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Survivors killing themselves on hook

People playing survivors, does anyone else rush for a save when they see a first hooked survivor doing a triple pull to try and die? Like if I can get to them before second stage, great, but I at least want to get to them before they die so they are forced to either play, wait, or dc.

Killers- if you see someone do this do you kill them or make them play/dc. I am now beginning to think the best thing I can do with these players if they refuse to play is slug them. It gives other survivors a chance to get altruism/benevolence points and forces a makeshift dc penalty. (this of course is if its an early give up. If there are two survivors left or something like that I mercy kill). The only think I cant stand tho is if they let themselves get to crow stage, the explosions are so annoying.

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  • Member Posts: 3,250

    Seeing that would mean the end of that game, but I will do the best I can.

    Hurry up and save it? No. If I wanted BP I might do so, but it doesn't often happen that I want to help a player who is stupefyingly egotistical.

    When faced with a killer, depending on my mood, I will decide whether to sympathize with the other three or play as usual. Most of the time, however, I play as usual. If the game doesn't even have a survivor who commits suicide, as a killer I want to get it over with and move on to the next game.

    What we have in common is that we continue to play in a legitimate way when we see such players, both as survivors and as killers.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I always run reassurance and try to hold them in second stage. I had a game with a friend where the first survivor killed themselves on hook with 5 gens left, we decided to go next as well and when i got hooked the other survivor instantly saved me, got hooked and tried to let go. Me and my friend both used reassurence on her and she dced 😅

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    It is getting irritating. As killer I'm seeing so many survs suicide on hook. It decreases my points on a good game denying me BP across the board since you should be interacting with 4 survivors not 3 and several times it has handed me a win I should not have had. Which makes me feel bad for the other survs in the game and tbh gets kinda no boring. No challenge ruining 3 players with 4/5 gens left. Also really sucks when myltiple players decide to do it. Had 3 survs hook suicide in one game before. I let the other go

    As survivor it obviously annoys me because it practically throws every game it happens in.

    Imo killer should get fully bp for survivors who progress hook stages by attempting unhooks and missing skill checks on struggle phase. Don't want to encourage facecamping of course.

    make it harder to suicide. As a killer I'd be absolutely down for attempting to free yourself from hook to not take chunks out of a survivors hook progress. You get 3 attempts to koby yourself then you have to wait for sturggle phase. Would make the game a little more interesting tbf if survivors got the odd self unhook without running deliverance. And makes salty lips and luck builds actually viable, because currently they are a bad idea. They don't increase your chance of unhooking enough to be worth risking progressing a hook stage.

    Perhaps reinstate it if there is only 1 surv alive after the hooked surv to allow tactical suicide to spawn hatch.

  • Member Posts: 533

    As I said in a response to someone else, this is just silly. You’re there to kill them, if they wanna commit suicide, who cares? Your job as killer is now easier.

    When I play survivor, I’m already expecting a bad group of it’s whatever. I just do what I can to get points…if we can get the objectives done and leave, amazing. I do however, keep my expectations low.

  • Member Posts: 422

    The difference is they are attempting to skirt around the DC penalty but effectively DCing. They are ruining the match for the other 4 players just to hop into a new match.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    i wouldn't really call that BM honestly, more like vigilante justice

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited October 2022

    @Sharpefern said it already but I'll say it too. That person has decided that they want to ditch a game and waste four other players time. If my time and the other survivors time is wasted, I'm not letting them just skip on out of the match. Their time is also going to be wasted.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I'd also agree with that but some people consider it BM to force the person wasting four people's time to also have their time wasted.

    One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter :D

  • Member Posts: 592

    with basekit unbreakable coming you won't be able to do it anymore. In game that I bring reassurance I will definitely spank them with it.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    i am going to have to find a way to use that "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" line at some point because goddamn is it a good line

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Oh I absolutely will still be able to do it. Just now when they get up, I just put them back down again. 😈


  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2022

    While thats true Id rather let people die and be done with the match, at the end 4 minutes of someone slugged is not worth my time playing a pointless match, especially since most people go AFK and let the crows spam notifications which is quite annoying and there is only one way to deal with them.

    At first I just let them stay slugged but then I tought "this is absurd, im wasting my time here and crows are annoying to no end" so I started to give the people what they wanted, I see it as time investment/benefit for me and punishing someone is not really worth my or anyone elses time.

  • Member Posts: 422

    There is a difference between holding a game hostage and keeping a player in a game. Like if that player chooses to actually play the game they can. They are simply choosing not to. The difference between a 4v1 and a 3v1 is insanely huge. Having a game start as a 3v1 isnt a game its a slaughter. I actually think basekit unbreakable will make it better. They can do generators, heal, get chased etc. But two minutes in they decide they dont like this specific match because they got hooked first so they choose not to. The entire reason they are getting slugged is because they are refusing to play the match. Like they are getting a second chance to actually play the game but I am going to focus on playing with the survivors actually playing the match.

  • Member Posts: 2,135
    edited October 2022

    I'm not saying people who quit on hook don't deserve to be punished, but I kinda wish people weren't so vindictive in this game. I would rather go next than play a 3v1.

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited October 2022

    I hate having to bring Slippery Meat and Up the Ante because no one wants to unhook me

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    If I'm in a position where I can make the save then I'd be trying to make the save anyway, so why would they be trying to suicide?

    If the person I saved doesn't want to stay in the game, they can always run up to the killer again.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I wander why people are doing this, there has to be a reason as to why people dont want to continue on in these matches......nevermind, it really doesnt matter. Because the idea that we might actually get to the root cause of the issues in the game is just a sense of false hope. This is what happens in games when there is a sense of no chance a win being a possibility. "Strategy" from one side is whats hurting this game more than anything. Well that plus devs slow roll on fixing major problems within the game

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    It's a video game. It's not my job to kill them. I have an actual job. I'm attempting to play a video game not get a paycheck. When survivors do this I feel like I'm playing babysitter for 3 year olds rather than playing an online game intended for adults.

    The entity is some fun lore for the video game and not an actual real existing thing.

    What I do really depends on my mood. If I'm having a frustrating day and trying to relax by playing the game and you make my day more frustrating, I'll make your day more frustrating. If I just don't care, I'll just throw them on the hook and keep playing.

    If two people DC or commit suicide, I'll usually put one of the survivors on hook and then signal to the remaining survivor to farm some unhook BP. Let us all get some quick BP from safe unhooks and then let one of them go find hatch. I used to sometimes let them complete generators and escape, but that takes too long otherwise I'd just do that. Farming unhooks is mad fast BP and gets everyone to the next game faster.

  • Member Posts: 422

    So I think were talking about two different things. I am talking about early game insta suicide. This isnt were at 5 gens and the killer has 6 hooks suicide. This isnt the game is over suicide. This is "I didnt like that I got chased first so I want a different game where that didnt happen". Like the game just started bro you havent lost yet.

  • Member Posts: 533

    Wow okay let me simplify for you…

    When you are playing the video game, it is your job if you’re playing the role of killer, to kill the survivors. Glad we got that cleared up 😅 cause I really care about your real life job, clearly I was responding to the role of killer in the game, having the “job”’of killing.

  • Member Posts: 533

    So then with that mentality, when survivors let a teammate die on first hook, are you punishing them for that? I doubt it. But it’s okay to slug because they wanna suicide?

    Idc. I’m going to kill them anyway, if they wanna speed it up, no problem.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Couple of matches ago: teammate gets hooked, attempts to suicide but gets unhooked. Then he proceeded to run towards the killer and teabag him. Got downed and ignored by the killer. Whenever someone tried to heal him, he would move and ultimately bleed out.

    Fun times...

  • Member Posts: 422

    Again this isnt the same situation. The post is literally about people who give up in super early parts of the game. If its a 3v1 its a completely different scenario. The scenario being discussed the survivors have not lost the game or in a absolutely terrible position that will take a miracle to come back from but instead the player didnt like how the game started and is giving up on first hook,

  • Member Posts: 1,230

    Yup, I do the same. I wait for 5 minutes to find a match and I get someone rage quitting at 5 gens, sorry but I will down you every time you'll get picked up until you bleed out. If you really have to go, you will DC or don't even queue up.

  • Member Posts: 422

    And in this scenario I am not gonna camp the slug. If they get picked up and actually start to play the game as normal they can and I would honestly prefer that because essentially that means they gave up one free hook state as opposed to the entire game. I am not gonna go out of my way to fully lose the game by focusing them and letting others just do gens to make that players game miserable. I don't want a free win, most of the time, I want to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 570

    It’s been said by the devs that no one should be forced to play, so none of ur ideas are in the realm of possibility. If they suicide on hook then so it is. There are several other ways to maximize ur bp gains anyways.

    like most things in this game, this too can be solved by simply moving on the next match.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited October 2022

    In that case, I've seen so many so many solo q matches fall apart vs Pinhead that I know the match is doomed from the start.

    At the start of the match, I'll run over and work on the closest gen to the box. If a survivor goes down I will solve the box. If Pinhead comes to my gen / the box, I'll let them have it and stand under the nearest hook.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    If I'm killer I'll slug them till they bleed out.

    Dont waste my time ruining a game I had to wait for, used addons in and taking up my time. You wanna be petty I'll show you petty, either DC and get the ban or deal with having to wait.

    I'm honestly so sick of my team giving up for no reason, like you went down fast because you was an idiot so you're gonna throw the game? Legit seen my first billy in months to have the game over in 2mins because people gave up straight away... LIKE WHY!

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2022

    Damn right, also some people get picked up by their mates and they proceed to the next locker to spam fast actions until the Killer comes and downs them again, slug, picked up, spam fast actions rinse and repeat.

    Im not getting paid to police the trials, for me is just easier and less annoying to get rid of them asap.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Like no. There are 3 more survivors in the match. Leaving a guy that wants to get out at the one minute mark on the floor will take up 0 time of mine because on the chance that I kill all three other survivors in the 4 minutes hes bleeding out I can still hook him.

  • Member Posts: 570

    That makes no sense tbh. Wouldn’t the other 3 just heal him? I dont get it, when I come across someone like that I just farm some heals, he aint playing anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,230

    If they get up and play the game normally it's fine. But if they keep pointing at the hook they'll stay with me. They can DC for free if they want, I'm not "forcing" anyone to play.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Youre mentioning teammates DCing, that makes it a completely different situation and isnt what we are talking about. You remove that segment of your statement you are dcing without dcing in a winnable match.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Openly admitting to holding someones game hostage is a direct admission of playing against the rules of the game.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I just focus on the gen I'm working on since the less gens there are to complete once that player is gone the more likely I am to escape in a 3v1. At least they had the decency to leave instead of just locker hop in the basement being useless for the entire match waiting for everyone else to die so they could get hatch. I will take hook suicide over that every match, atleast with the dead player I have confirmation its a 3v1.

    As killer if I'm not blatantly farming I go for 2 hooks (don't go for kills unless it's a challenge) and usually go for the unhooker (if it's someone that's been hiding and the others had their 2 hooks I'll go for them twice in a row). If the person wants out and is running in front of me I'll hook them again. I hate being slugged when the killer can hook me so I'm not about to slug when there's a hook available.

  • Member Posts: 422

    It isn't tho. If they would like to play a dead by daylight match, they have the option to do so. They are in one right now. They can heal up, and do anything that they could do in a different match. Gens, Chases, Totems, Saves etc. And if they dont want to play a dead by daylight match they can dc because the dc penalty wont mean a thing to them since they arent going to be playing a game during it. I am not hindering their ability to play or win a game.

  • Member Posts: 575

    Iri addons? Half of iri addons in this game are ass, lol.

  • Member Posts: 405

    nah....maybe you just have to get better at using them. its not always the game that is the problem. sometimes one must look inside to find the reason something isnt that good. I know as a player most of the times i mess up...i dont blame it on the game. i blame it on myself

  • Member Posts: 422

    How is this holding the game hostage. There are 4 other people still playing the game. As the killer you can and often do choose who to go after. Why chase or kill someone not hindering your chances of winning. They can play the game.

    Holding the game hostage would be like body blocking a survivor in a corner with the exit gates closed. Actively stopping someone from the ability to play the game. In the scenario describe they have full options to play the game but survivors dont get to choose if or when they die as part of the game.

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