chase music customization option

JosephN Member Posts: 38
edited April 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

As many already know, the Ghostface's new theme is quite unappealing to many of us and moreover is very annoying to listen to on loop for an entire match. The music will hopefully be improved before going live, but begs the question of what to do in case it doesn't or in the future if more killers have music that is not enjoyable, or in cases where a particular killer's music is simply annoying for you to listen to. Just as we can select charms, cosmetics, and perks, there should be an option for killer music. As the devs slowly go through and give new chase music to each killer, it begs the question of what will happen to the old classic chase music that used to be the default for all killers. If they add the optional personalization of killer music, they can simply set the old music as one of those (maybe make it unlock with killer prestige or something). Doing this also opens up the door for new sorts of personalization for us. Look at how CSGO does it with their music kits for example or how rocket league does their anthems. Letting us have a bit of choice of the music is just an additional bit of customization for the player base. I hope that the licensing wouldn't be an issue, but regardless for unlicensed killers they could easily incorporate this.


  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 437

    I would love to customise chase music. It would be so cool to always be chasing someone while listening to a proper heavy metal song or something from Doom Eternal. Not much chase music, excluding maybe the new legion or Nemesis, is all that good imo.