Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why do people think an FOV slider for killers would be unfair?



  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    Everyone has slightly different technique and intensity though, which ruins your muscle memory. I've waited out 360s like people suggest, but then another match I do the same and it doesn't work. I've also spun my camera with them, ~360 degrees to hit them, and it's worked sometimes but not other times. Then you take into account the difference between console 360s and PC 360s, and some latency and no latency, and this sensitivity and that sensitivity. If we were to do things like make actual good auto aim or be a little bit more generous with the killer's attack hitbox, this wouldn't even be a problem. But y'all just keep hiding behind the same overdone arguments of "just learn this tech that doesn't work sometimes", "switch to PC", and "baby killer skill issue" to avoid solving the problem.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    A simple fact that is never taken into account when this discussion comes up.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    They do. They compare us asking for an 1st person fov increase to survivors cheating with stretched res.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    considering stretched res literally didnt do anything u couldn't do with the camera before i dont see the problem.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    no clue it'd make flashlights stronger since u can get better angles. i thought they'd be nuts for that.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I kept seeing this debated back and forth, I can't even remember which side was right, but the main reason for stretched res being dubious was how it messed with Ghostface's reveal system (since that has to do with the centre of your screen rather than the edges). I think it also increased vertical FOV on both survivor and killer a little bit, which was a much bigger issue on the survivor end because of the third-person camera; at least that's how I understand it.

    Either way, stretched res is kind of a moot point nowadays.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    That's what I'm saying! I'm more confused than anything else. Stealth doesn't suffer at all from increased FOV, but it's a direct buff to flashlights (which I'm sure many would agree could use a buff after last patch). It's a win-win for everyone.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Most people don't want win/win with this game, they only want win for them lose for their opponent. The game has been focused around advantage stacking for so long a lot of people probably don't even realize when they do it.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I wouldn't even say most people, tbh. I've noticed a lot less opposition to adjustable FOV recently, even though there are still some people against it for whatever reason. Most of the people in this thread are supportive of it, and most people in the community at large range from supportive to indifferent.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    I used to think everyone would just max out the slider. They probably will but it doesn't matter that much. If it did Shadowborn would be meta.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    It did do something. You could see killers over walls that you weren't supposed to. Literally killed Ghost Face as a killer. Did you miss all that?

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    sorry but how exactly a survivor that is able to 360 is even an entitled survivor? 3 second its not crucial for the gamplay, i get the point about time is everything but 3 seconds? again, i have no problems with survivor 360ing , most of them can't pull it off anyway. Idk man if a survivor is able to 360 me i think it s skilled, defo better of pre dropper , pallets campers and w key gamers, unskilled its me letting them spin me more than 1 time. theres no way to remove 360, its literally running in circle and spinning your camera, they have to remove running to remove it and makes no sense. i like a little bit of challenge when i chase, to me entitle is expecting to down a survivor in 10 seconds of a chase honestly

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    The people I called entitled are the ones who protested the new animations, and no one else. Yes, I'll fight over 3 seconds. That's like 2 years for killer. The difference between a gen getting done in your face or not. You say most can't pull off a 360, but as a rough estimate, once survivors think I'm on console, they immediately try to go for 360s in about half my matches or more. That's not something you instinctually do if it's as unreliable as people say it vs good killers. In matches where I'm playing Legion or another killer whose momentum is ruined by a single miss with their power, survivors attempt to 360, or do some kind of tricky movement, basically 100% of the time. There's no denying that in situations where survivors are running near pallet loops, which they should always be doing, 1 successful 360 allows them to get to that pallet, and if the killer has to break it, the entire chase resets, so how could those 3 seconds be insignificant?

    There is a way to virtually remove 360s. You give us the old "new" animations back, you make survivors' hitboxes or the killers' attacks a little bit more generous, and/or you take away auto-aim, aim dressing, and lunge rollbacks which take away the killers' rightful hits. And just throwing this out there, maybe survivors shouldn't be able to go from standing to a full speed sprint instantly. It's what makes shack's window reactable for survivors, it's what makes waiting around for the killer to chase them so safe, so on and so forth. But anyway, wanting to down a survivor in 10 seconds, while entitled in an ideal world, is not entitled in this game state. 10-second chases against efficient survivors is still barely an even playing field, because they're always on gens and doing each in like 72 seconds because of great skill checks, and that's at base with no toolboxes or anything, and that's not even taking into account time spent walking around the map to get into those chases. It's expected of killers to have chases that short, else all they get is "You should have pressured more."

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472
    edited November 2022

    Most people probably will max it out, yeah, but that just means most people like playing with a higher FOV. Good point about Shadowborn being meta.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I think the problem is less 360s and more just the "aim dressing" BHVR keeps insisting isn't a thing. I'm sure we'd agree 360s are a preferable alternative to being W keyed and predropped for 5 minutes, but I can imagine it's a little more annoying to deal with on console. I don't think 360s are the problem, I think bad auto aim/aim dressing is.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    "you give us the old "new" animations back, you make survivors' hitboxes or the killers' attacks a little bit more generous, and/or you take away auto-aim, aim dressing, and lunge rollbacks which take away the killers' rightful hits. And just throwing this out there, maybe survivors shouldn't be able to go from standing to a full speed sprint instantly."

    sorry but hitboxes in this game are already crappy, countless time i've had a down where i should not have had hit, and also the fact that having a bad connetion favours killers ( when i play survivors i 70 percent of killers are laggy as hell, vpn or whatever) making the hitboxes for suvivor and hits more generous its a little to much don't u think? even the second statment u made its not valid... wym they should not run full speed instantly ? so if i play let's say ghost face(one of my main), and i come around the corner while a survivor is doing a generator, they should not have a chace and i should have a guarantee hit on them cause they can't "sprint instantly"? sounds a little entitled to me, i'm not saying u are but the way u are talking makes me think that u want a guaranteed hit every time whitout any prossibility from surviors to do anything. and yes ideally u want to down a survivor as soon as possible, it would be amazing if all of them get down in a 10 secons chase, but thats not the case and the game is not called killer stomping generators repairer, its killers vs suvivors, and u have to put in mind that as u are not giving them an easy time while tryng to kill them, they are not gonna give u an easy time while they try to survive.

    In an ideal word "saying 10-second chases against efficient survivors is still barely an even playing field, because they're always on gens and doing each in like 72 seconds" its true, but u can stack multiple regression perks if u feel like gens are flying and lets not act like those are the teams we face every game because in this forum seems like killers go only against efficents swf 9 games out of ten while the reality is that most of the games are against solo q that are the opposite of an efficent team. I can literally have a suvivors with 2k hours and survivors with 120 hours in the same lobby and thats beacuse mmr is not well designed and based on escape and kills, wich is really bad way to define the skills of a player. i get killers is frustrating sometimes, i love playing stealthy m1 killers and sometimes i get stomped hard gens are flying but that s the game, sometime u win sometime u loose like very other game. ans much as there are entitled suvivors(and killers) Let s stop acting like every survivor is an entitled survivor because they try to do their best to escape , because they loop or whatever, ill never understand this mentality of us vs them and if u remove the idea of wanting to survive everytime of wanting to 4 or 3k every time, you game experience will be so much better overall

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I think you might not understand why the survivor hurtboxes are bad, its actually related to the same issue. They're a vertical cylinder that aligns with your point of contact with the ground (aka your feet) while almost all of survivors animations involve them leaning forward in some way. It's actually one in the same issue, since aim dressing involves "compensating" for movement direction while spinning in place prevents the hurtbox from moving in that direction. Its the same reason why you generally want to aim for someone's lower back if they're in an animation like healing another survivor, their torso has no collision.

    This is all kinda off topic tho.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    i know why hit boxes are this way, thats my point, in a game where hit boxes are kinda crappy cause of multiple factors(lantency,the other player connection with favour mostly killer hits ecc), making hitbox bigger will be unfair. how this is off topic, i'm replying to something the other guy said

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674
    edited November 2022

    The problem with 360s is that survivors are going over the intended spin rate. If a survivor holds down the shift key, and cycles through the W/A/S/D keys, that is the intended spin rate. But people are bypassing this, and that should be removed. Remember that Blight had a way to bypass his intended rush turn rate, and that got fixed. This is the same situation.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    Well if u read the previous replies and one of the topics of the OP we were talking about how the killers fov is making survivors able to 360 easily especially if the killer is on console, the rest is all stuff related to it.. it makes your reply kida off topic too, but I don’t think is much of a deal no?

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November 2022

    Because that was a part of their point about FoV, which you have been attempting to derail the conversation with multiple times in the topic. In fact, every single comment has been about criticizing complaints about 360s or ranting about hitboxes, and not a single point about FoV issues. Its hard to return to the original topic when you continuously force discussion on a tangent. Make your own topic about that if you want to ignore the main topic in favor of discussing it, this topic is supposed to be about an accessibility issue, not your personal take on one of the aspects that said issue can impact.

    Clarification edit: I'm not saying the person you were arguing with is any better, and equally shouldn't force a tangent in the topic. everyone should stick to the topic at hand.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Maybe you read the thread title again. This is not about accessibility issues, its about the reasons why people oppose possible changes. So bringing the focus to accessibility is actually the derailment.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    FoV slider is an accessibility option, and has been for decades. I understand you think its just a slider to delete "stealth" from the game, but please don't make dishonest posts like this when I'm trying to simply get the conversation back on track and away from things like collision detection complaints and entitlement on either side.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Wasn't the game also intended to be played solo originally? Now we have a solo/ sfw gap that makes the game much more difficult for a large chunk of the player base. Another issue that can easily be fixed with small changes, but it's never addressed.

    asking for Shadowborn base kit isn't crazy (as OP points out). It would be a small but healthy change. It would make killer role more accessible and less punishing to play. What do survivors lose with this? The ability to be invisible when they hug the killer? It's a positive change with a minor loss.

    And I agree with UE being base kit as well. We have so many mundane perks that should just be part of the game because they making playing more fun/ accessible. Shadowborn, Urban Evasion, Kindred, Buckle Up, Fire Up (Those come mind first).

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Some people just feel more comfortable with a lower FOV, so I wanted an FOV slider rather than just basekit Shadowborn to make sure they're happy as well. As for gameplay, a lower FOV means a smaller angle you can be flashlight blinded at (source: Shadowborn's page on the wiki). FOV has ups and downs in DBD, but it's mostly just a comfort thing.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I mean, in my eyes an FOV slider is entirely about accessibility issues. FOV may have a slight impact on gameplay, but my primary reason to ask for an FOV slider is for accessibility. It feels bad to have to waste a perk slot to play certain killers without wanting to throw up, that's all. ^_^

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    360 isnt really removed you can still moon walk and do an almost as good as the old spin

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I mean, I kinda understand that, but at the same time I don't think that's something that can physically be "fixed" in that sense. I've been playing Elden Ring a lot recently, and you can spin faster when rotating the camera in the opposite direction in that game, too.

    I don't really think 360s need to be fixed, but I'm a mouse and keyboard gamer. I can imagine the aim dressing might cause issues for console gamers, so if we want to fix 360s, I think we should just remove aim dressing, no?

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I didn't even consider 360s, tbh. I get spun sometimes if I'm not paying attention, but it happens with or without Shadowborn, so I've never really seen it as an FOV issue.

    That being said, if people are opposed to an FOV slider because it would weaken stuff like 360s and FOV techs, I think we collectively need to take a step back and ask what we should be prioritizing. These movement techs are cool and all and feel satisfying to pull off, but I feel like player health should be more important than that, no?

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Yeah, this too. If a killer gets spun nowadays it's usually on them, although I can see situations where console gamers especially would get screwed. Usually by aim dressing. More often than not, I see survivors try to spin, fail, and then waste their speed boost running in circles, haha. Unless you're about to go down it's usually a better option to just take the hit and run away.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November 2022

    In addition to personal sensitivities, it does also affect depth perception, which is why hunters in nature have more narrow FoVs while prey have wider viewing angles. Its focused view vs periphery, and why a hawk can see clearly much further in range while a deer can see less clearly depth wise but in a much wider angle. This of course also ties back to the previous sensitivities caused by their imbalance (and another example of why some would be better suited to lower numbers.)

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    BHVR could just make a spin rate limit, similar to how they gave Blight a rush turn rate limit. In fact, BHVR made two separate rush turn rate limits on Blight, so I'm sure they can figure out how to give survivors a spin rate limit.

    The problem with aim dressing is that it causes attacks to get verified twice. If the server verifies a hit, it should give the killer the hit, then it can yank the camera or do whatever else it wants to make the hit look nice. It shouldn't verify a hit, yank the camera, then verify again if the hit is still valid.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yes, but this topic is about the reasons why people are against it, not about the fov-slider as such. There is a difference, you know.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    Eh, it's just not really an issue to me. I'm more concerned with just FOV stuff.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    The spin rate limit is a big issue for me, because so many people made a big deal when Blight was able to bypass his intended rush turning speed, and so many people said unintended things should be fixed, and complained until it got fixed.

    What survivors are doing with 360s is extremely similar, where survivors can bypass their intended spin rate, and that should be fixed as well.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    It is a design flaw because the risk reward ratio is off. In most scenarios you want riskier moves to be more rewarding, and safer moves to be less rewarding. This design philosophy is seen with quite a good number of Killer powers. If you miss a Shred as Demo or a Dash as Wesker, you have a cooldown slowing you down and/or limiting your camera movement until completed. At the same time you can get an easier hit in circumstances that this can help accomplish. Risk up, reward up. Hard tunneling off of hook has no such risks involved, especially when you compare the maximum 2 health states of an unhooked survivor, shortened to 1 if you have the ability to count to 10 while using your ears (no crying = hit early to bust through OTR). Compare that to the rescuer, who likely will have less hook states, and more maximum health states (3 with an endurance effect). Low risk high reward, so it is clearly bad. To improve this, we should seek to make it more risky to tunnel, and/or more rewarding to go after the rescuer instead.

    The only circumstance where you want low risk to be more rewarding, is in single-player games when you turn the difficulty down. You feel good because you can defeat your opposition, but you aren't accomplishing as much in terms of skill. In a multiplayer game you should expect a normal risk-reward paradigm, and deviations from that, in general, are bad. If I do the equivalent thing in a multiplayer game to 'turn the difficulty down' I am acknowledging my failure to compete with my opposition, and/or engaging in a power trip. Same thing if you bring a BNP every match, pick Blight/Nurse every match, use syringes every match, etc.

    As detailed in the above response, bad risk-reward is bad design. QoL is nice, but not a substitute for proper design in the first place. Design flaws should be addressed before QoL, but when QoL is easy to implement without unseen consequences it should be done. For example UI navigation. The menu change imo was an excellent QoL feature, especially being able to select both sided tomes simultaneously. There are no such balance considerations in doing so. Also QoL need not be a strict buff to sided performance as seen with the menus. A simple QoL change for Killer would be a small Deerstalker effect. It has no effect on chase, and helps when foliage is just a bit too tall with lag potentially moving a downed Survivor to where you wouldn't be expecting them. While the time saved may be massive for later in the game (getting that SH:PR preventing a gen pop), it is accelerating the already earned process of picking up a downed Survivor in a positive way imo. Speeding up carry movement speed to faster than Survivor's movement would be an example of a bad QoL change, as it is currently designed with the idea that carrying a Survivor makes you slower than a Survivor. They both serve the same goal of getting a downed Survivor hooked sooner, but one can have less negative or unintended consequences than the other.

    I don't see where I contradicted myself, as all of it is logically consistent with a better experience overall for game health, although to be fair not personal health. One issue causes new factional players to hard quit and not spend money/continue to play the game, where the other factional issue is largely a strict buff under the guise of 'accessibility'. To be fair, I could be wrong on the second point here, as FOV based motion sickness is a personal issue that I am not being given studies or other fact based information to show me otherwise (is it 1 in 3, or 1 in 300k? is it unbearable to the point of uninstalling or a mild nuisance?).

    Just because you are so entrenched in the petty tribalism of Killer vs Survivor doesn't mean everyone else shares your flaw. I detailed numerous buffs and nerfs to both sides that I would like to be implemented here (and in 2-10 each independently as different posts).

    There is a google doc with all the sections, and this is one of those many subsections. I could update the formatting and organization, but I largely stand by most all of those changes even now. Some such nerfs to Survivor include slower solo gen speeds (except on only solo-able gens), basekit Call of Brine reveal for good co-op gen skill checks, and med-kit self-healing cut to 2/3rds. Some basekit Killer buffs include, but aren't limited to, lesser Grim Embrace basekit (that can proc twice now, both basekit and perk), Devour Hope styled speed boost but only for leaving hook, a small basekit Deerstalker, the smashing aspect of Shattered Hope becoming an optional basekit (as in you can choose to snuff or smash, on a totem by totem basis), and possible buffs for some of the weaker Killers and perks (that being both sides though). So don't lie and try to claim or otherwise infer I am a Survivor main, only wanting changes for one side. Try to take more of the information on its face, and have less preconceived notions going into threads assuming anyone who disagrees with you is a factional or tribal opponent. I try to explain the 'why' of everything, that is why my posts tend to be longer. I give people ample opportunity to detail why my 'whys' are wrong, and you have done none of that, leading me to believe you want to drown out a dissenting voice, instead of attack the merits of my reasoning.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    It's unfortunate that the killer FOV is originally set at 87 degrees. Most first-person shooters allow this to be changed, and many FPS players usually set theirs around 100-110. The human eyes combined are at a 170-180 FOV. I really think BHVR should increase at least to somewhere between 95-100. I play a lot of games on my Series X and when I do have the option to change the FOV, 100 degrees looks the best. It doesn't show too much, but not too little. I still can't see anything directly in front of me, especially if it's below my scope of view. But I still can see a bit better and don't feel boxed in. DBD killer FOV seems boxed in, especially since the survivors are 3rd person and can see around corners without revealing themselves, which is fine. But I think the killer should have a bit more FOV.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    This game was 4v1 at launch. I have no idea what you are talking about.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,079
    edited November 2022

    So basically people haven’t setup their monitor to be farther away with a backlight to prevent eye strain?

    Damn I wish they’d add controller support to PC already. So much nicer being able to lean back in a chair than sitting eyes glued to a monitor. (Unless I’m forgetting that’s already a thing and people aren’t using a controller to help alleviate motion sickness by moving back a bit)

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    That's kind of what I'm trying to say. It may be that I'm just a baby killer who gets 360'd, even with thousands of hours in game. But we don't know that for sure, because it gets skewed by the existence of console auto-aim.

    Yes, I am asking for a guaranteed hit... in situations where that's what the result should be. If a survivor is in my lunge range, no pallet or nothing, and I lunge, why should I not be able to hit them? Survivors should just be able to 360 or fov "mindgame" to get free time and distance on top of avoiding what should have been an easy hit. I think the fact that you pay special attention to, and keep a record of, times where you've maybe gotten a generous hit as killer shows that your thinking is survivor-centric. Mine is killer-centric, hence me being able to count the amount of generous hits I've been given in the last year on 1 hand. I don't think bad connection favors killers, because it seems to lead to more situations where your weapon is 90% done with its swing through the pallet, but the survivor still drops it in time and takes away your hit. Same with Dead Hard where they're somehow always perfectly timed.

    Gen regression has never been more overrated. It's a setback and a delay, but it in no way guarantees that the gens won't be all done, and when they're all done the survivors have pretty much won, especially since they're confident enough these days to always bring Adrenaline AND/or Hope. Even with pre-nerf Pop, gens were easily getting done every time, because perks like that only give you regression if you're downing like all the time. If not, which is very likely at high MMR, you get nothing, which is why my meta build before 6.1.0 was Corrupt/Deadlock/No Way Out, because they're the only slowdown killer's got that isn't dependent on survivors going down all the time.

    I do believe that I go against really efficient survivors or SWF 9/10 games, or at least 8/10. It's more noticeable now that I'm getting multiple people with scores of prestige levels in my lobbies. In just 2 nights during the last week, I've had 2 matches with prestige 100 survivors, and other matches with prestige 40+ and prestige 70+, and sometimes all of those types of survivors in the same lobby. My survivors are no joke, but everyone else seems to think it is. I will never have time to just mess around with stealth killers to get jumpscares like y'all do. I'm too focused on winning, or at least keeping up with the madness of the match at hand. I would need to be low MMR to be chill, and I do agree that MMR is screwed up because I'll face the sweatiest team ever and then complete babies, just randomly. I don't blame the survivors ever, unless they're being toxic. I get mad at the game balance for allowing them to have such an easy time for doing so little. Don't want to get hit? Just spin the joystick. If only my problems in a match of killer were as easily solved. No, you get to settle for a 1k, because those few key downs were denied because of 100% safe loops and then aim dressing when you finally did catch up to them.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited November 2022

    Thats not quite it. Its not a matter of eye strain as it is the FoV that you are seeing covering a conflicting amount of your view between your focused view and your peripheral view. I posted a video earlier in this thread that outlines it pretty well in under 10 minutes, but essentially your body needs to be able to properly tell that you are not in motion despite seeing a view that is. The FoV that you are seeing in game should be adequately relative to how it would look in your normal cone of vision, which is why it varies depending on view size/distance as well as representative FoV ingame.

    Fortunately, you can use a controller on PC as it is, so feel free! I use pad on survivor myself and have for years. That doesn't mean its suddenly a fix for the issue for anyone, though.

    Pretty much none of that has to do with FoV. Even the aim dressing issue is still a separate topic in itself to an FoV slider.

    Post edited by Ryuhi on
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    The killer’s FoV is a problem because of aim dressing and 360s. Killers often have to yank their camera during a lunge because of 360s, which makes it easier for aim dressing to also yank the killer’s camera because of 360s. If 360s need to stay in the game so that survivors don’t have “feels bad movement”, then aim dressing needs to happen after the game gives the killer a hit (instead of before), and killers need to have enough FoV that survivors aren’t teleporting out of the FoV when they 360.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    Field of view is literally one of the designs of the game. Survivors have more field of view than killers on purpose. This doesn't mean that can't change, but we're talking fundamental balance changes at that level. Would killers give up movement speed to balance it back out?

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    You're asking people to take a penalty in order to actually be able to play the game without getting sick. They're already at a penalty of sacrificing a perk slot to potentially get less sick while playing. A big issue people never seem to understand in accessibility discussions is that they are already at an advantage vs people affected by the issue, the field is being normalized, not stacked against you.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 442

    I refuse to believe you just compared 360s to j-flicks 💀. Average forum poster

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Original Shadowborn

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    Lack of survivor communication is literally one of the designs of the game. But that doesn’t stop survivors from demanding more communication options, because they want the same game advantages that voice communications give.