
Here a selection of pictures of fun games:
For the love of god, BHVR nerf her!
Sums up what vs-ing the nurse looks like
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Looks like terrible games, i don't like Nurses who slugs everyone but it is legal.
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Should've brought more Dead Hard's I guess...
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Nurse’s range addons absolutely need a nerf.
Her basekit may need a slight tone down too, but to be honestly I don’t know what to do with it outside of a complete rework.
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I don't know what happened here, i did not watch those games. But we have some Nurses who exactly doing this. But i can not judge them, even i hate it.
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And this. Play optimally before you complain about others playing optimally.
Also bring Flan. These killers are embarrassing you.
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Meanwhile Pinhead on the kill stats is laughing like a Chad with the highest kill rate in the game.
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Competitive video games should be balanced around high level play, not low one. That's what most of the most successful PvP games do.
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Gotta love the exact same perks and addons in every picture for nurse.
Anyone who plays this way is not interested in a fair and balanced game. They just want to dominate an unfair matchup.
Same goes for full-group SWFs that stack the best things.
Of course, its mostly on the devs for both of these things to be absurdly broken, but still, players who play this way should consider the fun of the other side.
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Since your telling people to get better, you must be an absolute God against nurse right?
Can you show us your gameplay against nurse and teach us?
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well... DbD is not competitive tho.
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When even dead hard doesn’t really help against a certain killer, you know that killer is desperately in need of a nerf.
Nurse needs to get nerfed asap. Wake up bhvr!!
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Truly one of the hardest pills to swallow.
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seem to me youre the ONLY person who pointed this out! like how does no one else realize that meta with nurse is strong. yes i agree nurse is probably a bit too strong if you know how to play her enough to mindgame and stuff but this is overkill
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Ok, now upload pics of a good swf vs any non-nurse/blight killers.
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Please do and make sure you give a step by step please and thank you :)
Also could you educate us on how to play againts nurse running her range addons?
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#BanSteve- oh wait wrong movement.
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Same old survivor mains who still haven't learned to play complaining about nurse whilst I play high mmr survivors who know where to loop me because my blink gets bugged there and forces a fully charged blink turn into a half a meter blink with a nice long blink recharge cooldown to put the cherry on the top.
Post edited by MilManson on1 -
Have to agree. If there are too many nurses in short period of time I just let it go on first hook
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How people can still defend Nurse I don't know. She's majorly OP when played well and the devs have outright admitted that her mere existence limits what they can do when it comes to designing perks. She completely ignores looping, pallets and vaults, and the fact is the vast majority of the player base simply isn't good enough to play against her. She's insanely problematic and yet some people still say she's fine and balanced. It's crazy.
Old Spirit was nerfed and she was always worse than Nurse.
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I think the best (and most fair way) of nerfing the nurse is to straight up remove the omegablink add-ons. Even hardcore Nurse mains like SupaAlf admits this. It will definitely tone her down a notch, since the omegablinks also increase her blink travel-speed, making shorter blinks incredibly fast, and much easier to land.
This won't affect good Nurse players too much, but it will definitely raise her skill ceiling
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It happens a lot with Blight, and Huntress too, very commonly.
The issue: survivors are extremely weak especially against those perks. Killers have too many tracking and slowdown perks and maps are very sparsely populated for these kinds of killers.
A high mobility killer is too oppressive with tracking and slowdown perks.
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The issue is the reason the majority of players can't do good against her is because they REFUSE to learn how to deal with her. As you said she ignores most walls vaults pallets etc, so that means they have to learn new ways to deal with her.
I have a average of 50-60% escape rate against nurse and it all depends if it's a god tier or lower. The way I learned to deal with a nurse is play as her and see how her powers actually work and how they interact with the environment. Did you know most of the large trees in Mother's Dwelling she can't blink through or on multiple floor maps a misplaced blink will cause her to blink to the lower level.
I'm still learning how to deal with her but she's not this impossible killer no one can run from. It takes time and practice and a new way of dealing with her.
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Dang, you and your teammates are really bad at facing the Nurse. SWF or solo?
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Nurse charges a blink for 3s
Survivor holds W and doesn't look behind them.
Survivor wonders why they are dying on hook.
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We already see two DCs in these screenshots. Wonder how many heard her first blink, ran towards her, and stood still in front of her too.
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her addons need MASSIVE nerf for sure, her base kit is fine. Plus look at the selection of addons cause its ALWAYS the same, the strongest addons possible, distance + recharge, ALWAYS the strongest pick possible every single game. those addons are a clutch and need to be removed in fact nurse doesnt even need addons she is that strong but siad addons remove most counterplay without them survivors are rewarded for making good plays and reads, with those? not at all. tired of omega blink nurse or double recharge literally. even in cringy ass tournaments agaisnt best players those addons arent allowed and there is a reason, and those edge lords damn, they have many thousands of hours in this game so u cant tell them that excuse of get better at the game, because they are already better than you.
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Hold W harder bro.
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With the upcoming changes to Dead Hard, it would make sense to look at Nurse as well. While Dead Hard is complete bs against most killers, against Nurse it's almost a requirement.
She needs a full rework imo.
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Yes! I'm waiting and waiting for the day she finally gets a nerf. Mainly I want her godly addons nerfed, and just maybe some base tweaks to some numbers or something.
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A clear case of Git Gud.
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Too many perks? Killers have *4* perks exactly.
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It’s funny how this nurse main is trying hard to defend nurse LMAO
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You’re under every single anti nurse thread, you’re definitely a nurse main. Also it doesn’t matter how I play dbd. We have plenty of people here on this forum who complain about op nurses. It’s not a new thing and you can post as many YouTube videos as you want, nurse remains overpowered and needs a nerf asap.
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Now do that on Haddonfield.
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Yeah you’re clearly running out of arguments. Nurse needs a nerf and yes, her blinks should be a special attack. That would be a good step in the right direction.
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Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I feel like I do the same things your doing but I still get caught easily. What am I doing wrong?
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Seeing as you stream I went and looked at your vod, the clip you link your entire team died before EGC even started, I'm not entirely sure why you'd feel the need to lie but it's hilarious that you are.
Not a god nurse but still killed the entire team before EGC.
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Copypaste time lol.
Another day, another thread asking for a nurse nerf. As usual :
- Survivor main will say she is "broken" or "unbalanced"
- We will provide stats and data showing that in fact, she has a BAD winrate comparing to all killers, and is very hard to learn
- Survivor main will argue there is no counterplay
- We will explain to survivor main how to counter a nurse
- Survivor main will argue that despite this counterplay, it's still easy to get 4k with nurse at any elo
- We will ask for winstreak video proof to back up this claim
- Survivor main will ignore this request because unable to do it
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They just run into straight line and expect her not to hit them.. Nurse has a lot of bad maps, one of them even macmillan @nurse mains know which one (full of rocks).
This forum is bloated with trolls that calls every killer "OP", how about grow some skill?
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Nurse's base kit is fine as is.
However some of her add ons need to be looked at.
That is it.
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You said you "effectively 2 or 3 man outed" against every nurse you play, you also stated it was the "3rd chase during egc" that got you killed. You definitely didn't 2 or 3 man out and you also didn't make it to egc
Also you're on third hook so how many chases did you actually run her for? Lmao
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Yep, these screenshots do actually sum up everything wrong with her: the possibility of stacking so many slowdowns + those busted add-ons
Imagine one calling themselves good at nurse while playing those builds kekw
Also imagine people saying she's hard when those builds basically grant a free win unless one is literally a first timer on her
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Ive also escaped against a nurse, doest mean she isn't op.
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With dead hard being changed soon there's no way nurse stays untouched, they better rework her or people will not even try to play again her
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Dude you’re trying to convince so many people here on this forum but you fail xD Nurse is overpowered and needs a nerf period.
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Ooooff barely 5k during a event that is ruff 🥴
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Everyone knows nurse is op and the people asking for your advice are being sarcastic lol
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More 7IQ hashtags .
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Don't forget "ShE IgNoReS EvErY gAmE MeChANiC!!!"111" comments as well.