change - but this is really something that has to be done carefully, lest you totally break the game again.

    That said:

    This is the other side of the issue. Some maps and some killers are just really annoying to play.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    well camping is the reason we run those perks CoH is only effective against 3 killers. dead hard to me isnt really a problem but i do know that a lot of people hate it. But when you get hook camped 6 games in a row your literally forced to run BT, DS, DH and UB

    + that doesnt make any sense hook camping is a horrible strategy THAT DOESNT WORK if the survivors do gens but they dont the last game against the hook camping nemesis I DID 2(i nearly did 3 one got interrupted at 95% when we managed to unhook one but he hooked me next to the gen and continued camping) out of those 3 gens while my other 3 teammes well idk what they were doing

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    If the killer is within 8meters the hook timer is paused.

    Honestly its needed, miss matched lobby (pairing me with new players) and camping is the worst experiences in this game

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    Its Meta, so the solution is a total rework of the game balance.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 263

    Enjoy it. Cue up and strap in. Been 6 years... ain't going nowhere.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I dont mind proxy, and I dont even mind the odd tunnel but fact is camping is boring af to verse and the idea that your mmr can plummet from it is stupid.

    All they have ever teased is BT base kit, that wont stop camping. Even now players wont trade to get people of the hook.

    Camping is definitely getting stupid and certainly needs to punish those who do nothing but face camp

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,482

    Kindred and borrowed time

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074


  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Tunneling and camping is out of control at the moment. They are looking into fixes for face camping but who knows how long a fix might take.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    You might want to work on your written sarcasm there. I and others that know your posting history might get it but it seems to have flown right over the head of others like those two here V

  • lavars
    lavars Member Posts: 312

    I wonder when people realize that camping isn't always camping:

    -killer hooks you

    -walks towards a recently dropped pallet to destroy it

    -walks back to the hook because the best way

    -gets called camper


    I can't tell how often people looped super close to the hook, so why would i leave the hook area to proxy-camp when they hand it to me?

    Camping can be boring, but sometimes you see another survivor or maybe even two, so why would you pressure gens if you know that two are trying to rescue one person? And if you are lucky you get another survivor down.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited March 2022

    You’ll still do it even if it was incentivized.

    They could give a million BP to anyone who doesn’t camp and killers would still do it.

    The game isn’t suppose to hand you a kill, it is usually why the killers who don’t face camp tend to get more kills consistently than a 1k per match.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    bruh i was hooked down in basement and he tood upstairs inside the shack at all times... he only left to tunnel the survivor if we managed to unhook (unhooks are at 2nd hook stage after around 40 sec to manimise his value from camping) but at the end of the day if my survivors doesnt do gens too its over... as i said i did 2 gens and had to leave one at like 95% and my teammates only managed to do 1 gen...

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    yea used to have matches like that before... but after a huge winstreak on twins i really have to sweat my ba*ls off playing any killer... my matches are super close and i often only get a 3k or 2k. I almost always face a SWF. i remember back in the days when i could play pig and 4k without any problem. As you said he hasnt played high mmr killer yet

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    the thing is that ur wrong it doenst make any sense... If the survivors are good they can do 4.5 (give or take) gens during the time you hook camped someone 2 hook stages are 120 sec a gen is 80 and 2 person (not prove thyself) is 47.5 seconds... and this is excluding the time the survivor loops for. So at BEST you should be able to get 2 kills and tahts... the problem isnt hook camping itself its that SURVIVORS DOESNT DO GENS!!!!

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    i do run BT... but thats doesnt make it easier for me to unhook him does it? it prevents him from being tunneled but the killer can trade me instead

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    As a killer main i disagree. i do play 70% of my matches as killer and i dont get why dead hard is such a problem??? CoH sure... but you can counter CoH by NOT going for split pressure by injuring many survivors... ur complaining about pallets??? LMAO back in the days when i started playing 2017 you could fully self care by dropping like 2 pallets... if you had we will make it it worked on urself too...

    safe maps there are killer sided maps and survivor sided map so thats not a good arguement

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I don't want to play killer as its overwhelmingly too hard.

    I play survivor but I want the killer to play the way I want.

    Hook camping killer complained that I have meta perks and used it as a justification for camping, but I can't play killer because of survivor meta perks making it 3 times harder to play.

    Never come to the forums grumpy you'll rant like a nutter and be all over the place.

    Sounds to me like you have a very narrow view of how the game should be played and are very quick to call even slight deviations from that camping and tunneling.

  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    Why incentivize chasing when you can just make the bandaid perk base kit and pretend the game design problems are 'fixed'? LMAO

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270
  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    And you still asked for camping to get looked at when your real complaint is that your teammates aren't up to snuff.

    Also the other that called you out on answering your own problem are right.

    It is a never ending cycle, killer use more and more camping and tunneling thanks to meta survivor perks and survivor use meta perks more and more consistently because of camping and tunneling.

    The only thing that really changed in the last 6 months is coh being implemented in the game and killing of one of the non camping/tunneling strategies from the killer side.

    If the devs also make camping unviable WITHOUT compensating the other side i guess this game will really die in the short/long-term when killer get shackled at every end.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    And I totally agree with you. Camping sucks and they need to do something but I rather wait for a good solution that works and can't get abused then anything else

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    If thats the reason, then would you be ok with some changes? Like dh and CoH only activate if the killer is around a newly hooked survivovr for more than 20 seconds? they activate for the rest of the game, but only after that circumstances are met. Since you claim they are the reason to run this perks, it would be ok, wouldnt it?

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    Being face camp sucks, having to camp more often especially how very difficult it is for get hooks, and some decent gen pressure seem more like a pipe dream when your power isn't good enough without meta slowdown/regression builds.

    The devs have failed on a good amount of occasions/opportunities to address the main complaints and issues with the game's balance but not properly addressing the meta for both sides and taking the immediate steps to properly nerf/rework them to be viable yet not game changing/Broken to used; for like 90% of the time.... for Survivors I am still referring to CoH, Dead Hard, DS (Even with its many nerfs, it has strong uses because of the meta of tunneling for killer), etc. Perks.

    Killer's are forced the run same gen/slowdown perks so they have a shot at securing many hooks or achieving the most kills possible. Survivors, are at their very strongest with the many 2nd chances perks for ensure that they do not stay down and die too easy, especially when yoy can stack them together for maximum survivability, way especially in SWF with communication.

    But of course, Devs do not want to address it immediately; they simple want to try out new things and break more things in a sense of balance and not take a glance at what it truly in the statistics for most used perks in the game. (News Flash, No one is going to run any of the 100 or so perks in the game; when the Meta is still perfect with no downsides) Also, when buffing or nerfing one side; they failed to compensate the other side as well in balance too.. I still hate those Boil Over changes and also nerfing the most useful addons on weak/mediocre killers.

    It maybe a Killer Main ranting; but I also play Survivor too; and I know the feeling of being helpless. The problem is Devs have created a Matchmaking system that encourages Killers to kill efficiency as possible; which in turn lead to camps and tunnels. Asking a killer to not camp and tunneling is not really as easy, as you are asking to not do their Matchmaking or to ask them to throw. In short, the Devs should have Rework SBMM to go for hooks more then kills for killer and for Survivors, focus on escapes and mostly contribute to the team, such as chase and objectives progress.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    COH hasn't even been out for 6 months, camping has always been there

    So what would incentivize one to go for chases?

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    i would be fine with throwing CoH out the fu**ing window dead hard can go too! but ur changes are stupid... why would dead hard only be able to activate while the killer is camping someone that doesnt make any sense??? so me crossmap doing gens should be able to use dead hard to reach a gen outside of chase 1 sec faster? no... now thats the reason I RUN THESE PERKS im being forced to run DS so i dont get tunnelend and camped im forced to run BT... i usually run builds i find fun like breakout + sabotuer but well when you get hook camped 6 games in a row i do turn on dead hard, unbreakable, DS and BT yes :)

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    The problem it self isnt the killers camping its a very effective strat when your teammates does nothing and i mean camping itself isnt a problem since good survivor can do 4.5 gens during those 2 hook stages (1 gen is 80 seconds solo, duo is 47.5seconds) so 120 seconds on the hook should be 3 gens 80 sec then lets say 10 15 seconds to run to the next gen which would allow 2 other gens to be 60 70 procent give or take. + you gotta take in account the time it takes for the killer to down the first survivor.

    As i said camping itself isnt the problem... but BHVR cant buy a brain surgery for all survivors right?

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    i mean you dont hit and run with bubba, myers, ghostface etc. with blight and nurse you can chase down, huntress can hatchet m1, trickster can throw and m1 pretty effective. trapper rely on traps hag does rely on traps.

    THE ONLY REAL KILLERS THAT REALLY SUFFER by CoH IS HIT AND RUN KILLERS. YOU HIT ONE PLAYER LEAVE HIT ANOTHER LEAVE HIT ANOTHER... why??? well you hit them and leave so they can heal... insta kill killers doesnt really get affected by boons. nurse blight killers that can shutdown a chase really fast doesnt.... + yall cry about CoH being op when you forcefully play like an id*ot against it... If you know that they have a healing boon up why do you hit several people and leave them? if they have a boon just chase one survivor until they are down its not that effective but its pretty much the best thing you can do...

    The only real killers that are hit and run (my opinion) is Legion, Sadako and wraith and a few more that kinda has the same style like hag can be a little harder since they can run back and heal but you can theoretically chase them down after a free hit....

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    edited March 2022

    Yes playing pig and clown is overwhelming but i do still get 3ks a majority of my matches, but i used to get 4k like 18/20 (was little lower MMR and some nerfs were gone on pig etc.)... I can still play blight nurse twins and get 4ks if i want but thats no the point... I dont think dead hard is a problem (i didnt even say that??) What i think is a problem is CoH yes... thats becasue its heals faster than selfcare... and counters hit and run + some snowballing

    but i dont know how good ur math is but if you do very simple math you can find out that camping allows the survivor to do basically 4+ gens during that time ONE player is being camped so if survivors do gens it isnt effective...

    The only survivor perk i dont like atm is CoH which isnt a problem with overwhelming i dont mean hard as in impossible to win. I mean hard in i have to try and i dont find it fun to try when i can run troll builds and win...

    And as i said do some math 120 sec on a hook gen takes 80 sec solo 2 players take 47.5.... + you have the first chase time and you can trade a hook giving you 120 sec more... (im not really complaining about hook camping its the teammates that are the REAL problem but dbd cant pay for a brain surgery to make all survivors automatically do gens can they?) as i said in many answers i dont find hook camping a neffective strategy since you only get 1 kill MAX 2 against a half decent team :)

    I think tunneling is fine and camping is fine but boring... if i play with my friends in a 4man swf i dont have any problem since they do gens... but once again when teammates doesnt do gens thats when camping becomes a problem and since we dont even have simple communication in the game like do gens, hook camping, dont save, etc. there is nothing you can do about it (and one of the fixes i stated was to remove skillchecks) it doesnt fix hookcamping either but it makes it so you can sit on your phone while waiting i dont really care if hook camping is removed i just want it to be a less pain in the ass and for people to understand THAT DOING GENS COUNTER HOOK CAMPING once again hookcampings best counter is GENS!!!!!!!!

    Post edited by FlameGNG on
  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    I know thats not a fix but if they do run CoH my point is if you know they have it injuring several survivors is most likely gonna cost you more time than you gain so thats why you dont do it... and yes i know that being able to heal fast is still a good think but its MOST effective against hit and run killers :) i have played since 2017 and i do play oni a snowball killer yes i used to play some knockout myers too... What i mean is if your playstyle is getting hard countered you might have to change it up... I HAVE COMPLAINED ABOUT COH!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i think itsa huge problem... coh would be good if its slower than selfcare AND has a much smaller radius... I dont know how tf they made it faster than selfcare it literally makes selfcare useless and one people can bring a buffed "selfcare" for the whole team i dont think i said this but 70 - 80% of my matches are as killer

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152
    edited March 2022
  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Face-camping and Tunneling-off-hook-till-dead would still exist if you removed all the survivor perks. Also, because Face-Camping and Tunneling-off-hook-till-dead allows killers to maintain the 2k/2e ratio the developers want, killers will not be buffed and survivors will not be nerfed. In fact, you have to assume that CoH hasn't been nerfed because it has not affected the 2k/2e ration, in fact, it probably has moved the 2k/2e ratio closer to 50%.

  • DangerScouse
    DangerScouse Member Posts: 989
    edited February 20
  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    You can do something about hook camping when you do something about sub-5-minutes for 5 gens.

    I seriously don't get the mentality of 'Hook camping is bad' but when Killers point out gen speeds, the reply is 'No, that's fine'. Why is one side not allowed to go for a fast win, but the other side is? 🤔