Let's have an actual discussion about Nurse



  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    The range is necessary because of the bloody big maps. The speed boost effect is the only issue.

    Both recharge addons put her almost to the level she had before her nerf, yes.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    There have been too many threads about nurse. Stop clogging the forum, OP, you contributed nothing of use.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    First of all, the point of this discussion is so people can be more informed about Nurse and maybe change their opinion on her, so that maybe the community will be less divided on this issue. I didn’t put in my opinion because I don’t want this discussion to be biased. I want to the focus to be on Nurse, not my own take on her.

    Second of all, if you’re upset with my thread “clogging the front page”, then why would you ever comment on it for the sole reason of telling me that?

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Because some people only learn by having it said to their face. For some people, even that's not enough.

    He's right, too. Kind of rude about it but right.

    I stand by what I said too, if you wanted this to be about Nurse, you would've replied shutting down the people who are not constructive. Anecdotal biases, speculation, and outright lying don't exactly seem in line with your first post hopes.

    You didn't. You let the thread roll along just like Sluzzy does.

  • MommyHunktress
    MommyHunktress Member Posts: 634

    tbh i always defended her... but after playing her and not even playing her for a straight week and all i have to say is... she is easy. i tried playing her on console and ive played a long time, so i know what i have to do with her and playing on pc makes it easier to do those things. its not fair that i can destroy a deadhard swf with no add ons and just because i play nurse for a week or less. she is hard to use but her skill ceiling isnt that high, (incoming salty bois) scott brought this up on why people dont like her... and its very valid. you just pick her up get the muscle memory and the knowledge of her ability which doesnt take that long on pc or if you have prior knowledge and then you just slap on perks and everything and bam! i use jolt, pain res, thana and sloppy and i dont think ive ever had 2 man out and if so barely ever after maybe 20 games. not every game had babies, she is just... not good for the game. I hate to say it because i loved how she was hard and good but console just really isnt a good way to see if a killer is fair after switching. a ok nurse can be looped, a good nurse cant and its not that hard to be good

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    Just tune her maximum potential down.

    Purple Range addon, Kavannagh's Last Breath is very impactful.

    Exposed status perks and aura reading perks give her many advantages.

    However, she needs addon rework in good way because most are utter garbage.

    Will nerfing her completely make her useless? I don't know.

    But whether range addons are gone, blink attacks are no longer basic attack,

    she gains no aura reading perk value, I wouldn't say she's totally gutted or no longer S tier killer.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Swf still struggle agains't good killers. Only very good swf:s are problematic and make even good killer struggle. I don't think nurse has negative kill rate anymore that was old stat now new nurse players have probably learned her it takes few games but after that your able to 4K most matches.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Yes she is OP I got basically 4K playing her last time (one dc:t after he was downed) This is result how it ends in majority of soloQ matches as well in my experience.

  • Mewishis
    Mewishis Member Posts: 305

    Because what you say is nonsense and largely depends on personal opinion, that's all it is, you do not provide facts, you only provide your 'opinion' so kindly keep your ego in check. If you want to get lots of upvotes go make a thread crying about Nurse I'm sure you will find many like-minded people who want to mindlessly complain over and over without adding anything of importance.

    This whole thing was about actually adding valuable information and intuitive information that actually makes sense, but you are demeaning and spouting rhetoric that the people you are combating have no real value to the conversation. When in reality you are the problem not them and honestly you not seeing this is just silly if you actually added valuable additions maybe you as well would get the personal gratification that you desire lol.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited July 2022

    i don't think there's much to say that hasn't been said already. all i can add is that if bhvr is really interested in shaking up the meta, it should extent to killer powers as well as perks.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    What facts or useful information have they shown? I'm really curious.

    Nurse kill rate 49 percent? Irrelevant. It has been explained why many times.

    Extremely condescendingly saying no one wants to learn how to play against Nurse, and then giving information on how to face her which everyone in this discussion already knows?

    Some random casual tournament with random players where nurse has 2.1 kill rate or whatever it was? I checked out some of the players from that tournament setup. Lol..

    You are in many of these threads defending nurse. Maybe you should consider your bias.

    I haven't seen a single piece of useful or good information relating to this topic by the players defending nurse, except for teaching noobies how to go against Nurse. But..they are not the ones claiming Nurse is OP in the first place.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    So you had an early DC, a survivor without maxed perks or even a full loadout (presumably a brand newer player)... and put that forth as good data to prove Nurse is OP?

    Thanks for the chuckle.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I can't say I'm not interested in nurse-tier trapper or nurse tier sadako.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    A single game is absolutely not representative of a whole, especially since we have no idea of all the details of this part, there is unfortunately nothing exploitable 😕

    That's why I so often suggest to those who complain that "the nurse is OP" to provide plenty of videos of them playing against her (or videos of players playing the nurse, it works both ways).

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    For the last time, anecdotal experience is not evidence.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    I do find Nurse to be problematic. That's mostly due to the fact that the way to counter them, is to just outsmart them.

    Lemme be clear here. The human mind is a vast and confusing system of electrical systems and other things I missed in science class that makes it so that no two people are the same person. Hell, not even twins can be the same, because they're the same genetically but not mentally. (They generally get along well, though.)

    So anyway, back to the topic, how do you balance a killer's power around a subjective way of countering them?

    Simply: You can't.

    The Nurse is still very powerful regardless of the setback of her rework. The problem isn't that the rework did too much, it's that it did essentially nothing. Her core gameplay is still there. All that changed was the fact that she takes 2 seconds longer to blink 2 times again. The funny thing about that, though, is that is the general time a Nurse takes to look at a survivor and then form a plan on how to catch up to them with their blinks.

    The only "real" counter anyone can think up is "just mind game her", which is extremely punishing for new players, and very stressful for veteran players. In fact, that exact thing was what led to Spirit being nerfed so many times after her release.

    I say it's stressful because the Nurse is passively forcing a veteran to worry more about what the killer can do and then reacting to it when they start making a move. The Nurse, remember, can ignore physical defenses, so the survivor has to worry about disallowing the Nurse's ability from reaching them, not the killer themselves. It makes people angrier because they had no real way of stopping you. There are no "disabling traps", "destroying portals", or "avoid being injured for too long". It is simply "make a decision and hope to god you didn't make a move that can be punished easily."

    It's like saying "just answer smarter" in a test you got an "F" on. Sure, they're not wrong, but the methods behind such an action are incomprehensible. You cannot fully understand how you can "outsmart someone" if there are too many options for them to choose from. It becomes a guessing game, and the thing about those kinds of games is that there's always a loser, and they WILL be sour from their own bad choice.

    A killer that can only be anticipated because of how many options they currently have is what makes a killer so powerful in the first place. A Nurse essentially just, removes the Survivor's ability to use a pallet or a loop, unless the Nurse herself makes an error that allows it to happen. All the control in the chase is under her control because of her mind-bogglingly huge amount of ways they can get to you, and most of the time, that causes a Survivor to panic, get mad, or start doing the same things over and over again hoping it works.

    Both sides are being forced to Mindgame as a primary tactic, not a passive one.

    Mindgaming should be reserved when the killer and survivor have a solid understanding of their own capabilities and the enemies' abilities before making a play to counter what the other person will most likely do. There is no mind gaming involved with a Nurse, though, because it's consistently influenced by chance, and not probability.

    You could say they're the same thing, but my explanation about it is that: probability is a chance of a person doing this thing because this mechanic/situation will likely force them to do this to achieve their goal. They will probably do this action, basically. Probability is essentially an educated guess. You may not be sure, but the things the killer did would suggest that they would make this move because it would be beneficial to them.

    But chance on its own is 100% randomized. There are no situations to take into account, no areas, no walls, no defenses. There is nothing that a Nurse is explicitly countered by in terms of a map's layout without an external force causing misfortune for one side or the other. Chance is basically all of those casino slot machines. You might win or you might not. Whatever happens next is something that has no possible way for you to anticipate it. If you can anticipate it, then there is no chance, it's just something else.

    Course, you can guess the probability of which one is actually mind gaming.

    I've got nothing to really suggest, but I would really suggest we change the power entirely, and properly. Nurse's power is just an in-game noclip if it was handled by a corporation that unironically becomes horny for their own characters, or exploits other people's horniness to get an extra buck.

    The nurse needs a dang rework for the ability to shave off 5 seconds of killer run-time in a single blink. That's extremely significant, despite how small that sounds.

    Course, I'd be open to hearing about other suggestions, too. I want to see the Nurse be balanced, but anything that makes her comprehensibly balanced while still keeping her core gameplay is also something I want. I just think it's inherently hard to balance, and BHVR is likely not experienced enough to properly handle it without making several people mad.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081
  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    You are wasting your breath. Trolls and irrational individuals are unable to reason. This simple fact goes way over their head.

  • KidDope25
    KidDope25 Member Posts: 117

    ”Stealth” Yet a lot use Infectious, BBQ, Scourge Hook: Floods of Rage, Bitter Murmur, I’m All Ears and soon Wesker’s new perk to make Starstruck even stronger. Plus good nurses know how to find hiding survivors anyway

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Calm Spirit hard stops all screaming for the entire trial, invalidating Infectious Fright. Distortion now has unlimited aura blocking as well. Lockers stop aura reading and screaming as well. I see no grounds for complaint about not being able to stealth against screaming and aura reading.

    Plus, you have plenty of opportunity to know a Nurse is coming your way, if you’re paying attention.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    nurse is indeed a killer.

    she does break the game in that she ignores pallets and vaults, and that vsing nurse is completely different than vsing literally any other killer.

    but i dont think shes op, she creates new counterplay, in that the survivor has to cause the killer to mess up, instead of the killer causing the survivor to mess up (a perfect survivor wont get hit, a perfect nurse will hit every attack).

    shes also the only killer that can compete against good swfs. so nurse and swfs should get nerfed same patch.

    so yeah, creates new set of mechanics, not op. she could use a rework but there are more problematic things (swf, god pallets, super safe pallets with almost 0 possible mindgame, god loops on haddon and dead dawg you cant get rid of since they use windows)

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Infectious - Stay split up

    BBQ - Them seeing you is a good thing (takes pressure off the others), otherwise, lockers/being inside the 40m

    Floods of Rage - Distortion/Sabotage that hook/don't go down near a Scourge Hook/etc

    Bitter Murmur - Bad perk, just get in a locker or something

    I'm All Ears - Exploit its cooldown/Distortion/etc, not even super amazing on Nurse compared to others

    AA - Literally not good because you can leave the range before they ever get value out of it

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    interesting how you see the nurse giving up perk slots to finding survivors but not thinking to reciprocate the gesture by using perks like calm spirit, distortion, off the record, or sole survivor (or even just lockers)