What do survivors want to achieve, by DC'ing, afk'ing, giving up in matches?

Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,334


So recently I played like 6 matches as a killer (3 nurse, 2 hag and 1 sadako)... And from each of this match, I've had people DC, afk (giving up) after 3 gen pops. I suppouse soloq only. And I swear, it's getting so ridiculous.

In some of this matches, they were ragequitting and afking even when I was actually losing, and I'm not kidding.

It was a match with hag, the match for me was awful, maybe the worst possible scenario (who playing hag, knows...) the only thing why I won this match, it's coz 1 guy just DC'd after I (somehow) downed him.

What is happening with survivors? What is the point of even getting into the match, if you know you're going to dc or ######### on hook?

Are they hoping to get a "baby killer" to go against? Are they protesting the changes that way? If so, I don't think it's a smart way.

I also looked up some Youtube vids to see how some survivors playing soloq, and they're mad. Don't get me wrong, they're mad on their teammates, ruining the game, killing themselves on hooks and denying to play.

I looked up more, and I've seen more people just ragequitting in a 100% winnable match. The killer 100% will lose this match, and they still DC or K themselves on hooks...

Dear survivors, what is going on? What are you exactly want to achieve like this?



  • Cleverotter
    Cleverotter Member Posts: 128

    It’s just a rumor though, so it may not be true. I have noticed more suicides on hook after the update though… stay safe out there dude :)

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,334

    I can understand in the facecamping scenarios... But as I was saying, they still suicide on a hook and dc's even when they're clearly winning a match, even if killer don't tunnel or camp.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Uhm... gate is open, 1 escaped and the other one would probably also escape or could attempt a BT rescue, depending on the distance to the gate. I really don´t see the reason why you should let go here.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    If everyone ruins the game for everyone else, then guess what happens.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,941

    I've noted some say they do it to just start a new trial, but if they are not having fun then why keep going to different trials when people say every match is bad? That confuses me, and also every trial is an opportunity to get better. And people are adapting! Although I was one of 2 survivors who did not escape, I was teamed with 3 other survivors against a forever Plague and 2 still escaped. The big thing was us 2 who died did not give up and contributed. Survivors need to team up better. If all they're gonna do is suicide and "go next", then their experience will most likely permanently be miserable.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,334
    edited July 2022

    I really doubt, that less survivors playing have to do something with killer q times. To me, it went from instant (at evening) to 2-3min. Some people said it's 10-15min for them. So logically... If 50k playing right now (and it's only steam users) it would be insane numbers of survivors gone to play killer or don't play at all, maybe 15k or 20k, for 10 or 15min longer q.

    I think something wrong with matchmaking system, besides the fact, I'm getting weirdier difference between 4 survivors.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 426

    So, you're gonna give up and ruin the match to other players?

    Please, just tell me that you don't live in Europe, so I wouldn't play with players with the same mindset as yours.

    My point being, you're not always gonna have fun; The moment you do queue up as a survivor, especially applies for Solo Queue, you do accept the fact that you're very likely gonna encounter Legion or Plague with Thanatophobia, Eruption, Overcharge, Call of Brine, and Dying Light. The moment you're expecting something else than this, your expectations are above the average and you're only making excuses.

    Like, so what? If you're not having fun, don't play the game where and when you may possibly not be having any fun. Stop with those double-standards when and where other people are supposed to obey you and please you whenever you're not having your day.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,334

    Dude, this how I play nurse, what broken about that?=)

    Yes, I played nurse with purple range, but I do think it's broken, so I got rid of broken stuff.

    Besides, I don't think it's matter who you're versing for you to DC and make your fellas lose coz of you.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,000

    I mean, OtR is definitely a significant buff, and baseline BT has made a difference in my games. The buffs to survivors were not insignificant.

    The problem is these sort of camp/tunnel counter-measures don't really work anyway, because of the sunk cost fallacy, any killer getting hit with OtR or DS, will simply see it as a reason to continue pursuing that survivor, and as I said, if a killer really wants a survivor eliminated, they should have the ability to do so (as the power role), even if it comes at a cost of losing several generators in the process.

    The only real solution is to make not camping and tunnelling more profitable, but even then, that isn't something that can dictate killer behaviours, and some will still choose to be #########.

    Though if you really want to lose the killer, you could try running OtR with Overcome and Quick and Quiet, which should give you the opportunity to disappear.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Against bad killers baseline BT is useless, off the record is probably the only buff survivors got and you need to have it and run it to benefit from it. But, then there comes the dilemma that good killers have to face, do you let the person with OTR go or do you hit them to prevent them from getting a protection hit later on. And then, since you have already hit them why not just continue tunneling since you know they are out of things, DS is all but useless. You start to realize that the only buff survivors got, encourages tunneling.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Honestly, i think the "base BT" should be a different status effect. That doesn´t stack with BT or OtR. So those perks were still effective after the initial hit right off the hook. It would be a good middle way. DS should (and probably will) go back to 5 seconds. Since its timer went up and down several times over the years.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,000

    Instead of 5s of Endurance, it should be 5s of no collision.

    If you're being farmed off the hook, then the survivor who is unhooking you should be the one taking the risk. The killer swings instantly and goes right through you, injuring the unhooker, and creating a second viable target to discourage tunnelling.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,395

    They're upset they got (rightfully) nerfed. They're trying to get things back in their favor by inflating kill rates to make the devs change the game balance again.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,334

    It should not depends.

    In any pvp game you should have some sort of good sport vibe. You're ruining the game for everyone in the lobby, if you don't care... Them must be you should think of rethinking your ways to approach such games.

    You should be at least ashamed to do such unspots things.

    I'm not telling you to care about killer fun, at least care of your teammates who's got to have you.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,868

    I would add that Dead Hard should have not been nerfed to 0.5s. Calm Spirit should not give the speed penalty (but nobody uses that perk anyways), and they should figure out a way to use Dead Hard even if you need to mend at least against Legion and Deathslinger.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,334

    I think you're wrong, coz I care.=)

    At least I'm not gonna leave at my team, even if it's "the most annoying match in this game". I'll do my best even in a 100% lose situations. It may sound stupid, but yeah, I care about that random in my team, but if he's gonna just dc and ruin the match, I'll still continue to play normally, who cares, right?=)

    Just because you think so, it doesn't mean "No one in this community cares about good sports".