What do survivors want to achieve, by DC'ing, afk'ing, giving up in matches?



  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,860

    Oh it's true. I had a game where someone's name was "BHVR please" and just AFK'd the entire match.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    have you looked at the actual stats?

    it hasn't increased?!

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    i normally don't suicide or DC but i'm so fed up right now that i just finished my challenges and then didn't really care anymore about the matches. I can understand everyone who does because a good start/ very early down for the killer means no comeback for the survivors right now. It was possible before, but now? Better go for the next game and hope it's not a Nurse or Bubba again...

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    But if everyone who ragequits all the time stopped playing we still would have a playerbase and the games would be more fun for the people who still play.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Wasn't June the 6th anniversary event? AKA the event that has the highest player numbers for the year followed by a drop off from players taking a break from grinding cakes (well, flans in this case)

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    What do survivors want to achieve? The same thing they wanted to before the patch, move on to a new match. There were weekly posts about survivors DCing and giving up in matches prior to the patch, I don't understand why all of a sudden people think this is a new development. Posts for "punish hook suicides" were filled with people saying "they'll just go afk/follow killer until they die if they don't want to be in the match."

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Kill their teammates while not doing anything to significantly impact the data numbers.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,540

    Some suicides on a hook and ragequits just doesn't make sence to me anymore. I think they're (as mentioned) trying to cheat the numbers of killrates. It's unfair "brag" for killer nerfs. And I don't like the idea of them doing so, If this the case, I'd rather this to be a reportable feature.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 630
    edited July 2022

    Survivors: "wE'Re sENdinG a mEsSaGE bY ArTIFiciaLlY inFLaTinG kiLL rAtES!!"

    This I agree with whole heartedly.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,540

    I can say the same for swf.

    For any killer aside from blight and nurse, you can't beat a good swf group. Prove me wrong.=)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,234

    Old DH was 0.5s. I don't understand why people have an issue with this? DH works as intended, as a dodge mechanic, it just doesn't have the distance anymore, that's good.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,234

    The game saw a +53% increase due to the anniversary event.

    The fact that it only lost 17% after the event goes to show that more players are sticking around to check out the new patch changes.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Have YOU looked at the stats? Compare them to the playercount before the patch was released. 2 Weeks ago, player count peaked each day around 44 and 46k players. Since the patch was released, we have between 48 and 51k players daily. Thats an increase.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,540
    edited July 2022

    Pathetic indeed. Like how low you can fall, in attempt to get buffs or nerfs. -_-

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,627

    Someone has suggested that the little bullies who couldn't go against weak killers anymore went instead against survivors. A worm doesn't change its rings.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited July 2022

    You can't expect people to not play optimally. It's the devs job to balance the game and not of the infamous "Dbd rulebook" which says "camping and tunneling is bad". Thinking that players will deliberately NOT use good tools because they have such a big heart for the poor survivors, is just naive... most people play to win and not to have a bit of a good time with the cute little survivor (but when they did 4-5 gens they have to die!)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,234
    edited July 2022

    Which is why I've said not camping and tunnelling needs to be more profitable. Rather than punishing camping and tunnelling.

    If the best tools are things like Ruin, Pain Res, Make Your Choice, Devour, Gift of Pain, BBQ, all of those perks require the killer to leave the hook, pressure gens, and pursuit unique survivors.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,540

    Imagine calling your friends to play as a survivors, and each match killer just leaving instantly. xD And giving survivors free escapes to mess up the numbers.

    Tho some survivors were acusing killers "giving hatches or letting go" as a killrates cheating. -_-

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited July 2022

    I'm not playing Nurse right now. I'm not playing any killer right now. Edit: Because literally no matter what killer I play, my games are DC fests.

    There is no competitive mindset shortly after a patch as big as this one, on top of the new tomes. Survivors don't want a competitive game.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    Like that high doing something you get for the first time, but can never catch again.

    They're just looking for a good match and if they aren't getting it there - they'll leave and try again.

    SWF has another strength besides information - their members usually have a sense of personal responsibility to each other.

    In SoloQ most people don't have that toward total strangers.

    So cherish those SWF - they'll likely be the ones who stick with you longer.

  • Gary_Coleman
    Gary_Coleman Member Posts: 732

    I'm just trying to change the world.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Other people have made some points, there's also the latency advantage the killers have. I know people get really frustrated when they get downed when the down itself was extremely generous. I wish the devs would try a PTB with hit authority on the server versus the killer's end.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    They're not trying to inflate kill rates, that's being used as excuse because killers are afraid of getting their buffs reverted. Players have always given up for petty reasons, and fairly frequently - hence all the posts prior to the patch complaining about it. I've seen survivors quit after a killer denied them their glyph - if you're not nearby to witness seems like the rage quit made no sense.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,234
    edited July 2022

    Hit validation is server side. BHVR posted a huge explanation all about it last year. If you're being hit when you really shouldn't be hit, then the deal is likely that both you and the killer have bad ping.

    Killer latency goes both ways. I was against a Freddy yesterday who was lagging like hell. I was opening an exit as he was coming towards me, he swung at me, and should have hit me, except just before he hit me he got teleported backwards 10 meters.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,540

    Players who play pvp games should not have such mentality. They should not decide for everyone fun this match or not.

    And they should not freely dc the match in pvp games. Imagine some moba game where you have constant dc'er?

    1 guy should not decide for everyone in the lobby.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Absolutely not, totally wrong. Hit validation only kicks in when the killer ping exceeds 300 MS. Hits are still handled on the killer's end, you can go back to the dev blog post explaining this. 300 is extremely generous. The game doesn't have full server authority, the game network philosophy is favor the killer. I encourage you to look it up and educate yourself.

  • Lynxx
    Lynxx Member Posts: 510

    Depends on how you look at the game - you obviously believe everyone plays it to be competitive. That is not a majority.

  • Slingshot47
    Slingshot47 Member Posts: 158

    Remember: Skill inherently leads to kills and escapes. 🤣

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,540
    edited July 2022

    I play competitive, if survivors are sweatlords.

    I'm sure survivors do the same if they see a sweaty killer.

    But not right now, now they just leaving. -_- They don't want to play harder.

  • Vitruous_Saint_
    Vitruous_Saint_ Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2022

    If the match is going no where, theres no point in waiting it out, just throw the match until a good match is found. I dont take this game so seriously as to try to inflate the numbers to revert killer buffs. I couldnt care less, for now ill keep throwing the match if it seems like a waste of time, deal with it. Since the patch happened, I have had some of the best matches when ive been paired with 2 other good survivors. Otherwise theres no point in enduring it.

  • Sparks741420
    Sparks741420 Member Posts: 134

    can we address the killers cooldown from hits being basically a built in save the best? def helping prevent face camping lololol NOT.. its 10x worse

  • alunsa
    alunsa Member Posts: 61

    There are some killers builds which are just boring and take forever to play against. I honestly can't blame some survivors for just dcing when they realize what's going on. Doesn't mean I like it. Its extremely annoying. Probably had about 6 survivors dc and like a few kill themselves on first hook within the past two days. But I can see why its a trend.

    Especially in solo q, you don't owe anything to anyone. You really can play as selfishly as you like, since there's essentially no communication implemented into the game for survivor teams.

    As for this tinfoil hat conspiracy that people are purposefully killing themselves to make killer changes happen- is honestly ridiculous. I don't imagine people are spending their time killing themselves on hook, and going next then waiting for timer just for killer changes. If people are killing themselves on hook its because their not having fun, and would rather do anything else. Also I have never seen anyone claim this conspiracy from a survivor perspective. Not a single survivor Lol.

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    I think this comes down to survivor entitlement. They're whining about the changes to killers, who for the longest time have been on the receiving end of nerfs and changes, while survivors have gone relatively unscathed.

    With this patch, survivors finally got hit with the nerf bat, and it's looking like many of them simply aren't taking it well. They're refusing to adapt and instead think that by throwing a tantrum via dcing every match or killing themselves on hook, that they'll convince the devs to revert every change survivors dislike.

    Now, I'm not saying that this patch is perfect, as even killers got some heavy handed nerfs to perks that quite frankly, didn't really need nerfs. Survivors definitely got hit harder, and I can absolutely see a few perks that could benefit from very minor adjustments. Same for killers though. Both sides could be given back some of their perks:


    Tinkerer - Really didn't need the nerf. It was already fair, and simply ket them keep up pressure on the right gens, which is healthy for the game.

    Ruin - Completely gutted and useless now. There's zero reason to use this anymore, plus it's a hex perk, which already made it bad.

    Corrupt Intervention - Again, I see no reason why this was nerfed, considering it lasts a maximum of 120 seconds, then leaves you with 3 perks. It's an ok perk, but adding on an effect that makes it stop working once you down a survivor, on top of a timed effect anyway, what's the point ?


    Decisive Strike - Probably the only survivor perk that actually does need a buff, I do agree with it going back up to a 5 second stun. This perk is worthless against those non-camping and tunneling killers, so that 5 second stun is honestly fair.

    Dead Hard - Yeah, this one can stay dead. If they do buff it at all, then it shouldn't be too much. I could see a tiny buff to the duration being up to .75 seconds from .5, but otherwise this thing needs to remain as is.

    Ultimately, survivors may actually need a couple changes, but the reality is that killers did need the help. Time will tell if the devs got carried away or not, and I'm ok with possible changes to both sides as long as they make sense hoing forward.

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2022

    Not every chess game goes to checkmate it's fine to concede in chess if you feel beat or know it's either impossible or a long slog to comeback.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889
    edited July 2022

    Pretty sure you can beat a swf group nowadays which is on your skill level. You shouldn't beat people who are on average better than you. It's like saying "pretty sure a third league team can't beat a first league team! which means it's unfair!"

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 420

    I’ve checked live player stats a few times and in the last 30 days the average number of players has been decreasing and now it’s almost at -18% within the last 30 days because the game is becoming less enjoyable to play due to the update :/

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 88

    In Chess and sport you're pretty much always able to respond to what the other team/player is doing. There are some things survivors just can't do anything about even if they were warned and knew about it beforehand. Camping Bubba is an example. This game isn't balanced in a way that there's a response to everything that can happen.

    I'm sure killers felt the same way in the old meta. If survivors brought certain things and played a certain way, even if the killer could've known, there wasn't anything they felt they could do. It felt out of their control whether they 'won' or 'lost' in certain circumstances.

    That's what probably leads to the most frustration in DBD, it's lack of balance leaving people no options to respond to some things. It's why people hated old spirit and always hated nurse or at least 'omega blink' nurse or old survivor meta. They don't feel there's any meaningful way they can play to respond. Either that or they just find what they come across uninteresting, that's up to the devs to break up the meta and make sure something isn't so head-over-shoulders better than anything else you can be doing that it gets repetitive, boring and frustrating.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Your argument was basically "the patch was a huge success because players are increasing"... which isn't true if you look at the stats and interpret them. There was an anniversary event and the biggest patch since years. Since last tuesday (start of the patch) the amount of players has slowly regressed (not by much though, but we will have to wait 1 month until we can interpret things correctly and see where DBD is heading).

    DBD has a huge followership and of course a lot of veterans are coming back and testing things, so of course the numbers increased first, and the playerbase will not go down immediately 1 day after the patch. But it also hasn't increased since last Tuesday like you said.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Dbd has way too much RNG and unbalanced rulesets to compare it to any real sport. Tell me a sport were one side has an advantage because the referee picked a map and sporting equipment which one side can use better than the other

  • Kweh
    Kweh Member Posts: 88

    Ok to make it simple so you see the point properly because apparently I have to spell it out. DBD has undue frustration from balance issues. Any game that is symmetrical A.K.A chess or sports can't have the same reasons for frustration. Your point is still irrelevant because you're comparing the balance of an asymmetrical game to a traditional symmetrical game like sports, or chess where the rules and conditions for both sides are equal.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I want to achieve world peace.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,234

    Lets be honest. If DBD is similar to any tabletop game, it's D&D.

    Dungeon Master is the power role, but that doesn't prevent the other players from ######### up his plans and repeatedly rolling for initiative to seduce the troll.