Let's have an actual discussion about Nurse



  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    Which, again, is why the devs should consider showing MMR in the postgame screen. Sure, I have a ridiculous pub win rate on Nurse. But survivors have also managed a total of three (3) gens over my last two Pyramid Head games combined. Better killers are going to win the vast majority of the time. And top killer players are going to especially stomp when role population imbalances cause matchmaking to cast a wide net.

    What I think happens a bit with Nurse: the type of player who wants to be a top tier player and really grind the role is going to go for the strongest character. Those players will still have a similar win rate if you take Nurse out of the equation.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    I'd be fine with nurse staying the same ( i actually listened to nurse mains on this one because i was calling for a rework before) but her synergy with oppressive addons and perks needs to be removed

    no range no recharge no starstruck no make your choice make it so the skillful plays on the survivor side actually matter and can't be ignored by addons that make a missplay by the nurse or good plays by the survivor mean little

    basekit nurse can be fun to go against without all this bs (same goes for blight but a bit less)

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Killers that are difficult to play need to have outrageously good powers or no one will play them.

    Look at Freddy or Deathslinger. Both were easy to play with moderately useful powers. They nerfed both to be way harder to play without actually improving their powers in any way, so nobody plays them anymore.

    Nurse's power is fine. As is Blight. Anybody who thinks those two "arent' that hard to play" has never touched them in their lives.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    You are not special. You are playing a killer that has been out for years. You are not enlightening people on some secret methods for how to go against Nurse.

    Everyone already knows.

    It's so amazingly dishonest to say that people just don't want to learn how to face nurse. Of all the lies you nurse mains tell to keep your OP toy, this one is the most frustrating.

    Why even lie? It doesn't make sense. Just admit that nurse is way overtuned, or be quiet. Anything else is just making yourself look foolish...

  • CrashofRhinos
    CrashofRhinos Member Posts: 30

    SWF is broken. Everyone admits it. Trying to remove good killers so we have no chance at high levels will only aggravate the shortage of killer players. Also please stop saying Spirit is fine. Nobody plays her seriously anymore. Not even Gann.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Spirit is fine. If you want to pretend her nerf has made her F-tier you can but I don't see why everyone else has to join in

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    In fact, the funny thing is that every time we ask the players who cry because "The bad nurse is OP" to show videos showing their gameplay against her ... strangely ... there is no one left 😁I don't know, to believe some, the fact that the nurse is OP is an interstellar evidence ... well then, it must be super simple to prove it, right? Well then, what are they waiting for?

    "what i have learned from these discussions is that the 4-5 nurse mains on this forum will try in every way possible to defend this stupid killer and her addons writing essays on unrealistic ways for casual pub survivors to counter a killer that ignores the only resources they have to win the game."

    Reading this, how can we not help thinking that you have never played as a nurse on a regular basis, and that you will never show us videos of you facing a nurse either...

    "basekit nurse can be fun to go against without all this bs"

    Here we go ... actually, what you want is to be able to quietly Hold W with an asthmatic nurse in tow, and laugh in your corner because "Oh my god, I'm so god, the naughty nurse can't catch me."

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 939

    not true I never see anyone complaining about oni, spirit, artist, blight etc... good ones can destroy teams easily, they complain because it's not fun survivors are slow and have nothing to use except pallets and windows, she ignores everything OP or not it's still not fun

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,216
    edited July 2022

    Are you kidding? The game hasn't waited for you to start and evolve.

    Spirit used to be a fun killer with some nice mind games. (Although if I loved versing her, I didn't like playing her very much). She had one or two busted add-ons (that should have been touched) and survivors were forced to mind-game and sometimes take a gamble.

    Now she is still blind while phasing but survivors knows what she is doing. Surprise : she doesn't appear anymore which is as well because there is no fun versing her anymore either.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358
  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 976

    I don't think it would be good to nerf Nurse nowadays. I think the game needs to go through massive changes before the only viable killer gets nerfed. SWF, bad map design, gen speeds, and broken survivor perks must be addressed first to make every (or at least most of) killer viable at the highest level.

    I do agree that Nurse is levels above every other killer for her ability to ignore basic functions of the game, but it is just that killers, in general, are weak. When the game finally becomes balanced, I would pretty much be happy with a Nurse nerf as I do think that her ability is quite unhealthy for the game. For the nerf, you could either make her Matchbox add-on or her Torn Bookmark add-on (the original one, where you were unable to blink through solid objects) basekit.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Neither is broken though. Solo information should be buffed so every single survivor becomes "SWF" information level-wise, and rebalance around all survivors being SWF, instead of juggling solo vs SWF balance. SWF doesn't mean good teamwork, just that they can share information.

    No restriction tournament: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/297338/statistical-evaluation-of-an-interesting-tournament/

    This is just one, there are others, but this was one that blew up in big attention because it proved play at highest levels is even when both sides go all out. If you're curious about tournaments, Dead by eSports Discord organizes a bunch.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,218

    Your point exactly proves why she should not be on the game the way she is. She is outdated and was only fix for when there was infinities and pallets everywhere. Vut now she is not needed anymore as those things are gone and killers getting buffs and her last counters taken away dh and ds.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited July 2022

    People keep using this fallacious argument, but you are just wrong. Infinites never affected her. She doesn't loop normally. Whether or not infinites exist is irrelevant. It's not specifically she was particularly good at countering infinites. It's just she doesn't care about loop structure at all outside of LOS blockers. She was counterable regardless of infinites or not. Infinites not existing doesn't matter anymore. She doesn't auto win or auto lose on any tile.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,681
    edited July 2022

    Range addons significantly mitigate nurse's primary counterplay.

    Nurse's attacks being special attacks is bad because she is one of the best chaser's in the game and letting perks that are limited to basic attacks function on her leave them in a limbo where they are OP on her and okay on other basic attack killers, or balanced on her and bad on others.

    Post edited by SkeletalElite on
  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    Nurse won't be touched because it's the go-to crutch for killers who need their ego stroked. They like to think they're good because "Nurse is difficult" (she isn't) and "she requires a lot of skill to win" (she doesn't). If being as broken and ridiculous as she is you already have people dedicated to professionally whine 24-7 on this forum for a living, imagine if she was actually a fair and balanced killer.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Don’t let her go through pallets. It would give survs a small counterplay throwing pallets after her first blink.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Or, don't touch the nurse, and up the other killers very slightly 😉

    Or maybe some people just like to play it ... it's amazing how far we go in terms of selfishness ...

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    That's a long way of saying you're dogwater at the game. People like you should be required to link your gameplay when making such ridiculous statements. Provide evidence or at least logic to explain your stance, not random crying

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    Shrodingers' Nurse:

    - The Nurse player is good at Nurse.


    - The Nurse player sucks at playing Nurse.

    There is no in-between.

    Nurse is fine. She's either god tier or absolute garbage. She's necessary, unless you want survivors winning every game. She's the only killer who gives good survivors a run for their money, because she ignores their defenses, which no other killer can do to the same extent. Unless they're planning on majorly buffing every killer to compensate for a Nurse Nerf, she should be left as is.

    She forces survivors to play differently, which is good for the game, even if survivor mains with their numerous second chance perks think otherwise. No, looping and holding W key should not win you every match, sorry. Nurse punishes survivors who get too cocky thinking they're gods, leveling the playing field. Plus, she already was nerfed. So she's fine. Adapt, and learn to play against her.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,669

    BHVR has changed achievements in the past. Remember "Where Did They Go?" That was the achievement for all 4 Survivors escaping through the hatch.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Just putting words in my mouth and misrepresenting what I said. And that gets several upvotes. These nurse mains will even upvote nonsense lol.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,218

    She ignored everything so back then so she was band aid fix for that problem. But now dbd is changed every patch more and more killer sided so that means nurse is just getting stronger and stronger. She needs to be reworked fine change would be to start an m1 killer with 115% movement speed and earn her power. Oni has second bes power in game and he has to earn it so it's ridicious nurse can just start with it. Oni could start with his power to make him more viable at higher mmr where survivors just pre drop every single pallet and still he would much weaker than nurse.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Maybe you didn't even read what you linked. The person who made that post about the "tournament" also said nurse is OP. So...ok.

    The "buff solos to SWF and low tier killers to nurse level" is a terrible, terrible idea, I don't know why it gains any traction here. A game where each side is OP is not fun.

    I have linked my twitch account multiple times here. It is always greeted the same way. The nurse players realize I am much more experienced than them and suddenly change the topic. The only time I have seen nurse gameplay from one of the nurse main defenders it was a disaster, a player who could barely move their camera to look behind them, and yet they still want to give much more experienced players advice on how to play well.

    I never ever said that only good players play on the Korean server. Why must you twist my words to feel like you are making a point? Doesn't that mean your reasoning is super weak..?

    The last three paragraphs are all nonsense, so I won't speak to them, but you seem to have read my prior comments. When have I ever said her basekit, the way she blinks should be nerfed?

    I believe that:

    Map addons need to be disabled for both sides. Too often map offerings are used by both sides to tilt the game way in their favor.

    Many maps need to be shrunk

    Blight's several busted addons need a rework

    Nurse's busted addons need a huge nerf. Her attacks should not trigger perks. If this is not enough of a nerf, after some testing, she shouldn't have her power at the very start of a match, like dredge. Maybe give her 4.4 speed in that time.

    SWF should be shown as a group in the lobby for the killer

    Healthy grabs on unhooks should be removed from the game. This only promotes skilless face camping

    While still keeping their randomness, all maps need to have their resources better situated. Sometimes the same map can be super killer sided, sometimes super survivor sided, just based on how things spawn and connect to each other.

    Survivor perks should not be stackable.

    The only one of my ideas that gets any backlash is the nurse one. The only possible reasoning is that these nurse mains don’t want to lose their busted toy. Too many of you don't realize how horrid playing as solo queue and a low tier killer on a strong survivor map is.

    I have been consistent in always saying the same opinions as above.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    If you gonna "rework" her entirely, it's always better to put it as new killer.

    Realistically speaking, her existence is NOT hurting this game, really.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Yes, the OP killer with a negative kill rate. Could've fooled me.

    Also, they don't need to be buffed to Nurse's level. Even just re-balancing the game and buffing them would be able to bring most killers to an A-A+ level, which is sufficient. Also, you still have this weird assumption that SWF and Nurse are OP. They're only better-performing in comparison because the game is currently juggling balance between solo and SWF. If survivor's side is merged into being just SWF by buffing their information, it allows for balancing around that instead of both solo and SWF. Weaker killers struggle against very good SWFs. Solo survivors struggle against very good S-tiers. Thus, make all survivors SWF, and buff weaker killers. Simple.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    "I'm not gonna bother reading because I have no counter-argument to all the facts you're spitting."

    There, I summarized your garbage response for you. Also, nobody twisted your words, maybe you should reread before victimizing yourself. I never said that you said good players ONLY exist on Korean servers. Nurse is not OP, she has strong addons. This is very basic and easy to comprehend for 'experienced' players. I'm not reading anything else you write

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Bringing up kill rate in regards to nurse shows you have no idea what you are talking about.

    No, it was just nonsensical rambling.

    Nurse player says nurse is fine. Okay. Gotcha, bud.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    I think we just simply nerf range addons and see how everyone adjusts to that. It seems like a no-brainer that everyone agrees with.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 976
    edited July 2022

    Slightly won't make the cut for killers like Trickster and Myers. It may be enough for Blight, Artist, and Dredge but everything under the A tier needs much more than slight buffs.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    I've already done that. I've pointed to a game where I played as Nurse, and one where I went against nurse. Should I do it in every thread? No. What a waste of time.

    If you want to dig through my comments and look for them, go ahead.

    But if you can't even recognize whether a player is solo queue or in a SWF, it doesn't really matter if I link it again.

    I'm still waiting from some nurse gameplay from some of you nurse mains so I can give you some tips.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    If you can't recognize how good a player is, what makes you think you can speak on game balance...

    Please don't parrot the other nurse main without even watching the "2 year old video... (?)" It was a 5 gen 4k, only missed blinks due to survivor exhaustion perks.

    I've shown my gameplay. If you want to lie about it to make yourself feel better, go ahead. I suggest you watch some more of it, though. You might learn how to turn your camera correctly.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    What’s wrong with you?! Don’t you know he plays in Korea. That instantly makes him more believable. How dare you challenge his perspective!!!

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Oman's posts give me a headache..but now I want to see this video. Hook a brother up?

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    I would have a headache too if I felt the need to defend something like nurse. It must be tough doing all those mental gymnastics..

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,216
    edited July 2022

    If you really have time to waste, the name it provided was "omansonion".

    edit: @foxsansbox weird, it was supposed to be a reply.

    Post edited by drsoontm on
  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I completely agree, for sure some killers are much weaker than others; they should slightly up them case by case 😉

    "So she's fine. Adapt, and learn to play against her."

    This sentence sums it up so well that I think when I play my nurse, I'll rename my account like that ☺️

    Unlike the Oni, who can still catch up with the survivors by walking normally if his power does not allow him to, the nurse cannot; this is the counter effect of his power ☺️

    I am always amazed to read that what you want, in the end, is to turn the nurse into an easy-to-brain, easy-to-bully, easy-to-talk-about killer 🤨

    How hard is it to accept that, 1) she's more complicated to deal with than other killers and 2) you should learn to play against her?

    But if you still think she's OP, I'm waiting for your videos of games against her, so we can see your gameplay.

    Because after all, you do rate the nurse as "OP".

    Well, let us evaluate your gameplay against her, to see if it's so "OP" too.

    By the way, I was teasing you, but I really think that showing us how you play against the nurse would allow you to improve, or at least to understand some things. Maybe some people wouldn't care about your videos, but others would be more than willing to advise you and help you improve!

    As far as I'm concerned, the fact that you know how to play the nurse better than others will greatly increase your chances of getting through it, that's clear.

    If four people who know how to play well against the nurse play together in SWF, their chances of win will inevitably be greatly increased, I agree.

    That doesn't mean they'll always win; sometimes they might run into nurses who are stronger than they are.

    And this is a very important point: the nurse, more than any other killer, can put a lot of pressure on the survivors very quickly, and can generate a much faster and more efficient snowball.

    This means that if you want to fight effectively against a nurse, you must, as a survivor, be faster, more precise, more efficient, and more coordinated than if you were playing against a poor Caleb in Lery.

    More than ever, the nurse is THE killer that requires survivors to be a team player.

    So yes ... against 4 soloQ's who don't know how to counter the nurse, the nurse is in for a treat.

    But is it her fault? Absolutely not.

    Just like proposing that the nurse does not have her power at the beginning of the game.

    I don't understand: how does the fact that she can teleport at the beginning of the game mean the defeat of the survivors? I want to say: there is no connection. Especially because whether a nurse wins her game will be determined by many other parameters.

    The fact to show the killer that he is about to play against a SWF ... I'm divided: as much as it would allow the killer to choose to play more "quietly" ... but it could also penalize the chill SWFs, who just want to have fun and not bully the killer, by risking to lengthen their waiting time excessively

    Unless you set up a reward system for the killer who agrees to play against a SWF, and a reward for the SWFs every time a killer leaves their lobby 😉

    I do agree about the map addons though.

    However, sometimes I do like to play on this or that map ... so why not a new addon, which would be the opposite of the existing one?

    For example :

    "Computer bug: burning this offering will greatly reduce the chances of you getting to the Lery Memory Institute."

    This would keep the randomness of the maps, while allowing a survivor/killer to have some choice about where to go.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660
  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,216

    Oh, was it you who proposed that great map offering idea? I can't remember who came up with it.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I don’t think I talked about it here, but it is an idea I have for a long time 😊

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    People that think their anecdotal data trumps large amounts of gameplay data from even skill matches both in and out of tournaments will never not be amusing.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2022

    I think most people rarely ever experience a basekit Nurse, they don't realize that she's not all that strong when she doesn't have ranged addons. Her ranged addons are 100% a problem, they need to be completely removed because they are too strong. The next most popular would obviously be green recharge/purple ranged, and again, I don't think green recharge should be nerfed on account of ranged addons.

    Second would be recharge addons. I think recharge addons bring her somewhat closer to her old basekit, and I think that you also rarely encounter a double recharge Nurse, who will play more aggressive/play more risky in a chase because of them. Double recharge I think is probably fine, however I would also nerf them and simply give her a 30% recharge as basekit, or just the same amount as green/yellow recharge, depending on what the addon nerfs look like.

    I think a lot of people who hate Nurse, or people who play her against bad survivors, have this opinion that she's super easy and that anyone can do it despite the fact she was the least picked killer with the lowest killrates even before her nerfs. It's easier to further push the nerf narrative if a bunch of people attempt to convince everyone she's easy. I think like many people most people simply are bad at this game and never learned to properly juke at specific places or in general, to the point you can last a little bit in a chase against a Nurse while your teammates to gens.

    At the end of the day I'd like to see some statistics for killers like Nurse and Blight if we were seriously considering nerfs, because I'm of the same opinion with Blight, in that a basekit Blight is actually not that bad to deal with either.

    As one final point I will say Nurse should not be able to every use any perk that allows her to one shot a survivor with a blink attack.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Nerf player skill