Let's have an actual discussion about Nurse

DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

Most threads concerning Nurse either consist of "Nerf Nurse" or "You're a baby, Nurse is fine", which causes people to say why they disagree/agree with the OP but at the same time not explain their reasoning as much as they could.

As a result, nobody learns from these discussions, so their opinions don't change- they may even become more cemented. So I want to achieve the exact opposite, and make sure that people can take away valuable knowledge.

So if you don't think Nurse needs nerfs, say why, and how you think survivors should play against her.

If you think Nurse needs nerfs, say why you think so, especially if you think she needs basekit nerfs or even a complete rework.

And please try to be open-minded and civil.



  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I've seen countless reasoning for those though, regardless of if it's actually relevant or not.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Her range add ons, sure. When you use them, things just turn easy mode, regardless of survivor.

    Everything else about her is fine. I get she 'breaks the game' logic but that was her point when she released. She is another form of killer you need to play against, she has plenty counterplay and has some skill involved with her.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    For the sake of the goal of this thread, would you mind explaining exactly what a survivor can do to counter her?

  • Visi
    Visi Member Posts: 49

    I actually think base Nurse is fine, and even fun, to go against. I like that she plays completely differently from every other killer, and that it's reliant entirely on mindgames and breaking LoS in unconventional ways. Her addons, namely her range addons, however, are ludicrously OP. Many people seem unaware just how much they increase her blink speed. She becomes nigh unbeatable when a competent Nurse uses them. Also, her blink attacks should be considered special, as many exposure perks are stupidly powerful on her. Also also, she shouldn't be able to hold her first blink indefinitely, as she can use this to proxy camp; especially when using the aforementioned broken range addons.

    Then you're either going against really awful Nurses, or have miraculously found the few Nurses who aren't running one or both range addons. Omega Blink Nurse has no counterplay unless the Nurse is inept.


  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,043

    Remove range addons and make her blink attacks special attacks so she cannot use exposed things

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    In my experience, any information in regards to "countering" Nurse rely on the player playing poorly, which is an inherently flawed design.

    Nurse because either a killer where it is miserable to face if they are competent, or fun to face if they are bad, and neither of these should really exist. A bad player shouldn't get stomped to the point of no hits in a game, hell that's the entire reason bloodlust exists. Similarly, no killer should have such strength that a full SWF with all 4 members on comms and calling things out effectively is a fair match (though the strength of this entirely is another issue to consider separately from Nurse).

    Everything around this killer swings wildly in the directions they go and it just feels to me like the best option would be removing or reworking her entirely.

    There's also a consideration on how perks in general could be improved if she didn't have to be considered. On most killers Floods of Rage or I'm All Ears lasting 20 or more seconds wouldn't be a disgusting effect, because they still have to obey the laws of the game. It causes these perks to be middling to the point of usability ONLY on nurse or a small handful of killers. Not having to limit the power of perks because of a single killer would create a greater impact overall.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,502

    The problem isn't Nurse, the problem is the type of game DBD has devolved into. Nurse was balanced around old DBD with infinities and tech exploits

  • LunaticLizzie
    LunaticLizzie Member Posts: 29

    Ah yeah, I didn't realize that was a thing. If it wasn't apparent -

    Nurse is not one of the killers I play very much.

    That said, this is pretty absurdist, probably shouldn't be in the game the way it is at all lmao

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    If I was BHVR I would just start by fixing the addons people think are too strong, see where the numbers end up and go from there. I think blight would also benefit from a similar treatment before fixing hug tech.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    Nurse is boring zzz... oops I fell asleep.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476
    edited July 2022

    Every time I see people discuss playing against nurse I think most of them forget that there is more than one way to play dead by daylight besides doing everything in front of the killers face and trying to take chases, dbd started out as a stealth based game with "limited resources" (before they learned how much these could be stretched out)

    Sure you can't play against nurse exactly like you would against every single other killer in the game but just use stealth, don't take chases, and complete objectives, dbd isn't exactly a pvp game for the survivors you don't win by interacting with the other side as survivor you win by objectives

  • ausanimal
    ausanimal Member Posts: 542

    I play killer and i pretty much haven't touched nurse at all even dailys i tend to skip nurse ones but i think she is fine, survivors just need to learn how to counter her yes you will get god tier nurse mains i think Superalf is one off the people that really know how to play nurse on a god tier lvl.

    Survivors really need to stop complaining about every small little thing be it a new killer they don't know how to loop, heal teammate they just unhooked under the hook and then wonder why killers come back and put that same person on the hook again, a lot off complaints survivors make are just them making mistakes and trying to pass the blame on, when i play survivor i make mistakes even though i have played the killer im facing a lot i still mess up.

    The killer is meant to be the power role of the game and yet survivors are what makes it worse is some killers survivors can take away there power by bringing a item in i.e hag.

  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    Nurse needs little tweaks. She is essentially a prediction killer and pretty much a high risk, high reward one. So, I think she should have these changes:

    She should not see survivor's scratchmarks and auras while holding a blink, the same way Spirit can't see blood and aura from survivors while phasing.

    She doesn't need recharge addons. They make wrong predictions much less punishable.

    I'm fine with range addons though.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Who are you even directing this comment to? Is it players who aren't very good at facing nurse? Okay. Good advice. Truly.

    Is it players who actually know why nurse should be nerfed? Then it is a rather useless comment. Every experienced survivor knows all of this already. We have played this game for many, many years at this point. And yet we still say nurse is OP.

    You are just lying when you say players don't know how to face nurse. All of what you said above is standard play against a Nurse on the Korean server. The top streamer on the Korean server has discussed all of these points multiple times. It's not new information. Top players have known all of this for a long time.

    Yes, the players who face baby nurses don't know how to face nurse. They aren't the ones complaining about nurse. This comment may be good for them to read so they can get better and start facing some real nurses. The ones complaining about nurse are the skilled solo queue players like me.

    Nurse can be the most fun killer to face. You are right about that. When the nurse is less skilled than the survivor.

    Recharge addons: after this new patch the Recharge addons will definitely need to be looked at too.

    Yikes. No. Read above.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619
    edited July 2022

    The only issue with her is the speed boost given by the range add-ons.

    Making her attacks special would not make sense because she cannot hit survivors without her power (except the very bad ones). If the issue some have is with Starstruck, just don't get caught or immediately assume she has it. It's not exactly difficult to handle is it? (If it is, ask for help generally countering Starstruck on another thread)

    There are many ways to counter a Nurse.

    If you can aim you can prevent her from blinking with a flashlight. It's something I almost never see. You may save someone else. You may postpone a hit on you. Every second you earn is time for generators or someone else to escape from a chase.

    You are on a floor or above basement? Doubling back will most likely work because she cannot reduce her blink range and will get punished. It's about timing. Think before you act.

    She is blinking from a relatively long distance? Right before she has to release the blink, start running to her then immediately resume running away. If you get the timing right, she'll under-blink.

    How do you know the timing? By doing the single most important thing recommended to verse a Nurse : play her enough to have a feel for her. If you don't do that, there is little chance of improvement.

    She is almost pure mind games so it may be difficult for some players. But ,however good you are at these, practicing will progressively increase your survivability. Rage-quitting however will only hurt you and your team; and there is never any excuse for not giving your best. (That last part is true for anything in life.)

    Finally, good Nurses are probably in the higher MMRs. If you consistently go against good Nurses it's probably because you win a lot against weaker killers. Don't worry: the developers are trying to improve them so you will not win as easily and will face some variety.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2022

    For me it’s simple.

    It comes down to the core design of her power when combined with add ons and perks that exist within the game.

    Many Nurse games where I have sincerely felt she didn’t even feel like she belong in the game, were Nurses with multiple slow down effects that stacked while having double range add ons while Camping and Tunneling.

    I think if perks and add ons didn’t make her near unbearable, more people would enjoy going against her. She becomes too oppressive when she can access other tools (perks-add ons) to allow her to do so.

    Am I saying she shouldn’t be able to use certain perks? Not at all. But at this point in the game I do think that stacking perk effects should be looked at and also her add ons. Because there are too many perks that do the same thing and you can stack on a killer who really doesn’t need it.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2022

    Most of people from this forum don't even play nurse / they play against really mediocre or bad players, or when they play against one is most likely a range nurse, which that's not even a good nurse. A good nurse indeed plays only with recharge or without addons.

    I'm a nurse main since some years and I can say that range addons shoudn't exist in the game, or not in this form (talking about the teleportation speed). But on the other side, the maps are the problem, since most of them are so big even for nurse.

    About recharge addons, yes they don't have any negative to them but let's not forget that recharge addons are almost equal to the old nurse where she had her blinks ready always, so it's not that bad.

    And she's the only killer, plus blight in some cases, that can have a chance to win vs a sweaty swf with comms and full meta on, since other killer's would get at best 2 hooks.

    And to be honest you may think this is a joke but, you guys complain way too much about her since she got already gutted several times. But let's not forget the speedy killer aka blight which has real busted addons, alongside with his exploits which gain "pro comp" players free unfair hits + could have 7 rushes, which is like old nurse with 7 blinks. If this for you isn't busted then i don't know what to say, and imo blight is the one who should be gutted about his addons and the exploits, alongside with range addons from nurse and yes, blinks to be considered special attacks.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    As it stands, the nurse is absolutely not OP. To say otherwise would just be pure bad faith.

    Correcting his range addons, so that they no longer accelerate tp performed below 20 meters, yes, I completely understand.

    But apart from that, neither the range addons nor the reload addons are a problem in themselves.

    The range addons: the difference they offer to the nurse is between 21 and 30m. Below that, other than the acceleration I mentioned above, there are none.

    So, the range addons make a difference from 21 meters.

    The question is, is it impossible for a survivor to be alert to see a nurse coming at more than 21 meters? Of course not.

    In fact, the range addons will allow the nurse to have better map control, but it doesn't change the fact that if the nurse can't see where the survivor is, or if the survivor is doing feints that work, it will be just as hard for the nurse to get to him.

    Especially since a nurse who uses one or two range addons, is a nurse who misses one or two reload addons, and therefore has to wait a little longer before doing a tp again, time that can be used by the survivor to make his escape profitable.

    As for the reload addons, they are fine as they are: they allow the nurse to tp faster, yes, but however, if a nurse plays both reload addons, it means that her tp is limited to 20 meters.

    In other words, it's very easy to lose her by moving as straight as possible, so that once the survivor is at a good distance, he can find a place to hide so that, by the time the nurse gets there, he can discreetly move to another place, by walking, and become untraceable.

    Some people say that the nursing hands are defending their "OP toy".

    50% true.

    As far as I am concerned, I am defending my "toy", but it is not OP.

    As many people have already said, the fact is that many survivors don't really know how to play against the nurses.

    Which is technically understandable, in the sense that since she's the only one with that particular move patern, it means that the % of games a survivor can train against said patern is quite low, compared to the total games he does.

    And so, many survivors can't stand the fact that while they are able to hold other killers well/good/very good, the nurse can give them a hard time.

    Whereas on the contrary, it's so cool that a killer goes off the beaten path and offers something else.

    But that's the problem: a lot of players just don't want to make the effort to play a little bit more seriously, and think a little bit more when they're facing her; they want her to be as easy to taunt as a Caleb on Lery.

    There is also something that players don't think about.

    The nurse is a killer who is potentially capable of putting a lot more pressure on the survivors than any other killer.

    So she can generate a much more incisive snowball.

    This means that the survivors in turn must be able to be faster, more precise, more thoughtful, more coordinated and better at their actions.

    The Survivor team will have to match the nurse if they want to be even.

    Why say that? Simply because sometimes I see some people say that the nurse is a problem when they run into SoloQs, etc.

    She is not the problem. The problem, if you can call it that; I would say the cause; is that she runs into SoloQs.

    Sometimes I run into lobbies where 2 of the 4 players know how to loop me, and the other 2 don't. Of course, if I stay on the first two, my game will be much more complicated than if I concentrate on the last two.

    The nurse is the killer who will be the most demanding in terms of cohesion, work and team spirit towards the survivors.

    So yes, even if you know how to deal with a nurse, sometimes you'll run into a team that doesn't.

    Yes, sometimes you will carry the game, but not them, and the nurse will win.

    And finally, yes, sometimes you will come across survivors who will also know how against her... but you will lose... not because she is OP, but just because you will have come across better than you.

    And I feel like a lot of survivors have a hard time accepting that last point...

    (precisely, I play Survivor too, and I love playing against the nurse; I am not at all an expert, as a survivor, but I like to learn from my mistakes; is it that difficult?)

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081
    edited July 2022

    Some people want a balanced game for both sides. Sadly too many people would rather keep the roles they only play (nurse, SWF) as much more powerful than everything else.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Bayonetta 3 just received an official release date and a new trailer

    I'm feeling too good to be ruining my mood with pointless nurse discussions with the usual 3 that defend her addons and/or broken combos

  • Plattypus
    Plattypus Member Posts: 25

    I am pretty new to Nurse, maybe 20 hrs, and i do get 4k most times while facing 3k + hrs survs. I think thats not how its supposed to be.

    Now if you have 500hrs on Nurse you get huge winstreaks.

    • -i am using range recharge mostly
  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm mostly with the nerf range (maybe also recharge) and blink hits = special attacks

    They could rework her, but that takes work, will infuriate a lot of people, and could just end up a complete failure. But they might end up going that route.

    One option might be having her power something you don't have access to at all times kinda like the way they balance out oni and plague

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,530

    So 70% complains about nurse being "OP", and needs a rework.

    But no one complain about hag and her best addons, yet 2-3 ppl DC's from 3 games out of 4.

    I don't see ppl DC so much against a nurse tho. Why is that?

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    People generally enjoy going against Nurse more than they do Hag.

    A pain to play against doesn’t always mean strong, though for Hag specifically she is quite good, just not better than Nurse.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,530
    edited July 2022

    So does it mean, that we need a hag rework too, don't you think?

    I mean if it's not fun for so many ppl, why no one asking for rework?

    And if ppl enjoy to go against a nurse, why they asking for nerf or rework?

    P.s - I don't really need an answer.=) But it doesn't make sence to me, if everyone think nurse IS SO OP, than it's not suppose to be fun to go against, if it's not fun to go against - DC.

    People don't DC against nurse often, even if it's a "God nurse". They still playing, they still trying their best.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    edited July 2022

    Even if people enjoy going against Nurse, that doesn’t change how strong she is. Plus, more people will play Nurse once they realize how strong she is, meaning at higher MMR brackets Nurse is the killer in almost every game, which can quickly become unenjoyable.

    Not many people play Hag as is so a nerf would likely kill her entirely, but she’s also too strong already to be buffed. Maybe some QoL changes that don’t necessarily make her more powerful could be nice.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,530

    Let's face the truth, nurse is the only way to get highest mmr (aside from blight), don't you think that maybe buff other killers so they can get the same results as a nurse would do, rather than killing the killer to their spot?

    If so, be prepared to face ONLY blights on high mmr, just saying. (If someone cares actually)

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,530

    People asking for rework, I feel like they completely forgot about 1 thing - Swf sweat squad.

    If the nurse and blight is gone to A tier or lower - swf will be uncounterble.

    And good luck playing Artist, Nemesis, PH, Sadako or any other killer against swf sweat squad bullies.

    Your matches is 6 min long and these survivors are gone through the gates with you having 0 hooks.

    By this time swf are superiour of this game, with no counter.

    Nurfing S-tier killers means... Reworking the game entirely: maps, pallets, perks, etc, just for other killers to have at least a 30% chance to win without blight and nurse.

    These "NURF THE NURSE" ppl needs to think of some stuff that they don't see or forget.

    (yeah, I agree her range addons when used both is kinda op). xD

  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    Somehow the devs felt Billy needed an overheat mechanic, but Nurse with instadown perks and range addons is fine. She's just one of their favorite children along with Blight and Spirit

    Her range addons are busted. Her synergy with instadown perks is outrageous. I think having such a powerful basekit ability is a fair tradeoff for not having instadown perks work. I'd make those changes, then see where she's at. Anytime I play against a nurse with instadown, I just want to give up immediately because, if the nurse knows what they are doing, there's no chance of winning.

    Nurse is like old Object of Obsession. Stats may say otherwise, but they aren't fun to go against in their current state

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Nurse is always going to be a weird subject.

    To me, It reminds me of deathgarden in that bothsides had some painfully unfun options that felt strangely balanced in a "mutually assured destruction" kind of way.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Imo it’s just the 3 blink mechanic which is broken

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    At high mmr Blight and Nurse are already basically the only killers seen..

    But plenty of players hang at mmr without needing to resort to those killers. Playing those killers just makes it much easier to win there.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    "Let’s have an actual discussion"

    No one has posted any conclusive amount of gameplay evidence that indicates she overperforms (in general/with Exposed perks/whatever) consistently against players of equal skill on an even-sided map.

    And before someone tries to do a "gotcha", yes, range/3 blink add-ons are busted and need a rework, as do big maps being made smaller and so on. Basekit and recharge add-ons are a non-issue because recharge add-ons do not affect basekit mindgaming of the actual blinks like range or 3 blinks do.

    In the cases where very good players play against other very good players, the difficulty/match up is roughly even. Which there is ample proof of, both in and out of tournament settings. In tournament settings (which the VODs for can be found on Twitch/YouTube), Nurse averages to 2K on even maps, 1.92K if all restrictions are removed. Out of tournament settings where good players getting even matches is uncommon, in said even matches, it still comes out to any wins being through immense difficulty, because both are as good as the other.

    SupaAlf (a semi-frequent competitive player that uses very strong builds on Nurse in pubs) has gotten (at last check) 200 wins in a row. Which is unsurprising. Incredibly good player + incredibly good builds + incredibly good character versus average pub lobbies. That said, just like his video from MMR test day 3 (a day when a test for even skill matches were prioritized over queue time), he’s had multiple incredibly tough games even with all three of the factors above (personal skill, build, character), and many he’s nearly lost and won only through the skin of his teeth.

    Before anyone loses their mind over it being a 200-game streak, keep in mind, this is not Alf or Nurse exclusive. People have done win streaks on every killer in the game and solo/SWF escape streaks. Even in complete solo, good survivors have gotten several dozen escapes in a row. Hens with a 3-man iirc(?) and comp-style callouts are at 69 wins (3-4 man out) in a row at last check around a month ago. If you made someone like Team Agony play SWF all out with super strong builds, they would obliterate almost every lobby ever. This is the result of the player(s) just being outright better than what MMR can match them against usually.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Only the most broken parts of both sides can compete against each other. Yeah...we know.

    Everyone can already admit that SWF is super broken. The reason there are so many of these discussions is the nurse players can't admit their toy is broken, same as SWF.

    By the way, i've never seen a single tournament that has absolutely no restrictions. Many restrict the killer from camping and/or tally point by hooks and/or restrict their addons/perks.

    No tournament that takes itself seriously has ever gone with no restrictions...so...gonna need some proof there.

    I've kept track of several tournaments from Asia. Never heard of a no restrictions tournament.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    what i have learned from these discussions is that the 4-5 nurse mains on this forum will try in every way possible to defend this stupid killer and her addons writing essays on unrealistic ways for casual pub survivors to counter a killer that ignores the only resources they have to win the game.

    there's just no point talking to these people anymore and people should stop trying and these discussions need to continue until the devs do something about this killer especially with the coming buffs to killers (which also buff nurse) and nerfs to survivors' meta (no longer dead harding or dsing a tunneling nurse) also since they contradict themselves nerfing twins cuz they're "monsters at high mmr" but not only do they keep nurse (the strongest killer in the game) the same they keep buffing her?????