SWF comms balance is easy to do but it isn't being done

BendIt Member Posts: 104
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Give all 4 survivors communications in game and then the other side / killers can be balanced around that.

Yes yes I love the solo experience but you know... friends will be friends causing the game to become imbalanced at the core.

Easy fix instead of shaking up the survivor meta by... making the survivors have the meta as base!?!?!

Making other changes to perks etc isn't balancing until you actually balance the game from the foundations

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    This would mess with matchmaking if you don't speak the language of the region you're in well enough to use comms in it (Expats and tourists aren't exactly rare), would be pretty unfair to have to play with 200+ ping instead of 30-50 just because you don't speak the language.

    Communication would need to be language agnostic through either a ping system or premade phrases that could be localized for specific languages (e.g. "Going for the save", "Killer on me", "On a gen", etc.)

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    I prefer alerts and ingame chat instead, I don't like to speak in english, writing is a different story.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    How does choosing not to use a mic as a feature you already don't have a punishment?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    But they are struggling for different reasons. Number one, being teammates that ruin the match for everyone else by suiciding/disconnecting. Voice chat won´t solve this. As we need different mechanics to solve impede this behaviour.

    Fact is, that SWF are far more efficient than solos and there is no way to simply balance around both things. As they can´t simply punish people for playing with their friends. They also can´t simply provide buffs to solos. As said buffs will also improve SWF gameplay. Separating SWF from solo matches also doesn´t work. Since no killer would match up for a nightmarish experience. So the only thing left is giving solos the same thing as SWF. Which is voice chat.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2022

    I don’t think SWF needs to be balanced considering that there are way too many perks put the killer is a completely different level than survivor, perks like aura reading perks that not only get rid of immersion, not to mention they just gave you a huge buff with regards to gen progression.

    I really don’t understand how some of these suggestions seem to be stuck in 2016 when yes things were not entirely balanced and there were comms adding to that. It’s 2022 things aren’t the same in DBD and SWF is no longer the issue anymore.

    Also, I’ll say this again even though it has already been said countless of times. Just because someone is in a SWF doesn’t magically make them a better looper or restrain them or force them to do a generator. Those are things that someone who is reliable does. The fact is many if not most solos act as if it’s a single player game. Not taking hits for each other, not saving people, barely doing gens when they should… the list goes on.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    well you can play with ur friends also English is international languaje You may be bad or good but surely basics like Killer with me, repair gen, rescue me are things that people will know to use

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Ping system to alleviate those problems. Silence em im sure those child players gonna be on tge lowest mmr

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Why would that matter, if you'd still see it in the language you have your game set?

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    could have a text chat with predefined phrases (which doesn't even have in the mobile version and a hud notifying if there's someone doing a generator or being chased by the killer, this already has for obsession, could have for all survs too

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    A problem that discourages me from playing dbd is that there is a lot of cheating in the game, people resort to external resources, the best known are crosshair, image filter, stretched screen (this one has already been fixed by the developers) and the best known, which is the discord (which is the subject you mention in this post), I personally think that all this should already be in the game natively, I don't know why the devs don't add it, but the native voice chat I'm kind of against the fact that it has people with bad behavior, but there could be an intuitive hud indicating what the survs are doing and pre-defined phrases for us to use to tell us what we are doing and what other survs can do

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Discord and voice chat in general is not considered cheating at all as confirmed by the devs. Please avoid spreading misinformation like this.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    As long as killer gets to join in with comms too

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    I agree with that, we can have the best idea in the world, there will always be someone criticizing it, maybe they are jealous of not having better ideas.

    about the proposed idea, it could have native voice chat, yes, as long as there was an option to turn it off, and a chat system by pre-defined phrases would be great, this already has on mobile, I don't know why on pc it doesn't have it either

  • JoaoVanBlizzard
    JoaoVanBlizzard Member Posts: 555

    I consider cheating yes, but I didn't say that the devs condemn it, and I won't even say that it was forbidden to use, so stop getting things wrong

    now that it discourages me to play for having this kind of accessibility in the game this is my opinion, will you want to send it in my opinion too?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    It doesn’t work like that. you don’t get to decide what’s cheating, otherwise people can just claim other intended specific game features as cheating as well.

    it’s not cheating, end of it. This is not a matter of opinion.

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145

    Have you ever actually....PLAYED a multiplayer game with voice comms?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,586

    A voice chat is a bad idea. Not everyone feels like talking to complete strangers and it would also be used for harassment. Instead a wheel of options for communication with comments like "Gen nearly done.", "Killer is on me.", "Going for the unhook." etc. would be perfectly fine. No harassment, no language barrier, no reason not to communicate since it's less personal.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,228

    I'd be fine with adding it. The community gets really goofy about this subject and debates it as if no other online game has ever had voice comms. Yes, language barriers might exist. They exist in literally every other game too. Players work around it, use a chat wheel, or turn VC off.

    If players don't want to use comms, they turn them off. Again, I'm not sure why this community talks about VC as if it's some sort of unsolved mystery in gaming. Not everyone would use it or be required to use it.

    You'd probably see more use of it in higher MMR, and that's literally what SBMM is supposed to address. Killer players that don't rely on disorganized solo queue play would be at the MMR level of those utilizing voice comms, and it would theoretically be a non-issue if matchmaking was tuned accordingly. If a killer simply can't handle playing against survivors that communicate, their MMR would adjust to a level where survivors typically don't utilize comms effectively.

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    New modes. Ranked should be solo ONLY. Unranked anything goes, kinda like a private/custom match. Unranked = 1/2 blood points for survivor and x2 or more for killers.

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    The problem is that most games that have some form of voicechat tend to be symmetrical so the likelihood of having randoms on your team that don't speak the language/don't have a mic/are so obnoxious that everyone on the team mutes them/etc. is balanced out by the opposing team having the same likelihood of that happening to them.

    In a 4v1 game like dbd though either you balance around survivors having comms and using them in which case survivors get shafted due to randoms not using comms or you balance around no comms in which case killer gets shafted because now even solos can play with the coordination of SWF.

    There is no symmetrical counterbalance of randomly getting teammates with bad comms as a killer because as a killer you have no other teammates, meaning that the issues being raised about why some games might still end up basically being 0 comms anyways need to be solved before you can actually start balancing around comms without massively screwing over one side

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Map wide comms are not a part of the game's intended design/balance - The devs often explicit state that they have no plans on adding them to the game.

    Probably the same ideology that's preventing/delaying the addition of the 'survivor icons.'

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    Plenty of games have in game voice chat and... they work.

    For people without mics you can always use the text box, and for controller players they could add a wheel with pre-set texts like "the killer is chasing me" or "I'm doing a gen".

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499
    edited October 2022

    People bringing the "language barrier" argument never played mobas or multiplayer games before lol. People always find a way to communicate, even if its just the basics. Any1 can write/speak "go save, go gen" etc.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I agree with you, I think it’s weird that people act like voice comms is foreign to gaming. It’s literally in modern gaming. I remember the days when you had to use teamspeak because games didn’t have intergrated VC yet.

    I play Evil Dead also and they have VC and a ping system. Same with VHS and I am pretty sure TCM won’t be an exception.

    DBD isn’t what it once was in 2016 so to be the game has evolved enough that voice comms isn’t a big deal. It’s actually needed.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If a solution to a problem seems easy and hasen't been done yet you probably overseen some reasons of why it wouldn't be a good solution

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2022

    I'm well aware as are many others of these excuses why not to balance the game:

    Here were the reasons given and obvious solutions:


    @Bot_Salvo88 @Mooks @IamFran



    Easy you register your langauge(s) / preferred language

    Communications do not need to be used but be offered for balance

    Problem=Matchmaking ping



    SWFs are already made up of various regions

    Communications do not need to be used but be offered for balance

    Simple Phrases such as ... "erk 'Ghostface'", or "Arghhh" mean so much in so many languages

    Problem=Preference for alerts



    SWFs already get extra bonus alerts made apparently for solos

    Problem=Not choosing to use communications would be worse




    The problems is already worse, giving the opputinity to have communications in your language is your choice to have a fair deck of cards to play the game

    Problem=(negative) "Voice chat would open a pandora's box of toxic hell that would be realms above the toxicity "


    Solution=(positive) And new friends can be made

    Chat can always be turned off, the new idea that players can continue to play with existing survivors from the last game will only better this.

    Problem=None given, just negative/dismissive comments to keep unbalance

    @gilgamer @_VTK_  

    Solution=None can be given as these are just negative/dismissive comments which some argue might be because they already gain an advantage so why balance it? Others might say if there is no negative then why hasn't this happened?

    The reason behind BHVR not already fixing this is just pure laziness in my opinion, this step would easily help further balance a game... unless I have missed another excuse?

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    How about also adding callouts? Instead of them being matched with only people who speak that language, they just get muted if they don't have that in their list of spoken languages. (I.E. not having languages connect with each player.)

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Status icons and/or chat wheel instead please. I listen for footsteps, can tell when Wraith is getting closer from his growls and can hear Ghostface's cape sound. I can't do that while somebody is mentioning something that's not important to the match. Plus which, DbD has a lot of toxic players and I don't want to listen to that.

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2022

    @FilthyLegionMain most games allow players to mute others, DBD for some reason thinks changing perks is balancing swf on comms?

    Post edited by BendIt on
  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2022

    DOTA2 has inbuilt voicecomms, completely useless, language barrier, people screaming, trolling, etc etc etc.

    Good luck trying to write "killer chasing me" in this game without giving a free hit.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Well. I meant they won’t solve any of the actual problems. Of course mechanically voice chat may work. But a ping system like you are suggesting is way better suited for this kind of game and such a game should not be balanced with voice comm as base kit in mind. That does not work

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104

    Whether intentionally or not, you appear to be missing the point of balancing the game.

    It isn't whether you want to make friends or speak with someone, it is the option to do so and help bring balance to the game.

    And yes I am totally aware many players use comms and don't wish to have a balanced game, that has been obvious for some time.

    And yes I am totally aware that many players do not even wish to play the game because of the imbalance of the game

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    I know but it'll make things more convenient to mute those that don't have the same language that you speak. Don't get me wrong, there SHOULD be an option to turn that off for people who want it. I'm just wanting two things to be added here to make this near perfect imo: Callouts that are universal so people know what's up and proximity voice chat for everyone. Or at least survivors to the killer and vice versa.

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104

    Anyone else have a reason why it isn't a great idea?

    And by that I mean an actual idea why having someone positive wouldn't work for solo survivors?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,676

    If voice comms were added to the game, then killers would need to be rebalanced with the expectation that every group is using 4 voice comms. So if someone decided to not use voice comms, they would be at a disadvantage. This would also nerf low MMR, where the survivors would be less likely to use the voice communications effectively.

    This would also buff 2 SWF and 3 SWF, because they currently can't communicate with all of their teammates. The reason why the average SWF stats aren't overwhelming is because most of them are mid MMR and in 2 SWFs, where they can't voice communicate with half of their team. Allowing every team to be a 4 voice communication group is a bigger balance deal than people are assuming it would be.

    BHVR would also have to finally address what low mobility killers are supposed to do, when all 4 survivors are allowed to relay the killer's location to each other, and they use this knowledge to hide from the killer, or coordinate other things like bodyblocking.

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104

    "...So if someone decided to not use voice comms, they would be at a disadvantage. "

    As they are right now without voice comms?!?!?

    Again... and again I am saying give solo survivors the option and you are bring balance but please think of any excuses but the ones already being repeated again and again as they have already been covered.

    Reading the rest of your comments make little sense to me, however I would say once everyone were balanced with communications for all 4 then balancing of killers would obviously be needed.

    BHVR could then show SWFs as there would be balance to the game and when things are good you don't need to hide information