Why do people think an FOV slider for killers would be unfair?

Let's say for a moment that instead of a slider, we had Shadowborn basekit with the option to switch back to 87 FOV. That would functionally make Shadowborn basekit while still allowing people who don't like higher FOV to switch back.

The amount of people who think this would be an unfair change is extremely weird to me. Borrowed Time was widely regarded as one of the strongest meta perks in DBD's history. And yet when it was made basekit, most people accepted it as being necessary for the game's health, because it was a good change and we recognized it as such. I recently found this Reddit post from 8 months ago (pre-basekit BT change) offering to trade basekit BT for basekit Shadowborn. Survivors got one of their strongest perks for free, while killers would've been getting a basic quality-of-life/accessibility perk in exchange. Fast forward to now, and it's hard to feel like this post hasn't aged like fine milk.

Why, then, do people react so strongly when Shadowborn basekit gets brought up? It's fine for a meta perk to become basekit in the name of game health, but it's not fine for a meme perk that some don't even consider a perk in the first place? It makes no sense to me. In the 6 years this game has been out I have seen countless posts complaining that they can't play certain killers - or killer at all - without Shadowborn, and yet somehow people still think it would be a bad change. I don't get it.

I was fully on-board with the basekit BT change, and I would be even more on-board with basekit Kindred. But at some point you just have to think - with so many perks becoming basekit, why shouldn't we have Shadowborn base? At the risk of sounding like an entitled killer one-trick, it just feels unfair. Idk. I get that not everyone suffers from motion sickness, but it still feels bad to have to waste a perk slot to not feel nauseous.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just sad and feel kinda scorned that we've heard nothing from BHVR about the slightest possibility of adjustable FOV.



  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472
    edited October 2022

    I do get that to some extent, but let's think about it for a second - let's say an FOV slider would be a gameplay advantage worth thinking about. Wasn't that also true, more true, of BT? If that's the case, then wouldn't an FOV slider still be a good change, even if it technically would be a killer buff?

    That's kinda what I don't understand. Even if you think anything providing a gameplay advantage should be a perk, what about the perks like Brutal Strength and BT they've made base that have proven to be good changes?

    I can understand considering FOV a significant gameplay advantage to some extent, even if I personally disagree - I just don't see how it invalidates the genuine accessibility issues that are caused by it being locked to a perk slot.

    Out of curiosity, how do you see it?

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Wasn't having a better view a problem with stretched res?

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    The point is that your perspective is limited for a gameplay purpose. An FOV increase wouldn't just be a quality of life change or accessibility improvement, it would be an actual buff where you see things you wouldn't have otherwise. Like stretched res.

    I'm not against the inclusion, but I'd at least like some crouch speed out of it.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I've heard this before, and you might be surprised to learn it's actually both a buff and a nerf to stealth. Sure killers have more degrees to spot you with their peripherals, but having a higher FOV means your eyes have to process more information, which means you tend to focus on movement. Which means if a survivor is crouching without moving, you're less likely to see them with a higher FOV.

    And I think I've already acknowledged it is a buff; my point isn't that it's not one, but that it's a very worthwhile one for accessibility purposes. I wouldn't particularly mind a crouch speed buff if you believe that'd be necessary to counterbalance Shadowborn, but I am also of the opinion that DBD is more fun as an action-oriented chase game than a stealth game, so... your mileage may vary. I'd take that trade though.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I specified an FOV slider rather than an FOV buff because some people prefer a lower FOV. If they just added a toggle between 87 (current default) and 102 (current Shadowborn), I'd take that in a heartbeat. I usually play around 100 FOV in most games if possible.

    So yeah, I would crank it as high as I could go, but I still want there to be an option for people who prefer low FOV. ^_^

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I mean, sure, but isn't it healthy for the game to give feedback where feedback is needed? Maybe BHVR does intend the game to be played at 87 FOV, but does that automatically mean playing at 87 FOV is the best situation for everyone? As someone who suffers from motion sickness, I would love the option to increase my FOV so I can run 4 perks and not feel nauseous on some killers.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    It was on the survivor end because of the increased vertical FOV, which let you reveal Ghostface from behind cover, see killers over walls you wouldn't normally be able to, etc. I'm talking specifically an option to increase horizontal FOV as killer, which doesn't let you see around things you can't normally see around like it does for survivor. Unless you crank it to something ridiculous like 270 degrees, which I'm pretty sure DBD's engine wouldn't even allow. I'd be fine capping it at 105 or something.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The thing is, stealth should be a survivor strategie in this game. There are killers and perks that can handle stealth easily, but for others, its a good counter, and should be a thing.

    In basic design, stealth was inbuild in this game, but it got nerfed more and more because for a lot of players, the game just resolves around one aspect of the game, chases. However, not for all of us.

    So i am not really opposed to a basekit shadowborn, but noone ever answered me what they would offer in return to keep stealth play alive.

    Optical things like the fov, dark corners in maps and stuff are made to balance and give survivors options beside chasing. But people use brightness filters, so playing with a killers fov is one of the last things left to juke a killer in a chase.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I mean, yeah, but stealth still has its moments. Just barely maneuvering around a killer without getting spotted or losing him mid-chase is always a highlight for me.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,914

    Of course it's a buff, but it's one that I think should be included because of its QoL benefits. Most QoL changes are buffs anyway. It would be nothing like stretched res.

    I don't see why crouch speed would need to be increased as this change wouldn't really affect stealth that much. As someone who plays both with and without Shadowborn I've rarely ever seen a survivor hiding that I wouldn't have even without Shadowborn. Shadowborn helps in chases more than it does against stealth.

    Also please don't buff crouch speed. I don't want more Urban Evading Claudettes in my solo queue games :(

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    Stretched Res didn't actually help the killer at all. It only gave one killer a tiny advantage, Nurse could still see the survivors feet when she was staring at the ground during her fatigue.

    This is because of the difference between first and third person view.

    Shadowborn doesn't actually make it any harder to be stealthy as a survivor, you still need to break line of sight whatever you do, because killers can just turn around, and they can turn around quicker than you can move out of the way.

    In fact I don't think I've ever seen anyone run Shadowborn for a gameplay advantage. It's always for comfort, or quality of life. Does that warrant using up a perk slot?

    There is one scenario in which Shadowborn does help the killers in terms of stealth, and frankly it's one I think should be 'basekit' anyway. It's when survivors hide directly in front of you, crouching on your toes, and you can't see them.

    It's an absurd form of "stealth play" and should go the same way as Flashlight saves, via enabling a higher default FoV.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Looping was unintended so then it should be removed,along with 360s since the game was designed to be a hide and seek game and not a cat and mouse chase game.

    But that doesn't make since does it just because they planed the game to be one way doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't br changed.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    BT is a game health issue because it addresses a hard design flaw. Objectively it makes sense to go for someone with half the health, and far closer to death (hook states), so there needs to be a buffer to prevent abuse. If you are hard tunneled off of hook you typically don't have a chance to have fun playing the match, making the game bleed players as seen on the steam charts. Anecdotally, I have a friend new to the game and surprise surprise, the Killer turbo-tunnels him like the Killer is playing for money, and as a result he is losing interest in learning to play the game. Facecamping is another hard design flaw that has no basekit fix yet either, as you can more or less guarantee a minimum of a 2k facecamping when done 'right'. Also it is important to keep in mind, that before that patch, you could have 0-3 anti-tunnel mechanisms (3 if you count Dead Hard used for anti-tunnel), and now we have a minimum and maximum of 1. DS might as well be hard deleted, and you can only have 1 endurance effect per recovery. Since they moved all anti-tunnel effects into endurance, combined with being unable to stack endurance, we are left with a horrendous state of the game in the extremes of bad matches. It is only because those games are rarer for some, that I believe they haven't been addressed.

    Basekit Shadowborn is more of an accessibility vs inherent difficulty/designed aspect. If we design a game around vision, we can't expect blind people to participate at all, no matter how much we want it to be 'accessible'. Whilst most games are designed with sight in mind, DBD is also designed with a limited FOV in mind for Killer, in order to emulate the Predator/Prey relationship. The intended difficulty is tied to the limited FOV, and as such, it may be harder to determine which level should be accessible. As previously mentioned in the thread, we don't allow chase music to be turned down for Hard of Hearing players, and similarly we don't allow FOV for motion sickness players. Sound is something shared by both sides, so I would argue that should be higher on the 'accessibility' list.

    They added partial Brutal Strength and STBFL (and reverse Overcome) to raise kill rates. Game health could be argued here since 60% is the target kill rate. If the kill rate is too high, more Survivors won't play. If the kill rate is too low, more Killers won't play.

    Finally, the 'accessibility' fixes have largely been mixed to bad, and by that I mean usually 1 good thing with 2-5 bad things. They didn't want Spine Chill as a replacement for hearing, and then was buffed against Stealth Killers, who it wasn't supposed to nerf, and the change was intended to help instead. Flashlights didn't have an auditory and visual slowdown without also changing functionality, so they got nerfed out of being able to readjust a save. Readjusting a save arguably taking more skill than getting the save in the first place, since you need to both recognize when to release, and for how long. So in each case of these 'accessibility' changes, we are losing more than we stand to gain. I would argue the steps backwards are far more damaging than the 'fixes'. Note that I am not saying they shouldn't be worked on, just different execution. For Spine Chill, I would simply have it not work against undetectable Killers (or only work when you are within range of their sound cues, eg. Ghostie's cape flapping, or Myers' breathing). For Flashlights, I would have the visuals and sound of the current Flashlight, with the mechanical functionality of the old. That way it wouldn't mess with people who have the conditions affected, but still allows the same mechanics such as readjusting a save or changing direction during movement.

  • PPRG
    PPRG Member Posts: 43

    oh boy this is a long one.

    for one tunneling is not a design flaw its just a strategy used to get survivors out of the game faster its killrushing no different then genrushing its not fun to be on either end of each

    and lets be real no matter how many changes to tunneling or camping they make people probably wont 100% stop unless they guarantee lose because of it until then nobody is going to be satisfied

    another thing is that the fov has always been a big issue especially on console with console already being clunky enough as it is the 70 fov is just icing to the cake that is the disaster of console

    also when you mention hard of hearing players they literally redesigned spine chill for hard of hearing players the fact that they haven't made advanced sound control is just because its an outdated system that has yet to be addressed

    also if you use the "tier 1 brutal strength" or "2 extra tokens of stbfl" as an excuse for why killers dont need any basekit you should play killer and see how absolutely none of it helped at all unless you run brutal or stbfl on top of them which is situational.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    It is still intended as a hide and seek game. The devs literally referred to the game that way in the last major advertisement.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    You are conflating intentional versus unintentional game design.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    I've made multiple attempts at actually informing people about how FoV works, but they will always come up with whatever misconception they feel like suits their argument. Its not worth the effort to talk to anyone but the devs directly about, honestly.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Tunneling not a design flaw - I would say anything that anything that results in significantly less fun for most players in a game, that is designed for the players to have fun, is a design flaw (beyond the scope of a raw win/lose, it is the how that matters). Also Genrushing is largely copium, as when Killers tunnel Survivors, the remaining Survivors focus gens. The only legit genrushing I've seen is BTL/Streetwise/Stakeout/Hyperfocus/Commodius+both charge add-ons each solo-ing gens. Most Killers I've seen complaining about 'genrushing' see Prove Thyself on 1 person and say 'filthy genrushers', or something similarly false. PT slows you down on gens vs solo-ing, so it only can save you time with grouping to break up a 3-gen. I will say I dislike as Killer what I term as 'GenB4Fren', aka popping a gen before going for the rescue on hook. Most times if you have a ~60-80s first chase/hook, you will have 3 people doing that. Unfortunately the only way I can think to fix that is reverse gen efficiencies. Or more specifically the individual speeds on gens for 1 Surv is slower alone, 2 is same speed as now, and 3/4 is faster than now. This way when Survs solo, they are more gen efficient, but less match time efficient. Also if you see gens popping or run Discordance, you can interrupt them and get the reward of displacing more Survivors with 1 action, as action economy so to speak is Killer's weakest spot.

    Changes to camping/tunneling - Exactly, make it less rewarding, and more inefficient to camp and tunnel rather than play normally. Make it so you kill other people faster or get some other type of reward for spreading the pain, while also penalizing camping and tunneling. Alternatively or in concert you could add some form of Obi-Wan Force Ghost system, allowing early Kill victims to 'become more powerful than you can possibly imagine'. Overall nerf it so you can only ruin 1 person's day by facecamping, but no one else in that match. Even then maybe add a Pyramid Head styled feature to hooks as well, hiding the teleport from the facecamping Killer. That all being said that should only take effect when gens are the goal, I am fine with camping/tunneling when the gates are powered or even opened.

    Console/FOV - The only place that I find mentioning of FOV is on the wiki for Shadowborn, listing it at 87°. It doesn't say anything about different FOV for console. Also all you need to do is angle the camera slightly downward to not be spun (barring any console bugged differences that I am unaware of).

    HoH/Spine Chill - Yeah, they changed it in a negative way that I detailed how I would fix. Even then it is a 'perk tax' if you have a specific disability, so even 'fixed' it is nothing different from Shadowborn. Although to be fair, Shadowborn requires Prestiging Wraith, and Spine Chill is a general perk.

    Didn't help Killers - I am a BP main, which means prior to the BBQ nerf I was a nearly exclusive Killer main, only playing Surv with friends or for tomes/achievements. Even then, Survivor is only worth my time when playing alone with 100% incentive. Even if I saw it at 99% Surv I would queue up as Killer instead, because I can guarantee my own effectiveness, but not my Survivor allies'. Also I can ensure I can get all Killer BP caps (minus sacrifice) in the vast majority of matches in a reasonable amount of time. With Survivor I have to hope the Killer does a little bit of hit and run, no camping, I team up 0-100 on 2 gens, and jump through all these hoops to get a reasonable amount of BP. If I go against Plague, I am especially disincentivized to do anything other than end the match as quickly as possible, as an entire BP category (altruism) is basically unobtainable. The only thing more enjoyable is SWF where everyone brings BPS/Cakes/Flans, because then you can get a decent amount of BP barring a facecamping Bubba. If you honestly think that the buffs didn't help Killer, then I don't think you are playing the same game as I. In the theoretical hold-W against an M1 Killer it drops the time from 20s to 18s. That may not seem like much, but it adds up quite quickly when you also consider most Killers have a power to shorten this (barring misplays). I also have no problems with insta-down Killers like Ghostface and Bubba, who got comparatively less with only the pallet break speed helping Ghostie, and gen kicks helping both (although I don't even run gen kick perks usually). Also when Survivors accidentally run into a wall for a fraction of a second after you hit them, now you can really feel it, as they rarely have enough time to make it to the next pallet or window now. Even the most skilled of players do this from time to time. Honestly I think the most relevant factor of the game is the duration of the first chase and subsequent hook, and any change to reduce this snowballs massively. Overall I don't think Killer needed or needs basekit changes (unless facecamping and tunneling were to be fixed). I think the top and bottom 5 or so Killers needed changes to squeeze them closer to the middle. Also for both Killer and Survivor all the non-meta perks should be competitive for slots against meta perks.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    But I'm not because looping was and unintentional mechanic but players preferred the run and chase gameplay over hide and seek so the game was changed and then it became an intendedmechanic. The game itself was never intended to be played the way it is now. If anything the pov is a relic from a time when the game was intended for survivors to be more stealthy. Increasing the fov wouldn't completely destroy stealth either its not like the killer I'd magically going to be able to see over walls or behind stuff.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Looping was not intended, but they adapted later.

    FOV was intended. Fully. At the level it was. And they picked that number specifically. Shadowborn exists, as well as Monitor & Abuse, with that number in mind.

    The game is still hide and seek. Stop pretending its not because you have a different preferred playstyle.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    During the last wave of motion sickness discussions you guys convinced me and I now support your claim. Also, contrasting Shadowborn with Borrowed Time seems weird, as how weak Shadowborn is in comparison, even though this kinda comparisons shouldn't be made, but still, this shows that it should actually be a non-issue and Shadowborn should probably give another buff. Better nightvision would be thematic, but I guess survivors love being undetectable in the Garden of Joy main building, so this would be a hard sell. :P

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    I don’t really see a problem with people 360 the killer, not may people can do it ( i prob see it 2 times every 20 games and there’s a way to counter them if you are on controller, even if they manage to do it , u end up catching them anyway cause that don’t get much distance from it …360 is used in a situation where u have nowhere else to go and loop so, if the killer is letting survivors spinning more than 2 times it’s kinda the killers fault. Can we just stop complaining about everything in the game xD plus there’s no way to “nerf” 360 so u can try just to take a few steps back and u good to go, what is gonna te ? Like 3 more seconds? It’s not a big deal to me

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,345

    I'd prefer if it was simply a FOV increase because I've had my fill of default settings being just plain bad and inferior from playing a lot of TF2, where standard fov values (both general fov and how much of your screen your gun takes up) are set at very uh, outdated levels. Yes, you just have to open the options menu, but the amount of new players that never figure it out... But sure, do add a FOV slider but please make sure to advertise it, maybe even show it on first game launch with a picture you can see at different FOV levels so people are 100% aware that it's an option.

    For me it's all about being able to see more and how some actually feel physically uncomfortable playing with low fov though. 360s, fov tech and all of that are just some of the MANY "knowledge checks" in the game that come from everything from perks to base mechanics. Should stuff like performance and controls (especially on console) be improved? Of course, that's very important and would help a lot when it comes to dealing with stuff like that.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    But some of us still like to be more stealthy, and i think it should still be a thing. Again, i am not against accessibility, but where it the thing you give to stealth players to compensate?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    It would still be a thing. The extra 15 degrees (7.5 either side) from Shadowborn is not a game changer, otherwise killers would actually use it as such. As it stands Shadowborn is only used to alleviate motion sickness from playing with binoculars strapped to your eyeballs, or to prevent the niche scenario of a survivor 'hiding' on your toes, which shouldn't be a thing anyway.

    You know how we're always talking about giving solo survivor QoL info and then buffing killers in turn for bringing solo closer to SWF levels? This would be an ideal way of doing that. It wouldn't negate any survivor playstyles other than hiding on the killers toes, and would more or less just be a QoL enhancement for killers.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m not opposed to slightly increasing the base FOV for killer and leaving in Shadowborn for people who want even wider FOV than that and to have a slider than allows you to lower the FOV below those maximums. There does need to be a maximum FOV of some sort though or the game would be broken.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    yes it would negate, because a lot of times you have to rely on turning a corner and ducking down and the killer not seeing you at once. That is a thing, even if you claim it shouldn´t be a thing. Do you have any arguments why not?

    Also, any sources to back up the claim people only use shadowborn for mothin sickness and never for advantage? I mean we had people claim in this forum they only used streched res for astetics, not for advantage.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    Because it's simply not worth taking up a perk slot. I never see Shadowborn run personally at all, and I would never use it, because it doesn't give you any advantage. Evidenced by the fact that stretched res (which does the same for first person view as an increased FoV) didn't offer any advantage to the killer.

    Try working out if the killer has Shadowborn based on the angle of their red stain. You can't. It's negligible. But in terms of ease of playing, in terms of quality of life, it would make the game feel much better.

    Base is 87 degrees, Shadowborn is 102 degrees, basically 90 vs. 100 illustrated below. If you can evade the sight of a killer with 90 degrees FoV, you can evade that with 100 too.

    And yet the difference between 90 and 100 degrees is significant for first person gameplay and precisely why so many other games have a FoV slider.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited October 2022

    Technically stretched res did have advantages for killer, but only very specific cases and only due to its change to the vertical and not horizontal view. Nurses could use it to be able to see a bit better while fatigued due to it having more viewing potential at the top of the screen, same with any other camera locks that force the camera downward like billy's chainsaw. Nowhere near the same thing, but it was more than nothing.

    That said, don't bother with the arguments. People thinking that higher FoV means no stealth don't even understand how FoV works, its relation to human FoV (roughly 135 degrees when including peripheral,) the physiology of why FoV issues cause motion sickness, or even simple concepts like not every player uses the same display size/distance. They're ignorant at best, disingenuous at worst. You can explain it all day but if they disagree they'll be right back in the next topic spewing the same misinformation.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    I said exactly this about Nurse on the previous page.

    But I think it needs to be said, if not for those 'arguing' back about it, then for general awareness and to get the devs attention so they can see the support for it.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Glad we could convince you! The reason I contrasted Shadowborn with BT is just because we recently got BT basekit, which is a much bigger buff to survivors than basekit Shadowborn would be to killers. I was confused at the people who supported BT basekit but not Shadowborn basekit. It seems like a more than fair trade to me.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited October 2022

    And I agree that it absolutely needs to be said, just that the responses and ignorance are depressingly predictable, just like in pretty much every accessibility discussion, including previous versions of the exact same ones. Just a friendly warning basically.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472
  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    If you want an honest answer for what I would buff in exchange for stealth, I'd buff Fixated to something like 40% increased walk speed. That'd be a hefty buff against Spirit, who I know a lot of people hate playing against, and would make for some really interesting walk plays to break chase. I think we can agree that crouching in a corner of the map for 20 minutes is an unhealthy playstyle, so I'd love to see a couple buffs to the "break chase via stealth" playstyle.

    I don't necessarily agree with the idea that buffing one side should always come with "compensation" for the other, but I'd be fine with this change specifically. ^_^

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I'd take just a flat FOV increase, I just added the slider because I met one person the last time I talked about this who said they were more comfortable with a low FOV. No reason not to have the option, imo.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Would you be willing to explain some of that stuff, actually? Mostly the physiology part. As I understand it:

    1) Lower FOVs give your brain less information to process, which can "weird it out" so to speak.

    2) Lower FOVs force you to move your camera more (good example here), which would definitely contribute to motion sickness for more sensitive people.