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Survivors killing themselves on hook



  • Member Posts: 422

    How? Because they are saying if you want to quit the game you have to quit the game and accept the dc penalty that goes along with it. They aren't hindering the killers chances of winning so why should the killer kill them.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Definitely. Everyone else used offerings, etc with the expectation that the game would be played as normal. Someone who is selfish enough to ignore that deserves the bleedout.

  • Member Posts: 1,389

    tbf. If the whole game turns into a depipping simulator for one reason or the other I find new ways to entertain myself. Keeping a kobe-score has been my latest way to entertain myself: Two useful perks (usually coh & sb or lithe) and then slippery meat + up the ante. I'd say on average I kobe 6/10 matches that way - and on average on one occasion a teamie gets to me first.

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk, it makes for some funny situations. And if I die and depip anyway I might as well have some fun while I'm at it, y know.

  • Member Posts: 1,230

    They have literally a button to quit the match. They can use it.

  • Member Posts: 422

    Exactly because what is happening is the survivor is asking the killer if they can end the match for them so they don't receive the penalty. If they are going to quit the game they have to quit the game.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    You really don't seem to be understanding the point people are making.

    It is your objective in the game to kill the survivors as the role of killer. It's not a job. It's an activity that you do during your leisure time to derive enjoyment.

    In an actual job, I'd say, "Cool things are easier for me and I still get paid." In a job, your primary enjoyment is from the paycheck. In a video game, the primary enjoyment is from playing the game.

    Someone suiciding on hook unbalances the game to the point where it's basically impossible for the survivors to win and the killer to lose. If you win, then it's because the other team didn't even try. If you lose, wow you really suck and it feels terrible.

    It makes the next 15 minutes just become a chore rather than a leisure activity with some casual competition. It turns it into a job where you get nothing after you finish it.

  • Member Posts: 422

    I do want to state that this is not talking about mercy killing a survivor who has been playing the match. Like if a survivor walks up to me at 6 hooks 5 gens and is just like "get me out" I have no issue just killing them. Like they tried, they are getting stomped, they are not having fun, let them go. But this thread is about those survivors who just give up way early on.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    My stance. I'll go out of the way to make the slugged tool see the other survivors get their BP.

  • Member Posts: 405

    because your job is to kill them. not force them to have to dc. its pretty simple

  • Member Posts: 405

    and that kind of thinking is what makes the in game community what is currently is. its pitiful to see both sides act this way

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Hardly. Providing a brat the incentive not to be a brat is about the only positive impact a killer can have in an otherwise immediate 3 v 1.

  • Member Posts: 422

    What am I preventing them from doing? They are asking for a DC without the penalty.

    And my "job" is to kill the survivors (plural) before they escape. If someone is doing nothing to assist the others from escaping, I am wasting time (downing and hooking them) and resources (the hook they break) which could make additional survivors escape.

  • Member Posts: 422

    The killer is definitely going to notice if you've been on a single survivor for 1-2 minutes and no gens have been popped, if for no other reason than he stayed committed to a 2 minute long chase. Like I feel people are either understand the context that is being talked about or don't.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    The next match where someone else will do basically a legit disconnect? It's just such a constant problem and it pretty much always throws the game.

    Hell maybe even code to treat obvious hook suicides, i.e. 3 self unhook attempts then not hitting a single skill check, as a diconnect with the same penalties. Nobody that eager to get off hook by trying unhook attempts would then miss all the skill checks on struggle phase. Give them a 5 minute penalty and lock the other survivors from losing pips etc.

    Because effectively a player suiciding on hook is pretty much exactly the same as a DC. Just a bit more roundabout.

  • Member Posts: 422

    I would agree with this item with the stipulation that the other 3 survivors are still alive in the match. People will kill themselves on hook to give the other survivors a chance to find the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited October 2022

    "They aren't hindering the killer's chance of winning so why should the killer kill them."

    Wish killers would use this logic when they have 4 hooks and 1 person dead-on-hook at 5 gens, not just when someone wants out of the match

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Member Posts: 890
    edited October 2022

    I agree that it ruins the match, but as said by many time and time again, "why is their fun my responsibility"?

    Hook suiciders aren't breaking ToS. Maybe they want to try to escape? Maybe they're bad at skill checks? Who can ever really know without a shred of doubt? You can assume reasons, but you can't know. Thus, firmly treating it as a DC is unacceptable.

    Again, just playing devil's advocate here. I don't necessarily have any strong belief one way or the other.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Well I've always been of the mind that your fun isn't my responsibility so...

    I've played plenty long enough that I do TRY to make it fun for everyone but I do not expect it from my opponents and I believe they have every right to run what they want and tactically do what they want (so while I don't like tunneling/camping as a killer, I understand and am fine if others do that to me).

    I've always been a "return their energy back to them" player. If your intent is to ruin others games, you'll get it right back from me.

    I'm kind of writing this rushing out the door so hopefully what I'm trying to say is coming across...

  • Member Posts: 344

    When I've seen people suicide on hook at 5 gens it's almost always because the killer is camping them, which is freaking ridiculous because there are 5 gens still. Who wants to hang until they die when the killer won't leave to find someone else and won't commit to chase when someone does come to try and make a save. Dying by suicide or dying from being camped is no different in my eyes, especially if it's at the start since the outcome will be the same: 3 survivors vs a killer most likely with 5 gens left or maybe 4 if no saves were attempted and someone stayed on a gen. When this happens in my games, I get irritated, not at the survivor that was being camped (or usually tunneled if they were saved), but the killer. Dude has 5 gens left! Why the heck is the killer camping with 3 plus gens left? It's toxic and I totally get why someone would quit. Besides... who knows how many times that has happened to that survivor that day already. Probably quite a few if they got mad enough to suicide on hook or DC.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I have had so many experiences where someone saves someone suiciding and they sandbag the rest of us, turning a doomed match into something downright infuriating. I'm perfectly fine letting them go next and just doing the same when my time comes.

  • Member Posts: 422

    I 100% understand having a bad time with DBD and not wanting to play the game for a while and that does feel bad. But if that's the case the DC timer for quitting the game means nothing for you because it will definitely be over by the time you're in a better mindset, cooled off, etc. because if you are queuing up for survivor you have 3 other survivors you are agreeing to work with and the game is balanced at starting off a 4v1. Doing this in a mindset that you just quit because you're hating the match you're in or the game you're playing is disrespectful to them.

    If you want to quit the game that is fine and there is a system in place to try to ensure that the next time you play you will be wanting to play. But if you are asking the killer to kill you, you are asking to bypass that system. And I don't think saying "No you are unbalancing the game for the others playing" and requiring you to take the consequences of a DC is outside of reason. If nothing else it gives a cooling off period. And if you start playing that game again, doing gens again etc, the killer will most likely treat you like an opponent again and hook you if able.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Yes that's a good shout. Me and my swf mates will do that tactically. If first surv suicides it's always a pathetic ragequit before the game has progressed far enough to know who'll win.

  • Member Posts: 2,209
    edited October 2022

    In every team game that has ever existed, the selfish person who throws a tantrum and quits early is a brat. That remains true even here.

    It has nothing to do with who I am. We all learned these lessons as children.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 533

    You are ridiculously petty in that your hang up is that I’m using the phrase “job as killer,” rather than “objective as killer,” knowing full well what I mean. You remind me of one of those people that tries way too hard to come off as intelligent, but really you’re acting like a twit..I hope someone slugs you your next match. 🙂

  • Member Posts: 68

    what if the tantrum is just your perception, people have all manner of reasons for leaving. i often have flurries of luck in each direction in solo queue, so most of the time it will be several unwinnable games in a row leading to me DC'ing and closing, or maybe a suicide, if i happened to be hooked right away due to some level of misfortune (or misplay, as a result of my increasingly weary mindset). regardless, if i kept playing at that point, when i feel the game is already lost, then i would probably play absolutely terribly, which might really only make it harder for my team if i stay. 'this is not fun, i'm gonna play something else'.

    my point here is that the game is really already ruined, because that person's will to play on is shot, and with the current state of balance, i can see how peoples' willpower gets smashed quickly in solo queue. if this wasn't the case, suicides and DC's wouldn't be so common, but your method is so vindictive and really only compounds the problem. i don't know if killer queue times are long rn or not but if they are, well, this would only be one contributing factor of many.

    i appreciate this definitely, and you'd be right to assume that the DC penalty rarely affects me personally, but i'd still refer to my statements above, emphasising player morale vs efficacy as a team member, and the implications that holds for whether a match is already hopeless. further consider those situations where people suicide specifically because of their teammates; maybe a bit rash and impulsive, but seeing teammates that have already clearly given up (hiding in a distant corner running in a circle?) is fairly motivating to pull a hook suicide. i'm always hoping for a fair match-up, but i have often gone through several bad games with top tier killers - nurse>spirit>blight>wesker>nurse - then i start hoping for a trapper or something for an easier game, but then you know what you get, another wesker instead. you can't know what kind of match it will be ahead of time, and balance varies so wildly.

    i always feel pangs of guilt while arguing, i'm not here to upset people, but i feel most of these issues, at heart, are systemic to DbD and trying to blame and punish individual players, in many cases, will only push them out of the game entirely. i know it's hard to track the difference between an alt-f4 and a network interruption DC but surely if someone is hitting escape then quit, that should be easy to track, and when a player is doing this particularly frequently, that would form a better basis to work from when administering punishments. hook suicide is a bit more complicated and creates problems in itself for both sides, predominantly the survivors. while there is still the ability to do this, and it might be the only means for a player to 'escape' a bad match, players will continue to do it. focusing your ire on the player for doing it ignores that BHVR has left this as a binary choice for players, where you either struggle on, or give up.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    As survivor, I'll rescue regardless. In the vast majority of matches I've had, that guy would just go afk afterwards anyway, but it's BP for me and if they don't care about my trial I'm not going to worry about theirs.

    As killer I'll ignore them and treat the bird blasts as a distraction to even the playing field with the other 3. I won't kill that guy until the end and in most of my trials they ultimately dc. Again, if they want to ruin other people's games then they shouldn't expect people to move for them.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    Not really, if I end the game fast I'm just sitting in a lobby yet again.

    Leaving them slugged just wastes their time, I can still chill and play with the other 3.

    If I could actually have my choice if just ban the entitled children so they cant play. It's kinda pathetic giving up in games because you got out played once. Only game I can play where I regularly see my team give up instantly because of their own mistakes

  • Member Posts: 890
    edited October 2022

    You'd ban people who... aren't even breaking ToS and are using functioning game mechanics? So people are no longer allowed to try their luck at escaping hook, or heaven forbid they be bad at skill checks? I guess we could say goodbye to half of the casual noobs that play in your hypothetical world here.

    Good thing you don't have any say over how punishment is doled out in this game lol.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    You mean ban people that are entitled and are happy enough to ruin 4 other players games because it didnt go exactly how they wanted?


    And damn right it's a good thing, I dont support players ruining other fun because they wanted to throw a children's tantrum because they got outplayed or even up versing a killer or map they dont like.... like ffs people quit verse legion, kinda stupid.

  • Member Posts: 422

    So I do want to emphasize that this post is about early game suiciding on hook. and I know that early game is subjective but if you look at the scenario I initially proposed both sides survivor and killer don't think the surrender is justified, because the survivor is still saving the person on hook and the killer is refusing to hook them again. If either of them agree and is like "okay the game is over" you get out of the match no issue. But if both sides are saying "Dude you signed up to play this match with us and we just started. I mean if you want to quit quit but I am not going to take away the consequences of that for you", especially given that the consequences are a time out of when you can hop into another match and potentially just do this to another set of people, then I don't think they are being toxic or malicious. They aren't preventing you from playing the game or making moves or even quitting but are looking out for the community as a whole because both sides are in agreement that this behavior isnt what they want in the community. They are in agreement essentially of why the DC penalty exists and giving the player who's quitting the option of either playing the game they signed up for or quitting and accepting what the game developers decided the penalty for quitting is.

  • Member Posts: 405

    they arent asking for a dc penalty. they are trying to exit the match by means in which actually gives them a chance to not have a dc are contradicting yourself

  • Member Posts: 405

    I dont see how this conversation is healthy. Its clearly an omission on several in here basicaly forcing people to quit out of a match if they want to leave by attempting to leave naturally if it doesnt fit someones narrative. This is downright sickening behavior on some of the posts in this topic.

  • Member Posts: 405

    you dont know their circumstances. you are just assuming at this point

  • Member Posts: 422

    But thats exactly what I am saying.

    There is a penalty in place for quitting, the DC penalty. I am saying the penalty is for quitting because its not put there for the accidental DC to internet outage etc. Its there as a deterrent from quitting a match because it messes up the match for the other people.

    The player is asking to quit the game, but doesnt want the quit penalty but I am not required to accept this. They can play the game they signed up for or they can quit and accept the consequences of it but I do not need to grant them a pardon from those consequences.

  • Member Posts: 422

    They arent attempting to leave naturally. They aren't attempting to survive or have others survive, their goals as survivor. They are not doing primary or secondary objectives. They are attempting to quit.

  • Member Posts: 422

    So one of the reportable categories is "Unsportsmanlike". Which is defined as "purposefully losing the game, not participating in or disconnecting from the game early to avoid defeat." This is exactly what non-tactically (trying to give another survivor hatch) suiciding on hook is. Purposefully losing the game. This isnt about players actually trying to kobe, because of the struggle stage. And its not just that they missed two skill checks, they ignored two skill checks. Because missing skill checks by hitting early or late doesnt auto kill you. The player is intentionally trying to die out of the game.

    And my player retaliation of isn't breaking this rule at all. Survivors saving survivors is part of normal gameplay. And killers ignoring certain survivors to go for different ones also is part of normal gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 405
  • Member Posts: 405
    edited October 2022

    so you think you get to dictate what a survivor should or shouldnt do? thats not your decision. Thats the point.....did the survivor break any rules by deciding to let theirselves go on hook?

  • Member Posts: 422

    I am not trying to dictate what they should or shouldn't do. But as killer it is my decision to choose whether I chase, attack, or hook someone. 100% normal for me to ignore a survivor chasing me with a flashlight because they want to loop me because I know they arent doing gens. How is me ignoring the survivor pointing to the hook any different?

  • Member Posts: 405
  • Member Posts: 405

    and by the same token as a survivor it is their decision to continue struggling or not. its their decision to try and kobe. its only fair if it fits your agenda

  • Member Posts: 422

    Wait what? Please show me this because I believe if a survivor flashlight saves another survivor and I decide to retaliate by tunnelling them out of the game that is 100% in the normal playset.

  • Member Posts: 405

    was mostly talking about grieving other players by forcing them to stay in a match because they didnt play how you wanted them to play. one is part of the game...the other is just being a decide

  • Member Posts: 422

    I am confused I have no say in a full suicide. As killer I have no say in their struggle. As survivor I do have decisions I can make that I as the non hooked survivor get to make. I can unhook them. I can use reassurance. That is the unhookers decision. And again long as they arent trying to get you killed which with new basekit bt is pretty much impossible its all of this is normal gameplay. Attempting to lose is not.

  • Member Posts: 422

    I am not forcing them to stay in the match. I am just not taking them out.

    I guess as survivor I am keeping them in by saving them but thats literally one of the parts of the role and if survivors werent supposed to be able to make that decision for their teammates they would have a mechanic like they do for healing where you can prevent a heal or pick up by pressing shift..

  • Member Posts: 405
    edited October 2022

    you are though. youve had made it clear under those circumstances no matter if it benefits you or not you will not hook them. dont try and flip flop. you know as well as i do your intention is to quote on quote retaliate because they attemped to do something you didnt like. Thats the problem here. and to top this are no less petty than the ones you retaliate against. Do you not see this?

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