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Does Pinhead's power relate to his lore? If not, how does it have a place in a PvP game?

Alcuin Member Posts: 460

And how is his power not being given a second look now that he's received the same buffs that Pig and Trapper have? I don't own the character, but it seems like his box spawns in a corner of the map where survivors are not present. Is this to reduce RNG? If it is, fine. But gens have been increased by 10 seconds and a survivor's ability to last in a chase has been nerfed. Wouldn't RNG be more fair at this point, given that time is of the essence for survivors -- solo survivors, specifically --, and they don't have the time to run to the other end of the map to get the box? There's someone on the hook, someone going for the unhook, someone off gens to get the box, someone in chase. There's still four gens to be done.

Was he balanced prior to the buffs or was he underpowered? That could explain why his power isn't being considered for a rework. He did have the highest kill rate according to the latest official statistics, though.

Why is information spoon-fed to him? Why does he have a direct teleport to the box solver? It's a PvP game, things should not be spoon-fed. Think of all the characters -- both killer and survivor -- that have to learn to navigate RPD. But here's Pinhead with his direct teleport; press "E" for escape, press "teleport" for spoon-fed travel to desired location. Why does he still have add-ons that lengthen the time to solve the box?

If I'm playing a shooter game, it should be skill versus skill. It would not be fair that my enemy has three AI minions to help in his fight against me. It doesn't make sense that Pinhead that should be able to crutch so hard on passive powers and spoon-fed information in a PvP game.

