Salty killers finally killed the game

No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
edited December 2018 in General Discussions

Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

EDIT: I will now add after looking at comments that i probably should have mentioned in my original post, people crying survivor op, because they lost a few games to SWF are to simple minded and short sited. The problem isn't that survivor are broken, but that SWF was very unbalanced. Instead we've seen lots of nerfs to solo survivors and SWF is still a problem. It's the same with how all killers have been buffed in some patches, when in reality it was only the lower tier killers that couldn't secure a good amount of kills. Honestly it's been shown by the devs that average kills per match are 2.5, and this just proves that survivor aren't op. The games asymmetrical , meaning both sides should have the same chance of 'winning'. Go ahead... call survivor mains entitled some more, but last time i checked there's just as many entitled killers, who are god awful at the game, but think they deserve a 4k

Post edited by No_Cluie_Louis on


  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @alivebydeadight said:
    If you play console, you wait a year and the match takes an actual year to load

    Surprised there are any console players. I'm a pc player with 1000+ hours and i actually uninstalled i was so fed up

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @alivebydeadight said:
    If you play console, you wait a year and the match takes an actual year to load

    Surprised there are any console players. I'm a pc player with 1000+ hours and i actually uninstalled i was so fed up

    They will fix it dont worry, console players are common but the game has slow loading speed

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @YamiTheFurry said:
    Hm, well I find games quickly at Rank 1 so... No problems there, and the killer buffs and surviors nerfs are definitely needed unless you have been living under a rock this game is unbalanced even with the buffs/nerfs its still unbalanced against good surviors. Gens get done insanely fast, ruin is gone in seconds, looping still works on most killers. It is abit better than before but unless you're just a random survior main try playing killer at high rank.

    But that's the exact problem, it needs to be unbalanced in order to get the right survivor : killer main ratio, it's just no one seems to realise that. Also now idea how your getting fast ques, unless you mean 9 mins instead of 10-20

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446

    @azazer said:
    You don't think that it could be because an above average amount of players want to try the new killer do you? Kick rocks, queues will stabilize in a week

    It's been like those for months, you talk about kicking rocks, but have you been living under one?

    No problems to report on ps4. The only time I have trouble filling a lobby is recently directly after the release of the killer. If it was an issue before that, it wasn't bad enough to think there was a problem. 
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    As far as I am aware this has been an issue for some time now, at least the long wait times. Also very ironic you say the game should be unfair for killers when there are in fact four survivors that run, probably not op perks, but perks that piss off killers. Sure certain changes may not be unfair for solo survivors, but that is the fault of the SWFs. Besides the recent crashes, I had actually found more games faster. Maybe it is a PS4 thing but this is my take on it. Dunno your story, but don't blame 'salty killers'. Both sides are at fault and are possibly driving the Devs crazy.

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @SmokePotion said:
    wait, you think the survivors should out power the killer.....

    That is all i'm going to say.

    When did i say that, please show me. All i said was that when the game was a bit unbalanced, it worked, as there were more survivor mains (as there should be to satisfy the ratio on teams) and only the killers who could handle the higher skill players or put up with the pain of losing would play. I was a killer main, and i wish it would go back to how it was, i still usually 4k'd, but i waited a minute for a game not 20

  • YamiTheFurry
    YamiTheFurry Member Posts: 229

    @YamiTheFurry said:
    Hm, well I find games quickly at Rank 1 so... No problems there, and the killer buffs and surviors nerfs are definitely needed unless you have been living under a rock this game is unbalanced even with the buffs/nerfs its still unbalanced against good surviors. Gens get done insanely fast, ruin is gone in seconds, looping still works on most killers. It is abit better than before but unless you're just a random survior main try playing killer at high rank.

    But that's the exact problem, it needs to be unbalanced in order to get the right survivor : killer main ratio, it's just no one seems to realise that. Also now idea how your getting fast ques, unless you mean 9 mins instead of 10-20

    it definitely doesn't need to be unbalanced, its been like that for awhile. Its an aysmmetrical horror game. Meaning the power goes to ONE person and the other WEAKER characters band together to stand a chance. And its exactly like I said It doesn't take long at all to find a game maybe 1-3 mins usual.
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Shad03 said:
    As far as I am aware this has been an issue for some time now, at least the long wait times. Also very ironic you say the game should be unfair for killers when there are in fact four survivors that run, probably not op perks, but perks that piss off killers. Sure certain changes may not be unfair for solo survivors, but that is the fault of the SWFs. Besides the recent crashes, I had actually found more games faster. Maybe it is a PS4 thing but this is my take on it. Dunno your story, but don't blame 'salty killers'. Both sides are at fault and are possibly driving the Devs crazy.

    I dont understand what your saying. My point is that the game needed to be unbalanced due to the number of survivors to killers in a game, but you're talking about perks

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @No_Cluie_Louis We just need to introduce more people to the game that's all. It's nearly Christmas time, don't hesitate to bring any gamer friends you know into Dead by Daylight.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @AntiJelly said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

    I'm sorry but have you read any other posts on these forums. I don't even play survivor hence my salt, but i know that many survivors stopped playing because it was too hard, especially for the new ones. Meanwhile SWF still escape every game because they nerfed solo survivors not SWF

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I am on the PS4 and I never have a wait time longer than 4 minutes. Usual wait time as a killer is maybe 2 minutes, if not a little less. Maybe the issue is with the entitled PC players, but I seen no issue as a lowly PS4 player.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Peasant said:
    @No_Cluie_Louis We just need to introduce more people to the game that's all. It's nearly Christmas time, don't hesitate to bring any gamer friends you know into Dead by Daylight.

    Already have, they all played survivor first, and all didn't like it as it was too hard for them. Please explain why the nerfed solo players rather than SWF which were the actual problem

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @AntiJelly said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

    I'm sorry but have you read any other posts on these forums. I don't even play survivor hence my salt, but i know that many survivors stopped playing because it was too hard, especially for the new ones. Meanwhile SWF still escape every game because they nerfed solo survivors not SWF

    That does not prove anything. Just a few "vocal minority" survivor posts has nothing to do with playerbase. Like I said, unless you have solid proof, you are just grabbing at nonexistent straws.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @AntiJelly said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

    I'm sorry but have you read any other posts on these forums. I don't even play survivor hence my salt, but i know that many survivors stopped playing because it was too hard, especially for the new ones. Meanwhile SWF still escape every game because they nerfed solo survivors not SWF

    While some survivors have left, yes, many have stayed. What rank are you playing at? This sort of thing can affect your wait time after all.

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155
    edited December 2018

    @Peasant said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @AntiJelly said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

    I'm sorry but have you read any other posts on these forums. I don't even play survivor hence my salt, but i know that many survivors stopped playing because it was too hard, especially for the new ones. Meanwhile SWF still escape every game because they nerfed solo survivors not SWF

    While some survivors have left, yes, many have stayed. What rank are you playing at? This sort of thing can affect your wait time after all.

    I play at rank one on xbox. Survivor queue is instant and Killer queue takes 15+ minutes.
    EDIT: I play rank one killer and rank 9 killer (As of today)

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Peasant said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @AntiJelly said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

    I'm sorry but have you read any other posts on these forums. I don't even play survivor hence my salt, but i know that many survivors stopped playing because it was too hard, especially for the new ones. Meanwhile SWF still escape every game because they nerfed solo survivors not SWF

    While some survivors have left, yes, many have stayed. What rank are you playing at? This sort of thing can affect your wait time after all.

    I was rank 1. It was slow, so slow i stopped playing the game. I then returned next rank reset at around rank 8, the ques were slow so i stopped playing. Same thing happened this rank reset, so i uninstalled

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @AntiJelly said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @AntiJelly said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

    I'm sorry but have you read any other posts on these forums. I don't even play survivor hence my salt, but i know that many survivors stopped playing because it was too hard, especially for the new ones. Meanwhile SWF still escape every game because they nerfed solo survivors not SWF

    That does not prove anything. Just a few "vocal minority" survivor posts has nothing to do with playerbase. Like I said, unless you have solid proof, you are just grabbing at nonexistent straws.

    Well i can say the same for killers who cried survivors OP with no evidence. That was until a month ago when they showed that actually, killers kill 2.5 survivors per game on average, which is more that half, even though the game is supposed to be asymmetrical. There's your facts that your so obsessed with

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @lasombra1979 said:
    I am on the PS4 and I never have a wait time longer than 4 minutes. Usual wait time as a killer is maybe 2 minutes, if not a little less. Maybe the issue is with the entitled PC players, but I seen no issue as a lowly PS4 player.

    I was mainly talking about PC, as Ochidos moving to console itself shows, killers are way worse on console just cuz the controls r clunky, the divide is still pretty good

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Shad03 said:
    As far as I am aware this has been an issue for some time now, at least the long wait times. Also very ironic you say the game should be unfair for killers when there are in fact four survivors that run, probably not op perks, but perks that piss off killers. Sure certain changes may not be unfair for solo survivors, but that is the fault of the SWFs. Besides the recent crashes, I had actually found more games faster. Maybe it is a PS4 thing but this is my take on it. Dunno your story, but don't blame 'salty killers'. Both sides are at fault and are possibly driving the Devs crazy.

    I dont understand what your saying. My point is that the game needed to be unbalanced due to the number of survivors to killers in a game, but you're talking about perks

    The core of this game is very reliant on perks. Maybe I misunderstood you, but you DID say 'but the game should be unfair for killers'. And it already is pretty unfair for killers when they suffer the perk Decisive Strike, on four people (and rarely, but happened to me, Saboteur when I'm trying to hook people). That's not to mention the absolute dead horse of pallet looping. Look the point is killers already have a lot of stuff to deal with, and you saying they killed the game is incorrect.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Peasant said:
    @No_Cluie_Louis We just need to introduce more people to the game that's all. It's nearly Christmas time, don't hesitate to bring any gamer friends you know into Dead by Daylight.

    Already have, they all played survivor first, and all didn't like it as it was too hard for them. Please explain why the nerfed solo players rather than SWF which were the actual problem

    The problem is not locked to a specific side. The problem is locked in rank. People who have no business being in the low ranks deliberately lose rank so that they can bully and harass new/inexperienced players. Also, how exactly are survivors weak? They just received several buffs. The most notable of these buffs being:

    • Borrowed Time now has an additional health state.
    • Lockers now block auras, for example, BBQ and Chili Auras.

    If anything, folks would be lining up to play survivor because it has been overall made easier.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Shad03 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Shad03 said:
    As far as I am aware this has been an issue for some time now, at least the long wait times. Also very ironic you say the game should be unfair for killers when there are in fact four survivors that run, probably not op perks, but perks that piss off killers. Sure certain changes may not be unfair for solo survivors, but that is the fault of the SWFs. Besides the recent crashes, I had actually found more games faster. Maybe it is a PS4 thing but this is my take on it. Dunno your story, but don't blame 'salty killers'. Both sides are at fault and are possibly driving the Devs crazy.

    I dont understand what your saying. My point is that the game needed to be unbalanced due to the number of survivors to killers in a game, but you're talking about perks

    The core of this game is very reliant on perks. Maybe I misunderstood you, but you DID say 'but the game should be unfair for killers'. And it already is pretty unfair for killers when they suffer the perk Decisive Strike, on four people (and rarely, but happened to me, Saboteur when I'm trying to hook people). That's not to mention the absolute dead horse of pallet looping. Look the point is killers already have a lot of stuff to deal with, and you saying they killed the game is incorrect.

    But thats my exact point. I probably should have been clearer in my original post, but when buff killers in general and nerf survivors in general, when they should have only buffed weaker killers and weaker perks, and nerfed strong survivor perks and SWF

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Peasant said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Peasant said:
    @No_Cluie_Louis We just need to introduce more people to the game that's all. It's nearly Christmas time, don't hesitate to bring any gamer friends you know into Dead by Daylight.

    Already have, they all played survivor first, and all didn't like it as it was too hard for them. Please explain why the nerfed solo players rather than SWF which were the actual problem

    The problem is not locked to a specific side. The problem is locked in rank. People who have no business being in the low ranks deliberately lose rank so that they can bully and harass new/inexperienced players. Also, how exactly are survivors weak? They just received several buffs. The most notable of these buffs being:

    • Borrowed Time now has an additional health state.
    • Lockers now block auras, for example, BBQ and Chili Auras.

    If anything, folks would be lining up to play survivor because it has been overall made easier.

    Ik, and i was so happy for these changes, but the past few months have been awful and it still isn't much better. Why do they keep buffing all survivors or nerfing all survivors and the same for killers, rather than nerfing only SWF, or only a certain perk

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @lasombra1979 said:
    I am on the PS4 and I never have a wait time longer than 4 minutes. Usual wait time as a killer is maybe 2 minutes, if not a little less. Maybe the issue is with the entitled PC players, but I seen no issue as a lowly PS4 player.

    I was mainly talking about PC, as Ochidos moving to console itself shows, killers are way worse on console just cuz the controls r clunky, the divide is still pretty good

    Ochido moving to console had nothing to with consoles, it was about him being banned to death on PC (deservedly so).

    Honestly, there appears to be a pretty health balance of killer vs survivor, at least on PS4. Yes the controls are a bit clunky for killer, but it does not seem to hurt the population.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Shad03 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Shad03 said:
    As far as I am aware this has been an issue for some time now, at least the long wait times. Also very ironic you say the game should be unfair for killers when there are in fact four survivors that run, probably not op perks, but perks that piss off killers. Sure certain changes may not be unfair for solo survivors, but that is the fault of the SWFs. Besides the recent crashes, I had actually found more games faster. Maybe it is a PS4 thing but this is my take on it. Dunno your story, but don't blame 'salty killers'. Both sides are at fault and are possibly driving the Devs crazy.

    I dont understand what your saying. My point is that the game needed to be unbalanced due to the number of survivors to killers in a game, but you're talking about perks

    The core of this game is very reliant on perks. Maybe I misunderstood you, but you DID say 'but the game should be unfair for killers'. And it already is pretty unfair for killers when they suffer the perk Decisive Strike, on four people (and rarely, but happened to me, Saboteur when I'm trying to hook people). That's not to mention the absolute dead horse of pallet looping. Look the point is killers already have a lot of stuff to deal with, and you saying they killed the game is incorrect.

    But thats my exact point. I probably should have been clearer in my original post, but when buff killers in general and nerf survivors in general, when they should have only buffed weaker killers and weaker perks, and nerfed strong survivor perks and SWF

    On that we both can agree on. And for that I have nothing more to say since it seems we both agree on that, at least. Thank you for the clarification of what you had meant.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @AntiJelly said:

    @Peasant said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @AntiJelly said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

    I'm sorry but have you read any other posts on these forums. I don't even play survivor hence my salt, but i know that many survivors stopped playing because it was too hard, especially for the new ones. Meanwhile SWF still escape every game because they nerfed solo survivors not SWF

    While some survivors have left, yes, many have stayed. What rank are you playing at? This sort of thing can affect your wait time after all.

    I play at rank one on xbox. Survivor queue is instant and Killer queue takes 15+ minutes.
    EDIT: I play rank one killer and rank 9 killer (As of today)

    So you have the same issues as me

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Shad03 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Shad03 said:
    As far as I am aware this has been an issue for some time now, at least the long wait times. Also very ironic you say the game should be unfair for killers when there are in fact four survivors that run, probably not op perks, but perks that piss off killers. Sure certain changes may not be unfair for solo survivors, but that is the fault of the SWFs. Besides the recent crashes, I had actually found more games faster. Maybe it is a PS4 thing but this is my take on it. Dunno your story, but don't blame 'salty killers'. Both sides are at fault and are possibly driving the Devs crazy.

    I dont understand what your saying. My point is that the game needed to be unbalanced due to the number of survivors to killers in a game, but you're talking about perks

    The core of this game is very reliant on perks. Maybe I misunderstood you, but you DID say 'but the game should be unfair for killers'. And it already is pretty unfair for killers when they suffer the perk Decisive Strike, on four people (and rarely, but happened to me, Saboteur when I'm trying to hook people). That's not to mention the absolute dead horse of pallet looping. Look the point is killers already have a lot of stuff to deal with, and you saying they killed the game is incorrect.

    But thats my exact point. I probably should have been clearer in my original post, but when buff killers in general and nerf survivors in general, when they should have only buffed weaker killers and weaker perks, and nerfed strong survivor perks and SWF

    How interesting, you claimed that killers demanding too many survivor nerfs is what has "killed the game". Now you say that they should have buffed killers and nerfed survivors. Odd.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @The_Crusader said:
    No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @AntiJelly said:

     @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    Oh? So where's all of your proof for this? Where's all of the data you have of amount of players playing killer vs survivor huh? Or did you just make this up?

    I'm sorry but have you read any other posts on these forums. I don't even play survivor hence my salt, but i know that many survivors stopped playing because it was too hard, especially for the new ones. Meanwhile SWF still escape every game because they nerfed solo survivors not SWF

    No survivors stopped playing because killers kept camping. It was dull.

    Also after rank reset you get teamed with potatoes and nobody can be bothered with that.

    Ye well the camping is a whole separate issue, but when ever i speak about that on the forums people tell me to kill my self

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Only wait time I see on either side is when 1 solo is needed to fill the roster. Lobby fills fast with swf but takes awhile to find a solo. Don't know where your getting all this killer buff nonsense, but survivor plays about the same as always.
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Peasant said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Shad03 said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Shad03 said:
    As far as I am aware this has been an issue for some time now, at least the long wait times. Also very ironic you say the game should be unfair for killers when there are in fact four survivors that run, probably not op perks, but perks that piss off killers. Sure certain changes may not be unfair for solo survivors, but that is the fault of the SWFs. Besides the recent crashes, I had actually found more games faster. Maybe it is a PS4 thing but this is my take on it. Dunno your story, but don't blame 'salty killers'. Both sides are at fault and are possibly driving the Devs crazy.

    I dont understand what your saying. My point is that the game needed to be unbalanced due to the number of survivors to killers in a game, but you're talking about perks

    The core of this game is very reliant on perks. Maybe I misunderstood you, but you DID say 'but the game should be unfair for killers'. And it already is pretty unfair for killers when they suffer the perk Decisive Strike, on four people (and rarely, but happened to me, Saboteur when I'm trying to hook people). That's not to mention the absolute dead horse of pallet looping. Look the point is killers already have a lot of stuff to deal with, and you saying they killed the game is incorrect.

    But thats my exact point. I probably should have been clearer in my original post, but when buff killers in general and nerf survivors in general, when they should have only buffed weaker killers and weaker perks, and nerfed strong survivor perks and SWF

    How interesting, you claimed that killers demanding too many survivor nerfs is what has "killed the game". Now you say that they should have buffed killers and nerfed survivors. Odd.

    That's not what i meant at all. I meant some aspects of both sides were too inbalanced, and should have been changed, instead they change everyones experiences with things like the pallet changes

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    There has been a drop of 4K on average for players. I'd honestly blame RDR2 and Smash Bros over buffs and nerfs possibly Fortnite and Black Ops as well.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    wait, you think the survivors should out power the killer.....

    That is all i'm going to say.

    Well he did name himself no clue Louis for a reason. LUL 
  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    lmao. all the killers defending their power role and preaching their tired nonsense of the game being survivor sided. it might be SWF sided, but it is not survivor sided as a whole. 

    I've tried, honestly tried to continue playing survivor, because I enjoy the chase, the tense uncertainty that surrounds each round... but as time has gone on, I'm one of those that has completely quit survivor. 

    -pallets haven't been reliably dropping when I need them to, instead I have to hit the button 5-6 times sometimes and by then I'm either hit or down.

    - less bloodpoints

    - campers

    - lag favors the killer

    - hit boxes are pretty generous for the killer

    - Survivor DC favors killer (but they are the only ones who get a disconnect bonus) 

    - coop action hasn't been counted so I can't even complete that daily for more bp. 

    meanwhile when I play killer, I ONLY have stress when I'm going up against a sweaty SWF team and even then I manage 2-4k and I at least made them work for it. 

    if it's just your average team, I take my time and have fun with it... I don't even have to kill anyone to get 20k bp. yea... survivors just have it all...
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    @alivebydeadight said:
    If you play console, you wait a year and the match takes an actual year to load

    Surprised there are any console players. I'm a pc player with 1000+ hours and i actually uninstalled i was so fed up

    Then why are you still here?
  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677
    edited December 2018

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    the game should be unfair for killers.

    No, that is completely wrong and would be very imbalanced and onesided - the game should be as fair as possible for both sides.

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like.

    I don't think you can say it was only killers who did that, I'm quite sure survivor/victim players were just as guilty of it.

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    I'm quite sure it was the devs that got us here - stop pointing blaming players, because either side were both doing it and both were actually right. Both sides were both right, something for either side were detrimental and quite possibly at a fundamental level.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game?

    Nope. Been playing Killer exclusively for a while now.
    At most, it increased by about 30 seconds.
    I'm a happy man. :)

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    Doesn't seem any longer than normal. Plus a new killer is out so. To be expected. Give it a few.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Is this bait?
    Because this looks like bait.

    Solo survivor has never been easier. I really don't understand what you are implying. 

    Oh and I'd say that we'll see more complaints about camping killers. Just a side effect when you nerf a perk that reduces camping. 

    Killers need to be the weak role... you want a bully simulator or what?
  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    Where have you been? Killers got nothing but nerfs this patch.
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:
    Anyone else noticed that killers have to wait 10+ minutes for a game? I sure have, and i don't know if any of you have noticed, but it isn't down to a glitchy matchmaking system, as that would slow survivor ques too. The reason is all the recent survivor nerfs / killer buffs. Constant complaining from a lot of killer mains has led to these changes, and sure, they may seem fair for killers, but the game should be unfair for killers. There's 4 players on one team, and one player on the other, so you need only 20% of players to actually want to play killer to get an even waiting time and fast ques. Instead killers just complained and complained, rather than trying to get better at the game, and now we have a bunch of idiots playing killer, no one playing survivor, and a broken game where no one can play how they like. I always said to stop moaning survivors were op, but all i got called was salty survivor main. Now look where you've got us...

    So do you have facts to back up your claims or are you just using your feelings?

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I don't think Buffs or Nerfs have anything to do with wait times. The game is very broke and most people have lots of other options to play.

  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211
    Is this a thread from before the patch? I'm on console and I've been getting matches instantly since the update. Also, what logic are you using as to where you think survivors should be buffed because killer is supposed to be unfair, and you make survivors sound so entitled to escaping its ridiculous.
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Peasant said:
    @No_Cluie_Louis We just need to introduce more people to the game that's all. It's nearly Christmas time, don't hesitate to bring any gamer friends you know into Dead by Daylight.

    Mmmmyeees... another free week(end)?
    Lambs to the slaughter!