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Survivors killing themselves on hook



  • Member Posts: 2,986

    This. There are plenty of reasons that someone might want to leave a game. I'm not going to force someone to stay in a game that they aren't enjoying.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Feel free to tell me where leaving someone slugged is wrong after identifying they intend to die on hook and turn the game into a 3v1?

    We all understand that DCing is wrong, hence the penalty. Obviously, taking steps to circumvent the penalty like hook suiciding and afking are also wrong.

    So your sarcasm is cute, but it's a deflection. There is no wrong in showing the brats of this game that they need to take the DC penalty if they want to spoil the game for 4 other people.

  • Member Posts: 422

    I 100% did not. I said I will slug them and that I would play the game with the other three normally. I am not camping the slug, they can get picked up at any point in time. I said if they start participating in normal gameplay I would treat them like anyone else because they become part of the game. But if they are just wanting to quit I am not wasting a hook on that. That hook can be used for the 3 survivors actually working against me. Why should I use an early hook on someone who isnt doing a SINGLE thing to hurt my objective.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Hawk there is a question I want to ask you. Do you think the DC penalty should exist?

  • Member Posts: 68

    hard for anyone else to judge aside from the person trying to suicide, given that if the game is over for them, how hard do you think they will try after you decide to force them to stay? they will probably cause problems for the survivor team even if they go afk, i have watched my teammates try to heal afk players numerous times and then get slugged themselves, so be honest, you just like having the extra survivor to give you an advantage, right? a free slug without even needing to slug them.

    slugging is one of the biggest problems this game has, i rarely saw a hatch spawn for weeks and DC'ed out while slugged in 2v1's several times in my final weeks on the game. you call it sarcasm, but the underlying truth is, you are so full of yourself you would never even consider his opinion, or anyone's, because you have already decided that everyone else's opinions are beneath yours, and that you can do whatever you like and treat people however you like. i'm sure you are well aware of the advantages to the killer, as i have stated above, of keeping a deadweight survivor alive, so don't bs and claim it's just for some ficticious noble goal of teaching people a lesson, as if that's even your place to do. much disrespect to you, for your complete lack of empathy.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Ashes same question. Do you agree with the DC penalty?

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    survivors kill on hook because they see their teamamtes doing noithing all game or being terrible, so why staying?... or sometimes its nurse and ew, its nurse so understandable.

  • Member Posts: 68

    i'd like to also point out that DC'ing from a game already comes with an innate penalty in that, your time that you have spent so far in that match is wasted, your addons, items and offerings are wasted, you receive 0 points for all of your previous actions, and then a DC penalty is adding insult to injury. obviously this is going to further incentivise hook suicides, which i still think are more problematic for both teams as a player intent on killing themselves remaining in the game rather than just DC'ing causes the others to all adjust their play.

    i've already stated earlier in the thread that i do not agree with DC penalty in general, at least not in current implementation, because it goes too far against people who may disconnect for totally innocent reasons.

  • Member Posts: 422

    So we have a fundamental disagreement which is fine. Like I agree with the DC penalty. I don't think anyone wants accidental DCs to be punished but I think there needs to be a deterrent to prevent people from just quitting games against killers or items etc that they don't like. But I do understand the side that doesn't think it should be a thing and thats fine.

    But given that fundamental disagreement we will never see eye to eye on this situation. Because when it comes down to it, intentionally dying for any reason other than tactically (ie giving someone hatch or trying to) is quitting. You are giving up. If there wasnt a dc penalty you could just leave the game and it would be the same as if the killer hooked you or the survivor didn't save you. There would be 0 issue. But there is a penalty for quitting. And I understand and agree with the foundation of that penalty. A survivor trying to die on hook or die period is circumventing that process. Since I agree with the foundation of that process I want them to have to go through the process when they quit as opposed to circumventing it.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Innate penalty? Hardly. Let's compare if you DC with no DC penalty vs you getting steamrolled in a bad match.

    DC you lose:

    - 5-10 minutes of time (queuing, lobby, loading, a couple minutes of gameplay before you see you want out.)

    - Items, Addons, Offerings

    - Any BP you would have gained. Getting steamrolled, let's say 10-20k total depending on incentives and offerings.

    Playing the match and getting steamrolled you lose:

    - 10-20 minutes of time (figure all of the above with 5-10 min of gameplay)

    - Items, Addons, Offerings

    - You still get all the BP.

    So by DCing you lose the 10-20k BP which is practically nothing but can gain a half to a full game in the same time so the BP is practically a wash. So really what is the penalty for you for wrecking 3-4 other people's games by DCing if there is no DC penalty?

  • Member Posts: 422

    So the time of the DC penalty depends on how often you DC. This is why people would rather die on hook over DCing because times can get quite up there, apparently all the way up to 72 hours. Having someone DC because they don't want to be in the game anymore is literally the reason for the penalty. Saving someone or refusing to kill someone who is intentionally trying to die is promoting the use of this penalty because the other players are not going to take them out of the game for them.

  • Member Posts: 685

    I am well aware. I was addressing his viewpoint that DC penalties should go away because just by DCing, you take enough of a penalty inherently through the time, bp, items, etc. that you lose anyway. I was demonstrating this is not really the case if you remove the DC penalty.

  • Member Posts: 68

    yea pretty much. i disagree fundamentally with the DC penalty and think that a lot of fixes, changes and alternatives that people suggest are just bandaids that do not fix the underlying problems with the game, notably regarding balance. i'm not the first to say it, but treat the illness, not the symptoms.

    if you think about your own statement above, regarding suicide on hook as circumventing the DC penalty, but suicide on hook is a game mechanic, so slugging them and refusing to hook is circumventing that game mechanic. kind of a cyclical argument at this point. to me at least, slugging feels more like grief than hook suicide

  • Member Posts: 422


    What I am saying is

    1) The purpose of the DC penalty is for people quitting.

    2) That intentionally dying is quitting.

    If you have an argument with either of these statements the rest doesnt matter.

    If you want to quit, fine. DC. If you want to play, also fine, I actually prefer it. But if you are going to not do anything that progresses the game forward I am not bothering with you. If you try and be annoying so I kill you, I will just slug you. This is the same thing I do if a survivor is AFK at the start. I am not gonna just take the free hook, until the crows come.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I don't see anywhere in your response where slugging is 'wrong' in the context it originally appeared in.

    If you need to go off, well, go off queen. There's still only one wrong here and that's the people skirting the DC penalty and trying to reframe the argument as anything other than their personal temper tantrum.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    If the game is winnable and it's their first down and they start killing themselves, they are getting slugged for a couple minutes. They are wasting my time in a challenge less game, I will waste theirs on the ground.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    Guess there is no point in saying this, but how do you have fun when someone gives up early like that.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    If giving up on hook is just a legal way to quit without getting a disconnect penalty, and they should be punished...

    Then Legion needs to be changed too, since his power is just a legal form of wallhacks and taking the game hostage (mendning, mending, mending, mending, unhooking, mending, mending, maybe healing, mending, half a gen, mending, mending... ZERO hiding, Calm Spirit, Spine Chill, Lucky Break, Iron Will, Quick & Quiet, Lockers be damned!)

  • Member Posts: 68

    so either way then, we can assume a thoroughly unenjoyable game. the way you diminish those things to insignificance portrays the callousness of your attitude. in truth you are looking at even less blood points than you state for staying in a stomping as you suggest, or more if there's actually potential to make it into a decent game.

    so why do you think people should just accept that lose-lose situation surrounding their entire game, not even just the microsituations you killers always whinge about 'oh boohoo i had to get slapped by that pallet i had no choice he used dead hard for distance'. people quit late in matches too, i've seen survivors throw away 40k blood points because the killer did them dirty at the end, for example by slugging and leaving them on the floor while they search the entire map for a 4K. i think people like you just see a DC/suicide every game and think it's always someone who does it every game but the truth is mostly that people will do it once in a while due to bad fortune, BM and the overall state of the solo queue experience. the assorted DC's/suicides every game is because it's a terrible experience, thus it is so common for people to want out.

    you seem to ignore the psychology of the game. if there is no competition, there is no game, so creating unwinnable situations and then insisting that people are obliged to suffer and waste their time is truly absurd. letting yourself die on hook is a game mechanic that you are avoiding to purposefully keep someone in the game.

    you lack understanding, unsurprisingly. you're definitely in the wrong to BM people by slugging them, that's just sad.

    sounds like the game was already challengeless if the player already lost the will to play.

    so now then how exactly does one person giving up ruin the game for each of you, who seem to care so much about your own game and not even remotely about other peoples'? if people are giving up so fast because the game feels hopeless, does that not show fundamental problems with the mechanics of the game, and why is it so common, and why can none of you see beyond the immensely small-minded 'he ruin my game me want spite him back!' the running theme throughout all of what each of you say 'when he BM's it should be a BAN but when I BM i should be celebrated for enforcing the game's intended way of playing!'.

    is your standard for other peoples' gaming experience so low that they should accept having no fun and being just annoyed as the standard for gaming? why do you want to impose a different standard on other people than you want for yourselves?

  • Member Posts: 2,209
    edited October 2022

    Firstly, I'm not BMing, and until you put forth some evidence beyond your efforts to pervert my words I have no interest in exploring that further.

    Secondly, if you're still not processing, one thing is directly against the TOS and that's why there's a penalty when it's done the legit way (traditional DC). The other thing, the thing you're malding about trying to spew that 2 wrongs don't make a right nonsense, is literally gameplay canon.

    It may be that you can't reconcile this, but thankfully we don't need you to. Everyone else can.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    Small minded? Isn't it small minded that they just give up and make four other players waste their time? I don't play this game to run over survivor's with no resistance, if that were they case I would be running stronger things every game, tunneling every game and camping people to stage two. There is no other video game that allows people to get away with such actions consistently regardless of how hopeless they feel. If you are the first person down, how do you even feel hopeless already? You only know the killer I am playing not even what my build and add-ons are most of the time. It really is funny you call me small minded.

  • Member Posts: 73

    But if you find me and Feng 30 seconds into the game because Feng blew the geni and you down and hook me while Feng hides in a locker 6 meters away and then Feng exits the locker and runs AWAY as soon as you go away and leaves me on the hook and Dwight is in the basement squating in the corner and Yun is on a gen at the far end of the map... I don't get a bonus for hanging out waiting to die... I'm going to try for a 4% and then just die. Call it hook suicide, but I call it getting on with the next trial.

  • Member Posts: 68

    incorrect as usual, you really are big on one rule for you and a different rule for everyone else. leaving the match is not against TOS, hook suicide is not against TOS, they are both enabled within the game, slugging is also not against TOS, but if you're gonna repeatedly slug someone, that's pretty grief, BM, however you want to phrase it, you're deliberately attempting to cause someone distress and remove their gameplay, holding them hostage, to the point where they disconnect - how can you not see that's completely BM. you admitted these intentions quite openly.

    you and your little 3-man echo chamber can sit there passing round the copium, telling yourselves you aren't terrible, while the community keeps repeating 'solo queue is in the worst state it has ever been'. i wasn't the one that said 2 wrongs don't make a right lol, though it's true, you BM'ing players is not justified by them giving up. you must enjoy kicking people when they are down. malding lol i have a beautiful head of blonde hair, hbu?

    it can be small-minded to instantly hook suicide, yes, but such can be the mind in moments of distress. how does it waste other peoples' time? you still get a game against possibly 3 players that still want to play, and the fact they actually want to play means they will probably play better than the one who doesn't. so you are saying then that you subscribe to the philosophy 'he ruin my game me want spite him back!'. in that case, you called yourself small-minded. i found it a bit funny that out of all of this, that's what you took. i think i had even written that part before i saw that you had posted something i hadn't read, so i just tacked in that one-liner above the paragraph to which you refer.

    if someone had a string of bad games against weskers, blights and nurses and then they get another game with yet another one of those, found with lethal pursuer in 15 seconds and downed fairly quickly, i think it's quite foreseeable that they might think it's hopeless. nurse audio cues apparently are enough to make a lot of survivors feel hopeless already. maybe more like Lamoore said, if you want someone else's take on the same issue. if it was only those who consistently do it over and over, who i think are really the rare cases, then it would be fine, but you can never know who those are, and the penalty system punishes people immediately even if it was just their internet dropping.

    some games have no restrictions so i don't know why you would fantasize that all games have strict penalties like that, only a few do really, and none of those games are such unbalanced griefing sims like this.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    How does it not ruin my games? There is literally no challenge involved in that game after that. I play this game for the challenge and to get better at it. If they had a string bad games and are willing to just go next after first down, then they didn't really want to play and shouldn't be allowed to get out for free just to ruin another game. Do not play the game if you are willing to hook suicide after your first down. And yes it's fair to waste their time when they are wasting my free time as well. They can DC if they want out or even afk if they are having real life problems. I literally have no idea how people defend this. It's not a fantasy to ask for people to play the game after they hit ready, it's expected. They know what's in the game, they know what to expect.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    You didn't comprehend what I wrote. Which is unfortunate because I explicitly wrote that hook-suiciding and afking, get ready for this important piece: In order to circumvent the DC penalty.

    That's literally what this thread is about. Did you miss it?

  • Member Posts: 68

    with the state of mmr, are you saying it's the responsibility of each and every survivor to ensure that you receive a tailored difficulty experience?

    it's all just circles, so pointless, you will never solve the problem treating the symptoms

  • Member Posts: 422


    I am not sure you are referring as the killer or as the survivor.

    As the killer- I can do literally nothing to prevent someone from killing on hook. Only think I can do is if they are still in the game not giving them the request of getting hooked if they are saved or accidently Kobe. Which a survivor hooking themselves is not a mechanic in the game. Again they are asking me to let them quit without clicking the quit button. Do something be a threat and I will kill you otherwise you can just quit.

    As a survivor- I know that a 4 v 1 is better than a 3 v 1 even if the fourth person is literally doing NOTHING. They add pressure just for existing. Because the killer has to keep track of them. So stopping them from dying is a benefit to both me and the remaining survivors.

    Either way if the survivor is quitting in a game I, like the devs in the game, would like them to take a break to get into a better mindset. I do not want to play with a survivor as a teammate who just suicided 1 minute into the game to immediately hop into another lobby. Clearly they either do not wish to play the game at the moment or consider certain things that are part of the game worthy of quitting. Either way they are not a reliable teammate.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Nope. They might d/c anyway if you do and probably don't want to be in the match anyway. That player being in the match isn't going to increase your chances of escaping, so just let them be.

  • Member Posts: 68

    i definitely agree, i was playing killer a lot more before 6.1 but since that patch i have lost almost all of my will to do it and became largely survivor main from mid-July. i do think there is potential for positive change, with things like survivor AI coming, and possibly MMR improvements, step by step, but it would really help if they found a better way to normalise the challenge between all the different variables, with killer choice being the most prominent.

    hey, i was actually kinda talking about for both sides.

    in most cases, i was one of the 3 survivors who is left there in a match that is now more difficult because it's 3v1, but, i don't think it's actually necessarily more difficult than 4v1 with 1 deadweight that wants out. in many cases i think it's easier with 3 because that 4th guy, might absorb healing, blow up gens, stand around doing nothing, lead the killer onto other survivors, block pallets and windows, maybe because they're just bad, or maybe because psychologically they are thinking 'i really don't want to be in here any more' over and over. at this point, they are already not a reliable teammate before they have even committed the cardinal sin, and are a possible liability, which is part of why i think you guys secretly want to keep them in the game, because you know they're a liability for their own team, even if an afk in the middle of nowhere is theoretically still map pressure. i realised some of this after saving hook suiciders a couple of times, only to have it bite me and then i realised, it's better to just let them do it.

    your final paragraph definitely does have validity, though i think it varies somewhat, because a nurse might break someone's resolve where maybe a nice nemesis match would have been fun for them. either way, a break is probably for the best really, but i'm unsure if you can insist on someone else taking a break when they don't want to, if they just want a fairer match that they actually have a chance in. this is why i think it's a fundamental issue with the game, because difficulty varies so wildly depending on several pRNG and numerous independent player choices as factors.

    i thought, maybe i'll have a glance back at those 'useless' stats, at the pick rates for killers, and add together a few like wesker, nurse, blight, huntress, legion; as these are some that get among the most early quits. those add up to 37% of all matches during that period being against one of those 5, and that's not even all of the major quit-inducing killers.

  • Member Posts: 513

    This is so true - many killers on this forum stated in the past they are not responsible for survivor's fun, so they justify all sorts of tactics that end up squelching any fun the opposite side might have. So when survivors pick up their marbles and go play somewhere else they complain...again.

  • Member Posts: 47

    Game starts,

    It's Blight,

    David thinks "Oh no, overpowered. I'll suicide!"

    Me, sprinting to the hook, unhooking.

    Thx David. U gave me some BP.

    But if David would've been banned for some hours, I'd appreciate it.

  • Member Posts: 23

    The solution is to remove the dc penalty to expedite the process.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Okay then.

    You assert that I have a callous attitude because I diminish the significance of someone else having an unenjoyable game. This is true to a point. I am reducing the significance of that one person's enjoyment when considered with the fact that there are five people in that match. Who is really being more callous in their attitude? The person that DC's without any consideration to the experience of the other four people in the match, or the person that blames the DCer for leaving the remaining four with a lose-lose situation?

    I'm not there to just annihilate the remaining survivors. I do what I can not to make it worse for them. I let them finish gens. If someone doesn't want to wait it out and indicates they want to be hooked so they can get out, I'll oblige. Open the doors for the survivors when gens are finally done after a whole lot of standing around, and hope the next group doesn't have anyone that's lacking a little fortitude. Often I'll get a "gg ty [insert selected killer here] <3" in the chat afterwards. It's pretty much the same for a suicide on hook.

    I don't make any assumptions about whether or not the DCer does this all the time, it's a once in awhile deal for them, or their first time after years of play. It doesn't matter, the end result is the same.

    If they are DCing/suiciding in my matches, barring the rare irl event, it's for a ridiculous or petty reason. I'm about as fair and considerate of a killer that's still (usually) playing to win as you will ever encounter. I don't tunnel or facecamp. I never slug for bleeding someone out unless they just absolutely will not allow me to hook them. I get survivors on their feet if they have been slugged and their teammates won't come to their aid. I have literally dragged survivors off of gens and taken them over to their teammate that they are leaving to die on the hook in hopes they wiggle off and save them. If the survivors I'm playing are struggling, I'll back off and pace myself as needed to keep it a close game to ensure everyone gets a chance to do what they came built to do and everyone gets a fair amount of points. There is no honest reason to quit in my matches and screw everyone over, yet at times it's every third or fourth game.

    And on the soloQ experience. I'm just not seeing it the way some others are. Granted I don't play survivor as much as killer, but I play enough. Do I have bad games? Absolutely. Do I get BM'd by the killer? Bled out? Slugged for the 4k? Tunneled? Camped? Matched with killers that are insurmountably better than myself? Matched with complete potatoes for teammates (even when compared to being a potato survivor myself)? Absolutely. But not every game. Not even most games. I lose more than I win, but even when things are going completely sideways, I still do what I can until the end. Why? Because I have three other teammates that are counting on me, and that's what I signed up for, even if they are potatoes and they themselves don't seem to understand that it's a team role. My worst games as survivor really don't feel any worse than my worst games as killer where I am up against a group of cocky survivors who are miles ahead of me in skill and know it, and decide to spend the match trying their best to demean and humiliate me in any way they can.

    In almost 800 hours of play with all the miserable games that I've had in that time, I have quit exactly once. It was as killer, and it was because I had two survivors quit, a third go afk, and the fourth run up to me and asking me to hook them. At that point why bother as there was no one left that wanted to play the match, so I ended it for all of us.

    So yeah, I have a callous attitude towards the DCer. I'm the one left trying to pick up the pieces after they bail out. And before the inevitable "You're not responsible for other's fun." Maybe not, but I'm not built in a way that I see several people getting screwed over and can just say "Fk it, not my problem" when I can do at least a little to make it not as bad for them.

  • Member Posts: 405

    If I’m getting intentionally sandbagged I’ll just move on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 68

    honestly you might have even got a gg ty <3 from me at one point, i don't remember all the killers' names but that situation you describe has happened to me quite a few times sporadically; the door is open, i am pointing at a hook cause i didn't feel like i deserved to escape and the killer is shaking their head at me, those are quite the wholesome moments. I am sorry then, I have read every word you wrote there and that is really a good attitude to have. I can relate to it, every word, it was well-written and compelling.

    reading your solo queue experience it does make sense; i had been playing 90% as survivor in the last couple of months and this would often give flurries of good or bad luck, where i might escape or at least survive till EGC for 5 games in a row, but then the rest of the night was awful and i might get 1 hatch escape out of the next 10 games, and slugged 2v1 in many of the rest. it seems like in the end, growing fatigue highlights these issues for both sides. i usually do as you say, keep trying no matter what until the end, though when matches start really badly, it can force me to play more defensively/stealthily. too many of these matches consecutively and i myself can feel like it just isn't worth playing and on rare occasion might just DC.

    it is callous, i agree, in those passing moments of frustration, it is thoughtless to abandon your team, and the only reason i sympathise a bit more with survivors in that position than killers, is because i feel it is more oppressive for them to be the victim, sometimes removing most of a survivor's gameplay. i also hate swf bully squads, i used to get a lot of teams of flashlight clickers and i can sympathise with killers that leave in this situation as well, though i found in those games sometimes i was getting 0 kills but still almost 40k points, compared with 6-25k in a doomed survivor game. i am not denying that some players almost certainly do take advantage and abuse DC/suicides, as i have seen youtube videos about ttv'ers doing it excessively, but i do still think those are the minority.

    my reasoning for disliking the DC penalty originates from being hit by bans from internet DC's stacking, which, once or twice, have led to 15 minute bans when i actually did DC for the first time that day through the esc menu. i'm also not that convinced that it does what it's meant to, discouraging people from just DC'ing if they want has resulted in mass hook suicides which feels like the same result with a less efficient process.

    i apologise, i feel guilt, and i give you my respect, you clearly deserve it at the very least.

  • Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2022

    i posted something here, this is not the first time i've had a post vanish on the DBD forums only to mysteriously reappear later (I HOPE).

    edit: and there it is, thankfully

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    As survivor, no I don't save. It's not worth it to rescue someone that doesn't want to play and will most likely sabotage the rest of the game if saved.

    As killer, I'll tunnel that person out and kill the other survivors as fast as possible. The game is most likely over if it's a 3v1 early on, and it's faster to just go next.

  • Member Posts: 69

    Only time I kill myself on the hook is if I see a teammate setup for hatch cause he can’t get the save.

  • Member Posts: 685

    First let me say thank you for the mature response and for the kind and thoughtful words. There is no need to feel guilty as there is so much Us vs. Them on these boards it's all too easy to make assumptions.

    I don't want to write out a whole thesis on the game so I'll say that I agree with almost everything in your post, the exception being that the difference in what I saw in my games between having a DC penalty, and not having it was night and day. The games ruined for me by either DCs or alternate methods of quitting like hook suicides or afking rose dramatically when the penalty was removed.

    I don't like the compounding penalties for DCs. I have not infrequent DCs from my internet so it can occasionally be a problem. I personally would like to see a three pronged solution or approach.

    1) a non-compounding flat 20-30 minute DC penalty. It doesn't increase, but it's harsh enough to discourage the attitude of "I don't like this map, I'll DC and grab a drink real quick before I start a new one." If someone is actually angry and frustrated enough to ragequit, it gives some time to cool down. If it's an actual internet failure, it takes awhile, but you know it won't get worse, and if it happens frequently enough to be a real problem with the game, then the player needs to get their service sorted out.

    2) when hooked, instead of a "Kobe" phase and a struggle phase, you have two functionally identical phases. You hit skill checks that fill a bar, not unlike the wiggle mechanic. When the bar is full, you get an attempt to pull yourself off the hook at the same chance of success we have now. Failure at any point doesn't progress the hook timer or regress your escape progress, you just don't make progress towards an escape. Have it so if you hit every check you get something like four to six total escape attempts across the two stages.

    3) If you afk, on your third crow, a timer starts and 45 seconds later you automatically DC and get the time out penalty associated with that. Maybe have the loud noise notification from the crows audible to all the players, not just the killer, so everyone knows why they DC'd.

    Obviously they still need to work on balance issues and the player experience on both sides to reduce people wanting to quit in the first place, but quitting has become normalized, and it really shouldn't be. I'd just rather force people to look at the game for all the good and the bad and decide if they can accept both before they queue up at all. If it means losing a chunk of the playerbase, so be it. That will be a bigger incentive than anything for BHVR to get the issues that drive players out resolved quickly.

    Crap, that still turned into an essay.

  • Member Posts: 68

    2) definitely seems like a good idea to me, i still remember first playing back in 2016 feeling like there wasn't ever really any purpose to trying self-unhook, it was just obvious self-sabotage without the offerings and the more recent perks. at the least this way they would rule out one means of sabotaging the team. perhaps players could try to self-unhook before the bar is full at a reduced chance, but still maintaining the same concept of not advancing the hook stage progress and still limited to max 3 attempts per stage. my idea could be thrown out, but i particularly like the additional agency this whole concept gives to the survivor without facilitating sabotage.

    i would hope that 3) would be unnecessary, but then, anything to get afk players out of the way as they are quite a risk factor for both sides.

    hopefully there will still be room for tweaks to the DC system, even though 15 minutes is the longest ban i have eaten, it was still enough to move me over to a different game for the following hours. most of the time i do follow that kind of logic, if players don't like or can't deal with the game how it is, they should play something else. with the way that difficulty varies so wildly, i truly hope the devs recognise the current potential for steep imbalance, because when you click ready as a survivor you really have no way of telling if you'll be playing on very easy or on very hard.

  • Member Posts: 513
    edited October 2022

    While I understand that stance as I share it - many of your fellow killers felt otherwise. Now we have mostly easy games that any mouth breather can 4k. However, since it is survivor they cannot know what to expect each this is the only way they can have a shot at interesting matches, since they have 0 queue time now.

    Enjoy the new normal.

  • Member Posts: 1,839
    edited October 2022

    I had a game recently where I went to save a David off his first hook. He was being eaten by the sky when I got there. I just stood and stared up while the wraith uncloaked next to me. He waited a second, hit me, and the rest of the match was a farming session.

    I salute you wraith player.

    I also did the same thing when I played killer. If I saw someone DC or hook out early, I just farmed. I hit gens a few times to let the survivors know the plan.

  • Member Posts: 422

    I like the ideas but...

    1) Punishment is too severe and also not. Reason why its progressive is to prevent people from intentionally dcing, while not punishing people who get DCed by something beyond their control. It would also be hurting the streaming community because if they get a hacker they couldnt just DC accept the 5 minute penalty to do bloodwebs whilst talking and continue. They effectively would need to end the stream.

    2) So there are a couple issues here that might be able to be addressed but IDK. The first issue is deliverance. This would be a huge buff to an already powerful perk. You would both double the uses and even if you made it just work once you remove the concern of being hooked first. But even if they made deliverance only work on the first stage like opposite of Kinship, the added pressure for killers would be palpable. As the system stands right now if a killer hooks a survivor the first time, when they get unhooked they don't know if its one or two people over in that area, but on second unhook they have a guarantee that its two allowing them to assess macro gameplay. But if they can unhook themselves in stage 2 this makes things more ambiguous which can be a balancing issue.

    3) No issues with it. My only concern would be slugs who want to be found because the game is over but the finishing mori should end that.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2022

    people leave from boring games wich is normal. killers complain because it takes longer to find games and since killers got so dirty since latest updates playing disgusting with tons of tunneling and camping is normal for people to leave early and find a more enjoyable game but they will complain people not wanting to play a snore tunneling/camping fest. its unreal tbh. they will wait more time to find a game than finish it and im all in for that because it may change the mind style of playing if u dont care about my fun i wont care about yours either, u want to win THAT HARD? win then, but it wont be fulfilling for you i can make sure of that.

  • Member Posts: 543

    Nobody wants to play crappy matches. If its a killer with a horrible build designed to make life miserable I'll just kill myself on hook and go next.

    If I get unhooked while trying to get to the next game I'll go let my dogs out and come back in 5 mins.

  • Member Posts: 1,009
    edited October 2022

    The fact so many people use to disconnect and now KOBE showcases the game isn't fun. It's addicting. But it's tilting and frustrating. The issue isn't the players, the issue is the game has rarely actually been fun. With the recent global Survivor nerfs and Killer buffs, one side is feeling the frustration more than the other currently.

    The fault lies at the feet of the devs though, but they won't likely do anything for a long while now cause they successfully beat out the asymmetrical competitors that came out this year.

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