Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.




  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 580

    Every nurse rocks the same purple range addon and green recharge one. I’m sorry teammates but until she gets nerfed, I refuse to play against her. There’s nothing you can do against her so might as well move to the next match that will be more balanced

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    I don't think anyone thinks a skilled SWF is fair. The problem is, there are a lot of unskilled and normal SWFs running around which makes up a massive amount of the DbD player base.

    You can't do something about the less than 1% of the playerbase without screwing over the other 99%.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    Nurse destroys an equally skilled SWF. It takes a significantly more skilled SWF to beat a Nurse.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Same for Nurses, you can´t nerf a killer just because 1% of the player base plays her like gods :)

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "supposedly broken and OP"

    With double recharge addons, Nurse can recharge 1.8 charges before her fatique is over, wait less than 1 second and blink twice again.

    With distance addons, Nurse basekit takes 2 seconds to fully charge, and can reach 20 meters at max charge. With Kavanagh, she takes 2.8 seconds to fully charge, and can reach 26 meters. But, how long does it take to reach 20 meters with Kavanaghs? 2 seconds. So you basically gain free distance and longer charge time. But that's not all. Nurse also takes 1.5 seconds to blink at max charge, but that doesnt get altered. So you can basically blink at 20 meters, but rather than 1.5 seconds, it takes about 1 second to blink. 0.5 seconds less reaction time for the same distance is a huge advantage on a killer that already doesnt need addons to win consistently.

    So yeah, basically any addons that buff her basekit without having a significant downside to it is broken on Nurse.

    And its not that hard for survivors to be only between 3-5k. You only gain chase points if you're in chase. Nurse breaks chase a lot, so no chase points. It takes 80 seconds for 1.2k points on a generator, but with 1 person on the floor, you have 3 choices: 1, help your teammate up(gaining no points untill the pick-up, 2, keep pushing the gen, 3, run cus she's coming for you now. Since 3 doesnt give you any realistic points, 2 is gonna work for once, but you'd only have 1.2k points and likely to be downed next, 1 gives you 250 points and maybe a bit more if the survivor being chased lasts long enough to reach an area thats not open and actually has some structures you can use against Nurse(back in the "old" days, thick trees were the main thing you'd use against Nurse, now there isnt a single tree remaining thats actually helpful).

    So yeah, where would survivors get points from? Totems? You'd have no time to cleanse totems, your teammate is downed, a second one is in chase, its either pushing a gen or helping your teammate, totems would make you lose. Unhooks? Cant, no one is being hooked. Healing? Absolutely awful when it comes to BP, also takes too long to heal up against a slugging Nurse.

    And this isnt even considering perks. Just her addons. Perks would empower her even more. Corrupt Intervention prevents a lot of gens from being worked on. Pain Res+DMS just in case to slow the gens down a bit if needed, BBQ if you've tried finding survivors and they arent there, the only reason Nurses hook in the first place, otherwise Infectious Fright.

    Nurse is absolutely broken and OP, untill her addons are reworked, she will remain so. Her basekit is fine, but you can never call a killer fine just because their basekit is. You need to take addons in consideration.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited June 2022

    How the most powerful killer in the game can still efficiently use 1-shot related perks, when Blight (and lower tier killers) can't really benefit from them while using their power. In other words, the post-blink attack should be considered as power-related attack (like blight during rush)

    This unique fact is so weird and it's a clear insight about how the developers really don't understand their own game, its mechanics ... and how to balance it.

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    The difference between killers and survivors is there are multiple killers. So nerfing one killer doesn't affect the other killers. So, you can actually nerf Nurse without affecting all the players.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,449

    It's probably already been said a million times, but why does she get to use m1 perks with her power? She'd still be op even if she couldn't, also why can I stun Blight during his exhaust stun but not nurse?

    she just doesn't make sense at all, she isn't consistent with the rest of the killers lol.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746
    edited June 2022

    I mean you can be good against a nurse but there is only so much you can do against a good nurse you kinda rely on them making mistakes... Like sure you can brake line of sight but thats about it, the rest is on the nurse. Yes there are minimal things you can do to improve and get better and it kinda works kinda doesn't.... Nurse is still a strong killer but these people who cry about nurse should have played against her when she had no blink cooldown

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,262

    I think the whole nurse debacle could take some inspiration from the solo-swf-gap-discussion.

    We should lessen the gap between bad killers and top killers by buffing the weaker ones.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Same for SWF, nerfing them doesn´t affect to the entire player base, exactly the same as Nurse. I do not play SWF, so It doesn´t affect me, soloQ survivors shouldn´t be affected if they restrict perks when you play as SWF to 1 perk per person (For example). SoloQ survivors shouldn´t be affected if SWF has its own queue , for example.

    See? You can nerf everything without affecting everyone :)

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Does not matter, nurse dont need nerf, she is balanced, behavior did their best with thw upcoming patch, satisfy with it